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Biochar can reduce N2O emissions and it can be added to the soil once, whereas fertilizers are often applied every cultivation season. The aging of biochar in soil affects its functioning but it is unclear whether palm shell biochar (PSB) could still mitigate N2O emissions even when additional basal N fertilizers are applied 1 year after the initial biochar application. We studied the impact of fresh and aged PSB (0%, 6%, 12%, and 18% w/w of dry soil) on N2O emissions, soil properties, nutrient content and yield of Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) under sandy soil conditions. The aged PSB non-significantly reduced N2O emissions but significantly offset soil acidification, and maintained a high soil nutrient status. Biochar application with fertilizer significantly increased plant tissue K and Ca content but decreased N, P and Mg content compared to the treatments without biochar. At higher application rates, biochar had negative effects on crop yield but as it aged, the negative effects were offset as a result of the similar variation in plant N uptake. Since seasonal N fertilizer application seems to be inevitable in Komatsuna cultivation, addition of biochar could be a possible way of counteracting the effects of excessive fertilizer use. Further research is needed to assess the feasible biochar application rates for Komatsuna fields in various soil types under field conditions.  相似文献   

为探讨不同灌水量下砂壤温室黄瓜土壤中氮浓度的变化特征,借助温室内称重式蒸渗仪试验平台,以直径20 cm蒸发皿的蒸发量(E_p)为灌水依据,设置了I1(K_(cp1):0.8)、I2(K_(cp2):1.0)和I3(K_(cp3):1.2)3种灌水水平,研究了黄瓜生育期内不同土层土壤溶液中氮浓度的动态变化及氮淋洗情况。结果表明,减少灌溉量增加了20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮浓度,降低了60 cm土层的硝态氮浓度。与处理I3相比,处理I2在20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮生育期平均浓度增加了75.59%和134.36%,60 cm土层的硝态氮生育期平均浓度降低了18.88%。不同灌溉量处理在各土层中铵态氮最大浓度仅为0.4 mg·L~(-1),其中20 cm土层铵态氮浓度具有和硝态氮相似的变化规律,而40和60 cm土层中各处理无明显差异。黄瓜季淋洗出90 cm土体的氮总量为56.08~203.13kg·hm~(-2),占总施氮量的9.02%~32.69%。相比处理I3,I2处理不仅具有最高的黄瓜产量,而且氮淋洗总量降低了49.16%(P0.05),灌溉水利用效率和氮肥偏生产力分别提高了39.24%(P0.05)和18.88%(P0.05)。综合考虑土壤中氮浓度、淋洗量及黄瓜产量等指标,I2处理(K_(cp2):1.0)为供试条件下较优灌溉量。  相似文献   


Microbial nitrification and denitrification are responsible for the majority of soil nitrous (N2O) emissions. In this study, N2O emissions were measured and the abundance of ammonium oxidizers and denitrifiers were quantified in purple soil in a long-term fertilization experiment to explore their relationships. The average N2O fluxes and abundance of the amoAgene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria during the observed dry season were highest when treated with mixed nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (NPK) and a single N treatment (N) using NH4HCO3as the sole N source; lower values were obtained using organic manure with pig slurry and added NPK at a ratio of 40%:60% (OMNPK),organic manure with pig slurry (OM) and returning crop straw residue plus synthetic NH4HCO3fertilizer at a ratio of 15%:85% (SRNPK). The lowest N2O fluxes were observed in the treatment that used crop straw residue(SR) and in the control with no fertilizer (CK). Soil NH4+provides the substrate for nitrification generating N2O as a byproduct. The N2O flux was significantly correlated with the abundance of the amoA gene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (r = 0.984, p < 0.001), which was the main driver of nitrification. During the wet season, soil nitrate (NO3?) and soil organic matter (SOC) were found positively correlated with N2O emissions (r = 0.774, p = 0.041 and r = 0.827, p = 0.015, respectively). The nirS gene showed a similar trend with N2O fluxes. These results show the relationship between the abundance of soil microbes and N2O emissions and suggest that N2O emissions during the dry season were due to nitrification, whereas in wet season, denitrification might dominate N2O emission.  相似文献   

