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合理设计肉种鸡产蛋期日粮,提高日粮能量水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉种鸡供应商推荐的产蛋日粮代谢能为11.91~12.27兆焦/千克,如不加油脂很难达到这个能量水平。本文试图通过对肉种鸡产蛋日粮各营养要素及使用原料的调整、修正,提出提高肉种鸡产蛋日粮能量水平的技术措施。中小型肉种鸡场在我国北方肉种鸡场中占有很大比重,这些种鸡场的生产成绩———每只入舍母鸡生产的鸡雏数(或产蛋数)普遍偏低,只达到种鸡供应商推荐水平的80%左右,影响了肉种鸡场的效益。这些种鸡生产性能低的原因除受饲养条件、管理水平影响外,饲料营养水平不合理也是重要原因。产蛋鸡特别是肉种鸡产蛋日粮能量…  相似文献   

1 肉种鸡的能量需要 肉种鸡的能量需要主要涉及维持、增重和产蛋3个方面的代谢能需要.目前比较令人关注的问题是给肉种鸡提供了过多的能量.很多养殖者在产蛋高峰期给鸡群饲喂的饲料达到每天15~180 g,大大超出这三方面的实际能量需要.肉种鸡在不同的生长阶段对能量的需求不同.育成阶段,维持能量需要占总能比例逐渐下降;达到性成熟后用于生长的能量逐步下降,维持需要的能量需求增长;产蛋期间产蛋的能量需求增加,维持需要的能量需求下降.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮代谢能和粗蛋白质水平对产蛋后期大午金凤蛋种鸡生产性能、蛋品质及繁殖性能的影响,以确定饲粮中适宜的代谢能和粗蛋白质水平,为制定大午金凤种母鸡的饲养标准提供科学依据。选取648只体重和产蛋率相近的51周龄大午金凤蛋种鸡,随机分为9个组,每个组6个重复,每个重复12只鸡。采用3×3双因子(代谢能水平为:10.60、11.10和11.60 MJ/kg;粗蛋白质水平为:14.50%、15.50%和16.50%)试验设计,共配制9种试验饲粮。预试期7 d,正试期84 d。结果显示:1)饲粮代谢能水平对蛋种鸡的平均日采食量和产蛋率有显著影响(P<0.05);随饲粮代谢能水平的降低,平均日采食量和产蛋率增加,并表现为高代谢能组显著低于中、低代谢能组(P<0.05)。饲粮粗蛋白质水平显著影响蛋种鸡的产蛋率和料蛋比(P<0.05);随饲粮粗蛋白质水平的降低,蛋种鸡产蛋率下降,料蛋比增加。饲粮代谢能和粗蛋白质水平对蛋种鸡产蛋率的影响存在显著的交互作用(P<0.05)。2)饲粮代谢能水平对蛋种鸡的蛋品质无显著影响(P>0.05)。饲粮粗蛋白质水平显著影响种蛋的哈...  相似文献   

一般认为,肉种鸡的产蛋性能比商品蛋鸡下降要快,而且这种区别被归因于肉种鸡产蛋高峰后往往体重过肥。据报道,当肉种母鸡自由采食时,每只日摄入代谢能可达2.69兆焦耳,比每只日需要量1.73~1.78兆焦耳多出50%。通常认为,导致种母鸡超重的主要因素是其能量摄入量,因而需要依饲料能量水平来确定饲料水平。确定了肉种鸡饲料的营养水平必然也确定了其粗蛋白(CP)和氨基酸的摄入量水平。在多数情况下,不论能量水平如何,肉种鸡日量的CP最少要16%。在实际生产中,这个CP水平在产蛋高峰期可提供26克CP/天,这比文献中的建议摄入量要高。在以前的文献中,肉种母鸡CP的反应常与对限制性氨基酸的摄入量的反应相混淆。例如,有的研究人员报道,只日饲喂27.2gCP和  相似文献   

