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胡金城 《水利渔业》2007,27(4):38-39
在天津地区利用闲置虾池开展点带石斑鱼的养殖试验,从饵料、水质、疾病控制等方面进行探讨,取得点带石斑鱼养殖的成功。4个养鱼池,面积合计5600 m2;共获500~650 g/尾点带石斑商品鱼4673尾、2570 kg,成活率93.50%;单产4590 kg/hm2,经济效益20.1万元/hm2。验证了"南鱼北养"的可行性。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼对盐度的适应性研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对均重7.20g的点带石斑鱼进行了兑淡养殖实验,30‰、14‰和9‰三个盐度的生长实验结果表明,盐度越低,生长速度越快。当水体盐度从30‰突变至5‰时,点带石斑鱼完全可以很快适应这种大幅度的盐度变化。其结果对石斑鱼养殖产业远离海岸,深入到广大内陆地区生产有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

本试验利用对虾高位养殖池塘进行鞍带石斑鱼的曲种培育试验,探索鞍带石斑鱼室外大水体育苗技术,提高育苗生产的稳定性和培育健康苗种,缓解当前鞍带石斑鱼养殖苗种匮乏问题。现将育苗情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

正虎龙杂交斑,是以棕点石斑鱼为母本、鞍带石斑鱼为父本,杂交而产生的子代,拥有肉质细嫩、胶质扎实的独特口感。广东省惠州市惠阳区良井镇秀峰村,有一家离海数十公里的海水养殖公司——惠州市海燕水产养殖科技有限公司(以下简称"海燕水产"),花费5年时间用工厂循环水养出了高品质的石斑鱼。  相似文献   

采用不换水的养殖模式进行点带石斑鱼的淡化养殖试验,经122d的养殖,点带石斑鱼的平均体重由4g增至115.5g,存活率71.2%,平均产量4.11kg/m2,饵料系数0.757。  相似文献   

水质的调控是决定养殖生产成败的一个关键因素,目前已有化学和物理等水处理方法被应用到水产种苗和养殖生产,对改善水产养殖的生长环境具有一定效果,但这些方法仍存在各种不同的弊端.本文通过纳米催化微电解技术对海水杀菌效果的研究,以期确定该仪器的最低完全杀菌的处理当量;利用不同的处理当量了解斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)仔鱼对水体中游离氯的耐受范围,并在石斑鱼的苗种培育生产中进行了可行性的实验.研究结果表明:该技术对海水的消毒杀菌效果非常显著,处理当量在1.06 W·h/t以上时,杀菌效果可达到100%,该当量处理每吨海水的用电成本约为0.053分;斜带石斑仔鱼可耐受的最高处理当量为4.08 w·h/t,该当量已达到完全杀菌的效果,且持续抑菌效果良好,因此该处理当量可应用到石斑鱼苗种的实际生产中.利用纳米催化微电解海水产生游离氯的消毒作用,以灭活养殖环境水体中的病原生物,达到净化水体,抑制病原性疾病的目的,在水产动物种苗与养殖生产中具有一定的推广运用价值,且具较好的环保功效.  相似文献   

比较了正常和患石斑鱼综合症的点带石斑鱼血液生理生化指标。试验用石斑鱼在循环海水养殖系统中养殖,鱼体质量(232.39±42.15)g,水温23~25℃,盐度30,溶解氧6mg/L,NH4+-N1.10mg/L,NO2--N0.22mg/L。试验结果表明,患石斑鱼综合症的点带石斑鱼血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶、天冬氨基转移酶、溶菌酶、一氧化氮、乳酸脱氢酶活性、丙二醛含量极显著高于正常石斑鱼;总抗氧化活力、总谷胱甘肽、还原型谷胱甘肽、总蛋白、白蛋白含量、白蛋白/球蛋白极显著低于正常石斑鱼;红细胞数、白细胞数显著高于正常石斑鱼;血红蛋白浓度、血栓细胞数、氯化硝基四氮唑蓝阳性细胞数差异不显著;血清替代补体溶血活力仅在患病鱼血清中测出。以上指标可供石斑鱼综合症诊断参考。  相似文献   

