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镉胁迫对水稻幼苗生长和根尖细胞分裂的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了镉(Cd)对水稻幼苗生长、根尖细胞有丝分裂及染色体畸变的影响。结果表明,随着Cd浓度增加和处理时间延长,水稻幼苗根的生长及根尖细胞有丝分裂指数明显降低。Cd使有丝分裂中期细胞所占比例相对增加,前期、后期、末期细胞相对减少。Cd能诱导染色体产生多种类型的畸变,染色体畸变率随着Cd处理浓度的增加和处理时间的延长而升高,呈现明显的剂量-效应和时间-效应关系。1~10μmol L-1Cd胁迫24 h后,水稻根尖畸变主要有C-有丝分裂、染色体桥,占总畸变率的32.64%~78.29%;25~200μmol L-1Cd胁迫24~72 h后,水稻根尖细胞中染色体粘连、断片和微核占较大比例,占总畸变率的76.44%~93.96%。研究表明,Cd对水稻根尖分生细胞有丝分裂具有阻滞作用,并诱发染色体畸变率的显著升高。  相似文献   

镧,锌对玉米幼苗中镉,铅含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

稀土镧对镉胁迫下玉米幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以水培法研究了重金属Cd对玉米幼苗的胁迫伤害及稀土La对Cd伤害的缓解作用。结果表明,在Cd胁迫伤害下,玉米幼苗生长受到抑制,主要表现为株高、主根长下降,叶面积锐减,茎叶、根的鲜重以及干重明显下降,随着Cd胁迫浓度的增加,玉米幼苗受伤害程度趋向严重。在玉米幼苗上喷施适量浓度LaCl3(20mg/L),能缓解Cd对玉米幼苗生长造成的伤害。  相似文献   

镉对小白菜生长的影响与La—Gly的防护效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

镉毒害对小麦生理生态效应的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
程杰  高压军 《水土保持研究》2006,13(6):218-221,227
镉是植物生长的非必须元素,它具有很大的生物毒性,与其它重金属相比,更易被植物吸收积累,即使生长在非污染土壤上的小麦,籽粒中镉含量都在0.002~0.207 mg/kg。在参考大量文献资料的基础上,综述了镉(Cd)毒害对小麦植株幼苗的萌发、生长及小麦生理生化特性的反应,提出了小麦镉毒害影响因素与防治途径。  相似文献   

重金属胁迫下稀土调节植物细胞分裂与增殖的生理机制至今尚不完全清楚。为此,将蚕豆幼苗分别培养于营养液、6μmol.L-1氯化镉(CdCl2)以及6μmol.L-1CdCl2与2~480μmol.L-1硝酸镧[La(NO3)3]的复合溶液,14 d后检测与根尖细胞分裂和生长相关的部分生理指标。结果表明,添加2~120μmol.L-1外源La减少了根部组织对Cd的吸收,超过此剂量范围则促进了Cd的积累。同时,K、Zn、Fe等矿质元素含量,以及吲哚乙酸氧化酶同功酶及其活性呈现"U"型剂量效应的变化,而根尖细胞分裂指数和根长则呈现类似倒"U"型的剂量效应变化趋势。因此,矿质元素和吲哚乙酸氧化酶活性的失衡和干扰是La调节Cd胁迫下蚕豆幼苗根尖细胞分裂与生长的重要生理机制。  相似文献   

高能混合粒子场诱变小麦的细胞学效应研究   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11  
利用北京正负电子对撞机直线加速器E2束流打靶产生高能混合粒子场,以0、109、145、1952、84和560Gy的剂量处理两个冬小麦品种ZY9和ZH7,并与相同剂量的60Coγ射线相比较,研究其细胞学效应。试验结果表明,混合粒子场辐照小麦种子可抑制根尖细胞有丝分裂,诱发染色体出现单微核、双微核、多微核、环状染色体、落后染色体、游离染色体、染色体断片等多种畸变类型。混合粒子场与γ射线诱发的微核畸变率和染色体畸变率均存在明显的剂量效应,但混合粒子场的损伤效应明显高于γ射线。混合粒子场可诱发高频率的环状染色体和染色体断片,显示出混合粒子场处理小麦具有比γ射线处理更高的相对生物学效应。  相似文献   

腐植酸钠对镉胁迫小麦幼苗生物效应的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盆栽试验研究Cd胁迫下不同腐植酸钠处理(浸种、灌施、混施)对小麦幼苗生长及对污染元素(Cd)、营养元素(Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn)吸收和累积的影响结果表明,不同腐植酸钠处理可缓解重金属Cd元素的毒害作用,促进小麦幼苗干物质积累,且轻度污染土壤中可显著抑制小麦幼苗对Cd元素的吸收,并促进小麦幼苗对Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn营养元素的吸收和积累,随Cd污染程度加重,不同腐植酸钠处理抑制Cd吸收能力减弱并对Cu、Zn、Fe和Mn营养元素吸收产生不同影响,表现出较好的抗逆效应  相似文献   

