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超声波具有定向的传播特性,根据声学理论,频率大于20KHz的高频信号在传输过程中具有良好的指向性,频率越高其定向性越好。而声波信号通常频率较低,在空气中传播容易衰减,传输距离较短。若以超声波作为载波信号,可将音频信号调制到高频信号中实现在空气中的定向传输,并最终在空气中实现自解调,使人耳能够听到被还原的音频信号。  相似文献   

本文阐述了混凝土超声波无损检测技术的原理,介绍该方法检测过程中的主要影响因素,并对超声波检测技术的发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

超声就是超出人耳听觉范围每秒2万次以上的机械振荡所引起介质的疏密波动的传播,即称为超声波。超声波具有很好的束射性和方向性,类似于光传播特性。超声诊断主要就是利用其好的束射  相似文献   

在传染病发生过程中,传播途径是疾病流行的一个重要环节,接触传播更是主要传播途径。在非洲猪瘟防控中,卖猪过程与疫情传播关系重大,积极加强卖猪过程中的出猪台、车辆、外售猪只及卖猪人员等三方面的管理,对防控非洲猪瘟意义重大。  相似文献   

为了预测和控制用超声波辅助酶解蚕蛹蛋白过程中的蛋白质酶解程度,应用数学推导方法并结合酶解试验对超声波处理前后蚕蛹蛋白的酶解动力学进行研究。首先分析了初始底物浓度和蛋白酶浓度对蚕蛹蛋白水解度的影响,表明超声波预处理和未处理的蚕蛹蛋白水解度均随着水解蛋白酶Alcalase初始浓度的增加而增大,随着初始底物浓度的增加而减小。基于蚕蛹蛋白水解度与酶解时间的关系构建的酶解动力学模型显示:超声波预处理改变了蚕蛹蛋白的酶解动力学参数,提高了蚕蛹蛋白酶解反应的最大临界初始底物浓度。验证试验表明建立的酶解动力学模型与实际酶解过程基本吻合,确证经超声波预处理后蚕蛹蛋白更易被Alcalase酶酶解。  相似文献   

将超声波技术应用于水处理领域是近些年来兴起的研究,本文介绍了目前超声波技术在处理染料废水、含酚废水、苯系物废水、有机农药废水及剩余污泥中的研究进展,并对学者们研究的各类超声波联合应用技术进行总结。  相似文献   

为了合理充分的利用鲤鱼鱼鳞资源,提高鲤鱼养殖业的经济效益,以鲤鱼鱼鳞为原料,采用超声波辅助提取鲤鱼鱼鳞中的胶原蛋白。研究了超声波功率、超声波时间、超声波温度及料液比对鲤鱼胶原蛋白提取的影响。在单因素的基础上,采用二次回归正交优化了鲤鱼鱼鳞中胶原蛋白的超声波提取工艺,所得的最优工艺条件为:超声波温度92℃,超声波时间121min,超声波功率300W,料液比1:11g/m L,此条件下的鲤鱼鱼鳞胶原蛋白得率为48.58%。  相似文献   

本文对超声波污泥处理机理进行了较详细的阐述,对国内外超声波污泥处理技术的实例进行了客观的分析和评价,并对超声波在污泥中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

在分析当前中药材贮藏中存在的霉变和虫蛀问题的基础上,概括了中药材霉变和虫蛀危害及其原因,综述了中药材防霉防蛀研究现状和发展动态,归纳总结了果蔬、食品绿色化防霉防蛀的技术和方法,并论证了超声波与果蔬绿色化防霉防蛀技术的联用技术应用于中药材绿色化防霉防蛀中的可行性。超声波联用技术包括超声波-UV联用、超声波-天然生物防腐剂联用、超声波-O3联用、超声波-O3-UV联用、超声波-H2O2联用等。由展望中药材防霉防蛀技术和方法的未来发展趋势得出结论:超声波及其联用技术是中药材绿色防霉防蛀技术,具有广阔的研究和应用前景。  相似文献   

超声波洗牙是应用于人类口腔医学中,通过超声波的高频震荡作用,利用超声波的能量和温热作用产生烟雾热能对牙齿消毒,清除口腔内牙齿的污垢、菌斑,从而有效防止细菌对牙齿的侵害,达到杀菌、消毒的目的。作者通过超声波洗牙的原理来分析超声波烟雾消毒通道在规模化猪场中的实践应用和推广。  相似文献   

