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Tian WANG 《干旱区科学》2017,9(2):234-243
The freeze-thaw(FT) processes affect an area of 46.3% in China. It is essential for soil and water conservation and ecological construction to elucidate the mechanisms of the FT processes and its associated soil erosion processes. In this research, we designed the control simulation experiments to promote the understanding of FT-water combined erosion processes. The results showed that the runoff of freeze-thaw slope(FTS) decreased by 8% compared to the control slope(CS), and the total sediment yield of the FTS was 1.10 times that of the CS. The sediment yield rate from the FTS was significantly greater than that from the CS after 9 min of runoff(P0.01). Both in FTS and CS treatments, the relationships between cumulative runoff and sediment yield can be fitted well with power functions(R20.98, P0.01). Significant differences in the mean weight diameter(MWD) values of particles were observed for washed particles and splashed particles between the CS and the FTS treatments in the erosion process(P0.05). The mean MWD values under CS were smaller than those under FTS for both washed and splashed particles. The ratio of the absolute value of a regression coefficient between the CS and the FTS was 1.15, being roughly correspondent with the ratio of K between the two treatments. Therefore, the parameter a of the power function between cumulative runoff and sediment yield could be an acceptable indicator for expressing the soil erodibility. In conclusion, the FTS exhibited an increase in soil erosion compared to the CS.  相似文献   

黄土坡面土壤侵蚀过程试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用人工模拟降雨的方法对黄土坡面土壤侵蚀过程进行了试验研究,取得了如下结果:①坡面土壤侵蚀随降雨过程的变化可用幂函数相关方程进行描述,15 m in和35 m in是土壤侵蚀强度随降雨过程变化的转折点;②雨强对坡面土壤侵蚀的影响可用幂函数相关方程进行描述,随着坡度的增大,土壤侵蚀强度随雨强的增大而增加的趋势更明显;③坡度对土壤侵蚀的影响可用抛物线相关方程进行描述,土壤侵蚀强度变化的临界坡度在25°附近;④坡长对土壤侵蚀的影响大体可用幂函数相关方程进行描述,但坡长对土壤侵蚀强度的影响比较复杂,随雨强大小的变化而表现为不同的形式;⑤坡度、坡长及雨强对坡面土壤侵蚀的综合影响可用多元线性相关方程进行描述,雨强对土壤侵蚀强度的影响远大于坡长及坡度因子,且坡度与土壤侵蚀强度的关系较坡长为密切。  相似文献   

通过野外模拟降雨试验,研究了施用SP对黄土坡面产流、产沙的影响,并对实验数据进行数学模拟,建立了SP施用量与产流、产沙强度间的关系模型.结果表明:SP施用量与产流时间、平均产流强度呈二次函数相关关系,与产沙强度呈线性负相关关系.SP用量在0~2.42 g/m\+2之间时,能够延缓坡面产流,用量为1.21 g/m\+2时延缓产流效果最明显;用量介于0~3.31 g/m2之间时,能够增加土壤入渗,减少坡面产流量,用量1.65 g/m2的增渗减流效果最佳;施用SP后,能够减少坡面输沙强度,且用量越大,减沙效果越明显.SP可影响坡面产流过程,用量1.8 g/m2时,能够减小产流初期径流强度增幅,用量为3.6 g/m2时,其产流过程线与对照极接近,而施用量增加到5.4 g/m2时,产流强度明显增大.SP对坡面产沙过程的影响表现为:随施用量增大,产沙强度峰值呈逐步减小的变化趋势.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同土地利用方式下土壤水分分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用定位监测法,对地处黄土丘陵区的延安燕沟不同植被类型下土壤水分状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:农林草地土壤水分剖面(0~4 m)存在显著差异,平均土壤含水量由高到低依次为:旱农坡地>草地>柠条灌丛>果园>黄刺玫灌丛>刺槐,与旱农坡地对照分别相差2.04%、2.27%、4.75%、4.8%和5.68%;刺槐、柠条和黄刺玫的土壤水分垂直分布呈现较一致的趋势,表现为上层水分高于下层且差异显著,水分较明显的分界点在100cm左右,其100 cm以上平均土壤湿度分别为10.12%、13.58%和11.89%,100 cm以下分别为8.79%、12.16%和9.07%;同时,不同植被类型下土壤剖面低湿层不同,乔灌地低湿层深度较农地和草地深;土壤水分剖面形态与分层特征受植被利用影响作用显著。  相似文献   

