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黄海周 《中国农学通报》2001,17(4):109-110,F003
《中共中央关于进一步加强和改进学校德育工作若干意见》指出:“现在和今后一、二十年学校培养出来的学生,他们的思想道德和科学文化素质如何,直接关系到21世纪中国的面貌,关系到我国社会主义现代化建设战略目标的实现,关系到能否坚持党的基本路线一百年不动摇。必须站在历史的高度,以战略的眼光来认识新时期学校德育工作的重要性”。进入21世纪,江泽民总书记高瞻远瞩,着眼于未来世界政治经济发展总趋势和实现中华民族的伟大复兴,在积极推进“科教兴国”和“依法治国”方略基础上,进一步提出“依德治国”思想,从政治高度上深刻阐明了加强新时期思想道德建设的极端重要性。因此,我们必须正确认识思想道德教育在学校中的战略地位,加强对学生思想道德的教育与培养,使他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,真正成为21世纪的合格人才。  相似文献   

高校外聘农民工与社会上其他农民工群体相比虽具有较强的年龄优势和教育优势,但在城市环境中仍承受着比农村环境大得多的工作压力和精神压力,思想和行为的矛盾性、复杂性和不平衡性使他们面临重重困境。笔者解析了高校外聘农民工思想、行为困境的表现和成因,指出加强外聘农民工思想政治工作的现实意义,分析了高校外聘农民工思想政治工作现状,提出了定位思想政治工作主体、突出三个平等,定位思想政治工作内容,探索创新政治思想工作的方法和载体的高校外聘农民工思想政治工作的定位与策略。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是党的工作的重要组成部分,是"经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线",加强和改进新形势下党的思想政治工作,是全党的一件大事.近几年来,公路行业思想政治工作呈现出逐步加强和改进的健康发展态势,并为推动公路行业改革和发展起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”,胡锦涛用这短短20个字概括出“建设社会主义新农村”的内涵。国内外观察家对此评论说,这不仅勾勒出一幅令人向往的现代化的美丽图景,也契合中国传统文化对于乡村社会的想象。这一提法的形成和最终提出,实际上表明了中共新一代中央领导集体在解决“三农”问题上已形成了比较完整的思路。“社会主义新农村”提法出台之前,为破解“三农”难题,一些地方已进行了乡村建设的实践。如上海的郊区城市化,城市郊区化,郊区农村的收入甚至超过城市收入;浙江的“千村示范,万村整治”等等。  相似文献   

“国以农为本,农以种为先。”种子是发展农业的基本生产资料,是现代农业高新技术的重要载体。种子管理体制改革后,如何加强种子市场监管工作,保证农业生产用种安全,是县级种子管理部门面临新的工作挑战。  相似文献   

对“多、乱、杂”概念的辩析山东省种子管理总站张涛随着社会主义市场经济的发展,种子行业思想异常活跃,种子工作呈现新的局面。但由于国有种子公司“三位一体”的体制不适应生产力发展的形势和管理工作未跟上,种子工作也出现了新的问题。于是“多、乱、杂”概念频繁在...  相似文献   

全球化、市场化和网络化是新时期三大特点,也是思想政治教育所处的社会环境,为思想政治教育提供了发展契机,也提出多方面挑战,如大学生信仰缺失、高校德育功能式微、工作中的不可控性.加强马克思主义价值观教育、改进思想政治教育手段和方法、建设高素质的思想政治教育工作者队伍,是目前迎接新时期挑战的有效对策.  相似文献   

以培养高职院校学生职业能力为主线,以思想教育工作为中心,以现场管理为重点,切实做好教学实习前期的准备工作,同时加强实习过程中的思想政治工作和现场管理,实习结束时做好鉴定与返校衔接工作。  相似文献   

规范化管理是仓储管理的发展方向,也是提高仓储管理水平的有效手段。威海市粮食系统自1991年开始致力于“标准化、规范化储粮单位”建设工作以来,经过十年来的研究、探索和实践,积累了一些经验,取得了一定成绩。全市规范化储粮单位占总储粮单位的96%,仓储管理水平不断提高,在山东省粮食系统连年检查中均名列前茅。1999年5月威海市被国家粮食储备局授予“全国粮油仓储先进单位”。他们在规范化储粮单位建设工作中主要抓了以下工作。  相似文献   