The two-wave hypothesis for follicular development during the bovine estrous cycle was tested by ultrasonically monitoring individual follicles in 10 heifers during an interovulatory interval. A dominant follicle was defined as one that reached a diameter of at least 11 mm. Subordinate follicles were defined as those that appeared to originate from the same follicular pool as a dominant follicle. A dominant follicle and its cohorts were defined as a wave. Two waves during an interovulatory interval were identified in 9 of 10 heifers. The first wave was first identified, retrospectively, on a mean of Day 0.2 +/- 0.1 (ovulation = Day 0) and gave origin to a dominant anovulatory follicle and a mean of 1.4 +/- 0.3 identified subordinates. The dominant follicle reached maximum diameter (mean, 15.8 +/- 0.8 mm) on an average of Day 7 and then decreased (P less than .04) by Day 11. The subordinate follicles increased in diameter for a few days and then regressed. The second wave was first identified on a mean of Day 10.0 +/- 0.4 and gave origin to the ovulatory follicle and a mean of 0.9 +/- 0.3 subordinates. One of the 10 heifers had 3 waves of follicular activity characterized by an anovulatory wave emerging on Day 0, another anovulatory wave emerging on Day 10, and an ovulatory wave emerging on Day 16. Results strongly supported the two-wave hypothesis but also indicated that a minority of interovulatory intervals in this heifer population may have 3 waves of follicular activity.  相似文献   

热浪是持续数天时间的极端高温天气事件,常伴随极端高温和水分匮缺双重胁迫,对草本植物生长和繁殖过程存在显著影响。基于此,本研究在内蒙古呼伦贝尔羊草草甸草原进行了为期3年的野外原位热浪模拟试验,关注不同发生期热浪(早期H1,晚期H2)及刈割(M)对群落优势种羊草(Leymus chinensis)种子的生产及羊草重要值的连续影响。结果表明:晚期热浪处理(H2)显著降低了羊草的多度和重要值。刈割处理显著降低了2021年羊草的产量,多度,高度及重要值,分别为51.74%,69.39%,33.70%,45.60%。热浪和刈割的交互作用对羊草的千粒干重,含水率,穗长有显著影响。不同发生期的热浪对羊草的生产影响不一致,面对不同发生期的草地热浪灾害事件,草地管理措施上的重视度和关注点存在差异。在未来极端气候热浪频发背景下,草地刈割的频率应适当降低,以防止草地群落发生退化。  相似文献   

白花蛇舌草多糖具有抗肿瘤、抗菌等多种生物活性。目前,白花蛇舌草多糖的提取方法有超声波法、微波法、热水提取法等,此外,其纯化主要体现在脱蛋白、除色素等。笔者等就近年来国内的白花蛇舌草多糖提取与纯化的研究进展进行综述,并对其提取与纯化方法进行展望。  相似文献   

The application of real-time ultrasonography to monitoring ovarian function in mammals has advanced the understanding of follicular dynamics and its regulation. Follicular development is a wave-like sequence of organised events. The waves consist of the synchronous growth of small (4 to 5 mm) antral follicles, followed by the selection and growth of one dominant follicle which achieves the largest diameter and suppresses the growth of the subordinate follicles. In the absence of luteal regression, the dominant follicle eventually regresses (becomes atretic) and a new follicular wave begins. The dominant follicle regulates the growth of the subordinate follicles, because the appearance of the next wave is accelerated if the dominant follicle is ablated, and delayed if the lifespan of the dominant follicle is prolonged. During bovine oestrous cycles, two or three successive waves emerge, on average, on the day of ovulation (day 0) and day 10 for two-wave cycles, and on days 0, 9 and 16 for three-wave cycles. During the oestrous cycle there are thus two or three successive dominant follicles, and the last of these ovulates. Ovarian folliculogenesis is a complex process involving interactions between pituitary gonadotrophins, ovarian steroids and non-steroidal factors. Subtle changes in the hormonal milieu regulate folliculogenesis and the emergence of a follicular wave is preceded by a small increase in the concentration of plasma follicle-stimulating hormone. The mechanisms that promote the selection of a dominant follicle have not been elucidated, but considerable progress has been made in understanding follicular development and its regulation. Most treatments designed to control the development of follicular waves have been based on the physical or hormonal removal of the suppressive effect of the dominant follicle, and the consequent controlled induction of the emergence of a new follicular wave. The studies reviewed here describe current methods for regulating the bovine ovarian cycle, interesting models for future studies, and information that may be used for improving reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

The i‐wave, a post b‐wave component of the human photopic electroretinogram (ERG), is claimed to originate at the level of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC) or more distally. We investigated whether this wave is a feature common to all species. Photopic ERGs were obtained from the following species: Beagle dog, European cat, New Zealand white rabbit, Göttingen minipig, Cynomolgus monkey, Sprague–Dawley and brown Norway rats, Hartley guinea pig, and CD1 and C57BL6 mice. Results were compared with those obtained from normal human subjects. Except for rats and mice, all species yielded a well‐demarcated i‐wave, easily identifiable and separated from the a–b‐wave complex by ≈ 20 ms. Our sample suggests that the i‐wave is a feature common to the photopic ERG of most species including humans. In view of its suggested origin, the i‐wave would offer a unique opportunity to test, with the flash ERG, the functional integrity of the retinal ganglion cells in animals where use of a pattern stimulus is not always easily obtained.  相似文献   

