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脾脏血肿是由脾脏血管破裂,血液浸入包膜下形成.该病临床上多由强烈外力造成,发病率低,诊断和治疗难度大.笔者就一例车祸患犬脾脏血肿的诊断和治疗进行分析和总结,尤其对手术展开深入讨论,目的是为该病的临床诊疗提供一定的理论和实践指导意义.  相似文献   

脾脏血肿通常是由脾脏组织或脾脏内血管破裂,导致血液进入脾脏包膜下引起。该病临床上多因强烈外力造成,发病率低、不易诊断和治疗。外伤引发的脾破裂,如果大出血,会危及生命。笔者对1只13岁的老年雌性金毛犬进行诊治。血常规检查结果显示为贫血;犬-反应蛋白(cCRP)结果显示重度感染。通过DR检查腹腔内见高密度团块阴影与脾脏黏连,初步怀疑为脾脏肿瘤。CT扫描腹腔,腹部有大型混杂软组织肿物,超声可见肿物内部血供源自脾脏。对其进行剖腹检查,对脾脏肿瘤切除并进行病理组织学观察。脾脏病理组织学显示脾脏组织坏死及严重出血,未发现脾脏肿瘤细胞。结合DR、CT影像及病理组织学检查结果,诊断为脾脏血肿。通过手术摘除脾脏,术后连续使用1周抗生素和止血药,同时调节肝肾功能。术后根据伤口愈合的实际情况调整药物。病犬于术后第7天痊愈出院,预后良好。  相似文献   

一例犬严重胃扩张的诊治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胃扩张是犬尤其是大型胸深犬常见消化系统疾病之一,该病发生急、发展快,如发现或治疗不及时,容易引起死亡。疾病主要表现为腹部膨大,呼吸急促或呼吸困难,结膜发绀。X光检查胃轮廓清晰,明显扩张,肝脏前移,脾脏和其他胃后内脏器官后移。作者结合临床症状和X光检查诊断了一起犬严重胃扩张病例,经手术治疗恢复良好。  相似文献   

为了对临床一例疑似犬脾脏肿瘤病例进行确诊,本文通过临床检查、血液常规检查、血液生化检查、C-反应蛋白(CRP)、影像学以及组织病理学等方面的检查。结果表明,碱性磷酸酶(ALP)异常升高,CRP升高,影像学发现脾脏肿大且脾头处有异常增生物,术后结合脾脏的病理组织学检查,综合诊断为犬的脾脏纤维肉瘤,患犬脾脏肿瘤摘除手术后1 d死亡。通过对本病例的分析,旨在为宠物临床脾脏纤维肉瘤的诊断与治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

巨大脾临床上见于脾脏的异常肿大.宠物发生脾肿大的病例不多,不严重的很难发现,做手术的就更少了.笔者在两年中就做了三例.三个病例病情各不相同,但临床症状都极其严重,经过初步检查和对症治疗不见好转,又做了B超和X光检查,向犬主人全面分析患犬的病情后,对其及时进行了手术.三例手术都是成功的,不同程度地挽救和延长了宠物犬的生命.巨大脾的病因有很多,笔者做的三个巨大脾手术的病因都源于慢性感染.切除的脾脏肿胀的程度是正常的4~8倍,患犬的腹腔被整个肿大的脾脏占据,挤压胃肠,患犬呕吐、腹胀、拒食、呼吸困难、高热,生命危在旦夕,因此治疗该病的根本办法就是摘除脾脏.笔者将3个病例的处置、分析总结如下,希望为类似的临床病例的诊断和治疗提供一些参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

肉鸭脾脏坏死,是一种以鸭脾脏坏死、肿大为主要特征的疾病,在养鸭比较密集的地区呈多发趋势。本病发生的原因众说纷纭,治疗起来比较困难,让广大养殖户和从事临床工作的朋友感到一筹莫展,非常头疼。为此笔者特将该病的发病治疗情况介绍如下,希望能引起更多兽医人士对该病的关注,从而制定出行之有效的治疗方案。  相似文献   

