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Information on seed germination and emergence ecology of Aegilops tauschii is scant, despite it being a widespread invasive weed in China. We conducted this study to determine the effects of various factors on seed germination and seedling emergence in three A. tauschii populations. Seeds germinated across a wide range of temperatures (5–35°C), with germination of over 90% at 15–20°C. Germination was completely inhibited when dry seeds were exposed to a temperature of 160°C for 5 min; a similar response was observed for pre-soaked seeds at 100°C. Light was neither required for nor inhibited germination. Germination was not significantly affected by pH. Aegilops tauschii was relatively tolerant to low osmotic potential and high salt stress: over 80% of seeds germinated at −0.3 MPa, and all three populations germinated in the presence of 400 mM salt (NaCl) although salt tolerance varied among the populations. Seeds buried at depths of 1–3 cm emerged well, but emergence was completely inhibited at depths greater than 8 cm. The addition of maize straw caused a linear reduction in seedling emergence, although the rate of reduction varied among the populations. The results of this study have contributed to understanding the requirements of A. tauschii germination and emergence and optimising an integrated management system for this weed in Huang–Huai–Hai Plain of China. In addition, our study provides data for development of models to predict the geographical distribution of this weed.  相似文献   

Emergence of Solanum sarrachoides began in late April, reached a peak in May or June and ceased in September. This pattern closely resembled that for S. nigrum L., whereas almost all seedlings of S. dulcamara L. emerged in April. Fresh seeds of S. sarrachoides were dormant but developed a capacity for germination at 25 and 30°C and at alternating (16 h low/8 h high) temperatures of 4/25, 10/25, 10/30 and 20/30°C when stored dry. kept moist at 4°C or buried in the field. Buried seeds also became capable of germinating at 10. 15 and 20°C and the temperature range for germination was widest during April-June. Induced dormancy developed during August and the range narrowed. The consistent seasonal emergence pattern appears to be associated with cyclic changes in the dormancy status of buried seeds.  相似文献   

Thermal requirements for the germination of Amaranthus quitensis, a common annual weed in Argentina, were studied. In addition, temporal changes in dormancy from seeds produced at different times during the growing season were examined. For this second objective, thermal and light requirements for germination were tested in seeds buried at different depths, with or without crop residues. Base and optimum temperatures for germination rates were 12.8°C and 37°C respectively. At dispersal time, maximum percentage germination was 60–70% and this was generally recorded at 35°C/25°C in a 14-h photoperiod. Seed germination tended to increase in later seed collection dates. Seeds of A. quitensis showed seasonal changes in germinability in the soil. In winter, germination of retrieved seeds increased to over 90% until summer, after which there was a decrease until the following winter when germination was close to 40%. There were no differences in germinability between burial depths and crop residue levels. Germination requirements for alternating temperatures and light tended to disappear after burial. Initial viability was 99% and declined slightly during burial. Soil temperature seems to play a crucial role not only by regulating seasonal changes in dormancy, but also by defining the percentage and the germination rate in non-dormant seeds.  相似文献   

Creeping mannagrass is a perennial grass weed widely distributed in China and is becoming increasingly problematic in nurseries and landscapes in some regions. Understanding the germination ecology and response to commonly available POST herbicides of this weed is critical to determining its adaptive capabilities and potential for infestation, and assist in the development of effective control strategies. In the light/dark regime, creeping mannagrass germinated over a wide range of temperatures (15/5 to 30/20°C), with maximum germination at 20/10°C (95%). No seed germinated at 35/25 or 10/0°C. The time required for 50% of maximum germination increased as temperature decreased. Compared with the light/dark conditions, germination was slightly stimulated when seeds were placed in the dark. Creeping mannagrass is moderately tolerant to osmotic and salt stress, which had 53 and 50% germination rates at ?0.6 mPa osmotic potential and 200 mM NaCl concentration, respectively. Seedling emergence of the seeds buried at a depth of 0.5 cm (86%) was higher than those sowing on the soil surface (17%), but declined with burial depth increasing. There were no differences in the emergence rates from a burial depth 0.5–2 cm. Few seeds (4%) could emerge when seeds were sowed at a depth of 8 cm. POST application of haloxyfop‐R‐methyl, quizalofop‐p‐ethyl, sethoxydim, and pinoxaden provides 100% control of creeping mannagrass at the three‐leaf to five‐leaf stages. To achieve 80% control with clodinafop‐propargyl, mesosulfuron‐methyl, and fenoxaprop‐p‐ethyl, herbicides had to be applied at the three‐leaf stage.  相似文献   

