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  • 1. A monitoring system was developed in two Corsican coastal lagoons (Biguglia and Urbino; Corsica, Western Mediterranean).
  • 2. Three species of seagrass (Nanozostera noltii, Ruppia cirrhosa and Cymodocea nodosa) were monitored by (i) measuring spatio‐temporal changes in the seagrasses, using fixed structures, (ii) investigating temporal changes in the biological parameters of the seagrasses, and (iii) mapping their distribution by processing aerial images of both lagoons.
  • 3. These investigations showed that, while the two lagoons exhibit, a priori, a certain structural homogeneity (ecosystems based on aquatic plants), they function in different ways that are specifically linked to environmental conditions.
  • 4. At present, the estimated net production varies from 86 to 469 g C m?2 yr?1 at Biguglia and 190 to 1301 g C m?2 yr?1 at Urbino. These values confirm the richness of these two lagoons, and the interest of using seagrass, by means of regular monitoring, for the conservation and management of coastal lagoons.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The modelling framework already introduced by Doglioli, Magaldi, Vezzulli and Tucci to predict the potential impact of a marine fish farm is improved following different directions, namely (1) real historic current-metre data are used to force the simulations, (2) settling velocity values specifically targeting Mediterranean fish species are used, and (3) a new benthic degradative module, the Finite Organic Accumulation Module, is added to the modelling framework. The Finite Organic Accumulation Module uses the output of the other functional units of the modelling framework to calculate the organic load on the seabed. The Finite Organic Accumulation Module considers the natural capability of the seafloor in absorbing part of the organic load. Different remineralization rates reflect the sediment stress level according to the work of Findlay and Watling. Organic degradation for both uneaten feed and faeces is evaluated by changing the release modality (continuous and periodical) and by varying the settling velocities. It is found that the maximum impact on the benthic community is observed either for quickly sinking uneaten feed released twice a day, or for less intense near-bottom current conditions. If both the above-mentioned scenarios coexist, a high stress level is established in the sediment. The model also suggests that the use of self-feeders in cages can reduce farm impacts significantly. These results show how the new and more complete modelling framework presented here is able to improve the objectivity in the decision-making processes and how it may be successfully used for planning and monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in a fish farm of the Eastern Mediterranean in order to evaluate the benthic environmental footprint of the organic versus the conventional fish farming. The highest values of chl α were recorded at the conventional culture during both studied seasons. The organic matter and organic carbon rates recorded at the conventional culture were significantly higher than those observed at the organic culture in both studied seasons (p < .05). Furthermore, in all cases the quality characteristics of benthic community variables were optimum at the organic culture compared to the conventional one and similar to those of the control. SIMPER analysis showed that the maximum average dissimilarity occurred between organic and conventional culture, while the main contributor species for this dissimilarity was the polychaete Capitella capitata. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination plot indicated clearly a separation of the organic and conventional fish farming during both studied seasons. K‐dominance curves revealed a clear difference in elevation, mainly during summer. M‐AMBI index showed a poor to moderate environment for conventional culture, while organic one was good to high and similar to the control site (high). The results indicated the lower environmental footprint of the organic fish farming compared to the conventional, demonstrating its potential as an important management tool, which could play a significant ecological role for the sustainability of aquaculture in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