“最低累积营养摄入量”概念首次在1995年的(NCSU)肉种鸡研讨会上提出并讨论,之后,这个概念在各种科技会议上被广泛讨论,并为许多肉种鸡饲养管理者接纳和作为技术指南。但当前讨论的焦点已偏离了原来的综合性概念。原来的概念强调饲养方案的形式、长期相对的一致性以及光刺激的年龄应结合累积营养摄入量目标值来考虑。许多生产管理者和技术顾问在将此概念与肉种鸡体重(BW)和均匀度目标结合时,仅强调累积代谢能(ME)和粗蛋白(CP)需要目标。很显然,对最低累积营养概念缺乏全面理解可能会导致一些问题,  相似文献   

1种公鸡的营养 供给专用的公鸡饲料配方,从营养上根据种公鸡的营养需要供给适宜的营养浓度的饲料。首先公鸡日粮中的粗蛋白质和代谢能应低于母鸡的水平。种公鸡日粮中粗蛋白质水平不低于11%。代谢能2640千卡/千克时,就能取得较多采精量。另外,肉种鸡每天饲料摄取量控制在140克以下。  相似文献   

山东益生种畜禽股份有限公司:的前身为烟台外贸种禽公司,隶属烟台食品进出口公司,始建于1990年,是一个名不见经传、全国排名落后的一个小肉种鸡场,但经过益生人二十多年艰苦卓绝、众志成城的努力,目前益生股份已是农业产业化国家重点龙头企业和亚洲最大的祖代肉种鸡企业,业务覆盖曾祖代肉种鸡、祖代肉种鸡、父母代肉种鸡、祖代蛋种鸡、原种猪、祖代种猪、饲料、畜禽疫病研究、生态奶牛养殖、有机蔬菜、养殖污染无害化处理等领域。公司祖代肉种鸡和祖代蛋种鸡引进量连续多年位居全国首位,其中祖代肉种鸡存养量约占全国30%,年可提供父母代肉种鸡苗达1500万套、父母代蛋种鸡苗600万套、商品代肉雏鸡苗3亿只。  相似文献   

欧洲家禽业为了更有效地参与竞争,正致力于改善肉种鸡的生产系统和提高终产品的质量。但是一旦肉种鸡饲喂过量的饲料,就会导致过度肥胖,遭受各种病原的威胁,并且繁殖性能不理想,目前的饲料配方虽然提高了肉种鸡的健康水平并且达到了较高的繁殖性能,但是这种饲喂方式直接导致了肉种鸡的饥饿感,从而影响肉鸡福利。产品的质量与对鸡的福利状况相矛盾,欧洲肉种鸡研究项目(broiler breeder paradox,QLK5-CT-2001-01732)的目的是:①在限饲的条件下同时改善肉种鸡质量和提高动物福利;②理清肉种鸡繁殖、饲喂、新陈代谢与动物福利的相互作用机制;③发现提高肉种鸡质量和福利的遗传潜能。  相似文献   

肉种鸡饲喂技术是根据肉种鸡生长发育特点和生产需要而决定的,结合肉种鸡的限饲,贯穿肉种鸡饲养的全程,对提高种蛋合格率,减少肉种鸡死亡率和淘汰率,降低饲料消耗,提高种鸡饲养的经济效益起着至关重要的作用。近年来,各肉种鸡品种生产性能每提高一步,或者说品种每更新换代一次,  相似文献   

肉种鸡活动差,采食量大,维持生命活动必需的饲料消耗较少。若充分饲养,导致种鸡活重增加(主要是沉积脂肪),其产蛋性能明显降低。为提高肉种鸡的产蛋性能,降低饲料消耗,从六十年代开始,许多国家的学者研究肉种鸡限制饲养技术,现将有关的研究结果和实践经验综述如下。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究母体日粮低能量对后代肉仔鸡生长性能、胴体品质及肉质的影响.试验选用低脂系肉种鸡120羽,随机分成2组,每组60个重复,每个重复1羽,即单笼饲养.在肉种鸡产蛋期产蛋率达到5%进行试验处理,试验分试验组和对照组,试验组代谢能量为对照组的80%孵化后的肉仔鸡按照母体不同能量处理各挑选健康仔鸡,在相同的试验条件下进行饲养,试验期为56 d.结果表明:1)与对照组相比,母体日粮低能量有降低1日龄肉仔鸡体重的趋势,对全期日增重和料重比影响不显著(P>0.05);2)与对照组相比,母体日粮低能量对后代肉仔鸡胸肌和腿肌的水分、脂肪和蛋白质含量,胸肌率和腹脂率均无显著影响(P>0.05),但显著增加腿肌率(P<0.05);3)与对照组相比,母体日粮低能量对后代肉仔鸡胸肌和腿肌的pH、红度、黄度、滴水损失和蒸煮损失均无显著影响(P>0.05),但pH、红度和黄度值有升高趋势,滴水损失和蒸煮损失有降低趋势,胸肌和腿肌剪切力显著降低(P<0.05);4)与对照组相比,母体日粮低能量显著提高后代肉仔鸡胸肌和腿肌肌纤维密度(P<0.05),显著降低后代肉仔鸡胸肌和腿肌肌纤维直径(P<0.05).本试验的研究结果表明:母体日粮低能量对后代肉仔鸡的胴体品质及肉质能产生一定的影响.  相似文献   

