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科学构建规模化养殖场奶牛福利评价体系,为政府相关部门和生产者揭示奶牛福利的重点和难点问题提供相对科学的评价工具。该文运用层次分析法和德尔菲法对规模化养殖场奶牛福利评价指标进行筛选,并确定各指标权重。结果表明:原则层对目标层最重要的维度是生理福利,权重值为40.34%,其次是环境福利、卫生福利、行为福利和心理福利;标准层对目标层最重要的因素是饲料充足和营养均衡,权重值30.06%,噪音、运动场舒适度、分群管理、群体活动、人畜互动等要素的权重值均低于1%。研究结果表明,对于我国规模化奶牛养殖场而言,生理福利是最基本最重要的福利维度。  相似文献   

2009年,河北省石家庄市动物卫生监督所承担了"石家庄市奶牛养殖动物卫生监督长效管理机制研究"科研课题,以风险评估制度为分析手段,建立适合本地区的奶牛养殖动物卫生监督管理长效管理模式,使奶牛养殖场可能存在的动物卫生风险得到有效控制,最终在石家庄市规模奶牛养殖场推广,实现奶牛养殖场的动物卫生和畜产品安全"零风险"控制,形成奶牛动物卫生的良性环境.  相似文献   

通过改善动物福利能够保证养殖动物的生理、心理健康,一定程度上可有效提高养殖动物的生产效率。随着社会的不断发展,音乐除欣赏享受以外其他与社会现实有关联的功能也不断被发掘。与垫料、玩具等奶牛的生活用品相比,播放音乐的经济成本和人工成本较低,且目前已经有研究表明奶牛在适宜音乐环境中也会产生舒适和快乐的反应,可见音乐对动物福利的影响具有极大研究价值。本文就音乐与奶牛生理、心理、环境、行为、卫生福利相关研究进行分析和总结,为通过改善奶牛适宜音乐环境提高奶牛福利的措施提供参考。  相似文献   

正随着奶牛养殖场及奶牛养殖小区逐步向规模化、生态化发展,奶牛疫病防控形势也日益复杂,对如何构建有效生物安全也越来越重视。那么单就奶牛养殖场的隔离制度,在实际生产过程中,又需要注意哪些方面呢?1与外界环境的隔离动物养殖场要做到与外界环境高度隔离,使场内动物处于相对封闭的状态。隔离  相似文献   

<正>提高奶牛的产奶量和奶品质量因素包括了遗传、生理和环境3个方面。在环境和生理因素中重点要强调动物福利,即除了注意品种选择外,要特别重视奶牛福利。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国奶牛养殖业的不断发展,对奶牛福利化养殖的重视程度也逐渐加大。奶牛福利是指为奶牛提供自由、舒适的生活环境,使其免受痛苦、伤害、压力等威胁,并能够自由的表达其天性。文章以生理福利、环境福利、卫生福利、行为福利、心理福利五个方面为出发点,浅析非福利化养殖对奶牛的危害,总结出提高奶牛福利化养殖程度的技术措施。  相似文献   

动物福利主要包括生理福利、环境福利、卫生福利、行为福利和心理福利。能否给予动物充分的福利待遇是提高肉品质量的关键。  相似文献   

世界动物卫生组织(OIE)制定了奶牛生产福利的相关国际标准,其中包括奶牛福利衡量指标以及解决奶牛生产系统设计、环境控制和动物管理实践中相关动物福利问题的推荐性建议。OIE奶牛福利标准理念先进、操作性强,具有很好的参考借鉴作用。这提示应参考OIE国际标准,构建适合我国国情的奶牛福利标准和科学评估体系,加大对奶牛福利科学研究的投入,提高奶牛饲养管理人员的动物福利意识,切实提升我国奶牛生产的福利化水平。  相似文献   

动物福利.指饲养农场中的动物与其环境协调一致的精神和生理完全健康的状态。通俗的讲就是在动物饲养、运输、屠宰过程中要尽可能的减少痛苦、不得虐待动物。奶牛含温湿环境与动物的生存环境密切相关。改善养殖环境.使奶牛产更多更好的奶已经成为大家共同的希望。本文从空气湿度方面探讨空气湿度对奶牛福利的影响。  相似文献   

在低温寒冷环境下,反刍动物的冷应激时有发生,冷应激影响动物机体的多项指标与功能,在降低动物健康水平与动物福利的同时,还严重影响到养殖场的经济效益。随着反刍动物规模化健康养殖的快速发展,具有高效率、低人工优点的动物智能监测手段愈加成熟。本文结合国内外现有研究,综述了冷应激对反刍动物的影响以及对冷应激智能监测的研究进展,为保障恶劣环境下动物的健康福利,提高养殖场的经济效益,以及未来的反刍动物冷应激研究提供参考。  相似文献   

