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We studied the interaction between Eucalyptus saligna woodlots and maize crop in southern Rwanda. Three sites were selected and in each, a eucalypt woodlot with mature trees and a suitable adjoining crop field of 12.75 m × 30 m was selected. This was split into two plots of 6 m × 12 m and further subdivided into nine sub-plots running parallel to the tree-crop interface. Maize was grown in both 6 m × 12 m plots and one of these received fertiliser. Soil moisture, nutrients and solar radiation were significantly reduced near the woodlots, diminishing grain yield by 80% in the 10.5 m crop-field strip next to the woodlot. This reduction however affects only 10.5% of the maize crop field, leaving 89.5% unaffected. Spreading the loss to a hectare crop field, leads to an actual yield loss of 0.21 t ha−1, equivalent to 8.4%. Expressing yield loss in tree-crop systems usually presented as a percentage of yield recorded near the trees to that obtained in open areas may be misleading. Actual yields should be reported with corresponding crop field areas affected. Variation in grain yield coincided with those for soil moisture, soil N and K; all increasing from the woodlot-maize interface up to 10.5 m and remaining similar to the values in open areas thereafter. Solar radiation continued to increase with distance up to 18 m from the woodlot-maize interface. Harvest index in unfertilised maize exceeded that in the fertilised treatment reflecting the crop’s strategy to allocate resources to grain production under unfavourable conditions. Fertilisation increased maize yield from 1.3–2.6 t ha−1 but the trend in the woodlot effects on maize remained unaltered.  相似文献   

Increased per capita food production in the tropics is closely tied to soil organic matter and water management, timely nitrogen (N) supply and crop N use efficiency (NUE) which are influenced by farming systems. However, there is lack of data on the effect of organic farming systems on NUE and how this compares to conventional farming systems under tropical conditions. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the effect of conventional and organic farming systems at low and high management intensities on N uptake and N use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), maize (Zea mays L.), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata), kale (Brassica oleracea var. Acephala) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris sub sp. Cicla). The organic high input (Org-High) and conventional high input (Conv-High) farming systems are managed as recommended by research institutions while organic low input (Org-Low) and conventional low input (Conv-Low) farming systems are managed as practiced by small scale farmers in the Central highlands of Kenya. The study was conducted during three cropping seasons between October 2012 and March 2014 in an ongoing long-term trial established since 2007 at Chuka and at Thika, Kenya. Synthetic N-based fertilizer and cattle manure were applied at ∼225 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for Conv-High and at ∼50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for the Conv-Low. Composts and other organic inputs were applied at similar N rates for Org-High and Org-Low. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) of potato was highest in Conv-Low and Org-Low at Thika and lowest in Org-High and Org-Low at Chuka site where late blight disease affected potato performance. In contrast, the NUpE of maize was similar in all systems at Chuka site, but was significantly higher in Conv-High and Org-High compared to the low input systems at Thika site. The NUpE of cabbage was similar in Conv-High and Org-High while the NUpE of kale and Swiss chard were similar in the low input systems. Potato N utilization efficiencies (NUtE) and agronomic efficiencies of N use (AEN) in Conv-Low and Conv-High were 11–21 % and 1.4–3.4 times higher than those from Org-Low and Org-High, respectively. The AEN of maize was similar in all the systems at Chuka but was 3.2 times higher in the high input systems compared to the low input systems at the Thika site. The AEN of vegetables under conventional systems were similar to those from organic systems. Nitrogen harvest index (NHI) of potato was similar between Conv-High and Org-High and between Conv-Low and Org-Low. N partitioned into maize grain was similar in all the system at Chuka, but significantly lower (P < 0.001) in Conv-low and Org-Low at Thika site. The NHI of cabbage in Org-High was 24 % higher than that of Conv-High. The study concluded that for maize and vegetables, conventional and organic farming systems had similar effects on NUpE, AEN, NUtE and NHI, while for potato conventional systems improved NUE compared to organic systems. The study recommends that management practices for potato production in organic systems should be improved for a more efficient NUE.  相似文献   