Several laboratory and glasshouse experiments were conducted to assess seed germination, seedling establishment and growth patterns of wrinklegrass (Ischaemum rugosum Salisb.) influenced by temperature and light regimes, and chemical media. Wrinklegrass was a positively photoblastic species, and seed germination was temperature‐dependent and light‐mediated. Seeds soaked in distilled water for 24 h, or oven‐dried at the respective temperature regimes of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40°C prior to treatment in distilled water and incubated in darkness, failed to germinate. Likewise, no germination prevailed when the seeds were exposed to similar temperature regimes and treated with 0.2 m KNO3, 5% H2O2 or 0.01 m HNO3, and incubated under continuous darkness. Seeds treated with 5% H2O2 at 30°C, or oven‐dried and treated with 0.01% M HNO3 at 35°C registered 10 and 20% germination. Approximately 75 and 90% of the light‐exposed seeds for all treatments germinated in the first three and six days at 25°C. No germination occurred at 15°C in the first three days after treatment. Seeds subjected to 40°C for six days after treatment recorded 36% germination. The optimum temperatures for seed germination were 25–30°C. Seed drying and soaking treatments widened the windows of the optimal temperatures for wrinklegrass germination. The acidic media of KNO3, H2O2 or HNO3 favored seed germination. Less than 5% of seed germination occurred with burial or water inundation at depths exceeding 2 cm. Seed burial or inundation at ≥2 cm depths inhibited seed germination. Seeds sown onto moist paddy soils registered ca. 50% germination. Free‐floating seeds on the water surface registered ca. 98% germination within the first six days after seeding. The mean number of seedlings that survived was inversely proportional to water depths, with close to 100% mortality at the 14 cm depths of inundation. Both plant height and seedling survival were linearly proportional to the amount of root mass of seedlings which penetrated the soil. The weed was a prolific seed producer (ca. 6000 seeds/genet or 18 000 seeds/genet per year). The vegetative and reproductive efforts of each wrinklegrass plant registered values of 0.68 and 0.32, respectively.  相似文献   

The annual dormancy cycle was investigated in buried seeds of Polygonum aviculare L. exposed to natural temperature changes in Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A. Seeds were exhumed monthly from December 1984 to February 1987 and tested in light (14-h daily photoperiod) and continuous darkness at 12/12-h daily alternating temperature regimes of 15/6, 20/10, 25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C. During autumn and winter, seeds became non-dormant, and in March 1985 they germinated to 95-100% at all thermoperiods in light and to 7-61% in darkness. Seeds remained non-dormant during spring but became more specific in their germination requirements in early summer. During July and August 1985, seeds germinated to 17-53% in light at 30/15 and 35/20°C but to 0-10% at all other test conditions. By September, about 65% of the seeds were dormant, but the others were able to germinate under the higher alternating temperatures in light. A similar seasonal cycle was recorded in the following year through to the spring of 1987. The results confirm the seasonal pattern of dormancy in this species (Courtney, 1968) but indicate that alternating temperatures combined with light are important in determining germination potential in P. aviculare.  相似文献   

Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant soldier) are very troublesome weeds in many vegetable row crops in Europe. To optimise management strategies for Galinsoga spp. control, an in‐depth study of germination biology was performed. Germination experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of light and alternating temperatures on germination of a large set of Galinsoga populations. Seedling emergence was investigated by burying seeds at different depths in a sandy and sandy loam soil. Dormancy of fresh seeds harvested in autumn was evaluated by studying germination response in light at 25/20°C with and without nitrate addition. Seed longevity was investigated in an accelerated ageing experiment by exposing seeds to 45°C and 100% relative humidity. Galinsoga spp. seeds required light for germination; light dependency varied among populations. Seedling emergence decreased drastically with increasing burial depth. Maximum depth of emergence varied between 4 and 10 mm depending on soil type and population. In a sandy soil, emergence percentages were higher and seedlings were able to emerge from greater depths than in a sandy loam soil. Freshly produced G. parviflora seeds, harvested in autumn, showed a varying but high degree of primary dormancy and were less persistent than G. quadriradiata seeds that lack primary dormancy. Lack of primary dormancy of freshly harvested G. quadriradiata seeds and light dependency for germination may be used to optimise and develop Galinsoga management strategies.  相似文献   

Maximum arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia L.) germination occurred at 35°C, whereas prickly sida (Sida spinosa L.) germinated to the same extent at 35 or 40°C. Arrowleaf sida germinated better than prickly sida at 20 and 25°C, but did not germinate at 40°C. Less than 50% of seed from both species were viable at 45°C after 21 days of exposure. Both species exhibited more than 75% germination at a range of pH from 5.0 to 8.0. Arrowleaf sida germinated to a greater extent than prickly sida from 0 to —800 kPa, and an osmotic stress of —200 kPa reduced prickly sida germination, whereas —400 kPa was necessary to reduce arrowleaf sida germination. Prickly sida emergence was optimal at a planting depth of 0.5 cm, and declined rapidly at deeper planting depths. However, arrowleaf sida emergence was equivalent at planting depths of 0.5–2.0 cm, with declining emergence below 2.0 cm. Neither species emerged from depths exceeding 5.0 cm. Light did not influence the germination of arrowleaf sida or prickly sida. Sida rhombifolia et Sida spinosa: germination et levee Le maximum du germination pour Sida rhombifolia L. a été atteint à 35°C tandis que Sida spinosa L. a germé de facon équivalente à 35 ou 40°C. S. rhombifolia a mieux germé que S. spinosaà 20 et 25°C, mais n'a pas germéà 40°C. Moins de 20% de graines des deux espèces étaient encore viables à 45°C après 21 jours dèxposition. Les deux especes ont germéà plus de 75% dans des niveaux de pH allant de 5 à 8. S. rhombifolia a mieux germe que S. spinosa de 0 à 800 kPa, et un stress osmotique de —200 kPa a réduit la germination de S. spinosa, tandis que —400 kPa ont été nécessaires pour réquire la germination de S. rhombifolia. La levée de S. spinosaétait optimale à une profondeur de semis de 0,5 cm, et décroissait rapidement à des profondeurs plus élevées. Cependant la levée de S. rhombifoliaétait équivalente pour des profondeurs de 0,5 à 2 cm, avec une baisse à partir de 2 cm. Aucune des deux espèces n'a levéà des profondeurs supérieurs à 5 cm. La lumière n'a pas d'influence sur la germination des 2 espèces. Keimung und Auflaufen der Sidafaserpflanze (Sida rhombifolia L.) und der Stacheligen Samtmalve (Sida spinosa L.) Die stärkste Keimung lag bei der Sidafaserpflanze (Sida rhombifolia L.) bei 35 °C vor, während Samen der Stacheligen Samtmalve (Sida spinosa L.) bei 35 oder 40 °C gleich gut keimten. Samen der Sidafaserpflanze keimten bei 20 und 25 °C besser als die der Stacheligen Samtmalve, keimten jedoch nicht bei 40 °C. Nach Lagerung bei 45 °C für 21 Tage waren die Samen beider Arten zu < 20% keimfähig. Bei pH-Werten zwischen 5 und 8 keimten beide Arten zu >75%. Bei osmotischen Drücken zwischen 0 und —800 kPa keimte die Sidafaserpflanze besser als die Stachelige Samtmalve, deren Keimung ab —200 kPa gehemmt wurde, wahrend bei der Sidafaserpflanze —400 kPa erforderlich waren, die Keimung zu verringern. Samen der Stacheligen Samtmalve keimten am besten in 0,5 cm Tiefe, in gröβerer Ablagetiefe schnell schlechter. Bei der Sidafaserpflanze jedoch waren Aussaattiefen zwischen 0,5 und 2,0 cm gleich gut, erst bei Tiefen unter 2 cm ging der Auflauf zurück. Aus Tiefen unter 5 cm keimte keine der beiden Arten. Durch Licht wurde die Keimung der beiden Sida Arten nicht beeinflußt.  相似文献   

