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骆勇 《草业科学》2017,34(12):2476-2483
运用隐喻抽取技术对高尔夫球手地方依恋的符号性元素进行了识别与定量研究。结果表明,高尔夫球手地方依恋有22个符号性元素,这些元素可分为风格、地理、参与、接待和文化五类,它们给球手带来"友谊"、"健康"、"愉悦"、"品质高"、"风景美"的终极体验。经营者要充分利用符号性元素的意义,着重打造球场基础设施、园林景观、服务接待和球会文化;积极挖掘联结构念的耦合价值,实现球手与球场的符号互动;主动创设高尔夫球手游憩氛围情境,避免球手地方依恋的中断或转移;结合球会自身特点,适时进行符号化运作。  相似文献   

本文以组织支持理论为基础,以团队心理安全感为中介和权力距离为调节,基于一个被调节的中介模型探索了包容型领导对员工创新行为的影响机制。通过对67家企业的468套领导一员工配对问卷调查,研究结果表明:(1)包容型领导对员工创新行为有显著的正向影响,并且团队心理安全感在两者之间起不完全中介作用;(2)权力距离对包容型领导与团队心理安全感之间的关系存在显著的负向调节效应;(3)权力距离显著负向调节团队心理安全感在包容型领导与员工创新行为之间的中介作用,即:下属权力距离越高,上述中介作用越弱;反之越强。  相似文献   

采用农民工城市依恋量表、生活满意度量表和总体自我价值感量表,对来自全国24省份农民工的368份有效样本做了调查分析。结果显示,农民工的城市依恋水平处于中等。对生活的满意度较低,自我价值感处于中等偏上水平。女性农民工的城市依恋水平显著高于男性农民工;高学历农民工的城市依恋水平显著高于低学历农民工;城市依恋、生活满意度和自我价值感两两显著相关。这表明性别和文化水平是农民工城市依恋的主要影响因素;农民工的城市依恋与生活满意度和自我价值感都显著相关。  相似文献   

本研究针对政府处理民众抱怨后,民众对政府所产生的公平感、满意度与行为意向之间的关系进行实证探讨。结果表明:民众公平感的四个维度对抱怨处理满意度均有显著影响,其中人际公平的影响最大;民众的抱怨处理满意度不仅通过总体满意度间接影响民众行为意向,其本身也直接影响行为意向。其中对公民行为有正向影响,对投诉行为和不良行为有负向影响,并且对公民行为的影响最大,对不良行为的影响最小。  相似文献   

采用创业动机问卷、创业学习问卷、心理控制源问卷对677名大学生进行施测,探讨心理控制源在创业学习和创业动机中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)创业动机与创业学习呈现显著正相关,而且创业动机中自我实现因素对创业学习预测力最高;(2)创业学习与内控呈显著正相关,而与机遇呈显著负相关关系;(3)内控在创业动机与创业学习之间有部分中介效应,中介效应值为27%,内控在创业动机与创业学习之间发挥着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

 对犬的情感行为和心理取向的研究,有助于人们对犬、对生命、对大自然甚至对社会伦理的更加深入地思考和认识。论文对犬服从行为、友善行为、勇敢忠诚行为、依恋行为和冷淡行为等情感行为进行了描述以及对犬相关行为心理特征进行了分析,探讨了犬各种情感行为取向和心理选择形成的原因、机制和影响因素,阐述了犬与人类共同生活的环境、犬与人类的情感和社会行为之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

考察流动儿童城市人角色认同的特点,并探讨师生关系、社会支持与城市人角色认同之间的关系。采用问卷调查对重庆市440名流动儿童与192名城市儿童进行集体施测,结果发现:(1)流动儿童的城市人角色认同显著低于城市儿童;(2)流动儿童群体中,社会支持在师生关系与城市人角色认同之间起完全中介作用;(3)城市儿童群体中,社会支持在师生关系与城市人角色认同之间不存在中介效应。  相似文献   

