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红豆杉资源与紫杉醇研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了国内外有关红豆杉资源与紫杉醇研究现状,并对红豆杉资源与存在问题,紫杉醇在植物中的分布、紫杉醇的研究历史、紫杉醇药理作用,红豆杉属植物中的化学成分,细胞与组织培养及紫杉醇开发应用等方面进行了综述。并且概述了红豆杉与紫杉醇研究的最新进展及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区生态旅游研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前我国大部分自然保护区进行了旅游开发,在开发的过程中产生了许多问题,引起了学术界的关注。笔者对自然保护区旅游研究的相关期刊文献进行了分类检索,对旅游可持续发展研究、旅游社区参与研究、旅游与科学发展观研究、旅游与和谐社会研究进行了综述,还总结了目前旅游理论研究存在的问题,针对未来保护区旅游理论研究提出了建议并给出自然保护区生态旅游对策。  相似文献   

研究了“湘南丘陵防护林体系建设配套技术研究与示范”的目的意义 ,论述了以县为单元的防护林体系中林种、树种、林分结构优化以及防蚀保土型农林复合经营研究的重要性和必要性 ;强调了示范在提高县级防护林体系建设中技术显示度的积极作用。在分析研究资源、环境、社会特点和防护林建设现状的基础上 ,制定了试验与示范 ,定量与定性相结合的技术路线 ;根据技术路线 ,布设试验示范林 ,并编制了项目分解与研究流程图。依据国内外文献和检索资料 ,从防护林的效益、林种结构、林分类型及作用、农林复合经营及其水土保持作用等方面概述了研究的动态和趋势。为防蚀保土型农林复合经营的研究及防护林配套技术研究方案的制定提供了依据  相似文献   

植物组织培养研究进展与应用概况   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
梁称福 《经济林研究》2005,23(4):99-105
介绍了国内外植物组织培养技术应用的概况,并详细阐述了该技术的国内外的研究进展,主要包括污染、褐变、玻璃化原因、机理与防治对策的研究,培养条件的研究,外植体选择的研究及利用组织培养技术进行植物物种基因改造或转基因的研究。提出了解决影响植物组培苗发展的障碍因素,全力推进组培苗的产业化;扩展植物组培次生代谢产物生产范围与规模。加强生物制品的研制与开发;加强植物组培方式与培养水平的研究,探索新的培养途径等建议。为从事植物组织培养研究与生产应用的科技工作者提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

对我国低碳旅游相关文献进行了分析,结果表明:我国低碳旅游研究的领域主要在低碳旅游的概念界定、发展模式、发展对策,研究方法多采用定性的案例研究方法。在此基础上,提出了界定低碳旅游的基本内涵、注重个案研究与定量研究、注重能源消耗与碳排放的研究三个建议。  相似文献   

植物多样性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据国内外植物多样性研究现状,综述了植物多样性的研究层次、评价指数及保护等方面的研究进展,并就植物多样性研究领域存在的相关问题进行了讨论,指出构建植物多样性信息平台、新技术与常规方法综合应用、濒危物种评估与保护、植物动态跟踪分析等与植物多样性相关的研究趋势。  相似文献   

我国油松种子园开花结实与经营管理技术的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对油松种子园无性系开花习性、雌雄球花产量及其空间分布规律、球果与种子的产量及性状变异以及施肥、病虫害防治、去劣疏伐和修剪等经营管理技术措施的研究结果进行了系统分析,研究了我国油松种子园开花结实与经营管理技术的研究现状,可为我国油松种子园深化研究与经营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

防护林景观格局的研究能为防护林体系空间配置及结构优化提供理论依据。本文综述了景观分类、景观格局的分析与评价、景观格局与功能、景观格局研究方法在防护林景观生态方面的研究现状,指出了防护林景观生态研究目前存在的问题和不足,同时,对今后景观生态学在防护林的研究方面作了展望。  相似文献   

<正>2013年1月国家林业局批复,依托中国林业科学研究院经济林研究开发中心成立"国家林业局杜仲工程技术研究中心"。该中心成立以来,组建了全国杜仲研究与产业开发团队,与中国社会科学院社会发展研究中心及国内主要从事杜仲研究、开发的高等院校、科研院所、企业开展长期合作与跟踪研究,跨行业、跨部门的集聚了实力雄厚的"社会科学与自然科学"课题研究杜仲项目方面的专家,推荐成立了专家委员会,推荐成立了项目建设各专业组。  相似文献   