运动场是保障奶牛生产力和动物福利的重要设施。2021年6—9月,频繁降雨导致北京地区多家奶牛场的运动场积水,为奶牛生产力、奶牛场生防安全、环境卫生、运动场舒适性和动物福利带来隐患。通过线上线下结合,调研了北京地区27 家规模化奶牛场的运动场防雨、排水及垫料现状。结果表明:调研奶牛场中,88.90%奶牛场配备了运动场,其中83.33%奶牛场通过设置地面倾角、设置挡雨棚、雨污分离槽及布设排水管道(沟渠)、雨后水泵排水等方式实现运动场防雨及排水。此外,针对运动场建设、运动场防雨、运动场舒适性展开讨论,以期改善运动场防雨现状,满足集约化奶牛场可持续发展需求和提升动物福利。  相似文献   

The intensive breeding is often considered a risk of low welfare in dairy cows. Namely, the high yield has been suggested to be per se a cause of well-being reduction. Conversely, we have in many farms demonstrated that high milk yielding cows are not necessarily in a bad welfare condition, while many environmental and management problems can cause a distress situation and a reduced milk yield. To confirm these results, in an average yielding dairy farm affected by several problems, the welfare was assessed according to an Integrated Diagnostic System which considers health status, milk yield and quality, feeding strategy, blood profiles etc. The same check-up has been repeated a year later, after some attempts to correct main mistakes previously observed: dry and lactating cow diets, n° of cubicles, hygiene conditions, preparation and milking procedures etc. In one year only part of the mistakes have been fully corrected; nevertheless, the animal response was definitively improved suggesting a better welfare situation: improvement of teat and body condition (BCS) scores and reduction of open days, of legs and feet lesions and of somatic cell count (SCC : 283 vs. 456 cells/μl) as well as an increase of milk yield (25.2 vs. 20.1 kg/d).

Results confirmed that better breeding techniques can optimise the animal welfare and optimise milk yield in the intensive systems.  相似文献   

Consumers, industrial stakeholders, and the legislature demand a stronger focus on animal welfare of all livestock at the farm level by using suitable indicators in self-assessments. In order to deduce farms’ animal welfare status reliably, factors that influence indicators’ results need to be identified. Hence, this study aimed to apply possible animal welfare indicators for unweaned dairy calves on conventional dairy farms with early cow–calf separation and evaluate influencing factors such as age and sex of calves or climatic conditions on the applied indicators’ results. An animal welfare assessment using 7 resource-based and 14 animal-based indicators was conducted at 42 typical Western German dairy farms (844 calves) in 2018 and 2019 by two observers. The effect of influencing factors was calculated by binary and ordinal logistic regressions and expressed as odds ratios. Although every unweaned calf was assessed during the farm visits, most farms had relatively few unweaned calves (average number of calves ± standard deviation = 20.1 ± 6.7 calves), with six farms having not more than 10 calves. The small sample sizes question the usage of those indicators to compare between farms and to set thresholds at the farm level. Only one assessed indicator (cleanliness core body) was not statistically affected by the evaluated influencing factors. Calf age was identified as the most decisive factor, as it affected 16 of 21 evaluated indicators, and calf age distribution on-farm varied greatly. Climatic conditions (ambient temperature and rainfall) influenced resource-based indicators such as access to concentrate and water or the cleanliness of feeding implements and bedding as well as animal-based cleanliness indicators and the occurrence of health-related impairments such as coughing and diarrhea. The authors found differences between calves on farms assessed by the different observers not only in resource-based hygiene indicators but also in animal-based indicators such as hyperthermia or hypothermia, highlighting the need for further evaluation of quality criteria in dairy calf welfare assessments. Nevertheless, animal welfare assessments by farmers themselves could be useful tools to sensitize farmers to animal welfare and thereby improve calves’ welfare.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was designed to investigate calf health and welfare on dairy farms in the south west of England with regard to the degree of compliance with the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2000. The level of veterinary involvement in calf rearing and management on dairy farms in the south west of England was also assessed. The questionnaire was sent to 32 large animal practices in the catchment area of the Veterinary Laboratories Agency--Langford. Compliance with the regulations was found to be variable. The requirements for the isolation of sick calves, provision of bovine colostrum within six hours of birth, the provision of fresh, clean water and restrictions concerning tethering were not well complied with. However, the requirements for twice-daily feeding and inspection, visual and tactile contact between calves, access to forage and the provision of clean, dry bedding were well complied with. The results also suggested that there was some lack of veterinary input into the health and welfare of calves on dairy farms visited by the practices routinely and non-routinely.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two Swiss animal welfare friendly housing programs, 'regular access to outdoor facilities' (RAUS) and 'improved loose housing systems' (BTS) on health and welfare of dairy cows. During two years, the following indicators of health and welfare were observed on 136 randomly selected dairy farms: injuries around the joints, callosities, lameness, teat injuries, cleanliness, behaviour during lying and rising, body condition score, and incidence of medical treatments. Farms participating in both housing programs (BTS + RAUS) and farms with the program RAUS were compared to traditional farms that did not participate in a program. Housing system and management practice were recorded as additional factors influencing health and welfare of cows. Cows on farms participating in BTS + RAUS had, on average, fewer injuries around the hocks and fewer callosities at the carpal joints than cows in farms which did not participate in a housing program. Lameness was most frequent in cows of farms without housing program, followed by cows in tie stalls with the program RAUS and cows in loose housing systems with BTS + RAUS. There were fewer antibiotic treatments in farms with BTS + RAUS compared to the other farms.  相似文献   

