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Recent research shows that most soils are more or less water repellent. Already subcritical water repellency may cause incomplete soil wetting and preferential flow. Both processes potentially reduce the residence time of water and solutes in the vadose zone, resulting in an enhanced risk of groundwater contamination. The objective of the present paper is, therefore, to evaluate the impact of reduced soil wettability on the soil water infiltration rate and to investigate the tendency towards preferential flow with the analysis of the immobile water content in the infiltration zone. In november 2002, a field experiment was done in a coniferous forest, 30 km N of Hannover, Germany. Soil hydrophobicity was quantified by measuring the contact angles. The hydraulic conductivity of the podsolic sandy soil was measured depth‐dependent with a double‐ring tension infiltrometer in three soil horizons. To quantify possible preferential‐flow effects, a LiBr‐Tracer was added to the infiltrating water to evaluate the mobile water‐content fraction after infiltration. Additionally, infiltration rates of water were compared with infiltration rates of ethanol which were determined after water infiltration at the same locations. Results show that the actual water repellency of field‐moist soil was mainly subcritical (contact angle <90°). Water infiltration rates were reduced due to subcritical repellency by a factor of 3–170 compared with ethanol infiltration rates (exclusion of wetting effects). This spatially variable infiltration behavior was not clearly reflected neither by the small‐scale contact‐angle measurements nor by the analysis of the average immobile soil water content in the infiltration zone. We conclude that this specific infiltration behavior of water caused by small‐scale wettability effects may temporarily reduce the local connectivity of water‐flow pathways.  相似文献   

本研究量化了白膜和黑膜覆盖对黄棉土不同深度土壤水分和土壤温度的变化,探讨了地膜覆盖的"保水调温"效应.试验设置白膜、黑膜、未覆膜3个处理,监测覆盖处理下不同深度土壤温度,选用正弦曲线拟合和方程模型,量化分析黄绵土在不同覆盖条件下土壤水分、土壤温度和热容量变化过程.研究发现,40 cm深度处土壤水分和土壤热容量值均最大,...  相似文献   

钙质结核是砂姜黑土重要的成土特征,直接影响土壤结构和水分运移,但目前关于钙质结核对土壤持水性作用机制的研究主要集中在实验室尺度,而且报道较少.基于此,该研究在田间尺度上研究了钙质结核剖面垂直分布特征及其对土壤持水性的影响.结果表明:钙质结核主要分布在20 cm以下的土层,其含量和粒径均随土层深度的增加呈现增大趋势,>8...  相似文献   

两种农用高吸水树脂的制备工艺及其土壤保水效果   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
针对中国目前农用高吸水树脂的研制和应用相对落后的现状,通过自行设计的工艺流程合成了两种淀粉接枝型高吸水树脂(SA和SAM),利用正交试验设计优化了反应条件。用红外光谱和扫描电镜对接枝共聚物进行了表征,光谱分析证实了接枝共聚物的存在,扫描电镜显示了其多孔网状结构。两种接枝产物在蒸馏水及0.9%氯化钠湿基水溶液中均表现出较高的吸水能力。土壤蒸发试验结果表明,两种吸水树脂能够显著抑制土壤表面的水分蒸发,抑制蒸发作用随着树脂施用量的增加而增强,三元吸水树脂SAM优于二元SA的抑制效果。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of mucilage for soil–plant relations, little is known about the effect of soil drying on mucilage exudation. We introduce a method to collect mucilage from maize growing in wet and dry soils. Mucilage was collected from brace roots. The amount of mucilage exuded did not change with soil water content and transpiration rate. Mucilage exuded in dry soils had a higher degree of hydrophobicity, suggesting that the wetting properties of mucilage change in response to soil drying.  相似文献   

保水剂对土壤温度和水分动态的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了研究保水剂对土壤温度和水分动态变化的影响,在河北农业大学实验基地,对青海“绿宝”公司提供的3种剂型保水剂施入土壤后的混剂土进行土壤温度和水分运动规律的测定。结果表明:土壤中加入保水剂后能够调节土壤温度的变化,提高土壤的保温性能,使土壤的昼夜温差减小;对土壤水分的蒸发有明显的抑制效应,混剂土中的水分会向四周的干燥土壤扩散,其扩散距离是对照的2倍,而含水率仍在16%~19%之间,土壤中加入保水剂后,混剂土所保持的水分86.7%~88.4%为有效水(0~1.5MPa)。随保水剂用量的增加,混剂土的保温效果、抑制水分蒸发效果越好,土壤水分扩散相同的距离,混剂土的含水量越高,从而为植物提供充足的水分,有利于植物的生长发育。  相似文献   