国内、外对榆蓝叶甲的生物学及生态学习性、发生规律与预测预报等方面研究的比较深入,特别是在物理、化学、生物与天敌防治等综合防治方面做了广泛的研究,发表了许多相关的研究论文,文章就国内外对榆蓝叶甲防治方面的研究结果做了较详细概述。  相似文献   

中国是槭树种质资源丰富且分布集中的国家。为了更科学地开发和利用兼具观赏、药用、经济等多种珍贵价值的槭树种质资源,文中综述了国内分子生物学研究前期对槭树DNA和RNA提取的方法,以及RAPD、AFLP、ISSR、ITS和SRAP等分子标记技术在槭树植物研究中的应用,主要包括种质资源鉴定、种群遗传结构与遗传多样性、濒危植物保护、物种谱系地理分析等方面的研究;针对槭树类植物的分子生物学研究中存在的问题,提出了今后研究的重点和发展方向,以期为槭树植物的种质资源开发和深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Scolytids have been studied more than any other group of forest insects, but most investigations have been restricted to only a few pest species. This bias hampers our understanding of variation in abundance and pest status. Even the simple question whether the abundance of scolytids can predicted by the same independent variables as their pest status is still a matter of debate. To explore this issue, we estimated their abundance using non-attracting flight-interception traps set in a wide range of forests across Czech Republic, Germany, and France. Pest status was taken from current literature. As independent variables, we considered host range, host abundance, and several traits of the considered species in linear models using generalized least squares with a correlation structure derived from the phylogenetic tree of the beetles. Host range was calculated as the root phylogenetic diversity index. The variation in the abundance across scolytids was well explained by resource-related parameters (R2 = 0.53). In contrast to abundance, the pest status was significantly related to species-specific traits, such as body size and maximum number of generations. However, the explained variance was much lower (R2 = 0.19). Although our analysis showed that abundance and pest score follow different patterns, we stress the importance of monitoring all species using non-selective traps. Considering the increasing global trade and the rapidly changing climate, such a broad ecological monitoring is necessary to detect new interactions and/or invading species that may influence our forests ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in water status and gas exchange were assessed in 2-year-old seedlings of Quercus pubescens Willd., Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne subsp. macrolepis (Kotsch) Hedge & Yalt, and Quercus frainetto Ten. during the 2004 growing season characterized by the typical summer drought conditions observed in Greece. The seedlings were grown under field conditions. After establishment half of the seedlings were well watered, while the rest received no irrigation other than natural rainfall. Measurements were conducted from April to October.  相似文献   

报道了从角倍中分离得到一种病原菌,描述了危害状况,并对该病原菌进行了形态学和分子生物学鉴定,确认该菌为胶孢炭疽菌(Colletorichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc),分类上隶属于半知菌门(Deuteromycotina)、腔孢纲(Coelomycetes)、黑盘孢目(Melanconiales)、炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)。  相似文献   