为揭示加气条件下不同灌溉和施氮量对设施菜地N2O排放的影响,提出有效的N2O减排措施,该研究以温室芹菜为例,设置充分灌溉(1.0 Ep,I1;Ep为2次灌水间隔内φ20 cm标准蒸发皿的累计蒸发量)和亏缺灌溉(0.75 Ep,I2)2个灌溉水平和0 (N0)、150 (N150)、200 (N200)、250 kg/hm2 (N250)4个施氮水平,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对各处理土壤N2O的排放进行监测,并分析不同灌溉和氮肥水平下土壤温度、湿度、矿质氮(NH4+-N和NO3--N)、硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的变化,以及对土壤N2O排放的影响.结果表明:充分灌水温室芹菜地N2O排放显著(P<0.05)高于亏缺灌溉;施氮显著(P<0.05)增加了土壤N2O排放,N150、N200和N250处理的N2O累积排放量分别是N0处理的2.30、4.14和7.15倍.设施芹菜地N2O排放与土壤温度、湿度和硝态氮含量呈指数相关关系(P<0.01),与硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量呈线性相关关系(P<0.01),而与土壤铵态氮没有显著相关关系.灌水和施氮提高芹菜产量的同时,显著增强了土壤N2O排放.综合考虑产量和温室效应,施氮量150 kg/hm2、亏缺灌溉为较佳的管理模式.该研究为设施菜地N2O减排及确定合理的水氮投入量提供参考.  相似文献   

不同氮水平下黄瓜-番茄日光温室栽培土壤N_2O排放特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为探讨日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内N2O排放动态变化及其对不同氮水平的响应规律,采用密闭静态箱法,研究了常规氮量(黄瓜季1 200 kg/hm2,番茄季900 kg/hm2)、比常规氮量减25%(黄瓜季900 kg/hm2,番茄季675 kg/hm2)、减50%(黄瓜季600 kg/hm2,番茄季450 kg/hm2)以及不施氮对日光温室土壤N2O排放的影响。结果表明,温度是影响日光温室土壤N2O排放强度的重要因素,4-10月(平均气温为27.4℃)的N2O排放通量最高达818.4μg/(m2·h);而2-3月(平均气温15.1℃)以及11-12月(平均气温14.7℃)期间的N2O排放通量最高仅为464.5μg/(m2·h),比4-10月的N2O排放峰值降低了43.2%。N2O排放峰值在氮肥追施后5 d内出现,N2O排放量集中在氮肥施用后7 d内,可占整个监测期(271 d)排放量的64.7%~67.8%。施氮因增加了土壤硝态氮含量而引起N2O排放爆发式增长,0~10 cm土壤硝态氮含量与N2O排放量呈指数函数关系(P0.01)。日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内的N2O排放量为0.99~9.92 kg/hm2,其中75.6%~90.0%由施氮造成。与常规氮用量相比,氮减量25%和50%处理的N2O排放量分别降低了40.4%和59.3%,总产量却增加4.9%和7.4%。综上所述,合理减少氮用量不仅可显著降低日光温室土壤N2O排放,而且不会引起产量的降低。该研究为日光温室蔬菜生产构建科学合理的施氮技术及估算中国设施农田温室气体排放量提供参考。  相似文献   

连续3年茎蘖动态分析表明,高沙土麦作区在10月底~11月初播种,基本苗180~270株/m2情况下,播后25~30天茎蘖达到预期成穗数390~450株/m2;小麦产量由主茎及主茎1叶、2叶、3叶产生的分蘖成穗构成。最高产量时的氮肥施用水平为213.2kg/hm2,产量为5782.5kg/hm2。拔节期施用NPK三元素肥料具有显著提高实粒数,增加千粒重等作用,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

