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Fishery‐linked aerial surveys for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) were conducted in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) from July through October, 1994–96. Each year, from 507 to 890 surface schools were detected and their locations examined in relation to oceanographic conditions. Correlations between bluefin tuna presence and environmental variables were explored for sea surface temperature (SST), distance to a SST front, frontal density (relative density of all SST fronts seen in a given 1 km area for 2 weeks prior to each tuna sighting), and bottom depth and slope. Mean SST associated with bluefin schools was 18.1°C (±2.8). Schools were located at a mean distance of 19.7 km (±19.6) from SST fronts, and in water masses with an average frontal density of 28.2 m km?2 (±35.7). Mean bottom depth of detected schools was 139.0 m (±70.3), and mean bottom slope was 0.7% rise (±0.7). A binomial generalized linear model fit to these variables indicated that bluefin are seen closer to fronts than locations in which no tuna were seen. Using simple and partial Mantel tests, we investigated the spatial correlation between bluefin tuna presence and the environmental variables, controlling for spatial autocorrelation. For each day that schools were sighted, we performed 24 Mantel tests, on a combination of response and predictor variables. The spatial relationship between bluefin tuna and SST fronts was inconsistent. Our analysis identified significant spatial structure in the bluefin school locations that had no significant correlation with any of the measured environmental features, suggesting that other untested features, such as prey density, may be important predictors of bluefin distribution in the GOM.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: In bluefin tuna culture, a high mortality of juveniles is caused by bumping into the tank and net-pen walls at dawn. This bumping can possibly be attributed to visually disoriented behavior of the fish. To examine this possibility, the authors carried out retinomotor response experiments with juvenile bluefin tuna (50.7–96.8 mm total length, at which they were transferred from a indoor tank to a sea net-pen) and measured ambient light intensity at the culture site at dawn. The light intensity at which the transition from scotopic to photopic vision takes place was 7.52 lx and the time taken by the transition was 15 min. At dawn, the ambient light intensity rapidly increased from scotopic light intensity level and attained photopic light intensity level in 10 min. This incompatibility of the retinal adaptation with the change in the ambient light intensity could cause the visual disorientation of the fish. It is therefore possible that the visually disoriented juveniles cannot control their high power swimming and thus bump into the walls at dawn.  相似文献   

Northern bluefin tuna (NBT) are a prominent marine pelagic fish species. There are few reference values for their blood chemistry and this is the first report to demonstrate blood biochemical values in the Eastern Mediterranean. The study was carried out with 60 captive (penned) and 60 wild NBTs from Ildir Bay (Izmir) and Antalya Bay in the Eastern Mediterranean, from winter to early summer 2003. The aim of this research was to determine the biochemical parameters of wild male/female and captive male/female NBTs. According to the present results, the blood biochemical values of the captive NBTs were significantly higher than those of wild NBTs ( P <0.05) except albumin, globulin, total protein and very low-density lipoprotein levels. Moreover, many of the biochemical parameters were detected at high levels in captive and wild male NBTs than those of the females. Especially, the values of glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, γ-glutamyl transferase, cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, ferritin, transferrin and iron levels were significantly higher, although high-density lipoprotein values were significantly lower in wild and captive male samples than those of both groups of females ( P <0.05).  相似文献   

Chemical signatures in the otoliths of teleost fishes represent natural tags that may reflect differences in the chemical and physical characteristics of an individuals' environment. Otolith chemistry of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was quantified to assess the feasibility of using these natural tags to discriminate juveniles (age 0 and age 1) from putative nurseries. A suite of six elements (Li, Mg, Ca, Mn, Sr and Ba) was measured in whole otoliths using solution‐based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Otolith chemistry of age‐1 T. thynnus collected from the two primary nurseries in the Mediterranean Sea and western Atlantic Ocean differed significantly, with a cross‐validated classification accuracy of 85%. Spatial and temporal variation in otolith chemistry was evaluated for age‐0 T. thynnus collected from three nurseries within the Mediterranean Sea: Alboran Sea (Spain), Ligurian Sea (northern Italy), and Tyrrhenian Sea (southern Italy). Distinct differences in otolith chemistry were detected among Mediterranean nurseries and classification accuracies ranged from 62 to 80%. Interannual trends in otolith chemistry were observed between year classes of age‐0 T. thynnus in the Alboran Sea; however, no differences were detected between year classes in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Age‐0 and age‐1 T. thynnus collected from the same region (Ligurian Sea) were also compared and distinct differences in otolith chemistry were observed, indicating ontogenetic shifts in habitat or elemental discrimination. Findings suggest that otolith chemistry of juvenile T. thynnus from different nurseries are distinct and chemical signatures show some degree of temporal persistence, indicating the technique has considerable potential for use in future assessments of population connectivity and stock structure of T. thynnus.  相似文献   