Button grass (Dactyloctenium radulans) is a native, widely spread summer grass weed species in Australia. However, limited information is available on the seed germination biology of this species. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of environmental factors on the germination and emergence of two populations of D. radulans. The seeds of these populations were collected separately from Dalby, Queensland and Coleambally, NSW. Seeds were germinated at a range of constant and alternating temperatures (25/15, 30/20, 35/25 and 40/30°C day/night). The greatest seed germination was at a constant temperature of 30°C. Seed germination was reduced at the lowest alternating temperature (25/15°C). Germination of both populations was strongly stimulated by light, suggesting a great amount of emergence of D. radulans on bare ground, such as crop seedbeds. Germination of the D. radulans population collected from a northern cotton farming system (Dalby) was more tolerant to a greater range of salt stress than the population sourced from the south (Coleambally). Seeds of both populations germinated over a wide range of pH, between 4 and 10. However, germination was the greatest in a high pH buffer solution, indicating that the species prefers to germinate in alkaline soil. These results showed that D. radulans seeds possess a wide range of tolerance mechanisms to different environmental stresses. Information obtained in this study will help in developing more sustainable and effective integrated weed management strategies for the control of this weed and weeds with similar responses in summer cropping systems, such as cotton.  相似文献   

Redflower ragleaf (Crassocephalum crepidioides) is a weed, as well as a minor vegetable, in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The influence of environmental factors and seed conditions on the germination and emergence of redflower ragleaf have been evaluated in order to help understand its distribution and to develop effective management strategies. The seeds germinated at a constant temperature in the range of 10–30°C and reached a maximum at 15–20°C. The highest germination rate was recorded at an alternating temperature of 20/15°C (day/night). The seeds germinated over a wide pH range (2–12), with the highest germination rate at between 4 and 10. Germination under saturated and flooded conditions was also high. The germination of seeds from opened (mature) capitula was significantly higher than from partially opened or unopened capitula. The germination of seeds without a pappus was significantly higher than for seeds with a pappus. The germination rate of 1 year old seeds decreased drastically when compared to that of freshly harvested seeds. The seedling emergence rate was ~63% for those seeds placed on the soil surface, but no seedling emerged from a depth of ≥1 cm. These results indicate that redflower ragleaf seeds can germinate in various environmental conditions, but that the percentage that germinates will be different in different environments. Regeneration could be effectively prevented by at least a 1 cm soil covering or by destroying the plant before the capitula open. In contrast, freshly harvested seeds from opened capitula should be sown on the soil surface when redflower ragleaf is to be cultivated as a vegetable.  相似文献   

