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Free cysteine thiol groups of keratin extracted from chicken feathers were partially carboxymethylated with iodoacetic acid (25-76% cysteine modification). Stable dispersions were used for the preparation of films by solution casting. Glycerol was used as a plasticizer (0.05-0.47 g/g of keratin), and films were stored at a constant relative humidity (20, 30, 50, 70, or 90%). The degree of crystallinity in the films was higher when more cysteine residues were carboxymethylated. The films displayed an optimum in mechanical properties at approximately 50% cysteine carboxymethylation. The tensile strength at this optimum was 25 MPa, the E modulus, 350 MPa, and the elongation at break, 50%. Probably, this optimum was the result of both a decreasing amount of disulfide bonds and an increasing degree of crystallinity for higher degrees of cysteine modification. The influences of a higher amount of glycerol and of different storage conditions on the mechanical properties of films from keratin with a defined degree of cysteine modification were also investigated.  相似文献   

Spinosad is a bacterially derived insect control agent consisting of two active compounds, spinosyns A and D. The objective of this paper is to describe the environmental fate of spinosad in aquatic systems. To this end, several studies performed to meet regulatory requirements are used to study the fate and degradation in individual environmental media. Specifically, investigations of abiotic (hydrolysis and photolysis) and biotic (aerobic and anaerobic aquatic) processes are described. Understanding developed from the laboratory-based studies has been tested and augmented by an outdoor microcosm study. Understanding of aquatic fate is a building block for a complete environmental safety assessment of spinosad products (Cleveland, C. B.; Mayes, M. A.; Cryer, S. A. Pest Manag. Sci. 2001, 58, 70-84). From individual investigations, the following understanding of dissipation emerges: (1) Aqueous photolysis of spinosad is rapid (observed half-lives of <1 up to 2 days in summer sunlight) and will be the primary route of degradation in aquatic systems exposed to sunlight. (2) Biotic transformations contribute to spinosad's dissipation, but less so than photolysis; they will be of primary importance only in the absence of light. (3) Spinosad partitions rapidly (within a few days) from water to organic matter and soil/sediment in aquatic systems but not so rapidly as to replace sunlight as the primary route of dissipation. (4) Abiotic hydrolysis is relatively unimportant compared to other dissipation routes, except under highly basic (artificial) conditions and even then observed half-lives are approximately 8 months. Degradation pathways are understood are follows: (1) Degradation primarily proceeds by loss of the forosamine sugar and reduction of the 13,14-bond on the macrolide ring under aqueous photolytic conditions. (2) Degradation to several other compounds occurs through biotic degradation. Degradation under anaerobic conditions primarily involves changes and substitutions in the rhamnose ring, eventually followed by complete loss of the rhamnose ring. Degradation under aerobic conditions was more extensive (to smaller compounds) with the loss of both the forosamine and rhamnose sugars to diketone spinosyn aglycon degradates. (3) Hydrolytic degradation involves loss of the forosamine sugar and water and reduction on the macrolide ring to a double bond at the 16,17-position.  相似文献   

The fate of the Amadori compound N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)glycine (DFG) was studied in aqueous model systems as a function of time and pH. The samples were reacted at 90 degrees C for up to 7 h while maintaining the pH constant at 5, 6, 7, or 8. Special attention was paid to the effect of phosphate on the formation of glycine and the parent sugars glucose and mannose, as well as formic and acetic acid. These compounds and DFG were quantified by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. The rate of DFG degradation increased with pH. Addition of phosphate accelerated this reaction, particularly at pH 5-7. The rate of glycine formation increased with pH in both the absence and presence of phosphate. High glycine concentrations (60-70 mol %) were obtained, preferably at pH 6-8 with phosphate. However, the yield of glycine formed from DFG decreased at the advanced reaction stage for all pH values studied, both in water and in phosphate buffer. The rate of parent sugar formation increased from pH 5 to pH 7 in the absence of phosphate, leading to glucose and mannose in a constant ratio of 7:3. Addition of phosphate accelerated this reaction, yielding up to 18% parent sugars, most likely formed by reverse Amadori rearrangement. The formation rate of acetic and formic acid increased with increasing pH. The sum of both acids attained 76 mol %. However, the acetic acid concentrations were much higher than those of formic acid.  相似文献   