  1. The Atlantic walrus, Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus, forms a herd of nearly 4,000 heads in the Pechora Sea (south-eastern Barents Sea). The Near Threatened status of O. rosmarus rosmarus and the relative isolation of the Pechora Sea population, as well as the potential impacts of human activities in the area, make it important to characterize key habitats, including feeding grounds, in order to protect the species.
  2. The aim of the present study was to integrate multiple sources of environmental and biological data collected by satellite telemetry, remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and benthic grab sampling to examine the distribution and diversity of benthic foraging resources used by walrus in the Pechora Sea.
  3. Analysis of satellite telemetry data from seven males tagged on Vaigach Island helped to identify areas of high use by walruses near haulout sites on Matveev and Vaigach islands, and in between. Field data were collected from those feeding grounds in July 2016 using ROV video recordings and bottom grab sampling. Analysis of 19 grab stations revealed a heterogeneous macrobenthic community of 133 taxa with a mean biomass of 147.11 ± 7.35 g/m2. Bivalve molluscs, particularly Astarte borealis, Astarte montagui, and Ciliatocardium ciliatum, dominated the overall macrobenthic biomass, making up two-thirds of the total.
  4. Analysis of 16 ROV video transects showed high occurrences of mobile benthic decapods (3.03 ± 2.74 ind./min) and provided the first direct evidence that areas actively used by walrus in the Pechora Sea overlap with the distribution of the non-native omnivorous snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio.
  5. Integrating multiple data sources provides an early foundation for the kinds of ecosystem-based approaches needed to improve Pechora Sea resource management and to underpin Russia’s nascent marine spatial planning initiatives. Factors that need to be considered in marine spatial planning include impacts on benthic feeding grounds from offshore oil and gas development and the spread of the snow crab.

  • 1. Transitional waters are ecotones between terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, being characterized by high spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability.
  • 2. The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) posed to the scientific community the challenge to classify these ecosystems into a small number of types, while retaining a functional classification of ecosystem types.
  • 3. A niche theory approach is proposed to identify the limiting forcing factors organizing biological quality elements, i.e. the limiting niche dimensions.
  • 4. The analysis of a macro‐invertebrate dataset from published papers on 36 Italian lagoons suggested a two‐level typological classification of Mediterranean lagoons.
  • 5. Basic ecological theories, such as niche and island biogeography theories, have fundamental implications for the process of developing a typological classification for all aquatic ecosystems, as required by the WFD.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. A review of the long‐term changes and variations in benthic communities and the current status of the marine invasive species (MIS) in shallow waters of the Yellow Sea (Chinese sector) and the Sea of Japan (Russian and partly Korean sectors) is presented. This paper reflects on the progress and lessons learned, recommending actions for the future about the conservation of biodiversity.
  2. In the Bohai Sea, the benthic ecosystem has been degenerating due to anthropogenic activities such as overfishing and pollution since the 1950s. The dominant position of K‐strategy species is gradually being lost and replaced by R‐strategy species. In the Yellow Sea, the macrobenthic community is different from other areas due to the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Many economic species have been destroyed, and the biotic structure has changed significantly due to overfishing and climate change.
  3. In the Russian sector of the Sea of Japan, the macrobenthic communities in the shallow‐water soft bottom have generally been in a stable condition for the last decades, except for some heavily polluted or disturbed areas due to dredging operations. The abundance of select large invertebrate species has changed considerably due to commercial fishing and poaching. Variations in macro? and meiobenthic communities under aquaculture conditions have occurred on a local scale during the last five decades.
  4. MIS show obvious differences between China and Russia in the following aspects: introduction pathways of MIS, composition and number of non‐native species, threats and impacts of MIS to native communities and ecosystems, and economic and public health impacts.
  5. Long‐term monitoring programmes should be developed to reveal future biotic changes and to separate the effects of cyclic variations of benthic communities from the impacts of pollution and eutrophication. Standardization of sampling procedures is required to compare changes/alternations in benthos across various regions worldwide.

  • 1. The status of a Posidonia oceanica meadow in front of the town of Sanremo, Italy, was studied through a combined use of benthic mapping and synthetic indices.
  • 2. Mapping was accomplished by integrating side scan sonar imagery and data collected by scuba diving along transects placed perpendicularly to the coastline. A thematic map (scale 1:5000) was produced. Extent of the meadow, occurrence of dead matte areas, and morphology of the lower limit (with new definition) are all described.
  • 3. Two synthetic environmental indices were applied to transect data in order to quantify the status of the meadow: the Conservation Index and the Substitution Index. The former is related to the proportion of dead matte; the latter is a novel index measuring the amount of replacement of the ‘constructional’ seagrass P. oceanica by the ‘non‐constructional’ seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. The potential of a ‘phase shift’ in Ligurian Sea seagrass meadows is discussed.
  • 4. The approach here proposed, based on detailed mapping plus synthetic indices, may provide immediate information to evaluate the state of Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica for monitoring and management.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