Although bluefin tuna are found throughout the Atlantic Ocean, spawning in the western Atlantic has been recorded predominantly in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in spring. Larval bluefin tuna abundances from the northern GOM are formulated into an index used to tune the adult stock assessment, and the variability of this index is currently high. This study investigated whether some of the variability in larval bluefin tuna abundances was related to environmental conditions, by defining associations between larval bluefin tuna catch locations, and a suite of environmental variables. We hypothesized that certain habitat types, as defined by environmental variables, would be more likely to contain bluefin tuna larvae. Favorable habitat for bluefin tuna larvae was defined using a classification tree approach. Habitat within the Loop Current was generally less favorable, as were warm‐core rings, and cooler waters on the continental shelf. The location and size of favorable habitat was highly variable among years, which was reflected in the locations of larval bluefin tuna catches. The model successfully placed bluefin tuna larvae in favorable habitat with nearly 90% accuracy, but many negative stations were also located within theoretically favorable habitat. The probability of collecting larval bluefin tuna in favorable habitat was nearly twice the probability of collecting bluefin tuna larvae across all habitats (35.5 versus 21.0%). This model is a useful addition to knowledge of larval bluefin tuna distributions; however, the incorporation of variables describing finer‐scale features, such as thermal fronts, may significantly improve the model’s predictive power.  相似文献   

Northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, apparently spawn only in the western Pacific and a portion of the juveniles migrate to the eastern Pacific. During the past decade, catches of northern bluefin in the eastern Pacific have declined. One possible cause for this decline, proposed by bluefin stock assessment studies, is a decline in the proportion of bluefin that migrate out of the western Pacific. This hypothesis is examined with several indices of the relative abundance of bluefin tuna in the western and eastern Pacific. These indices suggest a decline in the proportion of bluefin migrating to the eastern Pacific since 1977. This period of reduced bluefin migration coincides with a period when a prey of bluefin, Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanosticta, were abundant off Japan. It is hypothesized that in years when sardines are abundant off Japan, a higher proportion of bluefin stay in the western Pacific compared with years when sardines are scarce. Currently, the adun-dance of sardines off Japan is declining. If this decline continues, this hypothesis predicts an increase in bluefin migrating north of Hawaii and into the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (hereafter referred to as tuna) fattening has been developed quite a lot in south‐eastern Spanish Mediterranean coastal waters, but previous information about nutrition and environmental impact is scarce. Total nitrogen and total phosphorous digestibility was investigated in tuna under routine operation fattening conditions as a first step to know nutrient utilization and to provide tools for estimation of waste output. Tunas were fed ad libitum once a day with a mixture of mackerel, herring, pilchard and gilt‐sardine. Body weight of sampled tuna ranged between 150 and 350 kg. Faeces were collected by dissection of the distal intestine after slaughtering and directly with a manual sieve by scuba divers into the sea cages. Endogenous inert marker was acid insoluble ash. Apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) for total‐N was lower when faeces were collected by dissection of the intestine (DI: 658.2 g kg?1) than when by direct collection (DC: 937.4 g kg?1). Total‐P ADC was lower when faeces were directly collected (DC: 481.4 g kg?1) than when collected by intestine dissection (DI: 661.9 g kg?1). The nitrogen digestibility in tuna was as high as in other carnivorous fish, while low phosphorous digestibility, as in many fishes, could be related with phosphorous excess in diet. DC results seem to be more consistent and appropriate for waste output estimation. Results demonstrate the need for a more accurate nutritional evaluation and development of formulated artificial diets.  相似文献   

Ectoparasitic flatworms of Nasicola (Monogenoidea: Capsalidae), which infect nasal epithelium of true tunas (Thunnus spp.), are not well studied, nor have their impacts on the host's olfactory organ been evaluated. Infections of Nasicola hogansi on Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, were investigated with emphasis on the relationship between infection prevalence, abundance and mean intensity with bluefin tuna size, sex, body condition and capture month, as well as histopathological effects. Commercially caught Atlantic bluefin tuna (n = 161, 185–305 cm curved fork length) from the Gulf of Maine were sampled during June through August 2009 for infections by N. hogansi. A total of 247 specimens of N. hogansi were collected, with a prevalence of 45.3%, mean abundance of 1.57 (CI: 1.21–2.03) and mean intensity of 3.45 (CI: 2.91–4.22). Neither fish sex nor landing month had a significant effect on parasite parameters. Larger and better-conditioned Atlantic bluefin tuna had a higher mean intensity of infection. Pathology associated with infection by N. hogansi included extensive necrosis, sloughing of the nasal epithelium and associated inflammation of underlying connective tissues. Further epidemiological and pathological study of this host–parasite system is warranted since impaired olfaction, if present, could adversely affect spawning and migration of this top ocean predator.  相似文献   

Farmed Southern bluefin tuna (SBT) were examined for parasites. Samples of harvest fish, mortalities and some fish showing clinical signs of disease were investigated. Targeted screening was conducted for a scuticociliate, Uronema nigricans, the myxosporean Kudoa sp. and a sanguinicolid digenean, Cardicola forsteri. General parasitological investigation revealed a diverse parasite community of didymozoid digeneans, two species of copepods, a polyopisthocotylean monogenean and larval cestodes. Targeted screening for U. nigricans exposed a low prevalence, most probably due to a lack of sensitivity in the test method. Few of the parasites examined pose a risk to the health of farmed SBT.  相似文献   

