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A case-based program called ATLes (Adaptive Teaching and Learning Environments) was designed for use in a systemic pathology course and implemented over a four-year period. Second-year veterinary students working in small collaborative learning groups used the program prior to their weekly pathology laboratory. The goals of ATLes were to better address specific learning objectives in the course (notably the appreciation of pathophysiology), to solve previously identified problems associated with information overload and information sorting that commonly occur as part of discovery-based processes, and to enhance classroom discussion. The program was also designed to model and allow students to practice the problem-oriented approach to clinical cases, thereby enabling them to study pathology in a relevant clinical context. Features included opportunities for students to obtain additional information on the case by requesting specific laboratory tests and/or diagnostic procedures. However, students were also required to justify their diagnostic plans and to provide mechanistic analyses. The use of ATLes met most of these objectives. Student acceptance was high, and students favorably reviewed the online 'Content Links' that made useful information more readily accessible and level appropriate. Students came to the lab better prepared to engage in an in-depth and high-quality discussion and were better able to connect clinical problems to underlying changes in tissue (lesions). However, many students indicated that the required time on task prior to lab might have been excessive relative to what they thought they learned. The classroom discussion, although improved, was not elevated to the expected level-most likely reflecting other missing elements of the learning environment, including the existing student culture and the students' current discussion skills. This article briefly discusses the lessons learned from ATLes and how similar case-based exercises might be combined with other approaches to enhance and enliven classroom discussions in the veterinary curriculum.  相似文献   

Abstract: Teaching introductory clinical pathology to veterinary students is a challenging endeavor that requires a shift in learning strategies from rote memorization to diagnostic reasoning. Educational research has identified discrete cognitive stages required to achieve the automated, unconscious thinking process used by experts. Building on this knowledge, we developed a case-based approach to clinical pathology instruction that actively engages students in the learning process and links performance with positive reward. Simulated cases provide context and create a structure, or "schema", which enhances the learning process by enabling students to synthesize facts and link them with their causal mechanism to reach a defensible diagnostic conclusion. Web-based tools, including the "Problem List Generator" and tutorials, have been developed to facilitate this process. Through the collaborative Biomedical Informatics Research Group, we are working to further develop and evaluate Web-based instructional tools and new educational methods, to clarify the diagnostic reasoning processes used by experienced clinical pathologists, and, ultimately, to better educate our future students to be effective diagnosticians.  相似文献   