早园竹林2种造瘿小蜂及其形成的虫瘿的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对浙江省德清县早园竹林进行造瘿昆虫危害和虫瘿类型调查,室内解剖和饲养观测虫瘿中的昆虫幼虫及成虫羽化情况。结果表明:(1)营林方式显著地影响造瘿昆虫2013年的造瘿率,砻糠覆盖样地造瘿率显著低于未覆盖砻糠的样地。(2)整株竹子上共获得349个虫瘿,其中新瘿291个,枯瘿58个;依据虫瘿的形态特征分成联瘿型、叶片型、叶鞘型、光瘿型和顶生型5种类型,其在整株竹子上所占比例分别为40.12%、30.95%、19.77%、6.01%和3.15%。(3)单虫瘿解剖最多可获得6头昆虫的幼虫,而联瘿型、叶片型、叶鞘型、光瘿型和顶生型虫瘿的平均幼虫数分别为1.83、2.88、2.77、1.00和2.27。(4)联瘿型、叶片型和叶鞘型虫瘿羽化出5种301头小蜂,包括竹泰广肩小蜂和刚竹泰广肩小蜂2种造瘿昆虫,栗瘿旋小蜂、点腹刻腹小蜂和纹黄枝瘿金小蜂3种寄生蜂;竹泰广肩小蜂、刚竹泰广肩小蜂和寄生蜂在3种不同类型虫瘿中的比率分别为59:18:1、70:31:2和83:31:6。研究结果将有助于加深对早园竹虫瘿的认识,并为下一步综合防治和生产实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Paternity analyses using microsatellites were conducted in two conifer clonal seed orchards (CSOs). The aim was to study mating patterns and potential dysfunctions such as unbalanced male contribution, and how these factors influence genetic diversity. The effect of unequal male contribution was quantified by the status number (NS), which reflects build up of coancestry in the seed orchard crop due to low number of clones and unequal male contribution. This approach was also used to quantify the effect of clonal differences in germination percentages on effective population sizes. Furthermore the genetic diversity of the Abies alba and Larix kaempferi CSOs was compared to other alternative seed sources via observed heterozygosity and allelic richness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate biomass and carbon storage for a fast-growing makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi). The study site was located in central Taiwan and the makino bamboo plantation had a stand density of 21191 ± 4107 culms ha−1. A diameter distribution model based on the Weibull distribution function and an allometric model was used to predict aboveground biomass and carbon storage. For an accurate estimation of carbon storage, the percent carbon content (PCC) in different sections of bamboo was determined by an elemental analyzer. The results showed that bamboos of all ages shared a similar trend, where culms displayed a carbon storage of 47.49–47.82%, branches 45.66–46.23%, and foliage 38.12–44.78%. In spite of the high density of the stand, the diameter distribution of makino bamboo approached a normal distribution and aboveground biomass and carbon storage were 105.33 and 49.81 Mg ha−1, respectively. Moreover, one-fifth of older culms from the entire stand were removed by selective cutting. If the distribution of the yield of older culms per year was similar to the current stand, the yields of biomass and carbon per year would be 21.07 and 9.89 Mg ha−1 year−1. An astonishing productivity was observed, where every 5 years the yield of biomass and carbon was equal to the current status of stockings. Thus, makino bamboo has a high potential as a species used for carbon storage.  相似文献   

北京城区银杏行道树生长现状与健康状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The planting site, size, and health condition of street tree Ginkgo biloba in Beijing urban area were investigated and the influence factors were analyzed based on filed survey. The results showed that G. biloba were mainly planted in tree pit within strip planting median. The average height, diameter at breast height and canopy diameter were 8.11 m, 13.22 cm and 4.07 m, respectively, 82.9% trees were less than 10 m in height, and most G. biloba trees were still in the initial stage of height and diameter increment. The tree health status was described with three classes: class I (healthy), class II (fair) and class III (unhealthy). The percentage of class I, II and III for G. biloba trees in Beijing urban area accounted for 16.0%, 37.2% and 42.9% respectively. The results of analysis showed that the health status of G. biloba was associated with the site condition, tree size and management practices. The trees planted in urban forest patch grew better than the trees planted in green belts and tree pits; meanwhile, the bigger trees were healthier than the smaller ones. In addition, the effects of urban heterogeneous environment and human activities on the health of Ginkgo biloba were analyzed and the suggestions on management were launched.  相似文献   

To investigate the phillyrin-producing endophytic fungi from the medicinal plant Forsythia suspensa, a total of 24 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from the healthy stems, leaves and fruits of the plant, 9 from stems, 5 from leaves, and 10 from fruits respectively. All fungal isolates were fermented in liquid PDA medium and their extracts were preliminary analyzed by TLC. One isolated strain G10, which was from the fruit of F. suspensa, had the same Rf value as authentic phillyrin. The potential phillyrin-producing fungus G10 was further analyzed by HPLC and HPLC-MS, and the results showed that the isolate G10 possessed of a retention time and ion peaks identical with the authentic compound phillyrin. The isolate G10 was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides based on the morphological characteristics and ITS sequence analysis. The current research indicates that the numerous endophytic fungi inside the medicinal plants are precious resource for the pharmaceutical natural products that are originally from the plants.  相似文献   

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