Tuna aquaculture is currently dependent on the wild capture of juveniles for production. The development of hatchery technology for bluefin and other tunas would be a major step forward in improving sustainability of their aquaculture. The present study overviews the technology in the life cycle completion of the Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel) under aquaculture conditions in Kinki University, and the problems to be solved for the establishment of tuna hatchery technology. On 23 June 2002, broodstock of PBT that were artificially hatched and reared spontaneously spawned in captivity. The resulting eggs hatched and were subsequently reared to the juvenile stage. The spawning fish were the result of a research project started in 1987 to rear wild‐caught juvenile PBT that were several months old. Fertilized eggs were obtained from these fish in 1995 and 1996. Resulting juveniles (the artificially hatched first generation) were reared to maturity and spawned in 2002. Over the summer of 2002, 1.63 million eggs from these fish were used for a mass rearing experiment, and 17 307 juveniles were produced and transferred to an open sea net cage. Of these artificially hatched second‐generation PBT, 1100 grew to approximately 95 cm total length and 14 kg body weight in 22 months. This procedure means the completion of PBT life cycle under aquaculture conditions, which was first attained among large tuna species. The problems awaiting solution in PBT hatchery production are their unpredictable spawning in captivity, to improve survival during the first 10 days post hatch, to reduce cannibalism in larval and juvenile stages, and to solve collision problem causing high mortality during the juvenile stage.  相似文献   

This paper provides an exploratory analysis aiming to seek whether the colour of environmental noise theory could help in understanding the intriguing reproductive strategy of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT). A frequency‐based approach based on spectral exponents, fβ with β < 0, is chosen and applied on 10 biogeographical provinces covering the North Atlantic. The major BFT spawning area, i.e. the Mediterranean Sea, was the only one to display a pink power spectrum, whereas open ocean regions displayed more reddened fluctuations, i.e. greater variance at low frequencies. Environmental noise in the Mediterranean could, thus, offer more favourable characteristics on the long‐term than the open ocean. The implications of these findings are discussed in regards to medium and long (possibly evolutionary) time scales.  相似文献   

The composition of tail muscle fatty acids from wild and cultured bluefin tuna reared on a diet based on herring and sardine, along with the plasma lipid profile of the farmed individuals, was determined. The total lipid content of farmed bluefin in this study was 0.922 g/100 g or 3.49 g of saturated fatty acids (SAFA), 4.48 g of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 2.58 g polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n‐3 and 0.37 g of PUFA n‐6 fatty acids; for wild specimens, it was 0.920 g/100 g, or 2.85 g of SAFA, 4.82 g of MUFA, 2.78 g PUFA n‐3 and 0.27 g of PUFA n‐6 fatty acids. The major fatty acids in this study were 16:0; 16:1, n‐7; 18:1, n‐9 and DHA 22:6, n‐3 acids. The sum of these major components accounted for more than 57% and 80% of the total fatty acids in all the samples of farmed and wild tuna respectively. No significant differences in the proximate composition were demonstrated between farmed and wild samples, except for the energy value, in favour of the farmed tuna. Statistically, glucose tends to increase together with cholesterol (CHOL) and plasma triglyceride, as for these pairs, it showed positive correlation coefficients and P>0.05. Some measured tuna metabolites demonstrated strong mutual correlations, especially GLU, CHOL and TRIG, which are crucial factors in the lipid profile of animals.  相似文献   

A rapid, one‐step agglutination assay has been developed, based on latex particles sensitized with antibodies against vitellogenin (Vtg), aimed at Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus) (ABFT), gender identification. The egg‐yolk precursor protein Vtg was used as a gender marker for the assay as it is a female‐specific protein synthesized during reproductive maturation. The presence of Vtg in the plasma was revealed in 60–120 s through an agglutination reaction by mixing small volumes of ABFT plasma and an anti‐Vtg antibody‐latex suspension on a microscope slide. The effectiveness of the present test was restricted to the months of May and June, concomitant with high circulating Vtg levels. Because of its rapidity and ease of performance in the field, the present gender identification assay could be useful for broodstock management in the aquaculture industry as well as in tagging studies on wild populations.  相似文献   

Serial sections, prepared from 0.5 to 30 days posthatch (dph) larval and juvenile Thunnus orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel 1844), were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and examined by light microscopy for immune organ development. The early kidney was present at 0.5 dph, undifferentiated stem cells began to appear at 2 dph, and by 7 dph occasional small lymphocytes were present. The thymus was first obvious at 5 dph, located above the fourth branchial arch, small lymphocytes appeared at 7 dph, and by 15 dph an outer thymocytic zone and an inner epithelioid zone were visible. The progenitor spleen was present at 2 dph, located close to the gut, and by 12 dph it consisted of a mass of sinusoids filled with red blood cells, and remained mainly erythroid throughout the period studied. These results suggest that development of immune organs in this species is precocious relative to other marine teleosts.  相似文献   

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