The reduction of Tempol by ascorbic acid in concentrated sucrose solutions was measured by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at temperatures ranging from 16 to -16 degrees C. This method allowed the determination of the rate constants (k) of this fast reaction, by recording the Tempol reduction as a function of time. The two reactants were initially separated and had to migrate for the reaction to occur. The experimental findings were compared with predicted values according to the equation for diffusion-controlled reaction proposed by Atkins. The experimental reaction rate constants were observed to be lower than the calculated ones. However, the experimental values were found to be controlled by the temperature and viscosity changes of the reaction media, as expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction.  相似文献   

Interactions of the model flavor compound 2-nonanone with individual milk proteins, whey protein isolate (WPI), and sodium caseinate in aqueous solutions were investigated. A method to quantify the free 2-nonanone was developed using headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. Binding constants (K) and numbers of binding sites (n) for 2-nonanone on the individual proteins were calculated. The 2-nonanone binding capacities decreased in the order bovine serum albumin > beta-lactoglobulin > alpha-lactalbumin > alpha s1-casein > beta-casein, and the binding to WPI was stronger than the binding to sodium caseinate. All proteins appeared to have one binding site for 2-nonanone per molecule of protein at the flavor concentrations investigated, except for bovine serum albumin, which possessed two classes of binding sites. The binding mechanism is believed to involve predominantly hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Trigonelline is a well-known precursor of flavor/aroma compounds in coffee and undergoes significant degradation during roasting. This study investigates the major nonvolatile products that are procured after trigonelline has been subjected to mild pyrolysis conditions (220-250 degrees C) under atmospheric pressure. Various salt forms of trigonelline were also prepared and the thermally produced nonvolatiles analyzed by thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, and (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance. Results revealed the decarboxylated derivative 1-methylpyridinium as a major product of certain salts, the formation of which is positively correlated to temperature from 220 to 245 degrees C. Moreover, trigonelline hydrochloride afforded far greater amounts of 1-methylpyridinium compared to the monohydrate over the temperature range studied. Investigations into other potential quaternary amine products of trigonelline also indicate nucleophilic substitution reactions that lead to dialkylpyridiniums, albeit at concentration levels approximately 100-fold lower than those recorded for 1-methylpyridinium.  相似文献   

Recently, our group reported via labeling experiments that epicatechin in Maillard reaction aqueous glucose-glycine model systems formed adduct reaction products with C2, C3, and C4 sugar fragments. In the current study, we investigated the identity of the sugar fragment precursors responsible for adduct generation by directly comparing the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry properties of these reported epicatechin (EC)-sugar fragments adducts with those generated from reactions consisting of only EC and well-known Maillard-generated glucose fragments (i.e., glyoxal, glycolaldehyde, methylglyoxal, glyceraldehyde, etc.). The structural properties of an EC-methylglyoxal adduct reaction product were also analyzed by NMR. The most likely precursors for the C2, C3, and C4 sugar moiety of the EC-sugar fragment adducts were identified as glyoxal, hydroxyacetone, and erythrose, respectively. 1H NMR analysis of the EC-methylglyoxal indicated that the analyte underwent rapid conformational/constitutional exchange. Using cold temperature (-25 degrees C) two-dimensional NMR analyses (heteronuclear multiple bond coherence, heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence, and 1H-(1)H correlation spectroscopy), the structure of one of the isomers was reported to consist of a covalent linkage between the C1 position of the methylglyoxal and either the C6 or the C8 position of the EC A ring, presumably generated by hydroxyalkylation and aromatic substitution reactions.  相似文献   