Fresh seeds of Lamium purpureum L. were dormant at maturity, and when buried and exposed to natural seasonal temperature changes they exhibited an annual dormancy/non-dormancy cycle. During burial in summer, fresh seeds and those that had been buried for 1 year afterripened and thus were non-dormant by September and October; light was required for germination. During autumn and winter seeds re-entered dormancy, and during the following summer they became non-dormant again. Dormant seeds afterripened when buried and stored over a range of temperatures, becoming conditionally dormant at low (5, 15/6°C) and non-dormant at high (20/10, 25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C) temperatures. Conditionally dormant seeds germinated to high percentages at 5, 15/6 and 20/10°C, while non-dormant seeds germinated to high percentages additionally at 25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C. Low temperatures caused non-dormant seeds to re-enter dormancy, while high temperatures caused a sharp decline in germination only at 30/15 and 5°C. The temperature responses of L. purpureum seeds are compared to those of L. amplexicaule L.  相似文献   

Freshly-collected mature mericarps of Aethusu cynapium were dormant, but some germinated at alternating (16 h low/8 high) temperatures when the seed coverings were removed. Burial during winter increased percentage germination and the temperature range over which it took place. In late spring the range narrowed, first at low and then at higher temperatures, widening again in autumn. Moist storage at both low (4°C) and high (30°C) temperatures overcame dormancy, but exposure to 30°C inhibited subsequent germination at low temperatures. Germination of intact mericarps was consistently lower than that of de-coated seeds. The cyclic change in dormancy status of the seeds appears to interact with the restricting effects of the seed coverings and perhaps other factors in determining the consistent pattern of spring emergence in A. cynapium.  相似文献   

Chloris virgata is a problematic weed around the world. Prediction of weed germination rates could be a useful strategy to optimise timing of weed control actions. We studied the germination and emergence of C. virgata collected seeds under different after-ripening treatments and different exhumation dates after seed dispersal, to estimate seed dormancy level and predict weed emergence dynamics under field conditions. Three experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to determine base, optimum and maximum germination temperatures (Tb, To and Tm respectively) and comprised: (a) exposure of seeds to gradually increasing and decreasing temperatures between 5 and 35°C; (b) exposure of seeds to different constant temperatures; and (c) exposure of seeds to different light quality conditions (red – far red ratio) and temperature regimes (constant and alternating temperatures). To explore genuine environmental conditions, a field experiment was performed to determine weed emergence under different shading levels. Finally, with the data obtained, a thermal time model for dormancy release was used to predict C. virgata seedling emergence in the Argentine Pampas region. Seeds after-ripened in cold and wet conditions and constant 25°C showed the highest germination percentages. The values of Tb (7°C), To (28°C) and Tm (40°C) remained constant at all exhumation dates. Neither light quality nor thermal regime modified the final germination percentages. However, shading delayed seedling emergence under field conditions, even when it was adjusted by thermal time. These results may allow predicting C. virgata emergence in temperate regions and help to improve weed control in integrated weed management strategies.  相似文献   

Cleome viscosa is one of the most important weeds of warm‐season crops in southern Iran. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the impact of environmental factors on seed germination of C. viscosa . Freshly harvested seeds exhibited dormancy that was relieved (>90%) after immersion for 20 min in concentrated sulfuric acid. Regardless of the temperature regime, the final percentage of germination in light/dark (69.3%) was significantly higher than in complete darkness (58.3%). The optimum temperature for germination was 35/25°C in both light and dark. No germination was observed at constant temperatures of either 15 or 45°C. The thermal thresholds for seed germination, the base (T b) and the mean ceiling germination temperatures (T c(50)) were estimated to be 18.8 and 39.9°C, respectively. A base water potential ( Ψ b(50) ) of ?0.96 MPa was identified for C. viscosa seeds. The response threshold of C. viscosa to reduce 50% of maximum germination for salinity was estimated to be 255 mM. Seeds that were placed on the soil surface had the highest percentage of seedling emergence (77.3%), and no seedlings emerged from seeds placed at a depth of 6 cm. The findings of this study could help to improve the integrated weed management strategies for this species.  相似文献   

