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【目的】研究不同生长调节剂处理对金叶银杏硬枝扦插生根率和成活率的影响,探讨金叶银杏的生根机制,为金叶银杏苗木扦插快繁技术体系的建立提供技术支持和理论指导。【方法】通过NAA和IBA处理金叶银杏硬枝插穗,检测它们对插穗的生根状态、生根指标及IBA对扦插过程中插穗皮部可溶性糖、抗氧化酶、激素含量的影响,探究金叶银杏硬枝扦插繁殖技术和生根机理。【结果】1)金叶银杏插穗愈伤组织诱导期和形成期、不定根发生期和形成期分别在插后的20~26、26~42、42~53、53~79 d。2)800 mg·L^-1 IBA和400 mg·L^-1 NAA+400 mg·L^-1IBA(混合)处理的插穗愈伤组织和不定根出现期及生根率与根数都较其他相应处理的效果好,其中生根率分别达64.4%和51.1%;不定根数分别达8.6条和9.3条。3)插穗生根过程中(500 mg·L^-1 IBA处理)基部韧皮部的SOD、PPO活性在插后40、60 d达到高峰,均比对照提前20 d达到峰值;插穗的POD活性出现上升-下降-升高的趋势,插穗可溶性糖也出现升高-下降-升高的趋势,但时间点不一致;而淀粉的含量出现下降-上升的趋势。4)生根期间插穗基部韧皮部的IAA含量出现了2个峰值和一个谷值;而ZR含量在第40天达到峰值后下降;GA含量先下降后上升;ABA含量在插后的前期高后期低,且值都低于同期对照。IAA/ABA比值在插后的第40天(愈伤组织形成期)达到谷底,后又上升(不定根形成期)。IAA/GA在插后的40~60 d内快速上升,80 d后又开始大幅下降;IAA/ZR值在扦插愈伤组织形成期(40 d)呈下降趋势,到60 d时(不定根发生期)又急剧上升到峰值。【结论】高活性的SOD和POD有利于插穗初期愈伤组织的形成(40 d),高活性的POD与PPO有利于不定根的形成(60 d)。较高的IAA含量是保证愈伤组织形成(20~40 d)的必要条件,不定根形成期(60 d)需要较高的IAA/ZR、IAA/ABA、IAA/GA比值。本研究为金叶银杏扦插繁殖技术和生根机理的研究及金叶银杏苗木的快速繁殖生产提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为了解无患子硬枝扦插生根机制,以1年生无患子硬枝作为扦插材料,在扦插第0—80天调查愈伤组织发育和根系形成情况,测定插穗的腋芽(嫩叶)以及基部2cm长度的韧皮部内源激素和多酚类物质的含量。结果表明,无患子硬枝扦插第10天开始出现愈伤组织,第50天愈伤率达到最高值83.33%;第40天开始出现生根插穗,生根率为6.67%,随后不定根数量迅速增加,第70天生根率达到86.67%,此时平均有5.33条。之后生根数量不变,根系仍然在生长,且扦插后根系效果指数持续增高。插穗韧皮部内源激素含量变化较复杂。整体来看,高含量赤霉素(GA3)抑制愈伤组织和不定根形成,且在根原基发生期和不定根形成关键期达到峰值,在不定根速生期持续下降;高含量生长素(IAA)促进不定根的形成,且在扦插后第20天,即根原基发生期,达到峰值(92.7μg/g);玉米素核苷(ZR)对无患子硬枝扦插过程的生理作用较复杂,低含量的ZR有利于根原基的发生和不定根速生,但高含量的ZR促进不定根形成。韧皮部ZR/IAA在扦插后第20—40天呈下降趋势,第40—60天快速上升,促进不定根生长;GA3/IAA整体呈现抛物线形下降趋势,特别是在根原基发生期和不定根速生期,下降速率更快,以促进不定根的生长。无患子硬枝插穗生根进程中,多数多酚类物质对愈伤组织形成、根原基发生及不定根形成有极显著抑制作用,没食子酸抑制效果稍弱;插穗内多种激素和多酚类物质的含量均发生了变化,且对插穗生根产生重大影响。总之,插穗根原基发生和不定根形成等关键时期,IAA含量升高,GA3、ZR以及多酚类物质含量降低,植物体内多种内源物质此消彼长,达到动态平衡,共同促进插穗生根。  相似文献   