坡度对黄土坡面径流溶质迁移特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过田间模拟降雨试验,分析了坡度对坡面物质迁移特性的影响.结果显示,坡度对坡面物质迁移的影响十分显著;降雨强度一定时,坡度达到15°左右时,径流量达到最大;坡度对径流养分流失量的影响是通过径流量起主导作用,径流量大相应径流携带养分流失总量增加.利用幂函数对径流溶质浓度变化过程进行了拟合,结果显示幂函数可以很好反映田间坡面溶质随地表径流变化过程,说明在侵蚀环境下径流溶质浓度变化过程符合幂函数.  相似文献   

模拟降雨条件下苏南黄壤产流起始时间及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用人工模拟降雨装置研究了暴雨条件下苏南典型丘陵土壤上纯草、纯灌、灌草3种经营模式下坡度、降雨强度、土壤前期含水量、植被覆盖度对开始产生径流时间的影响。研究表明:纯草模式下影响开始产流时间的最主要因子为土壤前期含水量,同时建立了3种植被组合下影响开始产流时间的多因子回归方程。通过方程,由植被覆盖度、坡度、土壤前期含水量和降雨强度四个易于获得的因子可预测不同植被组合下开始产生径流的时间。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区人工农田土壤钾素特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过土样分析,利用统计分析法系统研究了黄土丘陵沟壑区人工农地——坝地和梯田的土壤钾素含量、相关性、垂直和时空分异特征。研究结果表明:坝地和梯田钾素分布严重失衡;表层速效钾平均含量坝地属"中等",梯田属"缺乏";表层全钾平均含量坝地属"较高",梯田为"中等";缓效钾平均是速效钾的7.58倍(坝地)和11.06倍(梯田),但转化率较低;矿物钾平均占全钾的95.71%(坝地)和95.16%(梯田),却难以被作物利用。土壤各形态钾素间都呈极显著正相关,并受土壤有机质、CEC、pH值和颗粒组成的影响。表层与下层间的速效钾、坝地和梯田间的缓效钾都有极显著差异,但黄土母质土壤钾素整体分布均一;坝地速效钾沿剖面向下含量增加,且整体高于梯田;坝地因高耗钾作物玉米而导致缓效钾含量低于梯田。土壤有效性钾、速效钾和缓效钾在时间动态上都表现为先增后降,分水岭年限坝地约在40 a,梯田约在30 a。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区土壤生物结皮对土壤微生物分布特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对山西省偏关地区4种主要植被类型和撂荒地土壤生物结皮及下层土壤样本微生物的计数,研究不同植被状况下土壤生物结皮覆盖对土壤微生物生态分布特征的影响,探讨土壤生物结皮的生物学作用及影响土壤微生物数量的因子.结果表明:①在所有微生物类群中细菌数量最大,放线菌次之,真菌最少;②不同植被下土壤微生物数量差异显著(P <0.0...  相似文献   