High-fidelity human patient simulators have been used for decades in medical education to provide opportunities for students to practice technical skills, diagnostic and therapeutic planning, and communication skills in a safe environment. A high-fidelity canine patient simulator (CPS) was developed using components from a human patient simulator and a low-fidelity foam core canine mannequin. Ninety-six veterinary students participated in cardiopulmonary arrest scenarios in groups of three to five students. Afterwards, participants were asked to complete an anonymous online survey describing their experiences. A total of 70 students (73%) completed the survey. All of the students (100%) felt that the simulator session expanded their cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) knowledge base, and 97% responded that their skills and abilities had improved. Students also expressed positive opinions about the CPS, with 89% agreeing or strongly agreeing that the CPS was realistic and 73% agreeing or strongly agreeing that the scenarios generated emotions similar to real clinical situations. Most participants (98.5%) agreed or strongly agreed that the simulator was an engaging learning experience. Students commonly commented that the simulations allowed them to practice communication and teamwork skills and were more effective than paper-based, problem-oriented learning opportunities and lecture. Students also commented that they wanted more opportunities to participate in simulation exercises. These results suggest that high-fidelity veterinary simulation is an engaging educational methodology that addresses some limitations of other forms of problem-based learning. More studies are needed to quantitatively determine the effectiveness of this novel veterinary educational technology in comparison with more traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Teaching of veterinary parasitology: the Italian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The curriculum in veterinary medicine in Italy is undergoing important changes, as in the rest of Europe. The 2001 fall semester will mark the beginning of a new format for the degree in veterinary medicine and these changes will obviously affect the teaching of veterinary parasitology. In Italy, veterinary parasitology is usually taught in the third year with a disciplinary approach, similar to that described by Euzéby [Vet. Parasitol. 64 (1996) 21] and Eckert [Vet. Parasitol. 88 (2000) 117]. Approximately 90 h of lectures and 40 h of laboratory are offered and are usually divided into parasitology, followed by parasitic diseases. A more problem-oriented approach to parasitology is offered to fifth-year students within several professional routes (large animal medicine, small animal medicine, hygiene and food safety, etc.), amounting to approximately 15-60 h per student. Indeed, in the last year of study, there are less students and it is possible to present clinical cases and orient the students towards team work and critical discussion. This new curriculum guarantees a reduction in the number of lecture hours and an increase in both laboratory work and personal study, as suggested by the guidelines of the European association of establishment for veterinary education (EAEVE).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of a final year program of extramural placements in the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. DESIGN: An online questionnaire was made available to all students who completed the first lecture free final year of clinical placements offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney in 2004. The questionnaire collected information regarding the effectiveness of preparation for veterinary practice through: rating the usefulness of tasks and processes in achieving final year learning outcomes; collecting students' opinions on attributes vital to success as a veterinary practitioner and the value of extramural placements in developing these attributes; and rating the value of extramural placements in preparing students for veterinary practice. RESULTS: The most useful tasks or processes as evidenced by the percentage of students rating these tasks or processes as either very useful or useful were receiving feedback (80%) and completing case logs (78%). The main attribute considered vital to success as a veterinarian was communication skills and extramural placements were generally rated as very valuable in developing this competency. This program was considered to be particularly successful in facilitating the link between theory and practice, enabling the recognition and treatment of a range of diseases and developing interpersonal skills. CONCLUSION: The model for extramural placements implemented was generally regarded by students to be valuable in preparing them for veterinary practice.  相似文献   

《兽医内科学》是动物医学专业本科教育的专业方向课,具有较强的理论性、实践性和系统性,是动物医学专业的临床主干课程之一,也是动物临床医学的核心课。目前,该课程主要以线下双语教学方式为主,但随着信息化教育技术不断发展及国际交流合作越来越普及化,全线下教学模式局限性日渐凸显,尤其面对2020年初新冠疫情的暴发,线上居家教学成为教师和学生教与学的唯一方式。线下线上融合的双语教学能更充分的利用在线优质教育资源,对于实现资源共享、推动兽医教育与先进国家接轨、培养综合型高级兽医专业人才、增强国际竞争力具有重大意义。本文拟借助超星学习通平台探索一种教学效果相对理想的《兽医内科学》线上线下融合教学模式,并在实践教学中应用推广,主要从教学内容、教学模式、网络平台、师资队伍、教材开发等诸多方面对教学资源进行补充与创新、继续发展和完善,目标在于将《兽医内科学》双语教学发展到高水平阶段,以满足学生的学习和发展需求。  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches of teaching veterinary parasitology, including the disciplinary, the problem-oriented and combined approaches. In the disciplinary approach, parasitology is taught in the classical manner as a coherent subject, covering parasite morphology, biology, molecular biology, epidemiology, pathology, immunology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, therapy, control, and prevention. Problem-oriented teaching approaches the subjects starting from diseases in animal species or from organ systems or other objectives (e.g. food safety); it also tackles training of skills for problem solving and self-learning. Combined approaches include elements of the disciplinary approach and those of other methods. A combined approach of teaching veterinary parasitology, including basic disciplinary teaching of at least 70-90 h, and additional problem-oriented education, was recently proposed in a resolution by the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology [WAAVP News Lett. 5 (1) 3-4]. In 1999, a new curriculum has been established at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Berne, originally planned as a combination of organ-focused and problem-based approach. This model was soon identified to cause problems in teaching some disciplines, including infectious diseases. Conversely, the short-term experiences with this combined approach also confirmed some advantages of problem-oriented teaching in other, mainly clinical domains. Nevertheless, closer interdisciplinary contact and collaboration--especially in elective teaching--was enforced between paraclinical and clinical teaching by reforming the curriculum. However, it turned out that large student numbers in relation to the resources of manpower, rooms and finances limited the workability of the curriculum. Therefore, further and probably continuous improvement of the curriculum is necessary.  相似文献   