In organic agriculture, weeds and nitrogen deficiency are the main factors that limit crop production. The use of relay-intercropped forage legumes may be a way of providing ecological services such as weed control, increasing N availability in the cropping system thanks to N fixation, reducing N leaching and supplying nitrogen to the following crop. However, these ecological services can vary considerably depending on the growing conditions. The aim of this study was to identify early indicators to assess these two ecological services, thereby giving farmers time to adjust the management of both the cover crop and of the following crop.Nine field experiments were conducted over a period of three years. In each experiment, winter wheat was grown as sole crop or intercropped with one of two species of forage legumes; Trifolium repens L. or Trifolium pratense L. Two levels of fertilization were also tested (0 and 100 kg N ha−1). After the intercropping stage, the cover crop was maintained until the end of winter and then destroyed by plowing before maize was sown. Legume and weed biomass, nitrogen content and accumulation were monitored from legume sowing to cover destruction.Our results showed that a minimum threshold of about 2 t ha−1 biomass in the aboveground parts of the cover crop was needed to decrease weed infestation by 90% in early September and to ensure weed control up to December. The increase in nitrogen in the following maize crop was also correlated with the legume biomass in early September. The gain in nitrogen in maize (the following crop) was correlated with legume biomass in early September, with a minimum gain of 60 kg N ha−1 as soon as legume biomass reached more than 2 t ha−1.Legume biomass in early September thus appears to be a good indicator to predict weed control in December as well as the nitrogen released to the following crop. The indicator can be used by farmers as a management tool for both the cover crop and following cash crop. Early estimation of available nitrogen after the destruction of the forage legume can be used to adjust the supply of nitrogen fertilizer to the following crop.  相似文献   

Volunteer oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus L.) causes various agronomic problems in crop rotations and can contribute to gene dispersal by pollen and by seed admixture. A 4-year field experiment (2008–2011) was set up in south-west Germany to investigate the performance of volunteers derived from two OSR cultivars with different levels of seed dormancy. Volunteers of a high-dormancy (HD) and a low-dormancy (LD) OSR cultivar were deliberately generated by spreading 10,000 seeds m−2 on a field in August 2008 and 2009. Four different crops were grown on that area in the first year following the seed rain: winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), winter turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and field pea (Pisum sativum L.). In the second year, maize (Zea mays L.) was sown uniformly across all plots. Numbers of OSR seedlings emerging in early autumn shortly after seed rain were not connected with the size of the soil seed bank in early spring of the following year. The seeds of the HD-cultivar formed a much greater soil seed bank (up to 14% of the initially spread seed number) compared with the LD-cultivar (up to 1.3%) in the soil layer of 0 to 30 cm in early spring 2009 and 2010). Across all crops, considerably more volunteers of the HD-cultivar than of the LD-cultivar were present at several survey dates in the first year following seed rain. The highest number of volunteers originated from the HD-cultivar with up to 11 volunteers m−2 in winter turnip rape compared with a maximum of 0.48 plants m−2 in the other crops. Cultivar-specific differences in volunteer density were observed as well in maize two years after OSR seed rain. Flowering and seed setting volunteers were only present in 2010 and the flowering time was crucially overlapping with that of sown winter OSR. The reproductive ability (seeds produced m−2) of the LD-volunteers was five times lower in winter turnip rape than of the HD-volunteer; a similar trend was observed for the OSR volunteers in the other host crops.Strategies to definitely reduce unwanted effects of OSR volunteers, such as gene flow, should include the use of LD-cultivars with a low potential to form a soil seed bank, particularly if selective herbicides are not available, for instance in broad-leaved crops, or if the volunteers are herbicide-tolerant.  相似文献   

Potato is a critical crop to European growers, both economically and agronomically as a break crop in the standard cereal rotation. As studies investigating the agronomic performance and environmental impact of disease resistant, GM potatoes come to an end across several sites in Europe, past discussions on achieving the effective coexistence of GM and equivalent non-GM crops have too often focussed on the purported risk of excessive pollen-mediated gene flow. Dependent on the crop in question, the impact of seed loss pre- and/or post-harvest presents a greater challenge to securing efficient coexistence practises. To examine this issue for potato, a total of 51 fields that had been commercially cultivated with potatoes were surveyed in two separate cohorts for post-harvest tuber loss and/or volunteer emergence. Across 17 fields studied, the average post-harvest tuber loss was recorded at 141,758 ± 911 tubers ha−1, with volunteer establishment in the following crop ranging from 400 ± 59 ha−1 to 55,698 ± 47 ha−1. In parallel, by surveying a separate cohort of 34 commercial fields an average of 30,789 ± 2658 volunteer ha−1 was recorded in the subsequent cereal crop, with a repeat survey made after an additional year indicating an 87.2% reduction in this mean number of volunteers across the 34 fields (P < 0.001). Of the additional variables studied only location (P < 0.001), herbicide application (P = 0.037) and potato variety used (P = 0.045) significantly influenced volunteer proliferation. Volunteer fecundity was confirmed with upto 3 tubers produced per 1st generation volunteer, with tuber yield from the 2nd generation volunteers reduced significantly (P < 0.001). Assessments of the tuber lots from these 2nd generation volunteers confirmed their ability to sprout post-dormancy, therefore, indicating the potential for 3rd generation volunteers to emerge. Combined, the datasets confirm the potential for significant seed-mediated gene flow from commercial potato systems; indicating that the regulated 0.9% coexistence threshold would in all probability be compromised if GM potatoes were grown in rotations of 1:4 years or less, in the absence of a comprehensive tuber loss and/or volunteer management system.  相似文献   