肉鸭脾脏坏死,是一种以鸭脾脏坏死、肿大为主要特征的疾病,在养鸭比较密集的地区呈多发趋势。本病发生的原因众说纷纭,治疗起来比较困难,让广大养殖户和从事临床工作的朋友感到一筹莫展,非常头疼。为此笔者特将该病的发病治疗情况介绍如下,希望能引起更多兽医人士对该病的关注,从而制定出行之有效的治疗方案。  相似文献   

犬脾脏肿瘤和子宫蓄脓均为中老年犬罹患的疾病,常单独发生,二者早期临床症状均不典型,容易误诊或漏诊,通过X线检查和超声检查有助于及时发现病变。本病例患犬经影像检查及组织病理检查诊断为脾脏肿瘤并发子宫蓄脓,经手术摘除脾脏、卵巢和子宫,患犬获得康复。  相似文献   

<正>近来,在肉鸭中发生了一种以脾脏出血,后期脾脏出现不规则坏死或整个脾脏坏死为特征的传染病,长期以来困扰着广大肉鸭养殖户。由于对该病缺乏认识,大部分兽医临床工作者常误诊为雏鸭病毒性肝炎  相似文献   

骡脾脏被膜下发生血肿,血肿破裂后形成体内大出血临床上罕见,文献资料上很少记载。笔者偶遇一例,介绍如下。  相似文献   

The prevalence data of splenic diseases from 3 sources were studied. Group 1 consisted of a general diagnostic survey of accessions submitted from private veterinary hospitals in California during a period of approximately 4 years and included 1,372 submissions of canine splenic tissue. Group 2 consisted of surgical splenectomy specimens from 92 dogs; the specimens were submitted to the laboratory for gross and histologic evaluation prior to fixation, and a questionnaire was subsequently sent to determine the outcome of the disease. Group 3 was made up of specimens of 105 splenic lesions derived from a large colony of Beagles with complete medical records and records of pathologic findings. In this study, splenic hematoma and hyperplastic nodule, not hemangiosarcoma, made up the bulk of splenic lesions. Hemangiosarcoma was the most frequent neoplasm of the canine spleen, but the combined prevalence of all other splenic neoplasms was similar to that of hemangiosarcoma alone. Splenic hematoma and hemangiosarcoma were grossly indistinguishable in most cases. Hyperplastic lymphoid nodules and hematomas of the spleen appeared to represent a continuum. If that finding was correlated with microscopic splenic blood flow, specific causal relationship could be suggested. Prognostically, the live/dead ratio and mean survival of dogs with various splenic lesions differed significantly.  相似文献   

Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (ESOS) of the spleen and jejunum was diagnosed in 2 dogs. As an extremely uncommon type of tumor that has proven difficult to treat, ESOS is associated with high rate of local recurrence and metastatic disease. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma principally affects older dogs, has no apparent breed predilection, and may develop more frequently in males. The cause of ESOS is unknown, but may involve malignant metaplasia of pluripotential mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts. Macroscopically, ESOS usually is observed as a hard mass and may appear similar to calcified hematoma or myositis ossificans. The classic radiographic appearance of ESOS is a soft tissue mass with focal mineralization and without adjacent bone involvement.  相似文献   

耳血肿多发生在耳郭内侧,偶尔也发生在外侧。就1例犬耳血肿病例,阐述了其治疗、护理的过程,以期为该病的诊治提供参考。  相似文献   

犬耳痒螨病是由犬耳痒螨(Otodecees cymotis)寄生于耳道内引起的皮肤寄生虫病。犬耳血肿是在外力作用下致使犬耳部血管破裂、出血,血液集聚在耳软骨与耳廓内侧皮肤之间形成的肿胀。耳痒螨病是引发耳血肿的重要病因,一旦发病需要及时治疗,严重者采用手术疗法。对一例犬耳痒螨病引发耳血肿进行了诊治,特将诊治过程和相关分析做具体介绍,以供临床参考。  相似文献   