In recent years, veterinary education has received an increased amount of attention directed at the value and application of collaborative case-based learning. The benefit of instilling deep learning practices in undergraduate veterinary students has also emerged as a powerful tool in encouraging continued professional education. However, research into the design and application of instructional strategies to encourage deep, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary undergraduates has been limited. This study focused on delivering an instructional intervention (via a 20-minute presentation and student handout) to foster productive, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary education. The aim was to instigate and encourage deep learning practices in a collaborative case-based assignment and to assess the impact of the intervention on students' group learning. Two cohorts of veterinary students were involved in the study. One cohort was exposed to an instructional intervention, and the other provided the control for the study. The instructional strategy was grounded in the collaborative learning literature and prior empirical studies with veterinary students. Results showed that the intervention cohort spent proportionally more time on understanding case content material than did the control cohort and rated their face-to-face discussions as more useful in achieving their learning outcomes than did their control counterparts. In addition, the perceived difficulty of the assignment evolved differently for the control and intervention students from start to end of the assignment. This study provides encouraging evidence that veterinary students can change and enhance the way they interact in a group setting to effectively engage in collaborative learning practices.  相似文献   

Pet owners increasingly refer to online sources before, during, and after seeking veterinary advice for their pets. Although some online information is inaccurate or unhelpful, there is much useful material, and we believe much is to be gained by directing owners to online material that supports and complements veterinary advice. With regard to managing veterinary patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), there is an excellent online community that not only offers moral support and practical advice, but also facilitates clinical research and fundraising. For genetic diseases like canine EPI that affect primarily young animals, but for which a decade or more of treatment can reasonably be expected, online support can greatly facilitate optimal lifelong management. In this article we provide some information that may be of value when veterinarians consider which web sites to recommend to their clients managing patients with EPI.  相似文献   

An adequate diagnosis allows the development of specific treatment and preventive strategies for problems encountered in clinical practice. Such a diagnosis must sustain reasonable scientific challenge and needs to be founded on objective clinical and/or laboratory findings. The problem-oriented system optimises the chance of achieving this while making it possible to improve performance through self-assessment and through the development of a standard, rational, and comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of clinical problems. This system enhances the scientific aspects of veterinary diagnosis and is an effective means of incorporating laboratory support into clinical veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR STUDY: To encourage application and critical thinking, case-based writing assignments and grading rubrics were developed for use in a second-year core clinical pathology course. Objectives were to describe how this teaching technique was adapted to a large-class setting and how student perceptions of the learning experience guided modifications of this teaching technique over two presentations of the course and plans for a third presentation. Our goal was to enhance learning by encouraging application of course material to clinical situations and thereby improve students' ability to organize and communicate information. Furthermore, we evaluated the influence of instructor feedback on the learning process. METHODS: With assistance from the University of Minnesota Center for Writing, assignments and grading rubrics were developed. Students completed course evaluation surveys designed to elicit feedback on the impact of the assignments. RESULTS: Increased learner confidence was reflected in larger self-reported increases in understanding of the material and ability to apply information and in increased feelings of preparedness for class and examinations. A large majority of students advocated the use of such assignments in the course in future years, and modifications to make grading and evaluation of assignments more efficient are underway. CONCLUSIONS: Investment of faculty and student time in case-based writing assignments in the veterinary clinical pathology curriculum appears to increase student engagement with material and learner confidence. Future studies should address the impact of this type of assignment more specifically on clinical reasoning and communication skills and on long-term retention of material.  相似文献   