1. A 3x2 factorial experiment was conducted with three diets and two lines of broiler breeder females to evaluate the contribution of low-energy rations for improving the welfare of feed-restricted birds during rearing. Experimental diets were fed from 6 to 16 weeks of age and were created by diluting a conventional grower (Control) ration containing 11.0 MJ ME/kg with 200 (8.8 MJ ME/kg) or 400 (6.6 MJ ME/kg) g oat hulls/kg using Optimoist to facilitate the pelleting process. Welfare was assessed by changes in behaviour and physiological variables at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. Birds were fed restricted quantities of feed to meet recommended body weight targets. 2. There was a decrease in the proportion of observations of drinking and an increase of preening in birds fed on the two experimental diets compared with the control. There was a linear decrease in litter moisture and the number of litter changes with increasing diet dilution, and water intake at 12 weeks was higher in the control than in the two experimental diets. There were no changes in physiological indexes of welfare (heterophil-lymphocyte ratio, plasma corticosterone and antibody responses) associated with the dietary treatments. 3. There were no important differences in the growth, behaviour or physiological responses to dietary treatment between the two lines of broiler breeders. Changes with age were similar to those reported in other experiments. 4. It was concluded that low-energy pelleted diets would improve litter conditions but not improve indexes of welfare in feed-restricted broiler breeders.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮色氨酸水平对黄羽肉种鸡生产性能、抗氧化功能及血清生化指标的影响,以期探明肉种鸡饲粮的适宜色氨酸水平.试验采用单因素4水平试验设计,将360只28周龄黄羽肉种鸡随机分成4组,每组3个重复,每个重复30只.对照组饲喂基础饲粮,基础饲粮色氨酸水平为0.16%,3个试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加0.02%、0.0...  相似文献   

Energy metabolism of broiler breeders housed in groups was measured in large open-circuit respiration chambers. The design, function and calibration of the chambers are described. Each of the three chambers has a capacity for 24 pullets or adult layers, or 16 adult broiler breeders. Control of ventilation rate is by calibrated choked-flow nozzles. Before experiments were started the system was assessed by CO2 infusion and recovery and ethanol combustion studies. Percentage CO2 recoveries were greater than 98 of infused and the mean (+/- SD) quotient of CO2 produced to O2 consumed from the combusion of ethanol was 0.67 (+/- 0.02). Forty-eight broiler breeder hens in lay were placed in the respiration chambers (16 per chamber) and fed at different rates from around maintenance to about twice this value. The energy required for maintenance (MEm) was 365 kJ/kgW0.75 d and the efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy (ME) for production (kp) was 0.70. Starvation heat production was about 350 kJ/kgW0.75 d and was shown to affect the derived values of the energetic parameters when included in the relationship between retained energy and metabolisable energy intake. Published results were recalculated and found to support this.  相似文献   

相较于其他家禽养殖,肉种鸡养殖有着更严格的技术要求,要求养殖系统性、精细化。部分养殖户在发展肉种鸡养殖过程中不注重做好养殖管理工作,普遍存在技术空缺,很容易造成各种传染性疾病发生,影响肉种鸡正常生长,最终影响养殖户经济效益。该文在总结以往养殖经验的基础上,探讨肉种鸡饲养管理技术要点。  相似文献   

The following parameters were used to calculate the economic impact to a commercial broiler company of a pathogenic reovirus infection in broiler breeders during egg production: hatchability, selling of eggs, vaccination, mortality, medication, slowing of line speed at processing, and downgrading and trimming at processing. The cost due to reovirus infection in one flock of broiler breeders was approximately $48,000.  相似文献   