依托紫色土施肥方式与养分循环长期试验平台(2002年—),采用静态箱-气相色谱法开展紫色土冬小麦-夏玉米轮作周期(2013年10月至2014年10月)农田生态系统N_2O和NO排放的野外原位观测试验。长期施肥方式包括单施氮肥(N)、传统猪厩肥(OM)、常规氮磷钾肥(NPK)、猪厩肥配施氮磷钾肥(OMNPK)和秸秆还田配施氮磷钾肥(RSDNPK)等5种,氮肥用量相同[小麦季130 kg(N)×hm~(-2),玉米季150 kg(N)×hm~(-2)],不施肥对照(CK)用于计算排放系数,对比不同施肥方式对紫色土典型农田生态系统土壤N_2O和NO排放的影响,以期探寻紫色土农田生态系统N_2O和NO协同减排的施肥方式。结果表明,所有施肥方式下紫色土N_2O和NO排放速率波动幅度大,且均在施肥初期出现峰值;强降雨激发N_2O排放,但对NO排放无明显影响。在整个小麦-玉米轮作周期,N、OM、NPK、OMNPK和RSDNPK处理的N_2O年累积排放量分别为1.40 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、4.60 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、0.95 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、2.16kg(N)×hm~(-2)和1.41 kg(N)×hm~(-2),排放系数分别为0.41%、1.56%、0.25%、0.69%、0.42%;NO累积排放量分别为0.57 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、0.40 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、0.39 kg(N)×hm~(-2)、0.46 kg(N)×hm~(-2)和0.17 kg(N)×hm~(-2),排放系数分别为0.21%、0.15%、0.15%、0.17%、0.07%。施肥方式对紫色土N_2O和NO累积排放量具有显著影响(P0.05),与NPK处理比较,OM和OMNPK处理的N_2O排放分别增加384%和127%,同时NO排放分别增加3%和18%;RSDNPK处理的NO排放减少56%。表明长期施用猪厩肥显著增加N_2O和NO排放,而秸秆还田有效减少NO排放。研究表明,土壤温度和水分条件均显著影响小麦季N_2O和NO排放(P0.01),对玉米季N_2O和NO排放没有显著影响(P0.05),土壤无机氮含量则是在小麦-玉米轮作期N_2O和NO排放的主要限制因子(P0.01)。全量秸秆还田与化肥配合施用是紫色土农田生态系统N_2O和NO协同减排的优化施肥方式。  相似文献   

In vegetable cultivation, the majority of N2O emissions occur after fertilization; it is therefore important to understand any factors contributing to this process. An experiment was conducted to investigate short-term N2O dynamics following topdressing in a greenhouse vegetable field in South China. During two topdressing processes, three different urea-N treatments with irrigation were conducted in May and June in a tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) cultivation. The N2O fluxes, soil concentration profiles and soil environments at the 0-60 cm depths at 10 cm intervals were measured both immediately prior to and 5 days after topdressing. The N2O fluxes before topdressing ranged from 6.7±2.1 to 55.0±28.8 μ g N m 2 h 1 ; even higher numbers were recorded in highly fertilized plots. The NO3-N accumulation in the soil caused by vegetable cultivation during the 5 years prior to the start of the experiment, resulted in high background N2O fluxes. One day after topdressing (1 DAT) in May and June, N2O fluxes increased, which coincided with sharp increases in soil N2O concentrations at depths of 2.5 and 15 cm and in NO3-N and NH+4 -N contents at depths of 0-20 cm. From 1 to 5 DAT, fluctuations in the N2O fluxes did not harmonize with the N2O concentrations at a depth of 2.5 cm, which was attributed to different gas diffusion rates at depths of 0-10 cm. These results suggested that surface soil N and environmental conditions were crucial for determining the short-term N2O ebullitions during topdressing in greenhouse vegetable cultivation.  相似文献   