辐射敏化剂对离子注入小麦生物学效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
韩榕  杨汉民 《核农学报》2003,17(2):85-89
采用中国科学院兰州近代物理研究所 2 0 0kV离子注入机产生的不同剂量Fe1+ ,对春小麦新品系 81 52 9种子进行注入并用辐射敏化剂后处理 ,研究其注入效应。结果表明 :①离子注入随注入剂量的增加染色体畸变率呈上升趋势 ;②不同辐射敏化剂后处理对萌发力、染色体畸变率影响程度不同 ;③不同辐射敏化剂对同一剂量Fe1+ 离子注入小麦的染色体畸变率影响的总趋势 :EDTA >秋水仙素 >咖啡因。  相似文献   

采用水培法研究酸雨(AR)与稀土镧(La)对大豆幼苗叶片光合光反应复合影响的时间效应,旨在探究复合污染因子对植物自修复过程的影响。结果表明,较之不同pH值AR(pH3.0、4.0)和不同剂量La(60、300mg·L-1)的单一作用,复合处理对大豆幼苗光合光反应活性抑制程度较大,延缓各参数恢复进程(恢复拐点滞后),恢复程度较小,明显影响了植物的自修复能力。净光合速率Pn与各光合参数相关性分析结果显示:复合处理组的植物在修复过程中,Pn变化主要受Chl、Hill反应活性的影响,Mg2+-ATPase活性对Pn的制约最小,且随着时间的推移,AR与La复合处理组各光合参数的恢复进程不同步,自修复能力受胁迫强度和胁迫方式的影响。  相似文献   

温度对盐胁迫小麦抗氧化机制的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以耐盐性不同的8个冬小麦品种为材料,分别在室温(20℃/25℃)和接近小麦生产的低温(10℃/15℃)条件下采用溶液培养,并在苗期进行盐胁迫处理(150 mmol·L-1 Na Cl),研究温度和盐胁迫交互作用对耐盐性不同的小麦抗氧化机制的影响。结果表明,对室温培养的幼苗进行盐胁迫后,耐盐强的小麦幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化酶(APX)活性均显著升高,并且高于2个耐盐性弱的品种;而耐盐性弱的小麦幼苗盐处理后仅APX活性显著升高,其活性氧(ROS)累积量和叶片相对电导率均高于耐盐小麦;抗旱小麦以上指标介于耐盐品种和耐盐性弱的品种中间。低温培养下进行盐胁迫,谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)在所有供试品种中均显著升高2~3倍;耐盐品种仅CAT和APX活性升高,抗旱品种SOD、POD和APX以及耐盐性弱的品种SOD和POD活性显著提高。由此得出与室温盐胁迫下小麦抗氧化机制的响应不同,低温盐胁迫条件下,耐盐小麦SOD和POD酶活性受到抑制,主要通过提高抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环的两个关键酶APX和GR活性增加对ROS的清除能力,而抗旱品种和耐盐性弱的品种除GR酶活性显著提高外,SOD和POD对ROS的清除能力均显著增强。在各种抗氧化酶的共同作用下,耐盐性不同的小麦品种之间ROS累积量和叶片电导率等受伤害指标的差异程度与室温盐胁迫相比减弱。  相似文献   

Since large areas of agricultural fields in the world become compacted every year, much effort has been made to reduce the adverse effects of soil compaction on plant growth. Mechanical methods to control soil compaction may be laborious and expensive; however, biological methods such as using arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) may be more useful, economically and environmentally. The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate the effects of soil compaction on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth, and (2) to evaluate if using AM of different origin can reduce the stressful effects of soil compaction on wheat growth. Unsterilized and sterilized soils, different levels of compaction and three species of arbuscular mycorrhiza were applied in four replicates. The experiments were conducted in the Soil and Water Research Institute, Karaj, Iran. Soil physical and chemical properties were determined. The AM increased wheat growth in both soils at different levels of soil compaction in both experiments. For root, shoot (P=0.1) and grain (P=0.05) dry weights increases were significant. AM enhanced root growth more than shoot growth under compaction (AM resulted in significant increase in root/shoot ratios, P=0.1). Due to its unique characteristics, AM may reduce the stressful effects of soil compaction on wheat growth, though its effectiveness may decrease with increasing compaction.  相似文献   