当前茶叶产业中突出的问题就是要加强对茶叶农药残留问题进行研究、监控、管理 ,重视茶园害虫综合治理、生物防治和生物农药的研制与开发 ,发展绿色茶园 ,大力培养“有机农业”型的有机茶产品。为了加快促进我县有机茶发展的步伐 ,去年县委、县政府以“生态立县”为导向 ,治理关闭有污染的工业企业 ,营造绿色生态。而后县里专门制定了《开化有机茶开发规划》 ,并成立有机茶开发配套技术的研究和推广工作。为了实现茶叶产业化发展规划和有机茶发展规划。一是重点抓好“两增一改”工作 ;二是对列入县级试验示范的有机茶基地 ,安排专项资金给予…  相似文献   

Abstract: National development problems in the weak states of Papua New Guinea and Fiji have resulted in external intervention. However neo‐liberal development strategies have not resolved development problems and may have further weakened state structures. In both capital cities rural‐urban migration, rising urban unemployment, and the expansion of squatter settlements and the informal sector have all continued in recent years. The numbers of beggars, street kids and prostitutes have increased, as has domestic violence and crime. Governments have opposed all these trends, by regulation and intolerance, violence, routine repression and eviction, rather than by pro‐poor policies. Settlers, prostitutes, beggars, street kids and market vendors have been evicted and moved on, on the ideological premise that that their true place is in rural areas, and that their urban presence challenges and threatens notions of urban order. Moral regulation, social exclusion and moral panic have divided ‘good citizens’ from marginal and possibly criminal others, intensifying social divisions within the cities. Sustainable urban development has proved difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

通过对国内10年来相关农村思想政治教育文献的研究,对农村思想政治教育的地位和作用、目标、存在的问题及原因分析、应采取什么样的对策等问题进行了综述,旨在进一步理清农村思想政治教育的基本理论问题,深入探讨农村思想政治教育的特点和规律,完善农村思想政治教育理论,丰富和拓展新农村建设的理论研究。同时,通过总结党的农村思想政治教育的经验教训,丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论中有关农村思想政治工作的重要思想,促进思想政治教育的科学发展。  相似文献   

当前农林高校思想政治教育的问题、归因与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
当前农林高校大学生思想政治状况主流是健康、积极、向上的,但农林高校思想政治教育工作也面临着许多新问题:学生思想政治素质多元化,思想政治理论课教学效果弱化,思想政治教育环境复杂化等。这些问题出现的原因是多方面的,既有大学生自身方面的原因,也有教育层面和社会层面的原因。应从更新思想政治教育理念,增强思想政治教育的文化内涵,创新思想政治教育内容体系,拓展思想政治教育途径,优化思想政治教育环境等方面寻求对策。  相似文献   

Rapid population growth in Pacific island cities far exceeds employment opportunities and is contributing to rising urban inequality and social exclusions. Livelihoods in the informal urban sector, such as market vending, provide much needed income, rural–urban connectivity and food security, but remain largely excluded from policy and planning frameworks. Spatial, economic and social exclusions limit vendors’ economic advancement, their influence over decision‐making, and their access to basic services. Local communities close to informal markets fill some of the gaps left by the policy neglect, but investment and strategic management remains inadequate when vendors do not have secure market places and recognised rights to work. This article reports on a study of three informal markets in Honiara, Solomon Islands. These markets lack legal status but make significant contributions to urban development and economic opportunities. Drawing on surveys and focus groups with vendors and urban decision‐makers we explore the impact of informal markets on urban economies, how social and institutional relationships hinder vendors’ economic advancement, and the opportunities to create more inclusive livelihoods that could contribute to equitable cities.  相似文献   