宋文军 《警犬》2010,(10):27-29
一、建立依恋性的目的意义和判定依据 建立依恋性是警犬训练、模拟演练和实战的前提基础和保障,其目的就是消除警犬对训犬员的探求反射和防御反射,为训练和使用奠定基础。警犬对训犬员依恋性的好坏,决定着其是否能够接受训练,并直接影响训练和使用的效果和质量。稳定巩固的依恋性有利于训犬员与警犬之间的沟通,能够配合默契;有利于训练科目的形成,保持兴奋状态;有利于实战任务的完成,服从指挥命令。  相似文献   

建立稳固的亲和关系是警犬训练的前提 所谓亲和关系,又称依恋性,是指训导员采取一定的手段使犬能对其产生信任、依赖,并对其气味、行动等特征产生兴奋反应。建立稳固的亲和关系是警犬训练的前提条件,亲和关系的建立主要是通过喂养、梳毛、散放、玩耍、抚拍、呼名等方式,使犬能逐渐习惯训导员的声音和行为,习惯佩带牵引用具和周围环境,建立犬对主人强烈的依恋性。  相似文献   

刘新良  苏奕铭 《警犬》2013,(11):33-34
培养犬的依恋性,从理论上说,犬对训导员的依恋性,除了犬先天易于驯服的特性外,主要是训导员通过饲养管理,逐渐消除犬对自己的防御反应和探求反应,使犬熟悉自己的气味、声音、行为特点并产生兴奋反应而建立起来的。从实践上说,犬对训l导员的依恋性,是因为训导员及时有效地运用喂食、散放、梳刷、呼唤犬名、美味食物、抚拍、玩耍、躲藏等手段的结果。训练中后期还有前来、游散、衔取、吠叫、障碍等科目的运用,都能增强犬对训导员的依恋性。  相似文献   

Attachment, a normal behavior among social animals, is quite significant since owners worry about their pets and take care of them because of this affective connection. There are not enough research studies that focus on attachment between owners and their cats. The general objective of this study was to identify attachment behaviors, directed toward their owners, in cats of different body types, age groups, and sexes in an experimental situation.Twenty-eight cats, ranging from 1 to 7 years of age and having different body types, were used in the study without taking into account sex or reproductive status. These cats underwent an Ainsworth’s Adapted Strange Situation Test. Event frequencies and behavioral state durations in individual type behaviors such as exploration/locomotion, alertness, and inactivity were registered using direct focal sampling. For data analysis, cats were divided by body type, sex, and reproductive status. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of locomotion/exploration revealed a statistically significant difference (N = 28, F = 13.55, P < 0.001) between the episodes with the owner, alone, and with a stranger with cats spending more time engaged in locomotion/exploration while accompanied by their owner. On the alert behavior event frequency, difference (ANOVA, F = 7.44, P < 0.05) was found, which showed a higher frequency while in the company of a stranger. Last, in the inactivity time ratio, a significant difference was found (ANOVA, F = 18.55, P < 0.001), where the time spent on this behavior was considerably higher when the animal was alone.These results are consistent with the ones obtained by Ainsworth in children attached to their mothers; therefore, it can be said that cats can manifest attachment behaviors toward their owners. Further studies are indicated to see whether cats can develop separation anxiety.  相似文献   

Shared activities are known to create a good relationship between dog and man. Therefore, it can be expected that animals working in harness with their handlers, such as search and rescue dogs, show a higher attachment to man.The aim of the current research was to assess whether there are differences between pet and working dogs in the attachment to owners/handlers.Forty dogs were involved, 26 pets and 14 search and rescue dogs (taken home when not working). Their attachment to owners/handlers was analyzed by using a modified version of the Ainsworth Strange Situation Test and a recall test, while owners and handlers filled in a questionnaire and were scored on the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale.Statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between pet and working dogs for behaviors indicating an attachment bond: behavior oriented to door/chair/shoe during the absence of owner/handler (which represents “search of absent person”; U = 132.000, P = 0.156), contact with/proximity to owner/handler (i.e., “contact maintenance effect”; U = 157.000, P = 0.478), whining during owner's/handler's absence (“protest at the separation”; U = 147.000, P = 0.288), and individual play (U = 146.000, P = 0.288) and exploration (U = 138.500, P = 0.215) in presence of owner/handler, representing the “secure base effect.”Despite the lack of statistical differences, the formulated hypothesis may be not completely rejected, as a trend of a higher attachment in search and rescue dogs existed. It can be concluded that in carefully owned dogs, the level of attachment is increased by working as a search and rescue dog, but the difference does not lead to statistically relevant results.  相似文献   