杂种落叶松连续繁殖与插穗生根关系的生理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
观察了日×长杂种落叶松连续繁殖插穗不定根发育进程,研究了连续繁殖对插穗生根力衰退的阻滞效应,并分析了一轮采穗圃与原株采穗圃插穗不定根发育期内源激素含量的动态变化。结果表明:扦插后13 31 d是愈伤组织形成和不定根原始体分化发育的关键期,此时一轮分生株愈伤组织形成和不定根发育均优于原株。连续繁殖对插穗生根性状有显著作用,尤其是生根率很低的原株,经过一轮繁殖后,生根性状有极显著提高。连续繁殖影响插穗自身激素含量,尤其是IAA,经过一轮繁殖后,含量明显高于原株。从不定根发育过程中激素的动态变化看,一轮分生株插穗(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA比值在不定根发育前期明显高于原株,与生根率的变化一致,可用来衡量不同繁殖次数插穗生根性状的优劣。  相似文献   

长蕊杜鹃扦插内源激素变化及解剖结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以野生长蕊杜鹃半木质化茎段为试材,采用植物生长激素KIBA,KNAA和Hormodin对插穗进行处理,测定不同生根期内源激素IAA、GA3、ZR、ABA含量,对扦插不同时期插穗茎段进行电镜扫描。结果表明:先快蘸液态KNAA(3 000mg·L-1),再迅速蘸取粉状Hormodin#1处理对插条生根具有显著影响,插穗生根率达到了81.25%;较高浓度的内源IAA含量有利于根原基分化形成,GA3含量上升与插穗愈伤组织的诱导、不定根的形成呈正相关性,低水平的ABA更有利于长蕊杜鹃扦插生根;插穗在根原基分化和愈伤组织形成时期消耗內源ZR,在不定根长出后自身合成ZR;通过对淀粉粒研究表明扦插期补充糖类物质是必要的,簇状晶体产生表明钙调控等生理机制形成。  相似文献   

青钱柳子叶不定根的发生机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以青钱柳子叶为材料,WPM为基本培养基,研究不同质量浓度的外源ABA和IBA对子叶不定根发生的影响,并对不定根发生与内源激素的变化关系进行探讨.结果表明:添加0.5~5 mg·L~(-1) IBA,对子叶不定根发生均有不同程度的促进作用,以1.5 mg·L~(-1)效果最佳,诱导生根率、平均生根条数和根长均达最大,生根率可达到100%;而添加0.01~0.5 mg·L~(-1) ABA和不加激素的对照没有不定根的发生.内源激素的动态测定表明IAA对不定根的发生起关键性作用,根原基的启动需要较高的内源IAA,而不定根的形成与根的伸长需要相对较低的内源IAA水平.较高的IAA/ABA,IAA/GA_3比值有利于不定根的发生,能较好反映出生根过程中内源激素间的平衡需求,GA_3可能不是影响不定根发生的关键因素.研究结果为青钱柳生根诱导及其机制的研究提供依据.  相似文献   