Veterinarians in the United States and abroad are faced with growing public concern for the welfare of animals, particularly those in production. To prepare veterinarians to exert the leadership expected by the public and industry, steps should be taken to provide instruction in animal welfare at veterinary colleges. The ultimate goal is to offer courses in animal welfare in a consistent manner on a global scale, utilizing existing expertise in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Given the intense curricula of veterinary schools and the scarcity of instructors trained in animal welfare, a nontraditional approach is needed to educate veterinary students in the United States and abroad in animal welfare. Michigan State University (MSU) is developing a graduate-level, online interactive course in animal welfare assessment. The course will approach the topic of animal welfare education from a holistic, multidisciplinary standpoint (encompassing ethics, economics, and behavior) and address issues important to the general public and the international community. The MSU course will draw on renowned international animal welfare experts, allowing students to receive high-quality education that would be difficult in any other circumstance. The course will bridge an important gap in the veterinary curriculum and offer a complete and congruous education in animal welfare to veterinarians worldwide. The MSU course will also serve as a model for collaboration in content assembly and course delivery, by using technology to leverage global expertise in the interests of educational equity. In addition to innovative technology, such as the use of Web-collaboration software to create the course, a variety of media that enable students to interact with the material will also be incorporated throughout the course. Thus, the course will not only utilize the Internet to provide access to high-quality material, but will also require the active participation of the student, which is needed for effective learning.  相似文献   

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, established a new curriculum for teaching veterinary medicine in 1995 with the main objectives to improve the problem-solving and communication competences of the students and their scientific education. Because it is accepted that graduates cannot get a starting competence in all fields of the veterinary profession, a differentiation of education focused on animal species and life-long learning is emphasised. Major characteristics of this curriculum are a high degree of horizontal and vertical integration of the various disciplines, the preference for teaching in small working groups and the training for self-learning. This curriculum is described in some detail. Parasitology is not taught as a coherent subject but is integrated into various subjects, presented in an interdisciplinary approach. The number of contact hours is variable depending on optional courses and the differentiation tracks taken but it amounts for a minimum of approximately 90 contact hours for each student during the full curriculum. A major disadvantage of the curriculum is that examination of parasitology is within integrated subjects. Thus, students that perform poorly on parasitology may still pass. An advantage is the extended presence of parasitology in the last year of clinical training and the improved interdisciplinary interaction between parasitologists and clinicians. The curriculum has been changed again in 2001; study paths focused on animal species and other subjects start already in the first year, and approximately 25% of the first 4 years of the curriculum will be within these study paths.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Veterinary clinical pathology is a relatively new and emerging discipline in Europe that has gained momentum with the recent establishment of a specialty college. In this situation, veterinary faculties may face challenges in understanding and defining what clinical pathology is and how it can best be integrated into existing curricula. In addition, many schools in Europe may not yet have available a critical mass of suitably qualified faculty capable of teaching in all areas of clinical pathology. OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this report is to describe the goals, procedures adopted, teaching material produced, and proposed future activities of a major European initiative designed to develop a veterinary clinical pathology curriculum. METHODS: Four working subgroups were formed to establish a list of course objectives and topics and prepare a series of lectures. These contents were reviewed and discussed several times at a series of general meetings. RESULTS: An undergraduate course on veterinary clinical pathology was designed with course objectives, a list of topics and a CD-ROM consisting of 24 lectures. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this project could be useful in the establishment or improvement of training programs in veterinary clinical pathology at the undergraduate level in Europe and in other places around the world. The provision of teaching resources for faculty could help to instill in veterinary students a strong understanding of the discipline and promote development of advanced training programs and career opportunities in clinical pathology in Europe.  相似文献   

Teaching morphology, a fundamental part of medicine curricula is traditionally based on lectures and practical trainings. We introduced peer-assisted learning (PAL) and student expert teams to the courses to give the students the possibility to improve their free speech and self-confidence. We involved students in active preparation of online materials such as labelled e-slides and e-pics . We offered online digital microscopy (ZoomifyTM) and dissection (CyberPrep) allowing repeating the learned material and studying veterinary morphology outside the dissection theatre. Over 60% of first and third semester students profited from being a peer or being taught by a peer and 50% said the expert teams were an excellent method to learn the topographic anatomy. Almost all students applied ZoomifyTM and CyberPrep and 75% of them found the digital microscopy and dissection to be a helpful or very helpful learning tool. In face of reduced contact hours, these forms of education compensated in part the lost teaching time. We observed improvement of rhetoric and presentation skills and self-confidence. The approaches should therefore find their constant place in the veterinary medicine curricula.  相似文献   