为探讨小麦化感作用机理,以强化感小麦‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和弱化感小麦‘抗10103’材料,设置小麦根水提液浓度为0%、0.2%、1.0%和5.0%的水培试验,测定了看麦娘根系对小麦根水提液化感作用的生理响应。结果表明,小麦根水提液处理显著抑制了看麦娘根的生长,根鲜重抑制率随处理浓度的升高而增大,强化感小麦的抑制率高于弱化感小麦。当处理浓度达5.0%时,不同化感小麦间无显著差异。‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和‘抗10103’根水提液处理后,看麦娘的根系活力的抑制率分别为52.0%~59.6%、46.5%~55.0%和27.2%~44.7%,但前二者间无显著差异;看麦娘根系中可溶蛋白含量、SOD、POD、CAT活性及MDA含量显著升高;SOD和POD活性大小均表现为‘115/青海麦’‘92L89’≈‘抗10103’;CAT活性随处理浓度的升高显著增大,但不同品种小麦间无显著差异。‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和‘抗10103’根水提液处理的看麦娘根系MDA含量依次是对照的10.9~25.5倍、5.9~24.2倍和1.2~6.8倍。小麦化感作用引起看麦娘根系细胞膜脂氧化胁迫,并诱导看麦娘根系抗氧化物质类黄酮和总酚含量的合成。可见,降低根系活力、增强保护酶系统活性及抗氧化物质代谢是看麦娘应答小麦化感作用的生理响应。  相似文献   

紫苏叶片响应镉胁迫的蛋白质差异表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明紫苏[Perilla frutescens(L.)Britt.]响应镉胁迫的分子机制,应用营养液加镉法,采用蛋白质组学技术分析了紫苏叶片响应镉胁迫3周的蛋白质表达差异。结果表明,镉胁迫下紫苏叶片有25个蛋白发生差异表达,其中20个蛋白质得到LC-MS/MS鉴定:光合作用相关蛋白3个,能量代谢相关蛋白11个,胁迫相关蛋白1个,蛋白质代谢相关蛋白2个,基因表达相关蛋白1个,结构蛋白1个,生物合成与解毒相关蛋白1个。在浓度为2.0 mg·kg-1、5.0 mg·kg-1、10.0mg·kg-1镉胁迫下,紫苏叶片中ATP合成酶、丝氨酸羧肽酶、植物细胞色素P450均上调表达,Rubisco大亚基、核糖体蛋白S3和肌动蛋白表达均下调。光合系统Ⅱ稳定/装配因子HCF136及胁迫反应蛋白乙酰辅酶A硫酯酶在低浓度镉(2 mg·kg-1)处理下表达上调,在高浓度镉(5 mg·kg-1,10 mg·kg-1)处理下表达下调;磷酸核酮糖激酶/尿苷激酶家族蛋白在2 mg·kg-1和5 mg·kg-1镉处理时表达上调,10 mg·kg-1镉处理时不变;逆转录转座子蛋白在10 mg·kg-1镉处理时表达下调。可见,紫苏叶片通过增强能量代谢、降低光合作用、改变蛋白代谢与基因表达和提高解毒能力,增强了镉耐性。  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the most important growth-limiting factors for most crops in arid and semi-arid regions;however,the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria isolated from saline soils could reduce the effects of saline stress in crops.This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria(PGPRs),isolated from the rhizosphere of halophile plants,for the growth,Na+/K+ balance,ethylene emission,and gene expression of wheat seedlings(Triticum ...  相似文献   