The effect of different concentrations of monosilicic acid on the sorption capacity of quartz sand, diatomite, zeolite, and brown coal with respect to cadmium and arsenic has been studied in laboratory conditions. The applicability of different adsorption models, including exponential, semilogarithmic, and linear dependences, as well as the Langmuir and Freundlich equations, has been compared. An increase in monosilicic acid concentration from 0 to 2 mM increased the sorption capacity of all materials. It has been suggested that either the interaction of monosilicic acid with a pollutant takes place directly in the solution followed by sorption of the reaction products on the surface or in the pores of the sorbent, or first adsorption of the monosilicic acid by the sorbent occurs followed by interaction of the sorbed silicic acid with cadmium and arsenic; it is also possible that both process proceed in parallel.  相似文献   

Phototransformation of propiconazole in aqueous media.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The photolysis of propiconazole in pure water, in water containing humic substances, and in natural water was investigated. The reaction rates were determined, and the main photoproducts were identified with the help of HPLC-mass spectrometry and by NMR. The quantum yield for direct photolysis was 0.11 +/- 0.01 at the maximum of absorption (269 nm). Photocyclization after HCl elimination and photohydrolysis of the cyclized intermediate were the main reaction pathways at 254 nm. By contrast, oxidation prevailed over dechlorination in simulated or natural solar light. Humic substances (10 mg x L(-)(1)) and naturally occurring chromophores contained in natural water enhanced the rate of propiconazole photodegradation in solar light. Half-life in June in Clermont-Ferrand (latitude 46 degrees N) was found to be 85 +/- 10 h in pure water and 60 +/- 10 h in natural water; showing that photodegradation of propiconazole in natural waters involves both direct photolysis and photoinduced reactions.  相似文献   

The effect of dough recipe ingredients and processing on the generation of monochloropropanediol isomers (MCPDs) in leavened wheat doughs has been investigated. Commercial ingredients having no effect on MCPD formation were acetic acid and baking fats (triacylglycerols). Ingredients making a significant contribution to MCPD levels were yeast and flour improver [ascorbic acid, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides (DATEM), and soya flour]. The results showed that free glycerol is a key precursor of MCPDs in leavened doughs. This glycerol is primarily generated by the yeast during proving but is also present in the flour, the yeast, and the improver. Under conditions of high dough moisture content (45%), MCPD formation was approximately proportional to glycerol concentration but showed a weaker dependence on chloride level, suggesting that the mechanisms of formation involved at least some reversible stages. MCPD generation increased with decreasing dough moisture to a point where the formation reaction was limited by chloride solubility and competing reactions involving glycerol and key precursor intermediates. These results could be predicted by a kinetic model derived from the experimental data. Glycerol was shown to account for 68% of MCPDs generated in proved full recipe dough.  相似文献   

Thermal degradation of sulforaphane in aqueous solution.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sulforaphane, a cancer chemopreventive agent identified from broccoli, was degraded in an aqueous solution at 50 and 100 degrees C. The reaction mixtures were extracted with methylene chloride and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Dimethyl disulfide, S-methyl methylthiosulfinate, S-methyl methylthiosulfonate, methyl (methylthio)methyl disulfide, 1,2,4-trithiolane, 4-isothiocyanato-1-(methylthio)-1-butene, and 3-butenyl isothiocyanate were identified as volatile decomposition products. After methylene chloride extraction, the aqueous layer was dried and silica gel column chromatography was used to separate and purify the nonvolatile decomposition products. The major thermal degradation compound was determined by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and FAB-MS as N, N'-di(4-methylsulfinyl)butyl thiourea. A possible mechanism for the formation of these products is proposed.  相似文献   

Rheology of zein solutions in aqueous ethanol.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aqueous ethanol solutions prepared with commercial zein exhibited Newtonian behavior. Temperature, zein concentration, and ratio of water to ethanol affected viscosity of the zein solutions. The influence of temperature on zein solution viscosity was expressed by an Arrhenius-type equation. As zein concentration increased, solution viscosity exponentially increased. Generally speaking, viscosity decreased when the ethanol concentration increased. Parameters were estimated for an Arrhenius-type equation to describe the viscosity as a function of temperature, zein concentration, and ethanol concentration.  相似文献   