循环水养殖条件下鞍带石斑鱼生长特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鞍带石斑鱼(Epinephelus lanceolatus)为期5个月的养殖监测试验,研究循环水养殖条件下鞍带石斑鱼的生长特点。采用线性拟合、指数拟合、乘幂拟合的方法,分析了鞍带石斑鱼全长、体重生长与养殖时间,以及全长与体重的最佳拟合曲线。结果表明:鞍带石斑鱼全长生长与养殖时间以线性回归为佳(y=2.791x-15.716,R2=0.951 2);体重生长与养殖时间以指数回归最佳(y=2.432 3e0.32x,R2=0.996 5);全长与体重以乘幂回归为最佳(y=0.007 3x3.262 8,R2=0.945 3)。对鞍带石斑鱼全长与体重的幂函数关系分析,表明鞍带石斑鱼属正异速生长型(b=3.262 8),说明本研究条件下的循环水养殖模式适用于鞍带石斑鱼的养殖。  相似文献   

通过对体长10.4~8.0cm、平均体长8.6cm;体重19.5~12.2g平均体重16.63g的点带石斑鱼的淡化试验,分别采用盐度突变及渐变淡化两种方式,在水温27.5~29.0℃,经过30d的试验,结果是:将点带石斑鱼鱼苗从盐度(‰)30的自然海水中直接投放至盐度2.6的水体中时,其成活率100%;直接投放至盐度1.3的水体中的成活率80%。而渐变淡化,在盐度降至0.3时的成活率100%,进入纯淡水时的3d后才有逐渐死亡现象出现,10d后的成活率55%。点带石斑鱼的生长速度从纯海水至盐度5.2,随着盐度的降低其生长速度加快。研究结果证明,点带石斑鱼对盐度变化具有很强的适应能力,不但能在海水中养殖而且也可以在河口及低盐地区进行养殖。  相似文献   

<正>2007年7月至2010年7月,我们在公司下属的石斑鱼养殖生产基地进行"军曹鱼、点带石斑鱼和鞍带石斑鱼优质种苗规模化繁殖技术"研究,取得了理想的结果。现将鞍带石斑鱼(又称龙胆斑)人工育苗操作技术归纳总结如下,以供业内人士参考。一、鱼苗培育池与配套设施1.培育池(1)高位池:通常以面积为2亩/口的正方形或近正  相似文献   

利用活菌制剂,以闭路内循环方式净化水质,养殖点带石斑鱼。试验结果表明:3种活菌制剂对NH4 -N的降解率分别为:NMX菌39.0%,科恩菌30.5%,EM菌20.4%;对NO2--N的降解率分别为:NMX菌45.7%,EM菌40.4%,科恩菌13.6%。活菌制剂不仅能调节水质,而且还能促进养殖个体的生长,提高饵料转化率,NMX菌、科恩菌和EM菌试验组日增重分别为5.5 g/尾、5.1 g/尾、4.9 g/尾,而对照组为3.9 g/尾;相应饵料系数分别是1.00、1.02、1.02,对照组为1.06。  相似文献   

The Malabar grouper Epinephelus malabaricus is an important candidate species for commercial aquaculture in tropical and subtropical areas. In nature, this species requires more than 10 years to change sex from female to male and have active spermatogenic tissues in the testis. Thus, it is essential to find a means of producing sperm for seed production. This is the first report of artificial sex change in underyearling E. malabaricus . Female E. malabaricus with immature ovaries at 144 days post-hatch (DPH) were fed a diet with 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) at 50 μg g−1 diet for 6 months. Sex change occurred in most of the treated fish, which had testis with all stages of spermatogenic germ cells including spermatozoa. In contrast, most of the control fish had immature ovaries. These results, which reveal that germ cells in the underyearling grouper have the ability to produce spermatozoa in response to exogenous androgen, demonstrate that sex change can be artificially induced during ovarian development.  相似文献   