环境因子与玉米生长对地表温度监测土壤水分的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对当前地表温度受太阳辐射、气象因素及作物生长状态影响,对早晨与傍晚土壤水分估算精度较差的问题,该研究在2020年夏玉米生长的拔节期与抽雄期,利用无人机搭载热红外传感器获取09:00、11:00、13:00、15:00以及17:00的地表温度数据,探究了太阳高度角、饱和水汽压差、植被覆盖度三者与地表-空气温差的相关性,提出了综合调整温度,构建了土壤含水率监测模型,分析模型在玉米吐丝期与水泡期的适用性并绘制了土壤含水率分布图。结果表明:1)同一时刻不同灌溉处理的地表温度与土壤含水率呈现负相关性,同一灌溉处理的地表温度日变化呈现上午升温较快下午降温较慢的负偏态分布趋势。2)太阳高度角正弦4次方根、饱和水汽压差、植被覆盖度与地表-空气温差的线性相关系数分别为0.509、0.948、-0.659。3)相比较基于地表温度构建的土壤含水率监测模型,基于综合调整温度的监测模型将决定系数由0.230提高到0.771,标准均方根误差由18.8%降低至10.3%。4)利用综合调整温度监测其他生育期的土壤含水率,决定系数由0.238提高到0.831,标准均方根误差由18.9%降低至9.5%,表明模型在玉米生长季的各个生育期的不同时段均有较强适用性。该研究可为无人机热红外遥感精准监测土壤水分亏缺状况提供参考。  相似文献   

The soil-water contact angle is used as a measure of the surface hydrophobicity of soils. The contact angle for particular solid–liquid combination is considered to vary with the drop size. In this paper, we focused on examining the drop size dependence of contact angle on soil surfaces compared with homogeneous solid surfaces, and determining its relation to the droplet geometry and line tension. The contact angle estimated using geometric parameters of the droplets (θ G) showed decreasing trend with increasing drop size from 5 to 50?µL irrespective of the deformations in the droplet shape in larger drops. This was considered to be a result of the corresponding deviations of the geometric parameters of the droplets. The directly measured contact angle (θ A) first decreased and then increased with increasing drop size from 5 to 50?µL. The drop size at lowest θ A for hydrophobized silica sand with 1?g?kg–1 stearic acid (SA) and the acryl surfaces was 20?µL, whereas that for hydrophobized silica sand with 5?g?kg–1 SA and siliconed paper was 30?µL. The decrease in θ A with increasing drop size was explained as a result of the line tension effect using the modified Young's equation. Despite the surface heterogeneity, all the surfaces tested in this study showed positive line tensions on the order of 10?µJ?m–1. Irrespective of the heterogeneity of the surfaces, the θ A in this experiment agreed with the modified Young's equation for drop sizes up to about 20–30?µL, where the θ A and θ G were also in good agreement. Drop size dependence of contact angle was independent of the level of surface hydrophobicity. The θ A on all the examined surfaces started to increase with increasing drop size when the deformation index, I d, exceeded 5%, where the wetting radius, R exceeded the capillary length. The increase in θ A with increasing drop size was attributed to the deformations of water drops due to the effect of gravity.  相似文献   

基于冠层叶气温差的苹果园土壤水分预报模型   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
该研究于2003~2004年采用便携式红外测温仪观测得到苹果主要生长季节晴天14∶00时冠层叶温数据,结合同步观测得到的空气温度数据及0~80 cm土壤相对有效含水率, 分析、建立以苹果树冠层叶气温差为指标的果园水分预报模型。该模型中,土壤相对有效含水率和冠层叶气温差的相关系数为-0.819(n=50),通过0.01水平显著性检验。并利用2002年及2005年的实测土壤水分数据对所建模型进行验证,结果表明:土壤相对有效含水率的观测值与计算值吻合较好,二者线性相关系数可达0.9137(n  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of mono‐ and polyvalent cations on sorption of the two hydrophobic compounds nonylphenol (NP) and phenanthrene (Phe). To this end, exchange sites of a sandy soil were saturated with either Na+, Ca2+, or Al3+ and excess salts were removed by washing. The samples were then sterilized and either stored moist, dried at room temperature, or at 20°C, 60°C, or 105°C in a vented oven. Saturation with Na+ led to an increase of dissolved organic C (DOC) concentration in the soil water extracts, whereas the polyvalent cations Ca2+ and Al3+ decreased it. The 1H‐NMR relaxometry analyses showed that Al3+ restricted the mobility of water molecules that are confined within the SOM structure to a higher extent than Ca2+ or Na+. According to contact‐angle (CA) analyses, cation treatment did not significantly change the wetting properties of the samples. Batch sorption–desorption experiments showed no clear salt‐treatment effects on the sorption and desorption equilibria or kinetics of NP and Phe. Instead, the sorption coefficients and sorption hysteresis of NP and Phe increased in dry soil. With increasing drying temperature the CA of the soils and the sorption of both xenobiotics increased significantly. We conclude that structural modifications of SOM due to incorporation of polyvalent cations into the interphase structure do not modify the sorption characteristics of the soil for hydrophobic compounds. Instead, increasing hydrophobization of organic soil constituents due to heat treatment significantly increased the accessible sorption sites for nonpolar organic compounds in this soil.  相似文献   