Depending on soil and management, ploughing up grassland for use as arable land can lead to an increase in the release of mineralized nitrogen and a high risk of nitrogen leaching during winter. The amount of N leaching is also dependent on the N efficiency of following crops and the level of N fertilization.In a field experiment in northwest Germany permanent grassland was ploughed and used as arable land. The experiment was conducted over 2 years at three sites and investigated two main factors: (i) succeeding crops, either spring barley (and catch crop)–maize or silage maize–maize; and (ii) N-fertilization either nil or moderate (120 kg N ha−1 for barley or 160 kg for maize). Plant yields, the soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) content and the nitrate leaching losses over winter were determined. On average for the 2-year period, the SMN in autumn and the nitrate leaching losses during winter for the rotation barley–maize were 76 kg ha−1 SMN and 81 kg N ha−1 N leaching losses, and for maize–maize they amounted to 108 and 113 kg ha−1, respectively. The SMN and N leaching losses for the plots with no N fertilizer were 49 and 52 kg N ha−1 and for the plots fertilized at a moderate N level they were 135 and 142 kg N ha−1, respectively.We conclude that although the extent of nitrate leaching is influenced by the site conditions and management of the grassland prior to ploughing, the management after ploughing is the decisive factor. The farmer can significantly reduce nitrate leaching with his choice of succeeding crop and the amount of N fertilization.  相似文献   

The sustainability of growing a maize—winter wheat double crop rotation in the North China Plain (NCP) has been questioned due to its high nitrogen (N) fertiliser use and low N use efficiency. This paper presents field data and evaluation and application of the soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer model Daisy for estimating crop production and nitrate leaching from silty loam fields in the NCP. The main objectives were to: i) calibrate and validate Daisy for the NCP pedo-climate and field management conditions, and ii) use the calibrated model and the field data in a multi-response analyses to optimise the N fertiliser rate for maize and winter wheat under different field managements including straw incorporation.The model sensitivity analysis indicated that a few measurable crop parameters impact the simulated yield, while most of the studied topsoil parameters affect the simulated nitrate leaching. The model evaluation was overall satisfactory, with root mean squared residuals (RMSR) for simulated aboveground biomass and nitrogen content at harvest, monthly evapotranspiration, annual drainage and nitrate leaching out of the root zone of, respectively, 0.9 Mg ha−1, 20 kg N ha−1, 30 mm, 10 mm and 10 kg N ha−1 for the calibration, and 1.2 Mg ha−1, 26 kg N ha−1, 38 mm, 14 mm and 17 kg N ha−1 for the validation. The values of mean absolute deviation, model efficiency and determination coefficient were also overall satisfactory, except for soil water dynamics, where the model was often found erratic. Re-validation run showed that the calibrated Daisy model was able to simulate long-term dynamics of crop grain yield and topsoil carbon content in a silty loam field in the NCP well, with respective RMSR of 1.7 and 1.6 Mg ha−1. The analyses of the model and the field results showed that quadratic, Mitscherlich and linear-plateau statistical models may estimate different economic optimal N rates, underlining the importance of model choice for response analyses to avoid excess use of N fertiliser. The analyses further showed that an annual fertiliser rate of about 300 kg N ha−1 (100 for maize and 200 for wheat) for the double crop rotation with straw incorporation is the most optimal in balancing crop production and nitrate leaching under the studied conditions, given the soil replenishment with N from straw mineralisation, atmospheric deposition and residual fertiliser.This work provides a sound reference for determining N fertiliser rates that are agro-environmentally optimal for similar and other cropping systems and regions in China and extends the application of the Daisy model to the analyses of complex agro-ecosystems and management practices under semi-arid climate.  相似文献   