饥饿对点带石斑鱼饵料转换期仔鱼生长和发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
在盐度29、水温27.8~28.8℃的条件下,进行点带石斑鱼仔鱼饥饿实验,确定仔鱼初次摄食饥饿不可逆点(PNR);观察饥饿条件下点带石斑鱼饵料转换期(初孵仔鱼,5、8、10、15和20日龄)的存活与生长、油球利用、鳍棘生长和游泳行为的变化。结果表明:点带石斑鱼从初次摄食到PNR期仅2~3d,这个耐受饥饿的时间临界点发生在孵化后的第5天,即转入外源性营养的第3天。在饥饿条件下初孵仔鱼,5、8、10、15和20日龄仔鱼的全部死亡时间分别为7 d、3 d、4 d、3 d、4 d和6 d;半数死亡时间分别为5 d、1.5 d、2 d、1.5 d、2d和3.5d,说明5日龄和10日龄是点带石斑鱼早期发育中最为敏感的阶段。饥饿会延缓初孵仔鱼对油球的利用。随着饥饿时间的延长,仔鱼的生长与正常条件下仔鱼的生长差异显著(P<0.05)。饥饿仔鱼体长较短,头大且体瘦,长期饥饿后脑后部下陷;行为变化表现为表层集群游动觅食,游动缓慢,反应迟钝和静伏底。  相似文献   

In marine aquaculture, fish populations constantly decrease throughout the cultivation period because of mortality and escape. Current production management systems provide limited opportunities to count the cultured fish, making it difficult to estimate accurately the fish population in the cage. To overcome this problem, an automatic fish identifying method based on particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) flow visualization technology is proposed in this paper. The proposed method utilizes an image processing unit that extracts individual fish from the acquired image and a motion analysis unit that calculates the motion vector for each individual. Thus, the accuracy of the extraction results in the image processing unit affects the system’s counting results. To validate the efficiency and robustness of the image extraction performed by the image processing unit, individuals were extracted from images using the open-source image deep learning semantic segmentation method (SegNet), which is able to distinguish between the background and foreground in the images via analysis at the pixel level. SegNet is able to improve the image discrimination performance by multiplying the learning paths, and the robustness of the detection results can be ensured by changing the layer structure according to the detection target. Accordingly, the use of SegNet was evaluated in terms of the number of layers and images in the training set. The results of this study indicate that the application of SegNet with PTV technology represents a promising method for the automatic identifying and behavioral tracking of fish in an aquaculture net cage.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to evaluate fish feeding intensity for aquaculture fish farming. Determining the level of fish appetite helps optimize fish production and design more efficient aquaculture smart feeding systems. Given an aquaculture surveillance video, our goal is to improve fish feeding intensity evaluation by proposing a two-stage approach: an optical flow neural network is first applied to generate optical flow frames, which are then inputted to a 3D convolution neural network (3D CNN) for fish feeding intensity evaluation. Using an aerial drone, we capture RGB water surface images with significant optical flows from an aquaculture site during the fish feeding activity. The captured images are inputs to our deep optical flow neural network, consisting of the leading neural network layers for video interpolation and the last layer for optical flow regression. Our optical flow detection model calculates the displacement vector of each pixel across two consecutive frames. To construct the training dataset of our CNNs and verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we manually annotated the level of fish feeding intensity for each training image frame. In this paper, the fish feeding intensity is categorized into four, i.e., ‘none,’ ‘weak,’ ‘medium’ and ‘strong.’ We compared our method with other state-of-the-art fish feeding intensity evaluations. Our proposed method reached up to 95 % accuracy, which outperforms the existing systems that use CNNs to evaluate the fish feeding intensity.  相似文献   