由于我国奶业转型发展仍存在原料奶成本高、乳制品竞争力弱等问题,奶业提质增效一直是政府和社会广泛关注的问题。本文利用2018—2021年奶牛养殖调研数据以及官方统计数据,比较分析了中美两国奶牛养殖成本构成以及成本收益情况。结果表明,我国奶牛养殖公斤奶成本明显高于美国,但差距不断缩小;饲料成本在两国奶牛养殖成本比重差异较大,中国平均占比为67.1%,美国为47.4%;中国在机械化和智能化设备方面投入明显少于美国,但美国奶牛养殖收益明显少于中国,且近几年一直处于亏损状态。大规模养殖场在成本和收益方面具有明显优势,大规模养殖场能更大程度发挥机械和智能化设备投入带来的规模经济。我国应加快发展优质饲草料产业,从根本上降低奶牛养殖成本、提高养殖收益;稳步提升奶业发展科技水平,增加机械和智能化设备投入,促进奶业现代化高质量发展。  相似文献   

奶牛养殖场生物安全体系关系着奶牛生产中动物疫病防控、畜产品质量安全和公共卫生安全,由于养殖企业管理水平参差不齐、国内标准规范不统一、没有国家强制性规定等问题,目前国内尚无一套系统、完善的奶牛养殖场生物安全体系建设规范。论文全面分析了目前我国奶牛养殖场生物安全体系建设的现状及存在的问题,就体系建设所涉及的基础设施建设、人员配置、种源管理、饲养管理、防疫管理、牛奶质量可追溯体系、无害化处理、动物福利等要素,提出了系统的针对性建议和对策,旨在为进一步规范我国奶牛养殖场生物安全体系建设提供依据。  相似文献   

The need for antibiotic treatments in dairy cattle farms can be reduced by a combined intervention scheme based on: (1) timely clinical inspections, (2) the assessment of animal-based welfare parameters, and (3) the use of predictive laboratory tests. These can provide greater insight into environmental adaptation of dairy cows and define animals at risk of contracting disease. In the long-term, an improved disease control justifies the adoption of such a combined strategy. Many antibiotic treatments for chronic disease cases are often not justified with a cost/benefit analysis, because the repeated drug administration does not give rise to the expected outcome in terms of animal health. In particular, compared with untreated cases, antibiotics may not lead to greater cure rates for some forms of mastitis. Lastly, a substantial reduction of antibiotic usage in dairy farms can be achieved through the proper use of immunomodulators, aimed at increasing immunocompetence and disease resistance of cows.  相似文献   

[目的]以新疆天山北坡昌吉市郊区散养和规模化奶牛养殖场为对象,对奶牛体况、环境压力、牛体污染、乳房炎、血液性状等健康指标进行了调查分析。[方法]选择奶牛散养户5户和规模化奶牛养殖场的干奶期、泌乳初期和泌乳中期奶牛,分别于冬季和夏季进行体况、环境压力、乳房炎、血液性状等健康指标的测定与分析。[结果]干奶牛体况值略低于奶牛体况评分的理想值(3.5);奶牛呼吸数夏季增加,超过50次/min;规模化奶牛养殖场的污染程度比散养户要高,尤其是冬季50%以上奶牛的牛体污染评价值高于3。规模化奶牛养殖场的奶牛乳房炎发病率达40%,并发现了感染金黄色葡萄球菌的病例。低血糖奶牛占一半以上.特别是干奶期比较突出。血液Alb和BUN偏低,干奶期牛群的BUN大多低于7mg/dL。血液中谷草转氨酶(AST)偏高,谷氨酰转肽酶(GGT)偏低,Ca含量正常,Mg含量较低。[结论]规模化奶牛养殖场存在干奶期奶牛能量及蛋白质不足;冬季环境恶劣并且污染程度较重,牛体污染及乳房炎发病率高;飞节损伤引起的肝功能衰退等现象,需要改进。  相似文献   

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