Iresine diffusa has become more abundant under no‐till soyabean in Argentina. The influence of temperature, light, cold‐wet storage, osmotic potential, dry storage and depth of seed burial on germination and emergence of I. diffusa was examined in a growth chamber experiment. Iresine diffusa seeds germinated at the highest proportion (>0.80) in all fluctuating day/night temperatures tested. Conversely, under a constant temperature regime, maximum germination rates occurred at 15 (0.78) and 20°C (0.82), and minimum germination rates occurred at 10 (0.19) and 30°C (0.36). Seed germination was not influenced by light exposure. However, germination decreased after 12 (0.76) and 16 (0.65) weeks in cold‐wet storage. To reduce germination significantly, ?0.4 MPa of osmotic potential (induced by PEG‐6000) or 120 mmol L?1 of salt (NaCl) concentration was required. Seeds of I. diffusa showed high viability (0.85) after 720 days of dry storage. Low emergence was recorded for seeds buried at 2 cm, and seedling emergence was completely inhibited when seeds were buried at 5 and 10 cm. Iresine diffusa seeds had high viability and were capable of emerging in a broad range of environmental conditions. The thermal germination conditions, shallow soil depths and high moisture conditions in germination phase for I. diffusa are congruent with the conditions in Argentina no‐tillage soyabean. Thus, no‐tillage could provide better conditions for germination than conventional tillage systems. However, due to the fact that I. diffusa can reproduce by rhizomes, further research should be conducted to understand the relative importance of the vegetative reproductive strategy in relation to the presence and persistence of this weed in fields.  相似文献   

Emergence of Veronica hederifolia seedlings began in mid-October and continued into spring; few appeared from June to September. Ripe seeds shed in June were dormant but wben buried in soil outdoors developed a capacity for germination initially at low temperatures (constant4 C; daily alternations of 4-10° and 4-1 5 C) and later at somewhat higher temperatures, with peak germination in September-November. During winter, spring and early summer thc germination capacity declined, to increase again in late summer and early autumn. Cyclic physiological changes thus occur in seeds of V,hederifolia present in the soil, with which lhe consistent seasonal periodicity of seedling emergence is associated. In dry storage ihe capacity for germination progressively increased, but alter 12 months there was a sharp decline in germination at 4° C. Few seeds germinated at 20° C, but moistening with GA 4/7; brought about complete germination at this temperature.  相似文献   

Cyanus segetum is an iconic, colourful weed in arable fields that provides ecological and societal services. To understand better both the infestation dynamics of C. segetum as an abundant, harmful weed and maintain sustainable populations where it provides beneficial services, we compared information on seed dormancy, seed longevity and germination conditions in two populations. Persistence of seeds buried in the soil was low, with <10% viable after 3 years. Periodic dormancy cycling was observed over the 4 years in the soil, with a maximum of dormant seeds in the spring and a minimum in the autumn; however, 20% of the seeds were non‐dormant all the time. Seeds of C. segetum were positive photosensitive, but light requirement varied among populations. Base water potential for germination was ?1 MPa. Base temperature ranged from 1 to 2°C. Optimum temperature for germination was about 10 to 15°C, but the mean thermal time varied greatly between populations, from 80 to 134 day °C. Photoperiod and temperature combinations had no effect on germination percentage, but both reduced the germination rate. Burial deeper than 2 cm greatly reduced germination and seedling emergence strongly decreased at depths >0.5 cm. No seeds buried deeper than 8 cm emerged. Low seed longevity and a wide range of germination conditions could partly explain the rapid disappearance of C. segetum populations after herbicide application began in western Europe. However, yearly sowing in restoration areas does not seem to be essential.  相似文献   