溶液体系中非生物因素对胡敏酸还原汞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a global pollutant process,the reduction of mercury(Hg)is especially important.One pathway is through an abiotic reduction with humic acids(HAs),which is controlled by different factors,including initial Hg and HA concentrations,pH,temperature and light.In this study,three humic acids were selected to illustrate the Hg~(2+)abiotic reduction mechanisms by HAs,and to identify the key limiting factors for reduction rates and amounts.In addition,the initial status of the HAs as a solid or in an aqueous solution were also compared,to help explain why HAs show different dominant characteristics(e.g.complexation or reduction)in the reaction process with Hg.Results indicated that HAs were able to reduce Hg abiotically.Higher initial Hg,higher HA concentrations and either high(8.1)or low(3.6)solution pH decreased the HA reduction capacity.In addition,Hg°production rates increased with increasing temperature,and the same trend was observed with light exposure.Humic acids added as an aqueous solution resulted in significantly greater Hg°production than addition as a bulk solid.Finally,the Hg reduction rate and capacity varied significantly(P0.05)with HAs from different sources.These findings helped to explain why HAs showed different dominant characteristics(e.g.complexation or reduction)in the reaction process with Hg,and evidentially demonstrated the existence of a possible pathway of Hg~(2+)reduction,which indicated that humic substances in natural environments,especially in water bodies,could act either as a sink or a source for Hg.  相似文献   

Tea catechins may undergo complex reactions such as oxidation, polymerization, and epimerization during thermal processing. The thermal stability of tea catechins in an aqueous system, including degradation and epimerization reactions, was investigated using a microwave reactor. Reactions were controlled at high temperatures ranging from 100 to 165 degrees C with various durations up to 120 min. Three sources of tea catechins containing different levels of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and their epimers were studied. Kinetic models for the degradation/epimerization of tea catechins were developed and validated by the reactions at 145 degrees C. It was shown that the epimerization and degradation of tea catechins followed first-order reactions and the rate constants of reaction kinetics followed the Arrhenius equation. Values of the activation energy (E(a)) for the epimerization of EGCG from epi- to nonepi-structures, the epimerization of GCG from nonepi- to epi-structures, and the total degradation of EGCG and its epimer GCG were 117.6, 84.2, and 42.8 kJ/mol, respectively. For ECG and CG, the E(a) values were 119.3, 96.2, and 41.6 kJ/mol, respectively. The mathematical models may provide a useful prediction for the loss of tea catechins during any thermal processing.  相似文献   

Ring structure-reactivity relationships of three flavan-3-ols [epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)] and three simple phenolic compounds (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene, 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene, and methylgallate as the analogous individual A, B, and C benzene rings of EGCG) on product generation in an aqueous glucose-glycine reaction model system (125 degrees C and 30 min) were investigated. The addition of EC, ECG, or EGCG to a glucose-glycine model was reported to similarly significantly reduce the formation of pyrazine, methyl-substituted pyrazines, and cyclotene. All three flavan-3-ols were also reported to generate phenolic-C2, C3, C4, and C6 sugar fragment adducts and to statistically reduce the concentration of glyoxal, glycolaldehyde, methylglyoxal, hydroxyacetone, diacetyl, acetoin, and 3-deoxyglucosone during the reaction time course, except for the EGCG reaction where 3-deoxyglucosone was not statistically different from the control after 20 min. For the simple phenolic compounds, methylgallate followed by 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene was the least reactive, while 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene was reported as the most reactive phenolic structure for quenching or reducing the concentration of the alpha-hydroxy- and alpha-dicarbonyl sugar fragments during the reaction time course. These results imply that the main mechanism flavan-3-ols reduced product generation was phenolic-sugar fragment carbonyl trapping reactions primarily on the A ring (the meta-polyhydroxylated benzene ring) or not due to the alteration of the reaction reduction potential.  相似文献   