With an objective to evaluate the follicular dynamics and vascularity changes in follicles and corpus luteum, the ovaries of cyclic Surti buffaloes (n = 9) were examined daily sequentially by transrectal B‐mode and colour flow mode (CFM) ultrasonography starting from the day of oestrus till the onset of next oestrus. Higher proportion of buffaloes evidenced one‐wave cycle (66.66%) compared to two‐wave cycle (33.34%) with none showing a three‐wave cycle. The dominant follicle of the first follicular wave was the ovulatory follicle and persisted for 19.70 ± 0.50 days compared to its persistence for 16.5 ± 1.45 days in a two‐wave cycle. The maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle in a one‐wave and two‐wave cycle did not differ yet their linear growth rates were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in a one‐wave cycle. Colour flow mode examination of follicles revealed that the percentage of follicles with detectable blood flow in the subsequently determined largest follicle (dominant follicle) was not different from that in the second largest follicle before follicle deviation. The blood flow in the dominant follicle increased significantly on the day of oestrus. The mean diameter and blood flow to the corpus luteum (CL) increased linearly and significantly from Day 5 of oestrus till Day 13 after which both parameters started declining. At or around Day 16, there was precipitous fall in the blood supply to the CL and CL diameter that continued declining thereafter to reach the lowest around Day 20 of the oestrous cycle. Rise in plasma progesterone concentrations was synchronous to CL diameter and vascularity and showed significant and positive correlations. It was concluded that Surti buffaloes evidence a preponderance of one‐wave follicular growth pattern with a significant increase in the vascularity of ovulatory follicle on the day of oestrus and corpus luteum on Day 13 of the oestrous cycle.  相似文献   

Serial electrocardiograms were recorded from 70 Mastín Español dogs in right lateral recumbency, aged between one day and three years, in order to observe the changes in the waveform and intervals, QRS morphology, cardiac rhythm and heart rate caused by their growth. Age and bodyweight caused a gradual increase in the duration and amplitude of the P wave, duration of the PR, QT and RR intervals, amplitude of the R wave and duration of the QRS complex and ST segment. Q wave was observed in nearly all the recordings with different amplitudes. The S wave was only significant in one-day-old animals and QRS morphology showed significant important changes from qrS and rS to qR and qRs morphologies during the first two weeks of life. The T wave increased its amplitude until the age of two months and changed its polarity (from negative to positive) from five months of age onwards. The heart rate decreased until the age of seven months, reaching stabilised values of 110 ± 7-3 beats per minute. Sinus tachycardia was commonplace in animals under one month old and respiratory sinus arrhythmia was found from six months of age. Sex only influenced the duration and amplitude of the T wave. Males had higher mean values than females.  相似文献   

在急性实验条件下,以爆发波(BW)的频率、波宽、峰电位频率为指标,观察了电刺激蓝斑核对发情期大鼠子宫平滑肌电活动的影响.结果:电刺激蓝斑核后,子宫角平滑肌BW频率增加极显著,波宽及峰电位频率虽有增加,但无显著差异;子宫颈平滑肌BW频率无显著增加,波宽却显著缩短,峰电位频率有所减少,未见明显差异.结果表明,蓝斑核对发情期大鼠子宫平滑肌电活动具有调节作用.  相似文献   

Exogenous hormonal manipulation of ovarian activity in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To achieve precise control of the oestrous cycle in cattle it is necessary to control both the life span of the corpus luteum and the follicle wave status at the end of the treatment. Antral follicle growth in cattle occurs in distinct wavelike patterns during the ovarian cycle and the postpartum anoestrous period. The emergence of each new wave is stimulated by a transient increase in FSH. Each follicle wave has an inherent life span of 7-10 days as it progresses through the different stages of development, viz., emergence, selection, dominance and atresia or ovulation. The dominant follicle (DF) is distinguishable from other subordinate follicles by its enhanced capacity to produce oestradiol, maintenance of low intrafollicular concentrations of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins-2, -4 and -5 and follistatin and an increase in free intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I as well as an increase in size. Three approaches can be taken to control ovarian activity and regulate the oestrous cycle in cattle: (i) use of the luteolytic agent prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) alone or one of its potent analogues, (ii) administration of exogenous progesterone-progestagen treatments combined with the use of exogenous oestradiol or gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) to control new follicle wave emergence and shorten the life span of the corpus luteum, and (iii) prior follicle wave synchrony followed by induced luteolysis. A number of different oestrous synchronisation regimens, viz., PGF2alpha-based only, short-term progesterone with prior follicle wave synchrony using oestradiol or GnRH have been developed but the problem of obtaining good follicle wave synchrony and CL regression limit their widespread application. GnRH-prostaglandin-GnRH regimens have recently been developed for beef and dairy cows. However, their success is variable. A better understanding of the hormonal control of follicle growth is a prerequisite in order to obtain more precise control the oestrous cycle allowing one AI at a predetermined time giving high pregnancy rates without recourse to detection of oestrus.  相似文献   

The effects of wave form, voltage, frequency and current as well as application time on the narcotizing ability of alternating current were investigated. A 60 Vrms, 50 Hz sine wave current applied for 30 s produced narcosis of sufficient duration to enable handling and blood sampling. A triangle wave form was inferior in narcotizing ability to both sine wave and square wave forms. Duration of narcosis increased with increasing water conductivity but was reduced by increasing water temperatures.  相似文献   

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