Soil erosion on farmland is a critical environmental issue and the main source of sediment in the Yellow River, China. Thus, great efforts have been made to reduce runoff and soil loss by restoring vegetation on abandoned farmland. However, few studies have investigated runoff and soil loss from sloping farmland during crop growth season. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of soil management on runoff and soil loss on sloping farmland during crop growth season. We tested different soybean growth stages (i.e., seedling stage (R1), initial blossoming stage (R2), full flowering stage (R3), pod bearing stage (R4), and initial filling stage (R5)) and soil management practice (one plot applied hoeing tillage (HT) before each rainfall event, whereas the other received no treatment (NH)) by applying simulated rainfall at an intensity of 80 mm/h. Results showed that runoff and soil loss both decreased and infiltration amount increased in successive soybean growth stages under both treatments. Compared with NH plot, there was less runoff and higher infiltration amount from HT plot. However, soil loss from HT plot was larger than that from NH plot in R1-R3, but lower in R4 and R5. In the early growth stages, hoeing tillage was effective for reducing runoff and enhancing rainfall infiltration. By contrast, hoeing tillage enhanced soil and water conservation during the late growth stages. The total soil loss from HT plot (509.0 g/m2) was 11.1% higher than that from NH plot (457.9 g/m2) in R1-R5. However, the infiltration amount from HT plot (313.9 mm) was 18.4% higher than that from NH plot (265.0 mm) and the total runoff volume from HT plot was 49.7% less than that from NH plot. These results indicated that crop vegetation can also act as a type of vegetation cover and play an important role on sloping farmland. Thus, adopting rational soil management in crop planting on sloping farmland can effectively reduce runoff and soil loss, as well as maximize rainwater infiltration during crop growth period.  相似文献   

Leaf wetness provides a wide range of benefits not only to leaves,but also to ecosystems and communities.It regulates canopy eco-hydrological processes and drives spatial differences in hydrological flux.In spite of these functions,little remains known about the spatial distribution of leaf wetness under different soil water conditions.Leaf wetness measurements at the top(180 cm),middle(135 cm),and bottom(85 cm)of the canopy positions of rainfed jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)in the Chinese loess hilly region were obtained along with meteorological and soil water conditions during the growing seasons in 2019 and 2020.Under soil water non-deficit condition,the frequency of occurrence of leaf wetness was 5.45%higher at the top than at the middle and bottom of the canopy positions.The frequency of occurrence of leaf wetness at the top,middle and bottom of the canopy positions was over 80%at 17:00?18:00(LST).However,the occurrence of leaf wetness at the top was earlier than those at the middle and bottom of the canopy positions.Correspondingly,leaf drying at the top was also latter than those at the middle and bottom of the canopy positions.Leaf wetness duration at the middle was similar to that at the bottom of the canopy position,but about 1.46-3.01 h less than that at the top.Under soil water deficit condition,the frequency of occurrence of leaf wetness(4.92%-45.45%)followed the order of top>middle>bottom of the canopy position.As the onset of leaf wetness was delayed,the onset of wet leaf drying was advanced and the leaf wetness duration was shortened.Leaf wetness duration at the top was linearly related(R2>0.70)to those at the middle and bottom of the canopy positions under different soil water conditions.In conclusion,the hydrological processes at canopy surfaces of rainfed jujube depended on the position of leaves,thus adjusting canopy structure to redistribute hydrological process is a way to meet the water need of jujube.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区不同土地类型的土壤水分特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在黄土丘陵沟壑区燕沟流域,于2002~2006年定位监测不同类型土地不同坡位、坡向的土壤含水量,对土壤含水量的动态变化进行了系统分析.结果表明:不同土地类型的土壤含水量差异明显,坝地最高,平均19.83%,川台地次之,平均17.21%,梯田平均16.34%,坡地最低,平均15.04%,土壤含水量与年降雨量呈正相关,相关系数为0.68;土壤含水量月变化动态呈现"单谷"曲线,7月份最低;不同坡位的土壤含水量变化趋势为随坡位升高,土壤水分含量递减;不同坡向的土壤含水量变化趋势为阴坡>阳坡.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区垄沟改良措施对玉米水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
选择延安地区作为黄土丘陵区的代表,在延安地区应用地膜、液态地膜、保水剂、PAM(土壤改良剂)和间作套种措施优化大垄沟种植方式种植玉米,分析了不同优化措施种植玉米的水分利用效率。结果表明,地膜、保水剂、PAM和间作方式有利于大垄沟较好地保持土壤水分,其保水能力分别比平种高出17.4%、8.5%、11.6%、5.3%;液态地膜、地膜、间作和PAM表现出很好的增产效果,其产量分别比平种高出77.7%、72.0%、64.1%、30.8%。  相似文献   

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