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在实施乡村振兴战略的历史背景下,发展有机农业成为推进我国农业现代化转型的重要路径。积极推动有机农业发展,增加有机农产品供给,已成为农业高质量发展阶段的新热点。本文梳理了我国有机农业发展的时代特征,研究提出了推动有机农业进一步发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

讨论了广西发展有机农业的几个问题。认为在当前的农业生产中应逐步吸纳并实施有机农业的思想和方法,走集约持续农业发展之路。同时建立有机农业生产示范园区,生产品牌有机农产品,逐步发展我区的有机农业。  相似文献   

国内外有机农产品生产、贸易及法规管理体系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
系统阐述了国内外有机农产品的生产和贸易现状,分析了国际有机农业法规和管理体系,指出随着环境保护意识的提高和人们对自身健康的关注,有机农产品生产在今后一段时间内将呈快速增长的态势。目前已经形成了以欧盟、日本和美国为代表的发达国家有机农业法规和联合国食品法典为代表的跨国家有机农业法规体系,中国有机农产品的进出口将面临巨大挑战,亟待制定中国有机农业法规和完善管理体系建设。并结合中国实际对企业参与有机农产品生产和贸易提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

农业生产是我国经济发展的重要方式,随着人们生活水平的不断提升,人们对农产品质量的要求也越来越高,有机农业种植成为新的农业生产方式。无论是传统农业种植还是有机农业种植,病虫害防治都是必不可少的一环。在分析有机农业生产的基础上,对有机农业种植过程中的病虫害防治原则和方法进行探讨,旨在为提升有机农业的生产效率奠定基础。  相似文献   

有机农业发展现状及其研究趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简析了世界主要国家有机农业产生的背景和发展现状,并提出我国有机农业的主要研究方向,即有机农业与有机农产品的标准制定和认证;有机农业生产关键技术体系、管理体系、农产品服务体系的构建和集成;有机农业生产生态经济评价体系的构建和实施。  相似文献   

台湾有机农业的现况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有机农业之定义宽严界定因人而异,自完全自然放任的生态平衡农业耕作方式至不施用化学肥料及农业药剂或有限使用化学肥料与农业药剂的农耕方式。主要在倡导自然界物质之循环利用,维护生态,节省能源,减少污染,土地之永续利用,生产安全健康的农产品。可与宗教、生态保护、农药受害、地力维持、祈求安全食品者相结合发展。基于此种观点,在省中、南部设置相关试区,测试有机农法理念在台湾地区进行之可能性,包括利用轮作,间作,生物防治及微生物肥料于耕作中。综合目前试验成果显示,有机农耕法作物产量渐与惯行法相近,或略为增产。产品风味佳但  相似文献   

有机农业、无公害农业是未来农业生产的必然,利用现代网络技术建立的有机、无公害农业信息网站可以满足生产中各种信息需求。文章主要介绍了国内外一些知名有机农业网站、无公害农业网站的栏目设置与特色服务,并指出目前无公害农业相关信息网站存在的问题及其今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

有机农业是农业发展的新方向。由于有机农业禁止使用化肥、化学农药、生长调节剂(素)等物质,作物的产量受到质疑,是有机农业生产和研究中最受关注的焦点之一。本文通过文献查阅,对有机农业与常规农业的产量进行比较分析,结果认为,有机农业模式形成后,作物产量并不低于常规农业。在长期的有机种植中,有机农业的产量要优于常规农业的产量。  相似文献   