Under irrigated Mediterranean conditions, no-tillage permanent bed planting (PB) is a promising agriculture system for improving soil protection and for soil carbon sequestration. However, soil compaction may increase with time up to levels that reduce crop yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term effects of PB on soil compaction, root growth, crop yield and carbon sequestration compared with conventionally tilled bed planting (CB) and with a variant of PB that had partial subsoiling (DPB) in a Typic Xerofluvents soil (Soil Survey Staff, 2010) in southern Spain. Traffic was controlled during the whole study and beds, and furrows with (F + T) and without traffic (F  T), were spatially distinguished during measurements. Comparisons were made during a crop sequence of maize (Zea mays L.)—cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)—maize, corresponding to years 4–6 since trial establishment. After six years, soil compaction was higher in PB than in CB, particularly under the bed (44 and 27% higher in top 0.3- and 0.6-m soil layers, respectively). Around this time, maize root density at early grain filling was 17% lower in PB than in CB in the top 0.6-m layer. In DPB, the subsoiling operation was not effective in increasing root density. Nevertheless, root density appeared to maintain above-ground growth and yield in both PB and DPB compared to CB. Furthermore, at the end of the study, more soil organic carbon was stocked in PB than in CB and the difference increased significantly with a depth down to 0.5 m (5.7 Mg ha−1 increment for the top 0.5-m soil layer). Residues tended to accumulate on furrows, and this resulted in spatial and temporal differences in superficial soil organic carbon concentration (SOC) in the permanent planting systems. In PB, SOC in the top 0.05-m layer increased with time faster in furrows than on beds, and reached higher stable values (1.67 vs. 1.09% values, respectively). In CB, tillage homogenized the soil and reduced SOC in the top 0.05-m layer (average stable value of 0.96% on average for beds and furrows).  相似文献   

Weed management is a major constraint in organic crop production. Propane flaming could be an additional tool for weed control in organic maize (Zea mays L.) production. However, tolerance of maize to broadcast flaming must be determined first to optimize the use of propane. Field experiments were conducted at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, Concord, NE in 2008 and 2009 to determine maize response to five propane doses applied at three growth stages of V2 (2-leaf), V5 (5-leaf) and V7 (7-leaf). The propane doses tested were 0, 13, 24, 44 and 85 kg ha?1. Flaming treatments were applied utilizing a custom built research flamer mounted on the back of a four-wheeler moving at a constant speed of 6.4 km h?1. The response of maize to propane flaming was evaluated in terms of visual crop injury (1, 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment—DAT), effects on dry matter (14 DAT), yield components (plants m?2, ears plant?1, kernels cob?1 and 1000-kernel weight) and grain yield. The response of different growth stages of maize to propane doses was described by log–logistic models. Overall, maize response to broadcast flaming varied among growth stages and propane doses. In general, maize at V5 was the most tolerant stage for broadcast flaming, whereas V2 stage was the most susceptible to flaming resulting in the highest visual crop injury ratings, dry matter reductions and the largest loss of yield and its components. At 28 DAT, the maximum visual crop injury rating of 7% was estimated for flaming done at V5 stage compared to significantly higher injuries of 43% and 12% for V2 and V7 growth stages, respectively. An arbitrarily assigned 2.5% yield reduction was evident with 33, 16 and 11 kg ha?1 of propane for V5, V2 and V7 growth stages, respectively, suggesting that maize flamed at V5 stage can tolerate higher dose of propane for the same yield reduction compared to other growth stages. Moreover, the maximum yield reductions with the highest propane dose of 85 kg ha?1 were 3% for V5, 11% for V7 and 17% for V2 stage. Based on these results, flaming has a potential to be used effectively in organic maize production when conducted properly at V5 stage. However, there are both benefits and concerns associated with the use of flame weeding. The preservation of the soil from erosion and the protection of the surface and underground water from chemical pollution can be seen as benefits, while the concerns include higher energy use, and the release of greenhouse gasses.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the fate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) is critical to design appropriate N management strategies in plastic-mulched croplands. We evaluated the effects of plastic mulch on urea-N recovery by crops and loss from soil in furrow-ridge plots, with and without maize (Zea mays L.) cropping, in a semi-arid rain-fed site in China. We applied the same rate of urea-N (281 kg ha−1) to all treatments during the preparation of the furrow-ridges in 2011 and 2012 but 15N-labeled the urea in 2011 only. We used transparent film to cover all soil surfaces in the mulched treatments and seeded maize in furrows in treatments with crop. In 2011, plastic mulch increased the total N uptake in the aboveground biomass of maize by 53%, whereas it decreased the in-season labeled-N uptake by 19%, compared to non-mulched treatment. At harvest in 2011, in mulched treatments the total labeled-N remaining in the 0−170 cm soil layer was 25% greater whereas unaccounted labeled-N was 69% less, than in non-mulched treatments, regardless of whether maize was cropped. In 2012 the effect of mulch on total maize N uptake was comparable to that in 2011, but the residual soil labeled-N uptake by maize was 63% higher in mulched compared to non-mulched treatment. At harvest in 2012, plastic mulch increased total labeled-N remaining in the 0−170 cm depth in cropped soils and unaccounted labeled-N in non-cropped soils, compared with no mulch. Our results indicate that plastic mulch profoundly changes the fate of urea-N in maize production in cold and dry croplands.  相似文献   