才女虫属复合体隶属于多毛纲、海稚虫科,是多毛纲中寄生种类多样性最高的群体之一。本文描述了该复合体在中国海所分布10种的形态学特征和生物学属性。此10种分别为吻蛇稚虫、小蛇稚虫、美角才女虫、难定才女虫、腺袋才女虫、邻近才女虫、触角伪才女虫、膜质伪才女虫、短鳃伪才女虫和网格伪才女虫。其中,邻近才女虫为一新种,该新种主要形态学特征在于其尾部背、腹面皆具缺刻,且头部背面无中触手。中国海分布的大多数才女虫属复合体种类既可以在松软底质上营管栖生活,也可以寄生于某些海洋生物。本文报道的种类中只有邻近才女虫和短鳃伪才女虫未见有寄生现象。中国海才女虫属种类最常见的寄主是贝类(双壳类、腹足类)和珊瑚。  相似文献   

Abstract. The possibility of using eels from intensive rearing ponds to restock natural basins has been investigated by comparing growth, survival and rate of yellow-to-silver metamorphosis of 'wild type' eels and of eels from an intensive rearing pond. A total of 2243 marked eels were released into a closed natural environment of 22ha; 1254 were wild type (average length 45·6 ± 9·0cm), and 989 from an intensive rearing pond, split by a mechanical grader in two groups. The first group was made of 617 well-growing eels (44·9 ± 3·0cm), the second one of 372 smaller eels (36·9 ± 4·3cm) which had not adapted to the artificial conditions.
The starting size being equal the animals grew to the same extent; in some cases the animals previously adapted to the artificial pond grew better than the wild type. The rate of metamorphosis from yellow to silver eel was 28·4% for the wild type eels and 22% for the others, although the latter became mostly silver males. Survival of the wild type eels (starting with the 35-cm size class and covering the period from April to December) was calculated by mark-recapture at approximately 98·6%. For the eels previously well adapted to the intensive rearing pond it was only 85%, indicating some difficulty in competing in the natural environment. The good growth shown by the smaller eels, with a survival of about 90%, would seem to indicate that these animals might be effectively used for restocking purposes, thus favouring an integration between the intensive ponds and the extensive environments.  相似文献   

Quantitative surveys of the edible sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, were conducted in four fishing zones of Sardinia (Southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea), in Autumn 2007. A total of 120 stations were geo-located along a bathymetric gradient ranging from 0 to 10 m. A geostatistical method was used to evaluate spatial patterns in density and to estimate harvestable stocks. Variographic analyses showed that the isotropic Gaussian and spherical models successfully explained the spatial structure of sea urchin assemblages in these areas. Density maps obtained by punctual kriging showed that sea urchin populations tend to be patchy rather than uniform in their density distribution. A combination of mapping and size categories was used to generate diverse scenarios of harvestable stocks (specimens ≥50 mm in diameter) before the start of the current fishing season. We conclude that the geostatistical approach, which takes into consideration the spatial autocorrelation structure of the populations in small areas, seems to be a good estimator of P. lividus density and biomass and for the assessment of its harvestable stocks, and thus provides an initial step towards a scientific approach to the management of local sea urchin fisheries.  相似文献   

  1. In the Recent, brachiopods only seldom occur in benthic communities. A biotope dominated by Megerlia truncata was identified in 2013 by exploration of the south‐easternmost Adriatic margin by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
  2. Emerging rocky substrates next to the shelf break at approximately 120 m appear intensively exploited by this eurybathic rhynchonelliformean brachiopod, attaining a population of more than 300 individuals per m2.
  3. Calcareous red algae are almost ubiquitous at this site and preferentially encrust sectors of the substrate where brachiopods are minimal.
  4. This Megerlia biotope is a novel finding for this part of the Mediterranean Sea, similar to a situation previously observed in the Western Basin, off the Mediterranean French coast.
  5. It is proposed that this remarkable brachiopod biotope and the adjacent rhodolith bed are considered important for conservation management.