<正>有机农业的英文来源是Organic Farming,也被译作有机农耕。Organic有“器官的、器质的、有机体的、有机的、有组织的”等含义,把Organic Farming译作“有机农业”,不管它是否确切,我们姑且认为它对应了英文原意,包含了上述所有中文的意义。也有人把Organic Farming叫做“生态农业”、“系统方法农业”或“系统农业”。有机农业的含义是:遵照一定的标准,在一定的水、土、气的条件下,在生产中不采用基因工程获得的生物及其产物,不使用任何人工合成的农药、化肥、生长调节剂、饲料添加剂等化学物质,不使用核辐射技术,遵循自然规律和生态学原理,协调种植业和养殖业的平衡,采用一系列可持续发展的技术,维持持续稳定的农业生产,建立健全可追溯的质量管理,通过独立的第三方专家检查,获得有机认证的生产体系。生物动力方法 好多人认为有机农业的反义词是无机农业,是犯了概念性的错误。有机农业相对于常规农业发展存在,是现代农业的科学提升而不是传统农业的自然回归。在我国引进有机农业的概念和有机农业标准之后,与“有机”概念一样成熟并共同成长了80年的有机农业丰产、稳产的生产方法和技术“生物动力农业(Biodynamic Agriculture)”也被引进国内。生物动力农业又称“生物动力平衡农业”、“自然活力农耕”,是德国人鲁道夫·史坦纳(Dr.Rudolf Steiner)1924年在《农业的方针》讲座中为治疗  相似文献   

2006年2月27日《中国质量报》第2版刊载《生产要求高产品需求小——农产品质量安全法草案删去“国家鼓励生产有机农产品”的规定》一文,阐述“产品需求小”、“产量很低,只能满足极少量的高端需求”等,成为在审议农产品质量安全法草案过程中删去“国家鼓励生产有机农产品”条款的主要原因。当时读罢此文,深感中国的有机农业发展似乎还要经历一个漫长的时间。近日,《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》已正式颁布,11月1日起实施。在本法中没有提及“有机农产品”,也未列入“无公害农产品”和“绿色食品”的概念,但在第一章第八条中规定“国家引导、推广农产品标准化生产,鼓励和支持生产优质农产品”。有机农产品是“优质农产品”中的优质农产品,应在鼓励之列,而且似乎应得到更多的鼓励。从这个层面上理解,作为经济社会飞速发展的我国,有机农业发展的春天应该不远了,有机农产品应该离我们更近了。  相似文献   

In 1998, the Organic Arable Farming Experiment Gladbacherhof (OAFEG) was started in order to explore the impact of different organic arable production systems (mixed farming, stockless farming with rotational ley, stockless cash crop farming) and of different tillage intensities (conventional plough as a full inversion tillage, two-layer plough, inversion tillage at reduced depth, non-inversion tillage) on sustainability parameters. In this article, we present results on the development of soil organic matter (SOM) levels. Starting with organic mixed farming with approximately 0.7 livestock units (LU) per ha cattle before set-up of the experiment, only the mixed farming system in the experiment was able to maintain SOM levels. The stockless system with ley maintained soil organic carbon (SOC), but lost soil total nitrogen (STN), and the stockless cash crop system had a significant SOM loss in the magnitude of 7.7 t SOM ha?1, or roughly 8.4% of the initial SOM mass. Reducing tillage intensity had no impact on SOM masses, but only on organic matter stratification in soils. We conclude that specialization of organic farms towards stockless arable crop production requires special attention on SOM reproduction to avoid detrimental effects. Further, reduced tillage intensity does not necessarily have a positive effect on SOM.  相似文献   

有机农业的环境效益评估   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
常规农业所带来的环境破坏影响越来越被人们所认识。有机农业作为一种新型农业发展模式 ,以保持农业可持续发展和环境影响最小化为其基本原则 ,近 10 a在全球得到迅速发展和推广。与常规农业相比 ,有机农业的环境破坏风险较低。介绍了有机农业的发展现状 ,并就有机农业可能影响到的水环境、土壤环境、大气环境、生物多样性以及人类健康等方面进行探讨 ,以全面评估有机农业的环境效益  相似文献   