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound was used to study focal and multifocal lesions of the spleen in 26 dogs and two cats affected by 11 benign and 18 malignant splenic diseases. A second-generation microbubble contrast medium (Sonovue) was injected into the cephalic vein and enhancement patterns were subjectively described and time intensity curves calculated. Final diagnosis was obtained by histopathologic examination after splenectomy (n=19) or by needle aspiration and sonographic follow-up after 4 and 8 weeks (n=9). Contrast-enhanced ultrasound parameters, improving the characterization between benign and malignant lesions, were established. The most useful criterion was the hypoechogenicity of the lesion in the wash-out phase combined with the presence of tortuous feeding vessels, which was observed in association with malignancy. All malignant lesions were hypoechoic to the surrounding spleen 30s after starting the contrast medium injection. Lymphosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma had characteristic perfusion patterns. Lymphosarcoma had rapid time to peak and early wash-out phase with a honeycomb pattern during the wash-out. Hemangiosarcomas were large nonperfused masses in all phases surrounded by hypervascular splenic parenchyma. Benign lesions except one hematoma and a benign histiocytoma had the same perfusion pattern as the surrounding spleen. Ultrasonographic and contrast-enhanced ultrasound findings of an accessory spleen are reported. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound can improve the characterization of focal or multifocal lesions of the spleen.  相似文献   

饮喂失调或劳伤过度,耗损气血,致使脾虚胃弱,引起水谷运化失常,不能输布精气,营养全身,久则畜体日渐瘦弱,食欲减少,即成脾虚慢草之症。中兽医经验方“扶脾散”由党参、黄芪、白术(土炒)、茯苓、泽泻、青皮、木香、厚朴、甘草、苍术(炒)组成,有补中益气、下气利水的功能,适用于脾虚慢草症,笔者在此方基础上加入当归、山药、扁豆、砂仁、枳壳、柴胡、升麻、陈皮、焦三仙等药物治疗奶牛脾虚慢草症效果显著。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have been made regarding circulation via the red pulp of the spleen, and intense controversy surrounds the question as to whether or not endothelial continuity exists between arterial and venous vessels. Aware of this intense controversy, and in order to perform investigation over the spleen of dogs infected with a parasitic disease (future reports shall be done), the authors studied the vascularization of the normal dog spleen in order to define its normal pattern and evaluate the eventual changes of the circulation pattern under the parasitic condition. These studies led us to report, unequivocally, using complementary vascular replective techniques, that the normal dog's intermediary circulation is morphologically closed and of the open kind also. These findings are contrary to the thesis that defends the existence of a physiologically closed and morphologically open circulation in the dog spleen. Lymphatic vessels in the spleen of the dog are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Eddy  Behrens  MV  Jim  Schumacher  DVM  MS  Earl  Morris  DVM  MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1991,32(3):105-109
Positive-contrast paranasal sinusography was employed to evaluate 5 horses with disease of the paranasal sinuses. Diseases of the paranasal sinuses of these horses were progressive ethmoidal hematoma, bacterial sinusitis secondary to dental disease, and neoplasia. Positive-contrast sinusography allowed more complete evaluation of disease of the paranasal sinus of the horse than did survey radiographs.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old, spayed female Dalmatian with a history of seizures was evaluated for cervical pain and bilateral scleral hemorrhages. Diagnostic evaluations revealed a mass displacing the ventral brainstem on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The mass was surgically removed and histologically confirmed to be a hematoma. The dog's neurological signs resolved completely after surgery. Although extradural, subdural, subarachnoid, and intraparenchymal hemorrhages have been reported in dogs and cats, this is the first known report of a subdural hematoma of the ventral brainstem in a dog. On the basis of the history and the appearance of the subdural hematoma on MRI, a traumatic event during the seizure episodes was considered the most likely cause of the subdural hematoma in this case.  相似文献   

We describe a case of a dog with hepatosplenic lymphoma, a disease characterized by infiltration of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow with gammadelta T cells, absence of peripheral lymphadenopathy, and an aggressive clinical course. Physical examination findings, hematologic and biochemical abnormalities, and clinical course of the disease in this patient were similar to those in humans. Immunophenotyping of liver and spleen aspirates supported an antemortem diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma consistent with hepatosplenic lymphoma. The diagnosis was confirmed postmortem by a combination of routine histopathology, showing a consistent pattern of organ involvement, and immunohistochemistry showing the infiltrating neoplastic lymphocytes to be T cells expressing the gammadelta T-cell receptor. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of hepatosplenic lymphoma in a dog.  相似文献   

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