Questions as to which crop to grow, where, when and with what management, will be increasingly challenging for farmers in the face of a changing climate. The objective of this study was to evaluate emergence, yield and financial benefits of maize, finger millet and sorghum, planted at different dates and managed with variable soil nutrient inputs in order to develop adaptation options for stabilizing food production and income for smallholder households in the face of climate change and variability. Field experiments with maize, finger millet and sorghum were conducted in farmers’ fields in Makoni and Hwedza districts in eastern Zimbabwe for three seasons: 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. Three fertilization rates: high (90 kg N ha−1, 26 kg P ha−1, 7 t ha−1 manure), low (35 kg N ha−1, 14 kg P ha−1, 3 t ha−1 manure) and a control (zero fertilization); and three planting dates: early, normal and late, were compared. Crop emergence for the unfertilized finger millet and sorghum was <15% compared with >70% for the fertilized treatments. In contrast, the emergence for maize (a medium-maturity hybrid cultivar, SC635), was >80% regardless of the amount of fertilizer applied. Maize yield was greater than that of finger millet and sorghum, also in the season (2010/11) which had poor rainfall distribution. Maize yielded 5.4 t ha−1 compared with 3.1 t ha−1 for finger millet and 3.3 t ha−1 for sorghum for the early plantings in the 2009/10 rainfall season in Makoni, a site with relatively fertile soils. In the poorer 2010/11 season, early planted maize yielded 2.4 t ha−1, against 1.6 t ha−1 for finger millet and 0.4 t ha−1 for sorghum in Makoni. Similar yield trends were observed on the nutrient-depleted soils in Hwedza, although yields were less than those observed in Makoni. All crops yielded significantly more with increasing rates of fertilization when planting was done early or in what farmers considered the ‘normal window’. Crops planted early or during the normal planting window gave comparable yields that were greater than yields of late-planted crops. Water productivity for each crop planted early or during the normal window increased with increase in the amount of fertilizer applied, but differed between crop type. Maize had the highest water productivity (8.0 kg dry matter mm−1 ha−1) followed by sorghum (4.9 kg mm−1 ha−1) and then finger millet (4.6 kg mm−1 ha−1) when a high fertilizer rate was applied to the early-planted crop. Marginal rates of return for maize production were greater for the high fertilization rate (>50%) than for the low rate (<50%). However, the financial returns for finger millet were more attractive for the low fertilization rate (>100%) than for the high rate (<100%). Although maize yield was greater compared with finger millet, the latter had a higher content of calcium and can be stored for up to five years. The superiority of maize, in terms of yields, over finger millet and sorghum, suggests that the recommendation to substitute maize with small grains may not be a robust option for adaptation to increased temperatures and more frequent droughts likely to be experienced in Zimbabwe and other parts of southern Africa.  相似文献   

The expansion of biogas production from anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley (Northern Italy) has stimulated the cultivation of dedicated biomass crops, and maize in particular. A mid-term experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2010 on a silt loamy soil in Northern Italy to compare water use and energy efficiency of maize and sorghum cultivation under rain fed and well-watered treatments and at two rates of nitrogen fertilization. The present work hypothesis were: (i) biomass sorghum, for its efficient use of water and nitrogen, could be a valuable alternative to maize for biogas production; (ii) reduction of irrigation level and (iii) application of low nitrogen fertilizer rate increase the efficiency of bioenergy production. Water treatments, a rain fed control (I0) and two irrigation levels (I1 and I2; only one in 2006 and 2009), were compared in a split–split plot design with four replicates. Two fertilizer rates were also tested: low (N1, 60 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 0 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010) and high (N2, 120 kg ha−1 of nitrogen; 100 kg ha−1 of nitrogen in 2010). Across treatments, sorghum produced more aboveground biomass than maize, respectively 21.6 Mg ha−1 and 16.8 Mg ha−1 (p < 0.01). In both species, biomass yield was lower in I0 than in I1 and I2 (p < 0.01), while I1 and I2 did differ significantly. Nitrogen level never affected biomass yield. Water use efficiency was generally higher in sorghum (52 kg ha−1 mm−1) than in maize (38 kg ha−1 mm−1); the significant interaction between crop and irrigation revealed that water use efficiency did not differ across water levels in sorghum, whereas it significantly increased from I0 and I1 to I2 in maize (p < 0.01). The potential methane production was similar in maize and sorghum, while it was significantly lower in I0 (16505 MJ ha−1) than in I1 and I2 (21700 MJ ha−1). The only significant effect of nitrogen fertilization was found in the calculation of energy efficiency (ratio of energy output and input) that was higher in N1 than in N2 (p < 0.01). These results support the hypothesis that (i) sorghum should be cultivated rather than maize to increase energy efficiency, (ii) irrigation level should replace up to 36% of ETr and (iii) nitrogen fertilizer rate should be minimized to maximize the efficiency in biomass production for anaerobic digestion in the Po Valley.  相似文献   