We studied the effect of crop residues with various C:N ratios on N2O emissions from soil. We set up five experimental plots with four types of crop residues, onion leaf (OL), soybean stem and leaf (SSL), rice straw (RS) and wheat straw (WS), and no residue (NR) on Gray Lowland soil in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan. The C:N ratios of these crop residues were 11.6, 14.5, 62.3, and 110, respectively. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of farmer practices, we determined appropriate application rates: 108, 168, 110, 141 and 0 g C m?2 and 9.3, 11.6, 1.76, 1.28 and 0 g N m?2, respectively. We measured N2O, CO2 and NO fluxes using a closed chamber method. At the same time, we measured soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm, water-filled pore space (WFPS), and the concentrations of soil NH+ 4-N, NO? 3-N and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC). Significant peaks of N2O and CO2 emissions came from OL and SSL just after application, but there were no emissions from RS, WS or NR. There was a significant relationship between N2O and CO2 emissions in each treatment except WS, and correlations between CO2 flux and temperature in RS, soil NH+ 4-N and N2O flux in SSL and NR, soil NH+ 4-N and CO2 flux in SSL, and WSOC and CO2 flux in WS. The ratio of N2O-N/NO-N increased to approximately 100 in OL and SSL as N2O emissions increased. Cumulative N2O and CO2 emissions increased as the C:N ratio decreased, but not significantly. The ratio of N2O emission to applied N ranged from ?0.43% to 0.86%, and was significantly correlated with C:N ratio (y = ?0.59 ln [x] + 2.30, r 2 = 0.99, P < 0.01). The ratio of CO2 emissions to applied C ranged from ?5.8% to 45% and was also correlated with C:N ratio, but not significantly (r 2 = 0.78, P = 0.11).  相似文献   

【目的】设施蔬菜习惯"大水大肥"的传统管理模式,不仅影响蔬菜的品质和产量,造成严重的资源浪费,而且引起的环境污染问题日益受到人们的关注。本研究针对设施蔬菜生产中过量施用氮肥以及不合理的灌溉所导致的氮肥利用率低、氮素损失等资源浪费和环境的负效应问题,重点研究双氰胺(DCD)在设施蔬菜生产体系中的硝化抑制效果及其影响机制,并筛选出了适用于设施黄瓜生产的最优水氮管理方案。【方法】采用田间原位跟踪法,对温室黄瓜追肥期间土壤N2O排放量、氨挥发损失量、无机氮含量等指标进行了测定。N2O气体样品用密闭式静态箱法采集,用Agilent GC6820气相色谱仪进行测定。氨挥发样品用密闭室法采集,硼酸溶液吸收,标准硫酸滴定法测定。新鲜土样用1.0 mol/L KCl浸提,滤液用TRACCS 2000型流动分析仪测定土壤的NH+4-N和NO-3-N含量。【结果】在不同水氮条件下[传统水氮(T)的施氮量为N 988.6 kg/hm2、灌溉量为758.8 t/hm2;推荐水氮Ⅰ(R1)的施氮量为N 709.4 kg/hm2,推荐水氮Ⅱ(R2)的施氮量为N 746.9 kg/hm2,灌溉量均为531.2 t/hm2]。加施DCD后,推荐水氮Ⅰ、推荐水氮Ⅱ处理N2O的排放通量分别显著减少了42.1%和64.1%,但氨挥发损失分别显著增加了34.3%和40.4%;0—10 cm土层土壤硝态氮与N2O排放通量呈极显著的正相关,铵态氮与氨挥发损失呈极显著正相关。传统水氮处理在0—60 cm土壤剖面均检测到大量的硝态氮,前两次追肥后尤为明显。在减氮基础上加施DCD有助于减少硝态氮的累积,对0—30 cm根区硝酸盐淋洗的抑制作用较为明显。在0—30 cm土壤-蔬菜体系中,传统水氮处理的氮素表观损失显著高于其他施氮处理。加施DCD后,推荐水氮Ⅰ、推荐水氮Ⅱ处理的氮素盈余和氮素损失率均有所降低。与传统水氮处理相比,推荐水氮Ⅱ+DCD的处理增产23.3%,经济效益增加25560yuan/hm2。【结论】在本试验条件下,适度减氮控水措施是切实可行的,不仅满足了作物生长所需要的氮素,而且减少了氮素的盈余,提高了氮素的利用率,且不影响作物产量。在控水灌溉条件下,推荐施氮Ⅱ+DCD(氮素用量的15%)不仅能减少土壤氮素的盈余量,而且可有效地增加经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