青钱柳扦插过程中内源激素变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明青钱柳扦插生根机理,以青钱柳半木质化枝条为插穗,用I系和K系处理插穗,纯净水为对照,研究扦插生根过程中插穗内源激素含量的变化。结果表明:用I系和K系处理插穗能够促使插穗生根,尤其以质量浓度为600 mg/L处理的插穗生根率和生根数最好。经过I系和K系处理后的插穗IAA含量均表现出先升后降再升的规律;ABA的变异规律呈"先降后升"模式;ZR的变异规律呈"先升后降再升再降"模式;GA的变异规律呈"先降后升再趋平稳"模式;IAA/ABA值的变异规律呈"先升后降再升再降"模式。  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the twelve clones of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.). These clones were obtained from India and Nepal. Single-node leafy cuttings were prepared from the vegetative multiplication garden to examine the clonal variation, effect of IBA treatment on rooting response and associated metabolic changes during adventitious root formation. A remarkable and significant variation was observed due to treatment of 2,000 ppm IBA in the rooting parameters. Clonal variations were also significant for root and shoot growth while length of root was insignificant. Among the twelve clones studied; C3 (Tulsipur, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, India) and C4 (Laxmipur, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, India) clone cuttings have given the highest rooting response. Interaction (clone × IBA) was significant only for production of number of roots per cutting. Periodic sampling for clone C3 was performed at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days to examine the contents of total soluble sugars, starch, protein and peroxidase (PER) activity in the rooting zone of cuttings (∼0.5 cm) during adventitious root primordium development. A significant increase in all the metabolic activities was noted due to IBA. Total soluble sugars and starch contents of cuttings decreased with the passage of time. Protein content and PER-activity started to increase in the early stage and reached the highest level on day 21, followed by a decline at the 35th day of sampling. These trends were common for both IBA treated and untreated cuttings. Protein content and PER-activity remained higher in the rooting zone of IBA treated cuttings. Overall these findings suggested that exogenous application of IBA may have activated carbohydrate metabolism for release of energy, while protein and PER-activity were necessary for cell division and differentiation during adventitious root primordium initiation and development in the rooting zone of cuttings.  相似文献   

为了提高兴安圆柏扦插生根率,探讨兴安圆柏的扦插生根机理,以改进的HPLC法测定了兴安圆柏嫩枝插穗生根过程中4种内源激素的含量变化。结果表明,外源激素处理促进了插穗内IAA合成,显著提高了插穗内IAA含量、IAA/ABA值,ABA含量变化不明显;低浓度的ZT促进生根,插穗生根过程中ZT含量较低,NAA处理使ZT含量比对照显著降低;外施激素降低了生根初期插穗内GA含量,促进了愈伤组织和根原基形成,提高了不定根形成期插穗内GA含量,有利于不定根生长。  相似文献   

秤锤树插穗生根的解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从解剖学角度研究了秤锤树插穗生根的机制.结果表明:插穗扦插前在木质部、韧皮部、形成层以及皮层等部位都不存在潜伏根原基,根据生根类型的划分,秤锤树不定根应属于诱生根原始体.不定根根原基可由形成层细胞、愈伤组织细胞分化而来,逐渐突破皮层,伸向外部.  相似文献   

采用酶联免疫吸附法(EL ISA)和细胞石蜡切片法,研究光皮桦离体培养形态建成过程中芽原基、根原基形成、发育的特点以及光皮桦离体培养形态建成过程中5种内源激素含量的变化规律,阐明光皮桦离体培养过程中芽原基、根原基形成、发育的过程、特点以及内源激素的变化对离体培养形态建成过程中所起的调控作用,为建立高效的光皮桦离体培养体系提供科学依据.结果表明:在光皮桦离体培养形态建成过程中,芽原基起源于皮层的薄壁细胞,根原基起源于韧皮部内;在芽和根的形态建成过程中,外源激素的添加使光皮桦某些内源激素发生了变化,从而对芽和根的形态建成起调控作用;内源激素ZR、ABA、IAA,iPA的增加对芽的形成、发育起到促进作用;内源激素IAA、ABA,iPA的增加对根的形成、发育起到促进作用.  相似文献   

细柄蕈树嫩枝扦插生根过程中内源激素动态特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3年生细柄蕈树实生苗嫩枝为试验材料,运用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA),研究其在扦插生根过程中内源激素含量的变化,旨在揭示细柄蕈树扦插生根的机理。结果表明,与CK相比,以质量浓度300 mg/L的NAA处理插穗,能有效缩短其生根周期;扦插生根过程中,NAA处理与CK的几种内源激素(IAA、ZT和ABA)含量随时间变化的趋势相同,均呈正"V"形变化;NAA处理可调节内源激素,促进不定根的形成和发育;不定根形成期间,NAA处理与CK的IAA/ZT、IAA/GA3和IAA/ABA谷值的出现时间(20 d和30 d)与愈伤组织形成期重合,内源激素的这种节奏性变化反映了生根与生理之间的协同性。  相似文献   