In order to better understand how mixed crop cultures mitigate stressful conditions, this study aims to highlight the beneficial effect of the intercropping legume-cereal in enhancing soil phosphorus (P) availability for plant growth and productivity in a P-deficient soil of a northern Algerian agroecosystem. To address this question, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. El Djadida) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Filou), were grown as sole- and inter-crops in two experimental sites; S1 (P-deficient) and S2 (P-sufficient) during two growing seasons (2011 and 2012). Growth, nodulation and grain yield were assessed and correlated with the rhizosphere soil P availability. Results showed that P availability significantly increased in the rhizosphere of both species, especially in intercropping under the P-deficient soil conditions. This increase was associated with high efficiency in use of the rhizobial symbiosis (high correlation between plant biomass and nodulation), plant growth and resource (nitrogen (N) and P) use efficiency as indicated by higher land equivalent ratio (LER > 1) and N nutrition index (for maize) in intercropping over sole cropping treatments. Moreover, the rhizosphere P availability and nodule biomass were positively correlated (r2 = 0.71, p < 0.01 and r2 = 0.62, p < 0.01) in the intercropped common bean grown in the P-deficient soil during 2011 and 2012. The increased P availability presumably improved biomass and grain yield in intercropping, though it mainly enhanced grain yield in intercropped maize. Our findings suggest that modification in the intercropped common bean rhizosphere-induced parameters facilitated P uptake, plant biomass and grain yield for the intercropped maize under P-deficiency conditions.  相似文献   

Sequestration of C in arable soils has been considered as a potential mechanism to mitigate the elevated levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases. We evaluated impacts of conservation agriculture on change in total soil organic C (SOC) and relationship between C addition and storage in a sandy loam soil of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops were grown during the first three years (2008–2011) and in the last year, maize (Zea mays L.), wheat and green gram (Vigna radiate L.) were cultivated. Results indicate the plots under zero tillage with bed planting (ZT-B) and zero tillage with flat planting (ZT-F) had nearly 28 and 26% higher total SOC stock compared with conventional tillage and bed planting (CT-B) (∼5.5 Mg ha−1) in the 0–5 cm soil layer. Plots under ZT-B and ZT-F contained higher total SOC stocks in the 0–5 and 5–15 cm soil layers than CT-B plots. Although there were significant variations in total SOC stocks in the surface layers, SOC stocks were similar under all treatments in the 0–30 cm soil layer. Residue management had no impact on SOC stocks in all layers, despite plots under cotton/maize + wheat residue (C/M+ W RES) contained ∼13% higher total SOC concentration than no residue treated plots (N RES; ∼7.6 g kg−1) in the 0–5 cm layer. Hence, tillage and residue management interaction effects were not significant. Although CT-B and ZT-F had similar maize aboveground biomass yields, CT-F treated plots yielded 16% less maize biomass than CT-B plots. However, both wheat and green gram (2012) yields were not affected by tillage. Plots under C/M + W RES had ∼17, 13, 13 and 32% higher mean cotton, maize, wheat and green gram aboveground biomass yields than N RES plots, yielding ∼16% higher estimated root (and rhizodeposition) C input in the 0–30 cm soil layer than N RES plots. About 9.3% of the gross C input contributed towards the increase in SOC content under the residue treated plots. However, ∼7.6 and 10.2% of the gross C input contributed towards the increase in SOC content under CT and ZT, respectively. Thus, both ZT and partial or full residue retention is recommended for higher soil C retention and sustained crop productivity.  相似文献   

Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main limiting factors for grain production in tropical regions such as the Brazilian Cerrado. The application of lime to the surface of no-till soil can improve plant nutrition, dry matter production, crop yields and revenue. The present study, conducted at the Lageado Experimental Farm in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, is part of an ongoing research project initiated in 2002 to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime on the soil’s chemical attributes, nutrition and kernel/grain yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea), white oat (Avena sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped with palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu), as well as the forage dry matter yield of palisade grass in winter/spring, its crude protein concentration, estimated meat production, and revenue in a tropical region with a dry winter during four growing seasons. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of four rates of lime application (0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 kg ha−1), performed in November 2004. The surface application of limestone to the studied tropical no-till soil was efficient in reducing soil acidity from the surface down to a depth of 0.60 m and resulted in greater availability of P and K at the soil surface. Ca and Mg availability in the soil also increased with the lime application rate, up to a depth of 0.60 m. Nutrient absorption was enhanced with liming, especially regarding the nutrient uptake of K, Ca and Mg by plants. Significant increases in the yield components and kernel/grain yields of peanut, white oat and maize were obtained through the surface application of limestone. The lime rates estimated to achieve the maximum grain yield, especially in white oat and maize, were very close to the rates necessary to increase the base saturation of a soil sample collected at a depth of 0–0.20 m to 70%, indicating that the surface liming of 2000 kg ha−1 is effective for the studied tropical no-till soil. This lime rate also increases the forage dry matter yield, crude protein concentration and estimated meat production during winter/spring in the maize-palisade grass intercropping, provides the highest total and mean net profit during the four growing seasons, and can improve the long-term sustainability of tropical agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of varying mixture proportion of crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), used as winter cover crops, and cover crop biomass management before maize sowing (Zea mays L.) were studied in a series of field experiments in Eastern Slovenia. Pure stands and mixtures of cover crops on the main plots were split into different cover crop biomass management subplots: whole cover crop biomass ploughed down before maize sowing, aboveground cover crop biomass removed before ploughing and sowing, or aboveground cover crop biomass removed before sowing directly into chemically killed residues.Cover crop and cover crop biomass management affected the N content of the whole aboveground and of grain maize yields, and the differences between actual and critical N concentrations in the whole aboveground maize yield. The whole aboveground and grain maize dry matter yields, and the apparent remaining N in the soil after maize harvesting, showed significant interaction responses to cover crop × management, indicating positive and negative effects. Crimson clover in pure stand provided high, and pure Italian ryegrass provided low maize dry matter yields and N content in the yields in all the observed methods of biomass management. However, within individual management, mixtures containing high proportions of crimson clover sustained maize yields and N contents similar to those produced by pure crimson clover. Considering the expected ecological advantages of the mixtures, the results thereby support their use.  相似文献   

Soil management systems may negatively affect the quality of the soil. Policymakers and farmers need scientific information to make appropriate land management decisions. Conventional (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) are two common soil management systems. Comparative field studies under controlled conditions are required to determine the impact of these systems on soil quality and yields. The research presented studied plant and soil physical and chemical characteristics as affected by different agricultural management practices, i.e. ZT and CT, cropped with continuous wheat or maize in monoculture (M) or in a yearly rotation (R) of these two crops, either with residue retention (+r) or without residues retention (?r), in an experimental field in the Transvolcanic Belt of Mexico after 14 years. The dominant factors defining soil quality were organic C, total N, moisture, aggregate stability, mechanical resistance, pH and EC. The principal component combining the variables organic C, total N, aggregate stability and moisture content showed the highest correlations with final yield (R = 0.85 for wheat and 0.87 for maize).After 14 years of continuous practice, ZTM + r and ZTR + r had the best soil quality and produced the highest wheat and maize yields of average 2001–2004 (6683 and 7672 kg ha?1 and 5085 and 5667 kg ha?1, respectively). Removing the residues, i.e. treatments ZTM ? r with maize (average 2001–2004: 1388 kg ha?1) and ZTR ? r and CTR ? r with wheat (average 2001–2004: 3949 and 5121 kg ha?1), gave the lowest yields and less favourable soil physical and chemical characteristics compared to the other practices. It was found that zero tillage with residue retention is a feasible management technology for farmers producing maize and wheat in the agro-ecological zone studied, resulting in a better soil quality and higher yields than with the conventional farmer practice (maize monoculture, conventional tillage and residue removal).  相似文献   

One experiment lasting for two years was carried out at Pegões (central Portugal) to estimate the impact of mature white lupine residue (Lupinus albus L.) on yield of fodder oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Sta. Eulalia) as the next crop in rotation, comparing with the continuous cultivation of cereal, under two tillage practices (conventional tillage and no-till) and fertilized with five mineral nitrogen (N) rates, with three replicates. Oat as a first crop in the rotation provided more N to the agro-ecosystem (63 kg N ha−1) than did lupine (30–59 kg N ha−1). This was at a cost of 100 kg of mineral N ha−1, whereas lupine was grown without addition of N. A positive response of oat as a second crop was obtained per kg of lupine-N added to the system when compared with the continuous oat–oat. The cereal also responded positively to mineral N in the legume amended soil in contrast with the oat–oat sequence where no response was observed, partly due to the fast mineralization rate of lupine residue and a greater soil N immobilization in the continuous oat system. Each kg N ha−1 added to the soil through the application of 73 kg DM ha−1 mature lupine residue (above- and belowground material) increased by 72 kg DM ha−1 the oat biomass produced as the second crop in rotation when 150 kg mineral N ha−1 were split in the season, independent of tillage practice. Mature legume residue conserved in the no-tilled soil depressed the yield of succeeding cereal but less than the continuous oat–oat for both tillage practices, where the application of mineral N did not improve the crop response.  相似文献   