Abstract  Common coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus Lacepède, crimson snapper, Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch, saddletail snapper, Lutjanus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider), red emperor, Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier), redthroat emperor, Lethrinus miniatus (Schneider) and grass emperor, Lethrinus laticaudis Alleyne & Macleay, were tagged to determine the effects of barotrauma relief procedures (weighted shot-line release and venting using a hollow needle) and other factors on survival. Release condition was the most significant factor affecting the subsequent recapture rate of all species. Capture depth was significant in all species apart from L. malabaricus and L. miniatus , the general trend being reduced recapture probability with increasing capture depth. Recapture rates of fish hooked in either the lip or mouth were generally significantly higher than for those hooked in the throat or gut. Statistically significant benefit from treating fish for barotrauma was found in only L. malabaricus , but the lack of any negative effects of treating fish indicated that the practices of venting and shot-lining should not be discouraged by fisheries managers for these species.  相似文献   

探讨了低盐度胁迫对点带石斑鱼幼鱼消化酶、抗应激酶及幼鱼存活率影响。实验设计了28.23、22.56、17.57、12.67和7.71等5个盐度梯度,实验鱼共40尾(体重20±2.32g),先放入盐度为28.23的水体中驯化10d,然后按以上梯度逐级淡化,在每个盐度梯度维持3d后取样,测定消化酶和抗应激酶等指标,并观察其活动和存活状况。结果表明,胃和肠_的蛋白酶、淀粉酶活力随盐度梯度的下降显著降低(P〈0.05);肝脏、肌肉和肾脏的SOD活力随盐度梯度下降呈上升趋势,肝脏、肌肉和肾脏的CAT和GSH—Px活力随盐度梯度下降呈降低趋势;鱼的活动能力从盐度梯度为17.57时开始下降,12.67时即出现幼鱼死亡现象,盐度梯度下降到7.71时,幼鱼在12h内全部死亡。说明低盐度胁迫将会严重影响点带石斑鱼幼鱼消化能力并导致鱼体自由基代谢紊乱,应激增强,最终将影响幼鱼健康生长。  相似文献   

植酸酶在点带石斑鱼配合饲料中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在植物性饲料含量分别为12.7%和32.7%的点带石斑鱼的配合饲料中按比例添加植酸酶,通过32d的养殖,与对照组相比,结果显示添加植酸酶可以促进石斑鱼的生长,提高石斑鱼的相对增重率,降低饲料系数。  相似文献   

石斑鱼循环水养殖系统及水源热泵应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建石斑鱼的循环水养殖系统及水源热泵加温系统,达到在北方大规模养殖石斑鱼的目的。养殖系统由养殖池、弧型筛、循环泵、蛋白分离器、浸没式生物滤池、脱气池、溶氧池、紫外线灭菌器、液氧站组成。采用养殖废水收集及过滤装置处理后的养殖废水作为水源热泵的水源,通过2个冬季的运行,其冬季制热的平均制热能效比(COP)为2.66。在系统中养殖的第1批青斑鱼11个月内由24.41 g生长到480.66 g,存活率超过97%。养殖的第2批青斑12个月内由23.36 g生长到400.46 g,存活率达到84.5%。养殖的珍珠龙胆石斑7个月内由48.46 g生长到511.36 g,存活率达到71.24%。养殖的东星斑12个月内由41.13 g生长到223.56 g,存活率达到65.52%。本系统可实现青斑、珍珠龙胆石斑、东星斑等品种的常年均衡生长,并可降低石斑鱼的养殖成本。  相似文献   

Behavioral variations of a school of fish (Carrasius auratus) in a tank were monitored using computerized vision while the fish were subjected to hypoxia stress conditions. Two video cameras viewed the tank, one from the side through a transparent wall and one from above. The images were processed by a PC-based image processing algorithm which provided three coordinates of the school's center of gravity, with the standard deviations of each coordinate, and the projected spatial distribution of the fish. Stressed fish differed from controls with the following behavioral responses: (i) the center of gravity moved upwards and horizontally away from the transparent wall; (ii) swimming speed was apparently reduced; (iii) there were strong fluctuations in all three directions associated with spreading and contracting of the school; (iv) the periodic amplitude of the motion in the vertical direction increased. This study might evolve into an automatic stress warning technique for fish farms, based on alterations in the behavior of fish when stressed.  相似文献   

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