低丘红壤花生南酸枣间作系统研究Ⅰ. 生产力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王兴祥  张斌  王明珠  张桃林  何园球 《土壤》2002,34(6):324-327,343
低丘红壤花生南酸枣间作试验结果表明,农林间作枣间作有利于促进南酸枣的生长,提高系统生产力,与单作南酸枣相比,间作5龄和9龄南酸枣生物量分别提高42.8%和72.9%,但农林间作会导致花生产量的降低,随着树龄的增加,这种影响愈来愈严重,与花生单作相比,5龄南酸枣间作和9龄南酸枣间作系统中可比种植面积花生产量分别降低了35.9%和44.6%,而且,在农林间作系统中花生产量与其对间作南酸枣带的距离呈显著相关,距离南酸枣带愈近,花生产量愈低。  相似文献   

The formation of acrylamide in crystalline model systems based on asparagine and reducing sugars was investigated under low-moisture reaction conditions. The acrylamide amounts were correlated with physical changes occurring during the reaction. Molecular mobility of the precursors turned out to be a critical parameter in solid systems, which is linked to the melting behavior and the release of crystallization water of the reaction sample. Heating binary mixtures of asparagine monohydrate and anhydrous reducing sugars led to higher acrylamide amounts in the presence of fructose compared to glucose. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements performed in open systems indicated melting of fructose at 126 degrees C, whereas glucose and galactose fused at 157 and 172 degrees C, respectively. However, glucose was the most reactive and fructose the least efficient sugar in anhydrous liquid systems, indicating that at given molecular mobility the chemical reactivity of the sugar was the major driver in acrylamide formation. Furthermore, reaction time and temperature were found to be covariant parameters: acrylamide was preferably formed by reacting glucose and asparagine at 120 degrees C for 60 min, whereas 160 degrees C was required at shorter reaction time (5 min). These results suggest that, in addition to the chemical reactivity of ingredients, their physical state as well as reaction temperature and time would influence the formation of acrylamide during food processing.  相似文献   

The oxidative degradation of quercetin and rutin in phosphate buffer solutions, pH 8.0, at 97 degrees C, was studied by means of UV-vis spectroscopy and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The effect of the transition metal ions Fe(2+) and Cu(2+) on degradation rate and browning development was also assessed. It was shown that both flavonols are very labile to thermally induced degradation under oxidative conditions. Fe(2+) and Cu(2+) caused an increase in the degradation rate, as well as an increase in browning (A(420)). Significant differences were observed in the degradation mechanisms, as implied by HPLC analyses. It is postulated that metal ions promote flavonol oxidation through reactive oxygen species formation, whereas increases in browning could be ascribed to oxidation and metal-polyphenol interactions.  相似文献   

吕军  姜秀英  刘军  解文孝  韩勇  沈枫 《核农学报》2021,35(10):2214-2222
淀粉是稻米胚乳的主要成分,解析其理化特性对改良水稻品质具有十分重要的意义。为了探究心白稻米淀粉的理化特性,本研究以经EMS诱导粳稻品种辽星1号获得的心白突变体xb1为材料,利用扫描电镜、激光粒度分析仪、RVA快速黏度分析仪、差示扫描量热仪等方法,对形态结构、淀粉颗粒结构和粒径分布、糊化特性及热力学特性等进行了分析。结果表明,与野生型相比,突变体xb1籽粒的粒宽、粒厚和千粒重均显著降低;淀粉结构和淀粉粒粒径分布均发生改变,淀粉粒粒径值大于13左右的淀粉粒数量明显低于野生型;突变体种子中蛋白质含量极显著高于野生型,总淀粉含量极显著低于野生型,而直链淀粉含量没有明显改变;在支链淀粉分支结构上,聚合度(DP)在6~9之间的短链及25~35之间的中长链比例有所增加,而DP值在10~24之间的中短链及36~50之间的长链比例有所减少;突变体xb1淀粉的糊化起始温度(To)、峰值温度(Tp)、终止温度(Tc)和糊化距离(Tr)均未发生明显改变,只有热焓值(△H)极显著提高。同时,突变体xb1的RVA谱特征值中,热浆黏度(HPV)、峰值黏度(PKV)、冷胶黏度(CPV)和消减值(SBV)极显著提高,崩解值(BDV)和回复值(CSV)极显著降低。本研究结果为探索垩白形成的生理机制以及进一步的基因克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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