Different tillage systems (conventional, minimum, raised bed and no tillage) and four mulch levels (control, polythene, straw and soil) were compared in maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) production for three years on an experimental field (sandy loam) located at Dry Land Research Sub Station, Dhiansar, Jammu. Each treatment was replicated four times in split plot design. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of tillage and mulch practices on economics, energy requirement, soil physical properties and performance of maize and wheat. Tillage methods significantly affected the soil physical properties as change in soil moisture contents and infiltration rate of soil was recorded. The soil moisture contents in minimum tillage (MT) were maximum (12.4%, 16.6%) in surface soil as compared to conventional tillage (CT) in maize and wheat crops, respectively. Comparing to the CT infiltration rate was (1.16times, 1.21times and 1.11times) higher in minimum tillage (MT), no tillage (NT) and raised bed (RB), respectively in kharif season. Similar results were also found in rabi season. The greatest maize yield of 1865 kg ha?1 was achieved with CT system while not significantly lower yield was achieved with MT system (1837 kg ha?1). However, wheat yield was recorded higher in MT as compare to the CT system. Comparing to the energy requirement of different operations, MT required 34.3% less, NT 31.1% less and RB 46.0% less than the CT system. MT system saved 2.5 times energy in tillage operation compared to the CT system. The economic analysis also revealed that the maximum benefits could be obtained from MT (EUR 202.4 ha?1) followed by RB (EUR 164.2 ha?1) and NT (EUR 158.3 ha?1) and lowest in CT (EUR 149.5 ha?1). Benefit-cost ratio was highest in MT (0.71) and lowest in CT (0.44). Results revealed that mulch significantly affected the soil physical properties and growth of maize. The maximum soil moisture content, infiltration rate and grain yield of maize and wheat recorded higher in mulching practices over no mulch treatment. Polythene mulch and straw mulch were almost equally valuable in maize and wheat sequence. Tillage (minimum) and mulch (polythene and straw) have pronounced effect on soil physical properties (improved infiltration rate and conserve soil water), energy requirement, economics and growth of maize and wheat.  相似文献   

Different preceding crops interact with almost all husbandry and have a major effect on crop yields. In order to quantify the yield response of winter wheat, a field trial with different preceding crop combinations (oilseed rape (OSR)–OSR–OSR–wheat–wheat–wheat), two sowing dates (mid/end of September, mid/end of October) and 16 mineral nitrogen (N) treatments (80–320 kg N ha−1) during 1993/1994–1998/1999, was carried out at Hohenschulen Experimental Station near Kiel in NW Germany. Single plant biomass, tiller numbers m−2, biomass m−2, grain yield and yield components at harvest were investigated. During the growing season, the incidence of root rot (Gaeumannomyces graminis) was observed. Additionally, a bioassay with Lemna minor was used to identify the presence of allelochemicals in the soil after different preceding crops.Averaged over all years and all other treatments, wheat following OSR achieved nearly 9.5 t ha−1, whereas the second wheat crop following wheat yielded about 0.9 t ha−1 and the third wheat crop following 2 years of wheat about 1.9 t ha−1 less compared with wheat after OSR. A delay of the sowing date only marginally decreased grain yield by 0.2 t ha−1. Nitrogen fertilization increased grain yield after all preceding crop combinations, but at different levels. Wheat grown after OSR reached its maximum yield of 9.7 t ha−1 with 210 kg N ha−1. The third wheat crop required a N amount of 270 kg N ha−1 to achieve its yield maximum of 8.0 t ha−1.Yield losses were mainly caused by a lower ear density and a reduced thousand grain weight. About 4 weeks after plant establishment, single wheat plants following OSR accumulated more biomass compared to plants grown after wheat. Plants from the third wheat crop were smallest. This range of the preceding crop combinations was similar at all sampling dates throughout the growing season.Root rot occurred only at a low level and was excluded to cause the yield losses. The Lemna bioassay suggested the presence of allelochemicals, which might have been one reason for the poor single plant development in autumn.An increased N fertilization compensated for the lower number of ears m−2 and partly reduced the yield losses due to the unfavorable preceding crop combination. However, it was not possible to completely compensate for the detrimental influences of an unfavorable preceding crop on the grain yield of the subsequent wheat crop.  相似文献   

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