1. Yellow follicle numbers when the first egg was laid were 6.3, 9.0 and 12.4 for ad libitum reared Leghorns, sex-linked Dwarf (AL Dwarf) and Normal broiler breeders respectively. Multiple ovulation resulted in low egg production and a high proportion of defective egg shells in AL Dwarf and Normal broiler breeders during early lay. 2. Restricting the growth of broiler breeders during rearing by restricting food intake (R Dwarfs) reduced the number of yellow follicles to 6.8 and increased the rate of lay. 3. Atretic yellow follicles were common among broiler breeders but not in Leghorns or R Dwarfs when the first egg was laid. 4. Poor egg production in older broiler breeders was caused by birds with few or no developing yellow follicles, atresia in yellow follicles and the continued occurrence of multiple ovulations. 5. There was no relationship between the number of yellow follicles and the number of white follicles less than 5 mm diameter but atresia in white follicles 2 to less than 5 mm was negatively related to the number of yellow follicles. 7. No relationship was observed between abdominal fat weight and yellow follicle number, though birds which ate more had more yellow follicles. 8.The sex-linked dwarfing gene dw was associated with increased atresia among the white follicles and low numbers of yellow follicles compared with the Normal DW broiler breeder genotype.  相似文献   

A serological survey for antibody to Chicken Anaemia Virus (CAV) was performed on broiler breeders as well as layer breeding birds in Sweden at the end of their rearing period. Grandparents (GP) of both types leaving quarantine were in 21 out of 26 cases free from antibody to CAV, but often became infected soon thereafter. A total of 10 outbreaks of blue wing disease (BWD) in 3 series were recorded in the broiler and layer parent generation, all of which were progeny of 3 late seroconverting GP-flocks. All but one of 22 layer parent flocks had been infected and had seroconverted during the rearing period. Subsequently BWD was not recorded from commercial layers. Broiler parent flocks were more protected from CAV infection during rearing. Eighteen out of 94 broiler parent flocks had not developed antibody to CAV before coming into lay. Outbreaks of BWD were reported in progeny flocks from all these broiler breeders, with the exception of those that had been vaccinated. Good hygienic routines along with isolation of the birds delayed the seroconversion to CAV in broiler breeders and vaccination of these breeders protected their progeny from outbreaks of BWD. Broiler flocks in houses where BWD had occurred recently had always antibodies to CAV at slaughter. It was possible to eradicate the infection from the house and prevent the infection between flocks by proper cleaning and disinfection of the broiler houses.  相似文献   

During a field study in 2010 the daily growth, feed conversion, first-week mortality, broiler loss due to mortality and slaughterhouse condemnation, and production index were monitored in 100 broiler flocks derived from four breeder farms vaccinated with Nobilis OR inac and four Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale-unvaccinated breeder farms of the same organization in Belgium. Other parameters related to the broiler flocks, such as flock size, season, age of the breeders, and corresponding breeder farms, were also noted. All gathered data were examined with ANOVA, linear correlation, and linear regression analyses. Results demonstrated a significant 22.3% lower broiler loss and a significant 3.9% higher production index in the broiler flocks derived from breeders vaccinated with Nobilis OR inac. These results confirm field observations obtained in 1999, thereby providing further evidence for an effect of O. rhinotracheale vaccination in breeders with regard to the improved performance of broilers.  相似文献   

In this study, a follow-up was made between 1993 and 1997 from broiler breeders at birth down to offspring broilers at processing, through vertically integrated registration of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) antibody titers and performance data. All measurements were used two by two in a simple correlation study to calculate the degree to which they were linearly correlated. The antibody patterns in the broiler breeders indicated frequent field infections breaking through vaccinal immunity. Significant correlations measured between antibody titers and production parameters within and between the generations strongly suggested negative effects of IBV infections on laying percentage in the breeders and on mortality and daily weight gain in the broilers. Economic losses associated with IBV infections in the broilers occurred predominantly in flocks hatched with low and erratic maternal antibody titers. We concluded that IBV vaccination strategies should aim at high and uniform antibody titers in the broiler breeders.  相似文献   

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