Tree peony is well known and sought after for its large, colorful flowers. Its propagation is via vegetative methods. Mechnisms of the adventitious rooting and the regulation of rooting processes are the principles and techniques of plant propagation and improvement. Microstructures and fluctuations of phytohormones in the adventitious rooting were studied with the etiolated softwood shoots of Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Yinfen Jinlin’. There are no pre-primordia in the shoots of the cultivar. Adventitious roots are produced in five stages: shoot selection, primordium initiation, primordium growth, conducting tissue differentiation and root protrusion. Primordia initiated in the cortex. The contents of the endogenous hormones, IAA, ABA and GA, were 5.842, 0.873 and 1.043 nmol•g–1 FW on the bases of shoots, respectively. CTKs which included isopentenyl adenine (iPA), zeatin riboside (ZR) and dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR) were 0.949, 0.695 and 2.034 nmol•g–1 FW, respectively. DHZR is active among CTKs. The ratio of IAA to GA, CTK and ABA clearly increased at the stage of primordium initiation, while they showed low levels at the stages of primordium growth. The ratios were restored at the shoot levels at the stage of root protrusion. IBA provoked primordia initiation in the cortex, the vascular cambium, the pith and even in the callus induced on the base of shoots. IAA levels in the treated shoots increased gradually to its highest level (three times of control) at the stage of conducting tissue differentiation. The ratios of IAA to GA, CTK and ABA clearly decreased at the stage of primordium initiation. The ratio of IAA to ABA is regulated at 10:1.  相似文献   

三种杨树扦插生根期间内源激素水平的比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和气相色谱(GC)法,分析银白杨、毛白根和山杨的对照、NAA处理和NAA+BA处理硬枝插穗(芽、皮)的内源ABA、IAA和玉米素含量在扦插生根期间的变化。试验表明,硬枝扦插生根是潜伏根原基存在与否和皮部内源激素平衡两方面的原因决定的。银白杨皮部的IAA/ABA比值和玉米素含量高,潜伏根原基有迅速恢复生长的条件,能自发生根成活。毛白杨的IAA/ABA比值和玉米素含量都低,需  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of successive continuous generation (SCG) cuttings of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia on the rejuvenation of ortets at the hormone level, detect levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), isopentenyladenosine (iPA), zeatin riboside (ZR) and gibberellin4 (GA4) during the rooting process of different generations by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology and statistically analyze the rooting characteristics of cuttings. The results show that, the root systems of subsequent generations (generation 1998, 2000) developed satisfactorily, only a few initial gen-eration (generation 1990, 1994) cuttings rooted and the root growth was inhibited. Around the period of callus formation and root projection through the epidermis, there was a marked, regular variation in the levels of IAA, ABA and GA4 between the initial gen-erations and subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Tree peony is well known and sought after for its large, colorful flowers. Its propagation is via vegetative methods. Mech-nisms of the adventitious rooting and the regulation of rooting processes are the principles and techniques of plant propagation and improvement. Microstructures and fluctuations of phytohormones in the adventitious rooting were studied with the etiolated softwood shoots of Paeonia suffruticosa 'Yinfen Jinlin'. There are no pre-primordia in the shoots of the cultivar. Adventitious roots are produced in five stages: shoot selection, primordium initiation, primordium growth, conducting tissue differentiation and root protrusion. Primordia initiated in the cortex. The contents of the endogenous hormones, IAA, ABA and GA, were 5.842, 0.873 and 1.043 nmol·g-1 FW on the bases of shoots, respectively. CTKs which included isopentenyl adenine (iPA), zeatin riboside (ZR) and dihy-drozeatin riboside (DHZR) were 0.949, 0.695 and 2.034 nmol·g-1 FW, respectively. DHZR is active among CTKs. The ratio of IAA to GA, CTK and ABA clearly increased at the stage of primordium initiation, while they showed low levels at the stages of primordium growth. The ratios were restored at the shoot levels at the stage of root protrusion. IBA provoked primordia initiation in the cortex, the vascular cambium, the pith and even in the callus induced on the base of shoots. IAA levels in the treated shoots increased gradually to its highest level (three times of control) at the stage of conducting tissue differentiation. The ratios of IAA to GA, CTK and ABA clearly decreased at the stage of primordium initiation. The ratio of IAA to ABA is regulated at 10:1.  相似文献   