To assess students' perceptions of subject-based problem-based learning in the fourth year of the veterinary science course at the University of Queensland.
A questionnaire-based study.
Subject-based problem-based learning was introduced into parts of two fourth year subjects in a 5-year veterinary science course. The problem-based learning exercise used modified clinical cases and was computer-assisted. Students worked in groups of two to four, and small group discussion sessions were tutorless. Lectures were replaced by large group discussion and feedback sessions, led by the teacher, with approximately 85 students.
There was a significant increase in the percentage of students who strongly agreed that they had better understanding of the subject, and had learned to apply principles from this class in new situations. The only consistent criticism by students was directed at the extra time required compared to traditional lecture-based subjects.
Students' perceptions of the learning outcome were very favourable for problem-based learning when compared to the lecture-based subject.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of various clinical tracks within the veterinary medical clinical curriculum at Texas A&M University on clinical diagnostic proficiency as determined by pre- and post-training assessment. We expected that the clinical track chosen by the student would impact their measured outcome with bias toward higher scores in their chosen field. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. STUDY POPULATION: 32 students from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University. PROCEDURES: By use of standardized, written case scenarios, clinical reasoning was assessed twice: once prior to the clinical (fourth) year of the curriculum and again at completion of the clinical year. Students demonstrated their abilities to collect and organize appropriate clinical data (history, physical examination, and laboratory findings), determine clinical diagnoses, and formulate and implement acceptable treatment modalities. Data from clinical assessments were compared for a given cohort and correlated with other measures (eg, grades, standardized test scores, and species-specific curricular track). RESULTS: Differences were detected in clinical diagnostic proficiency among students in different clinical tracks and for different species groups in the case scenarios. Tracking by species group in the clinical veterinary curriculum appeared to affect development of clinical reasoning and resulted in differential proficiency among cases for differing species groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in clinical experiences between small animal tracks and all other track opportunities (large animal, mixed animal, and alternative) influenced the development of clinical proficiency in fourth-year veterinary students during their clinical training period.  相似文献   

Most branches of biological science in North America developed first in the United States, and later were taught and practiced in Canada. An exception was veterinary pathology, which as a discipline taught in veterinary colleges and as a field of research, developed first in Canada, and from there crossed the border to the United States. Pathology was first taught at the Montreal Veterinary College, founded in 1866 by Duncan McEachran, a graduate of the Edinburgh Veterinary College. From the outset, he formed a close association with the medical faculty of McGill University, permitting his students to attend the same classes in the basic subjects with the medical students. Eventually, the Montreal Veterinary College became formally affiliated with McGill University, as the Faculty of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science. The McGill veterinary faculty was forced to close for economic reasons in 1903, but it left an enduring legacy, particularly in the field of veterinary pathology. The legacy, a novel concept in the 1870's, was that pathology was the cornerstone of a veterinary education; the place where anatomy, physiology, chemistry and botany met with the clinical subjects, and gave the latter meaning. This tradition was formed at the Montreal Veterinary College by the world renowned physician William Osler, North America's leading medical teacher, whom McEachran had invited to teach at the College in 1876 in addition to his duties in the faculty of medicine. Osler had studied with Virchow in Berlin and applied his methods of autopsy technique and of scientific inquiry to his teaching of both human and veterinary pathology at McGill. Osler also undertook investigations into various diseases of domestic animals, at the request of McEachran, who doubled as Chief Veterinary Inspector for the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Osler left McGill University in 1884. Only after that year did other North American veterinary schools adopt pathology as a discipline of instruction. However, by 1884, Osler had already left his indelible imprint on the students (both medical and veterinary) he had taught in Montreal, one of whom took over the teaching of pathology in the veterinary college. Another, who followed Osler's example and also studied in Berlin with Virchow, wrote the first book in the English language on veterinary post mortem technique in 1889.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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