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The interior west of North America provides many opportunities to study ecosystem responses to climate change, biological diversity and management of disturbance regimes. These ecosystem responses are not unique to the Rocky Mountains, but they epitomize similar scientific problems throughout North America. Better management of these ecosystems depends on a thorough understanding of the underlying biology and ecological interactions of the species that occupy the diverse habitats of this region. This review highlights progress in research to understand aspects of this complex ecosystem.  相似文献   

Long JN 《Tree physiology》2003,23(16):1091-1099
This overview of Rocky Mountain forest ecosystems characterizes some of the major types, processes and management issues in the region. There are large ranges in edaphic conditions and striking environmental gradients, all interacting to influence the distribution of species, the nature of communities and disturbance regimes. The discussion focuses on the central role of disturbance and how understanding disturbance regimes influences the search for effective approaches to stewardship.  相似文献   

文章以浙江宁海县岭口村景观规划为例,对其进行现状调查分析,根据其历史文化和地形特征提出构建以"诗画山村"为核心的山地村庄景观规划,以展现岭口如诗如画般的风景,形成有历史文化感的山村特色。    相似文献   

以徐州市铜山区森林资源二类调查为基础,在对全区林地资源分布、特点、存在问题和保护现状进行综合分析后,提出林地资源红线保护的指导思想、原则、保护范围、面积和主要保障措施,并首次以 GIS 技术构建了铜山区红线保护区数据库和信息管理系统,实现林地资源保护数据管理的自动化和现代化  相似文献   

Forest landscape disturbance and succession models have become practical tools for large-scale, long-term analyses of the cumulative effects of forest management on real landscapes. They can provide essential information in a spatial context to address management and policy issues related to forest planning, wildlife habitat quality, timber harvesting, fire effects, and land use change. Widespread application of landscape disturbance and succession models is hampered by the difficulty of mapping the initial landscape layers needed for model implementation and by the complexity of calibrating forest landscape models for new geographic regions. Applications are complicated by issues of scale related to the size of the landscape of interest (bigger is better), the resolution at which the landscape is modeled and analyzed (finer is better), and the cost or complexity of applying a landscape model (cheaper and easier is better). These issues spill over to associated analyses that build on model outputs or become integrated as auxiliary model capabilities. Continued development and application of forest landscape disturbance and simulation models can be facilitated by (1) cooperative efforts to initialize more and larger landscapes for model applications, (2) partnerships of practitioners and scientists to address current management issues, (3) developing permanent mechanisms for user support, (4) adding new capabilities to models, either directly or as compatible auxiliary models, (5) increasing efforts to evaluate model performance and compare multiple models running on the same landscape, and (6) developing methods to choose among complex, multi-resource alternatives with outputs that vary over space and time.  相似文献   

建设和发展城市森林公园是深圳市生态建设的根本要求,是构建深圳市生态安全体系的重要内容,是宣传深圳生态文明的重要基地,同时也完全符合世界生态旅游发展趋势。全市拟建17个森林公园,羊台山为其中之一,现已完成总体规划。羊台山地处深圳市西北部,位于宝安区石岩镇、龙华镇与南山区的交汇处,总面积3120hm2,海拨587.1m。    相似文献   

白马雪山自然保护区德钦分局辖区内鸟类资源十分丰富,至2005年底共记录到鸟类328种。其中留鸟204种,占总数的62.2%;夏候鸟和繁殖鸟76种,占23.2%;旅鸟和冬候鸟48种,占14.6%。以区系成分分,东洋界106种,古北界48种,广布种68种。针对分布鸟类多样性资源受威胁及限制因子,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

The distribution of plant species has always been altered by changing climatic conditions. Nonetheless, the potential for species’ range shift responses has recently become severely limited, as exceptionally fast temperature changes coincide with a high degree of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation. This study provides rare insights into the effects current temperature increases have on pristine temperate forest ecosystems, using the forests of Changbai Mountain, NE China, as a case study. On the northern slopes of the mountain at elevations between 750 and 2100 m, the composition of trees, shrubs and herbaceous species was recorded on 60 plots in 1963 and 2006/07. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to establish the response of plant diversity and plant distribution patterns to environmental conditions. Climatic factors proved important in explaining the spatio-temporal trends within the vegetation. The composition of dominant trees remained mostly unchanged over the last 43 years, reflecting a very slow response of the forest canopy to environmental change. The composition of young trees, shrubs and herb species showed varied changes in the different forest types. A homogeneous species composition in the cohort of regenerating trees indicates an increased future uniformity in the mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest. The understory vegetation of high elevation birch forests was invaded by floristic elements of the lower-elevation coniferous forests. Both these trends pose potential threats to forests plant diversity. Future research investigating climate change responses in forest canopy composition needs to be based on even longer timescales, while investigations in the near future need to pay particular attention to the changes in the distribution of rare and threatened herbaceous species.  相似文献   

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