植物生长素对东北红豆杉嫩枝扦插生根的响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张艳华  刘艳 《吉林林业科技》2010,39(4):14-15,27
以ABT-1^#、2.4-D、IAA、IBA、NAA5种植物生长素处理东北红豆杉当年生半木质化嫩枝,进行扦插生根试验,结果表明:嫩枝插穗扦插40-60d后在形态下端形成愈合瘤,并逐渐长出不定根,属于愈合组织生根型;在激素配比均为100×10^-6的条件下,经2.4-D处理的插穗生根率达到68%以上,经ABT—1^#和IBA处理的达到52%以上;采自幼龄植株的嫩枝插穗生根率高于老龄植株。  相似文献   

本试验以中国石竹为插穗,珍珠岩+蛭石(1:1)为基质,分别采用吲哚乙酸(IAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)及萘乙酸(NAA)与两者相混的生根剂处理插穗,研究了不同生根剂对中国石竹扦插生根的影响。结果表明:用IBA+NAA1000mg/L处理,可使插穗幼根提前形成,可促进根系生长旺盛,提高根系活力,但对可溶性糖含量无明显促进作用。  相似文献   

几种柏科树种嫩枝扦插的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
木本植物的插条繁殖至今仍是园林工作者获得良种无性系和培育苗木的重要途径。柏科树种多是珍贵的园林树种,它们的嫩枝插穗生根难易差别很大。本研究探讨了生根难易的生理原因,为提高扦插成活率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Aging of the donor tree decreased adventitious root formation in shoot cuttings of Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak). Exogenous application of auxins, i.e., α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) has a significant positive effect on the percentage of rooting. The maximum percent rooting was obtained with 4,000 ppm IBA as compared to other treatment. Significant increase in root number was recorded in shoot cuttings treated with 4,000 ppm NAA. The overall rooting response was better in the treatment with IBA rather than with NAA. Further periodic samples (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) were taken to assess the total soluble sugar, starch, protein, and peroxidase (PER) activity in the rooting zone of shoot cuttings of teak during adventitious root formation. Application NAA and IBA to shoot cuttings resulted in an increase in the level of total soluble sugar, starch, protein, and PER-activity in the rooting zone. The stored carbohydrates were utilized during adventitious root formation. Hence, total soluble sugar and starch contents of cuttings, irrespective of age of donor plants, decreased with the passage of time in cuttings planted for rooting. Significant fluctuations were observed in the protein content of cuttings during the time of root induction. There was an increase in the protein content with the passage of time from the day of planting up to its 20th day, followed by a sharp decline in the protein content of cuttings at the 30th day of planting, irrespective of the age of donor plants or the treatment of cuttings with auxins. Irrespective of donor plant age, PER-activity in the cuttings increased from the day of their planting for rooting up to the 20th day, and then declined at its 30th day of planting. It was interesting to note that PER-activity remained higher at all stages in the cuttings of 2-month-old seedlings which rooted profusely as compared to the cuttings of 15- and 30-year-old donor plants those rooted poorly. This study suggested that the exogenously applied NAA and IBA at different concentration seems to activate sugar metabolism for release of energy, protein and PER-activity which are necessary for cellular division and differentiation during adventitious root primordium initiation or development in the rooting zone of shoot cuttings.  相似文献   

采用酶联免疫法测定了秤锤树扦插过程中插穗的内源激素含量的变化。结果表明,2年生母树插穗内的IAA、ZR含量大于10年生母树插穗,利于生根;10年生母树的插穗内ABA含量大于2年生母树的,表现出对生根的抑制作用;在春夏季扦插IAA/ABA呈下降趋势,在生根关键阶段,处理大于对照,表现出促进生根,而ZR/IAA值是对照大于处理,表现出抑制生根的作用。  相似文献   

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