水稻控制灌溉对稻麦轮作农田N_2O排放的调控效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了揭示水稻控制灌溉对稻麦轮作农田N2O排放的调控效应,该文对稻麦轮作农田N2O排放进行原位观测,分析稻麦轮作农田N2O排放对水稻控制灌溉水分调控的动态响应。结果表明,水稻灌溉模式对后茬冬小麦田N2O排放产生了显著的后效性影响,控制灌溉稻季农田N2O排放总量较常规灌溉稻季农田平均增加了136.9%(P0.05),而稻季采用控制灌溉的麦季农田N2O排放总量较稻季采用常规灌溉的麦季农田平均减少47.1%(P0.05);稻季采用控制灌溉的稻麦轮作农田全年N2O排放总量平均为761.50 mg/m2,较稻季采用常规灌溉的轮作农田平均减少了1.0%,差异很小(P0.05)。稻季采用控制灌溉的稻麦轮作农田N2O-N损失率为1.01%,稻季采用常规灌溉的轮作农田N2O-N损失率为0.98%。麦季N2O排放通量的峰值一般出现在施肥后伴随降雨时,降雨后7~10 d是麦季N2O剧烈排放的关键时期。水稻控制灌溉较常规灌溉没有增加稻麦轮作农田的N2O排放。研究结果为准确估算中国农田N2O排放量及制定N2O减排措施提供参考。  相似文献   

畦灌与施肥时机对土壤硝态氮分布和冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为探究不同畦田规格与施肥时机对土壤NO3--N分布规律及对冬小麦产量的影响,优化选择具有较高灌水施肥均匀度和储氮效率及产量的最佳灌溉施肥模式,于2017-2018年在冬小麦季选取畦宽、畦长和施肥时机3个试验因素,传统撒施灌溉作为对照,通过正交试验设计设置12个处理。结果表明:1)与灌水前相比,灌水后各处理土壤不同层次NO3--N浓度均增加,且随着土层深度的增加NO3--N浓度逐渐降低。在液施处理下NO3--N在有效根系层的累积较撒施处理高出0.27%~27.97%。2)畦宽、畦长和施肥时机显著影响NO3--N的分布。在返青期,畦长对灌水施肥均匀度的贡献率最高,为91.64%;施肥时机对储氮效率的贡献率最高,为44.22%。在扬花期,畦长对灌水施肥均匀度的贡献率最高,为92.67%;畦宽对储氮效率的贡献率最高,为53.6%。在60 m畦长条件下可以获得较高的灌水施肥均匀度。3)畦宽、畦长和施肥时机对作物产量的贡献率分别为37.2%、37.3%和23.9%,畦宽3.2 m、畦长60 m和全程液施的处理下达到了最高产量,为7 869.2 kg/hm2。因此,液施可以提高土壤NO3--N分布均匀性,有利于NO3--N在小麦根系层的累积,减少氮素的淋溶损失;综合对土壤NO3--N分布均匀性、积累及作物产量来看,畦宽3.2 m、畦长60 m和全程液施的处理为该研究处理下最优模式。  相似文献   

A new chamber method and a stripping method were developed for field measurements of the rate of N2O emission from the water surface and for determinations of dissolved N2O in water from agricultural land.