Water stress is one of the major environmental stresses that affect agricultural production worldwide, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. This research investigated the effect of water deficit, induced by PEG-6000 on wheat genotypes (GA-2002, Chakwal-97, Uqab-2000, Chakwal-50 and Wafaq-2001) grown in modified MS medium solution. Osmotic stress caused a more pronounced inhibition in leaf relative water content and leaf membrane stability more sensitive (index in Wafaq-2001 and Uqab-2000) genotypes compared with the tolerant (Chakwal-50, GA-2002 and Chakwal-97) genotypes. Upon dehydration, an incline in proline, total soluble sugar, total soluble protein, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase and malondialdehyde activity content were evident in all genotypes, especially at osmotic stress of ?8 bars. The observed data showed that status of biochemical attributes and antioxidant enzymes could provide a meaningful tool for depicting drought tolerance of wheat genotypes. The present study shows that genotypic differences in drought tolerance could be likely attributed to the ability of wheat plants to induce antioxidant defense under drought conditions. In order to develop genotypes with stable, higher yields in dry farming conditions, it is necessary to characterise genetic resources based on drought adaptation, determine suitable genotypes, and then use them in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, an invasive plant, poses a serious threat to the structure and function of the native ecosystem in Hebei Provience, China. However, little is known about the allelopathic activity of the residues of this plant species. In this study, the impact of the phytotoxicity of unburnt (UR) and burnt (BR) residues of the exotic invasive weed on the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivvm L.) was assessed. Extracts prepared from both UR and BR reduced the shoot length, root length and dry weight of wheat significantly compared with the control, thereby indicating the presence of some water-soluble allelochemicals in F. bidentis residues. Growth studies conducted in soil amended with UR and BR extracts or residues also revealed phytotoxic effects towards wheat. A significant amount of phenolics was detected in the residue extracts and in residue-incorporated soil. The phenolic content rose with increasing residue concentration, thereby showing their direct involvement in the observed growth inhibition. The inhibition of wheat growth by the burnt residue and its water extracts was similar to that of unburnt residue, so burning it is not a good way to eliminate the allelopathic effects of the residue of F. bidentis on native plants.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌对镉胁迫水稻苗期生长与镉积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻米重金属污染是人们广泛关注的严重问题,微生物钝化是阻遏环境重金属进入生物循环的有效途径之一。为了解铜绿假单胞菌对苗期水稻镉污染的缓解效应,本文以无镉处理为对照,通过添加20μmol×L~(-1)镉的水培试验,研究了铜绿假单胞菌、载体A(硅藻土,粒径1~3 mm)、载体B(硅藻土,粒径3~6 mm)、载体C(活性炭,比表面积1 000 m~2×g-1)以及铜绿假单胞菌与载体制备的菌剂A、菌剂B和菌剂C对水稻生长、镉含量及镉积累量的影响。结果表明,20μmol×L~(-1)镉处理显著抑制了水稻根长、株高的生长和干物质积累,添加菌液及菌剂A、B、C后,水稻生长状况得到显著改善,总生物量比镉处理(0.523 g×株~(-1))提高38.5%~67.3%,以菌剂B处理的水稻生物量最高。水稻根、茎鞘、叶以及地上部镉含量显著降低,其中添加菌剂A、菌剂B、菌剂C及活性炭处理的水稻地上部镉含量分别比镉处理(101.3 mg×g~(-1))下降45.9%、47.9%、59.9%和59.9%,迁移系数降低16.7%、25.0%、33.3%和33.3%,富集系数减少48.1%、48.8%、58.8%和60.9%。添加活性炭、菌剂A和菌剂C处理的水稻单株镉积累量降低18.2%、9.5%和24.3%,添加菌剂B以及依次含有56.4 mL、45.3 mL、28.4 mL菌悬液的菌液A、菌液B和菌液C处理,其镉积累量依次增加15.0%、30.4%、14.9%、16.9%,说明菌株通过提高作物生物量增加了镉积累。综上,铜绿假单胞菌可显著促进镉胁迫水稻的生长,降低水稻的镉含量,抑制镉的迁移,降低水稻镉的有效性;菌剂A、B、C表现出良好的镉钝化能力,表明铜绿假单胞菌可为环境镉污染的生物修复提供新菌株。  相似文献   

Crop residues and reduced tillage become current tendency in modifying tillage due to better water management, organic and nutrient supply and increasing crop production. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of fodder radish mulching and different tillage systems in wheat production. In 2004–2006 the field trial was set up on Luvic Chernozems derived from loess. This experiment consisted of two factors: tillage system (conventional or reduced) and mulch (with or without). The air–water properties of soil with particular focus on macropore characteristics were investigated.The tillage system and mulch application significantly influenced physical properties of investigated soil. Reduced tillage, without mouldboard plough, increased the soil density with respect to conventional tillage. However, in the upper soil layer (0–10 cm) with mulch residues the bulk density decreased and reached the similar value as those obtained at conventional tillage (1.25 g cm−3). The macroporosity of soil with conventional tillage (14.79%) was significantly higher in comparison with reduced tillage (6.55%). The mulch of fodder radish added at reduced tillage increased the macroporosity in pore diameter range of 50–500 μm. These changes referred to all shape classes: regular, irregular and elongated pores. The lowest transmission pores content (0.078 cm3 cm−3) was noticed at the reduced tillage without mulch at the 0–10 cm layer. Due to lack of differences in storage pores the tillage and mulching had no effect on both AWC (available water content) and PWC (productive water content) values. The higher value of AWC was noticed in the upper soil layer (0.198 cm3 cm−3 in average), whereas in the 10–20 cm soil layer it was 0.186 cm3 cm−3. Similar relation was recorded in PWC values, 0.165 and 0.154 cm3 cm−3, respectively. The results obtained in physical properties of soil reflected in wheat yields. The yields obtained at reduced tillage system without mulch (5.54 t ha−1) were significant lower with respect to treatment when mulch applied (6.79 t ha−1). The mulch residues did not affect yields at conventional tillage (6.53 t ha−1 without mulch and 7.00 t ha−1 with mulch). The main conclusion is that the mulching can help to avoid yield reduction in wheat production when reduced tillage is used.  相似文献   

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