Freshly harvested seeds of Poa annua L. collected in south Louisiana were stored in moist soil at seven temperatures between 5°C and 35°C. At monthly intervals, seed lots were removed and germinated at each of the seven temperatures. Seed were dormant for at least 1 month at all test temperatures. Seeds stored for 2 months at 30 and 35°C showed conditional dormancy; there was 100% germination at 10 or 15°C, and poorer germination at 5 or 20°C. Seeds started to lose viability after 2 months at 35°C and were dead after 7 months. In seeds stored at 10–30°C, there were increased percentages and a wider range of germination temperatures as storage time or storage temperatures increased. Seeds stored at 10°C remained dormant for 9 months, but by 12 months of storage the seeds germinated only at 5 or 10°C. Nearly all seeds stored at the same temperatures in air dry soil remained dormant for 6 months, regardless of storage temperature. These results differ from other reports of low temperatures breaking seed dormancy in Poa annua L. and suggest an adaptation to subtropical climates.  相似文献   

Caucalis platycarpos is a weed species in irrigated and dry land farming systems in East Azerbaijan and Kermanshah provinces of Iran. Experiments were undertaken to compare C. platycarpos seed germination and emergence of a population from each province over a range of environmental factors, burial depth and crop residue treatments. The Azerbaijan population required lower temperatures (20/10°C day/night temperature) for its highest (90%) germination, compared with the Kermanshah population (88% germination at 25/15°C day/night temperature). In both populations, germination was 84–90% over a wide range of light/dark periods (10–24 h light), but considerable reduction (up to 42%) occurred under continuous darkness. The osmotic potential required for 50% inhibition of germination was ?0.54 and ?0.40 MPa for Azerbaijan and Kermanshah populations respectively. The NaCl concentration of 8.83 and 5.71 dS m?1 caused 50% inhibition of germination in Azerbaijan and Kermanshah populations respectively. The X50 parameter (the burial depth at which emergence is reduced by 50%) for Azerbaijan and Kermanshah population was 2.18 and 2.86 cm respectively. Crop residues had more inhibitory effects on the Azerbaijan than Kermanshah population. Adaptive differentiation of C. platycarpos populations has also resulted in smaller seeds of the Azerbaijan compared with the Kermanshah population and resulted in higher emergence for Kermanshah population seedlings from greater soil depths. These results suggest that differences in germination requirements, drought and salinity tolerance of C. platycarpos populations are correlated with environmental conditions of the habitats of the studied populations.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to (i) evaluate the efficacy of propanil formulations available in Sri Lanka in controlling Echinochloa crus‐galli; (ii) study the seedling growth of propanil‐resistant (R) and ‐susceptible (S) biotypes of the weed under different temperatures; (iii) quantify the level of resistance in R biotypes and; (iv) to suggest alternative control measures for R biotypes. Field studies showed that retail propanil formulations (36% a.i., EC) applied at 2.7 kg a.i. ha?1 gave less than 30% control of E. crus‐galli collected from several locations of the north dry zone of Sri Lanka. Chemical analysis revealed that there was no adulteration of propanil formulations at the retailer level. Growth studies conducted in controlled environments indicated that per cent germination and seedling growth of R and S biotypes were similar at the day/night temperature regimes imposed. However, per cent germination for plants grown under a 34/31°C (day/night) regime was 27–29% higher compared to those grown at 28/24°C. At the higher temperature regime, R and S biotypes reached the 2–3 leaf stage five days earlier, and the 4–5 leaf stage seven days earlier. The ED50 values from the dose–response experiments indicated that the R biotype was four times more resistant to propanil than susceptible ones. The resistance index (RI) did not vary significantly under different temperature regimes. Quinclorac (25% a.i., SC) applied at 200 g a.i. ha?1 and bispyribac‐sodium (10% a.i., SC) applied at 30 g a.i. ha?1 (recommended dosages) successfully controlled propanil‐resistant biotypes of E. crus‐galli. Conversely, oxadiazon and propanil (8% and 23% a.i., EC, respectively) applied at 280 + 805 g a.i. ha?1 did not result in satisfactory control.  相似文献   

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