These methods were used for the measurement of drainage canal water and flooded water of rice fields during the period of June 1982 to January 1983. The results demonstrate that aquatic systems of agricultural land may provide both source and sink for atmospheric N2O.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and agricultural soils are major sources of atmospheric N2O. Its emissions from soils make up the largest part in the global N2O budget. Research was carried out at the experimental fields of the Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB). Different types (mineral and wood ash) and levels (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) of fertilization were applied to annual (rape, rye, triticale and hemp) and perennial (poplar and willow) plants every year. N2O flux measurements were performed 4 times a week by means of gas flux chambers and an automated gas chromatograph between 2003 and 2005. Soil samples were also taken close to the corresponding measuring rings. Soil nitrate and ammonium were measured in soil extracts.N2O emissions had a peak after N fertilization in spring, after plant harvest in summer and during the freezing–thawing periods in winter. Both fertilization and plant types significantly altered N2O emission. The maximum N2O emission rate detected was 1081 μg N2O m−2 h−1 in 2004. The mean annual N2O emissions from the annual plants were more than twofold greater than those of perennial plants (4.3 kg ha−1 vs. 1.9 kg ha−1). During January, N2O fluxes considerably increased in all treatments due to freezing–thawing cycles. Fertilization together with annual cropping doubled the N2O emissions compared to perennial crops indicating that N use efficiency was greater for perennial plants. Fertilizer-derived N2O fluxes constituted about 32% (willow) to 67% (rape/rye) of total soil N2O flux. Concurrent measurements of soil water content, NO3 and NH4 support the conclusion that nitrification is main source of N2O loss from the study soils. The mean soil NO3-N values of soils during the study for fertilized soils were 1.6 and 0.9 mg NO3-N kg−1 for 150 and 75 kg N ha−1 fertilization, respectively. This value reduced to 0.5 mg NO3-N kg−1 for non-fertilized soils.  相似文献   

农田土壤N2O排放和减排措施的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
氧化亚氮(N2O)是一种受人类活动影响的重要温室气体。农业土壤是其主要的排放源之一,土壤中硝化和反硝化作用是N2O产生的主要过程。N2O的排放受多种因素的影响,农业活动尤其是施用化学氮肥是农田N2O排放量增加的主要因素。提高氮肥利用率,使用硝化抑制剂等措施将有助于减少N2O的排放量,更有效的减排措施还有待进一步的研究与应用。  相似文献   

为明确不同灌溉施肥措施下夏玉米-冬小麦轮作农田N_2O的排放特征,寻求既能减少N_2O排放又保证粮食产量的灌溉施肥方法,以华北地区夏玉米-冬小麦轮作农田为研究对象,利用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对土壤N_2O排放特征进行了周年(2015年6月15日-2016年6月12日)观测,探讨了常规施氮量(夏玉米:205.5 kg/hm2;冬小麦:250 kg/hm2)下传统灌溉施肥(FP100%)、滴灌+传统施肥(DN100%)、滴灌水肥一体化(FN100%)以及滴灌水肥一体化下不同施氮量(减氮60%(FN40%)、减氮30%(FN70%)、常规氮量(FN100%)和增氮30%(FN130%))下农田N_2O排放特征及土壤温湿度对农田N_2O排放的影响,另设滴灌+不施氮肥(CK)为对照。结果表明:在夏玉米-冬小麦轮作体系中小麦季农田土壤N_2O排放通量高于玉米季,夏玉米季土壤N_2O阶段排放峰值出现在拔节期和抽雄期;而冬小麦季土壤N_2O阶段排放峰值出现在冬前苗期和拔节期。与FP100%处理相比,FN40%处理在夏玉米和冬小麦季的N_2O平均排放通量分别降低了70.8%和66.7%,N_2O排放总量分别减少了58.7%和66.3%;整个轮作季周年产量没有显著减少,N_2O排放总量显著降低了62.9%(P0.05)。FN40%处理夏玉米季和冬小麦N_2O排放系数分别为0.06和0.01,显著低于其他施肥处理(P0.05)。土壤温湿度均影响农田N_2O排放,但不同处理在夏玉米和冬小麦生长季与土壤温度和土壤湿度的相关性并不相同。综合考虑N_2O排放量和作物产量,研究认为,在华北地区夏玉米-冬小麦轮作系统下,若采用滴灌,则根据作物需肥规律同时采用水肥一体化方式进行施肥才既有增产,又减少农田N_2O排放的效果,并且在滴灌水肥一体化技术下,减少60%施氮量在保障粮食产量的同时,可以有效地减少N_2O排放,是兼顾作物产量及大气环境的推荐管理措施。  相似文献   


Recently there has been developments in the measurement of N2 fixation due mainly to the C2H2 reduction method (1). This method, however, has several disadvantages, especially for submerged soil, and the estimated amount of fixed N2 on the basis of the C2H2 reduction activity is not very reliable. The tracer 15N2 technique which gives a reliable estimation of the fixed N2 is too expensive for common use. Development of an alternative method suitable for submerged soil would therefore be desirable. The present authors expected that the measurement of the ratio N2/Ar in the soil solution might provide advantages for the estimation of the fixed N2 in submerged soil.  相似文献   