Our investigation is the first to use attachment theory to explore four commonplace training methods (Conspecific, Behavioral, Eclectic, and Conventional) and owners' levels of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) to their horses. An international sample of horse riders and handlers (N = 538), aged 18-80 years, completed demographics and the Experiences in Close Relationships—Relationship Structures Questionnaire. Behavioral training participants scored significantly higher on the attachment-avoidance scores to their horses than the Eclectic or Conspecific training methods. The Behavioral and Eclectic training methods were associated with higher levels of education. Further research is warranted to elucidate the role that training methods play in the relationships between humans and horses.  相似文献   

The attachment of leptospires to the extracellular matrix (ECM) remaining after mouse fibroblast (L929) cells on coverslips had been solubilized with Triton X-100 was examined. Each highly virulent line of Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni, canicola and pomona attached to ECM more effectively than intermediately virulent and avirulent lines of the same strains, suggesting a correlation between virulence and attachment to ECM. Inhibition of the attachment of highly virulent copenhageni to ECM was found in the presence of the homologous immunoglobulin G Fab fragment.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate whether the method used to attach matrix‐type fentanyl patches influences the degree of skin attachment and the amount of active drug remaining in patches after use. Study design Prospective, randomised clinical study. Study population Fifteen adult dogs of mixed breeds. Methods Two equally sized matrix‐type fentanyl patches were attached to the dorsal third of the lateral thorax of fifteen dogs for 72 hours. The two patches were attached using different techniques: Method AD used an adhesive dressing in combination with a transparent film. Method TG used tissue adhesive applied to the edges of the patch. After 72 hours the patches were removed and the proportion of the patch attached at this time calculated. The residual content of the patches was analysed using a validated gas chromatography–mass spectrometery (GC–MS) analysis technique. Results After 72 hours of continuous attachment, the mean proportion of drug uptake for method AD was 17.2 (SD ± 11.1)% and for method TG this was 16.9 (SD ± 7.3)%. The median proportion of attachment for method AD was 100% and for method TG was 95.6%. Conclusions The method of attachment did not significantly influence the uptake of fentanyl from matrix‐type patches. The method of attachment resulted in a significant difference in the proportion of the patch attached 72 hours after placement, with method AD resulting in a greater median proportion of attachment than TG. Clinical relevance The method used to attach matrix‐type fentanyl patches to dogs should not interfere with drug uptake. The residual fentanyl content remaining in these patches after 72 hours of continuous application is significant and could lead to intoxication if ingested by humans.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to study the effect of selected carbohydrates on the in vitro attachment of Salmonella typhimurium to the ceca of chickens 1 and 2 weeks of age. Ceca were surgically removed from chickens immediately after euthanasia, inverted on glass rods, and then rinsed with sterile saline before being exposed to S. typhimurium in a solution of saline containing the carbohydrate to be evaluated. Attachment of S. typhimurium to ceca was reduced in 1-week-old chicks in the presence of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, L-fucose, D-galactose, L+arabinose, and D+mannose. Minimal or no reduction in attachment of S. typhimurium was noted when ceca from 2-week-old chicks were exposed to the same compounds. Carbohydrates investigated and found to be ineffective for reduction of S. typhimurium attachment to chick ceca were D+fucose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to study the effect of exposure time, pH, age of bird, and native intestinal microflora on the in vitro attachment of Salmonella typhimurium to the ceca of chickens. Ceca were surgically removed from chickens immediately after euthanasia, and the interiors were exposed to S. typhimurium as intact ceca with contents, intact ceca rinsed free of contents, or inverted rinsed ceca. Attachment of S. typhimurium was slightly higher in washed than in unwashed ceca. Neither pH nor age of chicks affected attachment of the organism to ceca. There was no difference in attachment of salmonellae to inverted washed ceca after 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 min exposure, but a one log difference was noted between 10 min and 30 sec.  相似文献   

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