1. The spatial distribution of the most important subtidal habitats (coral reefs, coral carpets, seagrass meadows, sand with corals, macroids, mud, hardgrounds) and mangroves was mapped in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt. Coral communities were analysed separately for their ecological and spatial patterns. This, coupled with information about major current patterns in the bay, provides a framework on which to base impact predictions for planned developments or for those already underway. 2. Because the entire shoreline of northern Safaga Bay is earmarked for tourism development, the following impacts have already been observed and can be expected to worsen: dredging, coastal infilling, marina construction, alteration of inshore current patterns as a result of breakwater construction and eutrophication. 3. The maps of habitats could be used by management authorities to either license or forbid these activities in specific areas, thus avoiding damage to sensitive environments. Properly used, resource mapping is a powerful proactive management tool that allows resource managers to anticipate and avoid impacts at an early stage in the process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Many coastal lagoons in eastern Australia have changed as a result of recent human activities. However, it is often difficult to determine the extent of change and the ecological implications. A palaeoecological approach allows a quantitative assessment of how an aquatic ecosystem changes and responds to human impacts beyond what is possible with historical data or monitoring programmes.
  • 2. Orielton Lagoon (south‐east Tasmania, Australia) is a Ramsar‐listed coastal wetland of international importance for conservation. This study was undertaken at the site to determine whether recent anthropogenic hydrological modifications to the lagoon had influenced its ecology, particularly salinity, and compromised its Ramsar status.
  • 3. A diatom–salinity transfer function was constructed from a training data set of 96 diatom taxa from 34 sampling sites in 19 lagoons along the east coast of Tasmania.
  • 4. The salinity of Orielton Lagoon has changed in response to a causeway constructed across its mouth, which has transformed the lagoon from an open marine environment to an enclosed, virtually stagnant, brackish water body.
  • 5. These changes have compromised the protected coastal wetland status of Orielton Lagoon. Environmental remediation attempts have since partially restored the natural hydrology of the lagoon and it is now returning towards the state it was in prior to causeway construction.
  • 6. A palaeoecological approach using diatoms was found to be successful in reconstructing recent salinity changes and investigating human impacts on Orielton Lagoon over the last 50–55 years.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data sets for two bottom trawl fisheries, the coastal pair-trawler fishery and offshore single-trawler fishery in the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) region of the Japan Sea, were compiled and analyzed for the last three decades (1974-2006). These data sets were used to (1) identify and compare the variability in demersal fish assemblages, and (2) relate these to water temperature to examine the impacts of climate regime shifts. Principal component analysis (PCA) of catches of target species in the two trawler fisheries showed synchronous decadal variability with step changes around 1986/1987 and 1996/1997. These step changes strongly suggest the effect of the late 1980s climate regime shift, which was characterized by an abrupt change from a cool to a warm condition in the TWC. The first and second principal components (PC1 and PC2) for both trawler fisheries agreed closely with winter and summer water temperature in the Japan Sea, respectively, suggesting PC1 (PC2) was associated with cold- (warm-) water species. However, between warm- and cold-water species the response pattern to water temperature was different. CPUE (catch per unit effort) of warm- (cold-) water species correlated positively (negatively) with water temperature, indicating the increase in water temperature has a positive (negative) effect on warm- (cold-) water species. Cold-water species decreased (increased) both in biomass and distribution during the warm (cold) regime, while warm-water species increased in biomass and/or distribution during the warm 1990s. These results suggested that the demersal fish assemblage structure changed abruptly as a consequence of the late 1980s climate regime shift. Impact of fishing was unclear on the demersal fish assemblage as a whole, but fishing pressure has been intensified for specific species under unfavorable climate regimes even with a declining fishing effort. Differing response patterns between warm- and cold-water species to climate regime shifts suggest the importance of integrated assessment and ecosystem-based management for the whole trawl fishery rather than only for individual target species.  相似文献   

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