To better understand the complex interactions between irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer application on soil organic carbon content, the results from long‐term field experiments over a period of 40 years were analysed. The combined effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on crop yields, carbon input by above ground harvest residues and soil organic carbon content has been investigated at a site on a sandy soil in northeast Germany. Combined with nitrogen fertilizer application, irrigation has frequently had a significantly positive effect on crop yield and carbon inputs from above ground harvest residues. However, enhanced carbon inputs to the soil under irrigation did not lead to significantly greater soil organic carbon contents. As the combination of irrigation and nitrogen also improved microbial decomposition by changing of above ground harvest residues C/N ratio and soil moisture, the effect of an additional input of carbon from above ground harvest residues was nullified.  相似文献   

施氮及添加硝化抑制剂对苜蓿草地N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究旱作紫花苜蓿(MedicagosativaL.)栽培草地氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放对施氮水平及添加硝化抑制剂的响应特征,采用传统静态箱法研究了不同施氮水平[0kg(N)·hm~(-2)(N0)、 50kg(N)·hm~(-2)(N50)、 100kg(N)·hm~(-2)(N100)和150kg(N)·hm~(-2)(N150)]以及添加硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)150kg(N)·hm~(-2)(N150+DCD)对陇东苜蓿草地N_2O排放特征的影响。结果显示,监测期内N0、N50、N100和N150处理N_2O平均排放速率分别为3.5μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1)、4.1μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1)、5.0μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和6.1μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1),随着施氮梯度的增加, N_2O排放速率呈增加趋势。添加硝化抑制剂DCD对N_2O排放产生明显的抑制作用。与N150处理相比, N150+DCD处理下苜蓿草地N_2O平均排放速率下降50.7%, N_2O累计排放量显著降低61.6%(P0.05)。施氮对苜蓿产量没有显著影响,而N0、N50、N100和N150处理下单位苜蓿产量N_2O排放量随氮肥梯度的增加而增加,各处理分别为6.5 mg·kg~(-1)、7.8 mg·kg~(-1)、11.3 mg·kg~(-1)和12.5 mg·kg~(-1)。N_2O排放受土壤含水量影响深刻,生长季N_2O排放通量与土壤水分呈显著正相关关系(P0.05),而与土壤温度无显著相关性(P0.05)。综上,旱作紫花苜蓿栽培草地N_2O排放通量随施氮水平的增加明显增加,在相同施氮水平下添加硝化抑制剂DCD能显著抑制N_2O排放。相关研究结果对于该区域苜蓿草地合理施肥以及N_2O减排具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Adding easily decomposable organic materials into flooded nitrate-rich soils can effectively decrease the soil nitrate concentration and repair nitrate-rich soil. However, nitrate reduction is usually accompanied with an increase in N2O emission. This study was conducted to reduce N2O emission in a nitrate-rich vegetable soil flooded for remediation and amended with biochar. Nitrate-rich vegetable soil was placed in five treatment groups: flooding (F); flooding with rice straw (F?+?RS); flooding with rice straw and 1% biochar (F?+?RS?+?1% biochar); flooding with rice straw and 3% biochar (F?+?RS?+?3% biochar); flooding with rice straw and CaO (F?+?RS?+?CaO). Biochar and CaO reduced the N2O emission levels relative to the F?+?RS group, with the former being more effective than the latter, achieving reduction of 40.70% (3% biochar) and 17.35% (CaO) of cumulative N2O emission. The 3% biochar was more effective than the 1% biochar. Regression analysis showed a positive correlation between the abundance of NO reductase gene (norB) and soil N2O emission flux. In general, biochar and CaO could effectively reduce N2O emissions from a nitrate-rich vegetable soil during flooding remediation, duo to elevating soil pH and altering denitrifying activity. The norB gene was the most important denitrifying gene driving soil N2O emission in the remediation.  相似文献   

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