香港土壤研究 Ⅰ.研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对近半个世纪以来香港地区的土壤分类、农业和园林绿地土壤的肥力以及土壤环境保护等研究工作进行了系统的回顾和介绍,为中国香港地区及其他社会经济快速发展地区的土壤资源合理利用、生态环境保护与社会可持续发展提供了科学信息。认为,高度城市化和国际化的香港地区可以结合香港高科技及新产业的发展目标,合理利用和开发土地资源,定向培育中草药产地土壤环境与教育基地;需要进一步系统研究香港地区土壤发生与系统分类、性状与特征、空间分布与变异规律,建立香港土壤基础数据库、土壤图和土壤信息与服务系统;进一步探明污染元素和有益元素的土壤地球化学背景以及持久性有机污染物的环境生物地球化学过程及其生态与健康风险,建立长期的土壤环境质量动态观测点与研究平台,以及区域尺度的土壤环境质量信息系统和定量可视化预测预警系统;研究与发展适合香港地区的有问题土壤的风险评估与修复技术体系  相似文献   

香港河道整治的发展和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
香港位处亚热带季风区,平均每年降雨约2000mm。因为季节雨量分布极不平均,加上一系列的人为因素,包括都市化造成土地利用改变、排水设施不足、垃圾或沙石堵塞河道等等,很多低洼地区在暴雨过后便出现水浸,严重影响当地居民生活和造成庞大的经济损失。有鉴及此,香港政府于60年代以前便积极整治河流。发展至今,整治的范围已遍及香港大部分的河流。初期的整治工程,着眼点是防洪,全由水文和工程的角度去考虑,使用最简单、直接的方法解决洪患。随着香港公众对环境的醒觉,近期的河道整治工程除了防止洪患外,还要顾及环境美化和生态保护等  相似文献   

常规与有机农田土壤团聚体组成及碳氮储量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期施用化肥或连作农田管理模式导致土壤质量退化及碳氮损失加剧。以常规农作大豆和转换后的有机农作大豆田土壤为研究对象,利用土壤物理分组技术,分析了土壤团聚体组成及碳氮储量变化。结果表明,常规农作大豆田转换为有机农作大豆田后,<0.053mm粉粒加黏粒比重显著降低,0.053~0.25mm较小团聚体显著增加,土壤稳定性增大,土壤及团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量都显著增加。有机农作大豆田土壤包被于较小的大团聚体(0.25~2mm)中的<0.053mm细颗粒有机质百分比显著降低,0.053~2mm粗颗粒有机质显著增加。有机农作大豆田土壤及团聚体中碳氮储量都显著高于常规农作大豆田,土壤碳汇和氮汇效应增大。有机农作大豆田土壤稳定性增加,团聚体中碳氮含量显著增加,土壤碳汇效应增强,有机农作方式可能比常规农作方式更有利于土壤碳氮资源持续利用。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong Environmental ProtectionDepartment (HK EPD) monitoring data for SO2, NO, NO2and O3 from 1995 and 1996 at three stations spanning thelength of Hong Kong have been analyzed in the contexts ofselected meteorological parameters, and the types of synopticweather system. High level and episode days were definedaccording to two criteria. Higher pollutant gas concentrationswere found for systems involving the transport of continentalair masses to Hong Kong (cold front (type CF), north/northeastmonsoon (type NE)), or when tropical cyclones approached (typeAC) Hong Kong. Lower concentrations were observed when thecleaner maritime southerly (type S) airstreams were incidentat Hong Kong. Most notably, tropical cyclones (type C)ventilated and diluted local pollution. Days with high levelsof SO2, NO and NO2 were generally characterized bylow windspeed and lower relative humidity conditions. Bycontrast, high concentrations of O3 occurred both underlow windspeed conditions (type AC) and under the advection ofa continental air mass, generally at high windspeeds. Thediurnal variation of O3 levels is discussed: destructionis more important than production in determining local levels.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pilot Nitrate Sensitive Areas Scheme was set up in England in 1990 to test measures aimed at reducing nitrate losses from agricultural land. Ten groundwater catchments were chosen to typify the geology and farming of areas where nitrate concentrations in abstracted water were high. Voluntary and compensated controls on farming, based on recent research, were introduced. Scheme membership was for 5 years from 1990 or 1991, and 86% of the agricultural land entered the Scheme. On all farms entering the Scheme, manure and fertilizer use were restricted and green cover crops were required over winter (Basic Scheme). Additional payments were available for conversion of arable land to zero or low-input grassland (Premium Scheme). Intensive pig and poultry farmers were assisted with the costs of transporting manure for spreading over a wider area. The most effective changes were improved management of livestock manures, especially of the very large local quantities from housed pig or poultry units; conversion of arable land to low-input grassland; and use of cover crops. There were no indications of reduced crop yields but some requirements increased costs and management complexities. Estimates based on both model calculations and measurements indicated that nitrate losses from agricultural land decreased by about 30%, with considerable variation between areas.  相似文献   