马克思人学思想是高校思想政治教育发展的必要视角。目前,农林高校思想政治教育存在一些问题,市场经济对农林高校大学生思想观念的猛烈冲击,互联网络信息技术对思想政治教育的挑战,农林高校自身存在的问题等等。据此,以马克思人学思想为指导提出了以下措施:坚持"以学生为本";要充分尊重学生的主体地位,发挥他们的主体性作用;要遵循思想教育主客体间的互动规律,达到教育者主体与受教育者主体性的统一;从人的实践性出发,增强思想政治教育的吸引力,提高其实效性;要进行教学内容和教学目标的变革。  相似文献   

在高校开展课程思想政治教育是提升食品专业学生道德素质和家国情怀的有效途径之一。"食品科学概论"是食品类专业新生的通识课之一,深入挖掘该课程中的思政元素,采用合适的教学方式将思想政治教育与专业知识教育有机结合,不仅能够提高学生的专业素养,同时还能达到"立德树人"的目的。  相似文献   

While internal migration in contemporary China ascribes a great change to urban China's demographic composition, social structures and economic development trajectories, it is yet to restructure the formal definitions of urban identity and belonging, which are still dominated by the household registration system (hukou). The paper suggests that as a result of changes in the political, economic, demographic and social contexts within which China's internal migration develops, there emerge a crucial need to re‐examine the crude forms of determining identity and belonging, questioning the addressing of spatiality within the existing mechanisms (such as hukou system or the shiminhua discourse). To do so, the paper argues that the existing de‐territorialisation of the migration experience has to be replaced with a more nuanced understanding of how spatial practices and conceptualisations shape migrants’ experiences, as it is becoming imperative to develop a new framework that is more sensitive to migrants’ lived process of identification and belonging, especially as these traverse multiple geographies and spatial scales. This close engagement with migrants’ spatiality can then be used as a base from which to engage with a more complex view of migrants’ spatial and social relatedness, as well as the development of their urban belonging and identity.  相似文献   

高职院校的职业指导工作,应以“职业发展与就业指导”课程思政建设为核心,明晰课程思政目标与工作要点,以“三教”改革为重点,统筹安排课内教学与课外实践活动、实现线上与线下的精准服务指导,形成任课教师、辅导员、专兼职专业教师协同配合,通过课程育人与服务育人,达成立德树人的目标。  相似文献   

Recent research has promoted the idea that political struggles over food systems can be understood through the concepts of food security (the right to access food) and food sovereignty (the right to exercise control over food systems). These concepts emphasise different political priorities in the social relations of food: for the former, the promotion of decent work and the strengthening of the social safety net to enhance people's abilities to put food on their plates; for the latter, the defence of land, water and resource rights, to underpin capabilities for food own‐provisioning. The question we pose in this paper is how these priorities are articulated by grassroots non‐government organisations working at the frontline of global food poverty? Interviews with 22 representatives of food‐related non‐government organisations in Myanmar were used to elicit narratives about how they understood their challenges. The paper finds that narratives did not cohere exclusively to either the food security or food sovereignty concept, but blended ideas associated with the political priorities of both in complex and contradictory ways. These insights lend important firsthand evidence to the argument that supports a multi‐dimensional framing of the politics of food that is inclusive of the diverse struggles highlighted by food security and food sovereignty concepts.  相似文献   

The Firm as Social Networks: An Organisational Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT This paper offers an organizational perspective on the firm in new economic geographies. It starts with the premise of the firm as a production function in neoclassical economics and a cost minimisation device in transaction cost economics. By pointing out the inadequacy in these mainstream economic perspectives on the firm, I draw upon recent behavioral and managerial theories to develop a relational conception of the firm as social networks in which actors are embedded in ongoing power relations and discursive processes. In further elaborating this relational perspective on the firm as an organisational device, I show how the firm is governed through social relations among different actors, how it is a site of contested ideologies and political representations among these actors, and how space and geographical scales matter in shaping its social construction. Taken together, this organisational perspective aims to shift our research agenda in urban and regional development from promoting the growth of the firm per se to understanding how the firm serves as a relational institution that connects spatially differentiated actors in different places and regions.  相似文献   

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