The effects of soil mesofauna and different farming systems on decomposition of clover (Trifolium repens) litter were investigated in a laboratory experiment. Microcosms were incubated for 16 weeks with fine and coarse litterbags in soils from three types of management systems: fallow, integrated farming and organic farming, the latter two cropped with wheat. The effects were studied by analysing litter mass loss, C and N content, DOC, nitrate and pH in soil leachate, and CO2 production, as well as mesofauna. Mesofauna significantly accelerated mass loss and C and N release from clover litter in all three soils. With mesofauna access, at the end of the experiment average clover mass loss was almost twice as high and clover C and N content were 60% lower than without mesofauna. Farming systems influenced the decomposition through affecting both element turnover and mesofauna. Although in the first weeks less N was leached from organic farming than from integrated farming soil, cumulative N leaching did not differ between these soils. However, more than 20% less N was leached from the fallow soil than from the field soils. CO2 production was highest in fallow soil. Here, mesofauna had no effect on this variable. In soil with integrated farming, mesofauna reduced cumulative CO2 production by 10% whereas in soil from organic farming it increased CO2 production by 20%. Our data suggest that differences in C and N turnover in different management systems are strongly mediated by soil mesofauna.  相似文献   

Summary The production of nitrate by the process of nitrification is highly dependent on other N-transforming processes in the soil. Hence, changes in the type of N compound applied to enrich agricultural soils may affect the production of nitrate. The size and activity of the chemolithotrophic bacterial community were studied in an integrated farming system, with increased inputs of organic manure and reduced inputs of mineral nitrogenous fertilizer, versus conventional farming. The integrated farming had a positive effect on potential nitrifying activity, but not on the numbers of chemolithotrophic nitrifying bacteria as determined by a most probable number technique or by fluorescence antibody microscopy. Cells of the recently described nitrite-oxidizing species Nitrobacter hamburgensis and Nitrobacter vulgaris were just as common as the cells of the well known species Nitrobacter winogradskyi. It was concluded that nitrification is stimulated by integrated farming, presumably by an increased mineralization of ammonium which is not immediately consumed by the crop or immobilized in the heterotrophic microflora of the soil. Since nitrifying bacteria are involved in the production of NO and N2O, integrated farming with the application of manure may favour the production of noxious N-oxides.Communication no. 40 of the Dutch Programme on Soil Ecology of Arable Farming Systems  相似文献   

高产优质有机农业技术体系探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照国际惯例有机种植不使用化肥、农药、激素和转基因材料,所以人们常常把有机种植和低产相关联,但目前有一技术可让有机种植做到高产优质,本文对此技术进行理论综述:1)有机种植要有充足的碳源;2)氮源来自微生物固氮和有机物的降解氮;3)矿物质的磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铜、铁、锰、锌、硼、钼、氯以及有益元素和生命元素在代谢中不可或缺;4)栽培中不断创造逆境激活免疫力,使作物各个部位和果实都产生抗病、虫、草害与抗灾害性天气的化感物质、品质和风味物质。上述4方面技术的结合,其产物就是产量高、品质优、有营养、耐储存、风味好的农产品。  相似文献   

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