保水剂和负压供水对玉米生理生长及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用一种负水头供水控水系统,通过调节供水负压值来控制不同的土壤含水率,研究3种供水负压(3、6、9 kPa)下,保水剂对玉米生理、生长性状以及节水效果的影响。结果表明:在供水负压为3 kPa时,保水剂使玉米株高降低了7.4%,叶面积降低了14.9%,地上部干物质量降低了12.4%,地下部干物质量降低了7.3%,水分利用效率降低了12.6%。在供水负压为6 kPa和9 kPa时,保水剂使玉米株高分别增加了10.0%、37.9%,叶面积分别增加了14.2%、90.8%,地上部干物质量分别显著增加40.4%、104.6%,地下部干物质量分别增加了35.3%、83.8%,水分利用效率分别显著提高了26.9%、65.7%。同时,与无保水剂的相比,玉米叶片水势分别增加7.1%、19.2%,叶片相对含水率、净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率也较高。表明在水分受限制条件下,保水剂能够改善植株的生理生长特性,提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

多因素影响下土壤上升毛管水运动特性HYDRUS模拟及验证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于饱和—非饱和土壤水分运动理论,通过HYDRUS-1D软件对多因素作用下的土壤上升毛管水运动进行模拟,研究土壤容重、黏粒含量、初始含水率、地下水埋深和时间5个因素对上升毛管水运动特性的影响。分别建立上升毛管水补给量和毛管水上升高度与各影响因素之间经验模型,其均方根误差均为0.003 cm,相关系数均大于0.99,决定系数均大于0.98(P0.01),计算值与实测值相对误差均小于11.25%。各影响因素对上升毛管水补给量的影响程度由大到小依次为时间、土壤容重、初始含水率、黏粒含量、地下水埋深,对毛管水上升高度的影响程度由大到小依次为时间、初始含水率、黏粒含量、土壤容重、地下水埋深。采用截距为0的线性函数对毛管水上升高度与上升毛管水补给量之间的关系曲线进行拟合,其决定系数均在0.96以上,表明其两者之间呈显著线性关系。该研究成果可为制定灌溉和排水以及盐碱地改良等措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤水蚀中关于化学因素的研究现状和展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
土壤水蚀是一个复杂的物理化学过程。化学因素在土壤水蚀过程中起了相当重要的作用。该文系统分析了土壤溶液浓度和组成对土壤团聚体稳定性、地表硬壳形成以及土壤水力传导度、入渗率、地表径流和土壤侵蚀的影响;探讨了长期劣质水灌溉可能对土壤侵蚀产生的影响以及减少劣质水灌溉区土壤侵蚀的化学方法;指出土壤表面密封层对土壤侵蚀的影响及其机理描述是土壤侵蚀研究中的一个重要研究方向。  相似文献   

本论文以半湿润地区土垫旱耕人为土(褐土)为供试土样,应用长期通气培养法,研究了湿度和温度对090cm土壤剖面不同土层(每30.cm为1土层)氮素矿化的影响。每层土壤设11.0、15.0、19.0、23.0、27.0%5个土壤水分等级和8.0、16.0、24.03、2.0、40.0℃5个温度等级,共25个处理,在恒温培养箱中进行培养。培养期间分别在7、14、21、354、9、63和84.d取样测定矿化氮累积量。结果表明,不同土层土壤有机氮的矿化累积量均随温度、水分含量升高而增加,各土层增幅的大小顺序为030.cm3060.cm6090.cm。030.cm土层矿化氮是090.cm土层可矿化氮的主体,其矿化氮占67.9%。不同土层土壤氮素矿化过程不同:在培养期间030.cm土层氮素矿化量与培养时间符合线性关系,而3060.cm和6090.cm土层符合对数函数;不同土层氮素矿化速率k与含水量w间为直线关系,相关系数r在0.93以上,030.cm土层的k值对温度反应最为敏感,其次为3060.cm土层,以6090cm土层反应最小。总体上看,在较高温度培养条件下,随温度增加,土层越深,矿化速率增加越慢;温度和水分对不同土层土壤氮素矿化具有明显的正交互作用。对030.cm土层,在高温情况下水分效果更加突出;而对3060cm和6090.cm土层,温度效应比水分效果更加突出。  相似文献   

基于水温对肉牛生长性能影响的冬季恒温饮水系统优选   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
为缓解西北地区拴系肉牛在冬季产生的冷应激,提高肉牛生长性能,研究根据连通器原理设计恒温饮水系统,为牛只提供温水。试验选取西门塔尔牛作为试验牛,对饮水器内水温、肉牛的饮水行为、生理以及日增质量进行测定。试验结果表明:恒温饮水系统能为处理组牛只提供17.69℃的温水,处理组牛的日增质量为1.53 kg/(d·头),较对照组提高0.36 kg/(d·头),差异极显著(P0.01)。在处理组中,牛只饮用16~18℃的温水表现出更多的饮水次数和更好的增重效果(日增质量达到(1.69±0.44)kg/(d·头))。饮水后牛只瘤胃处体表温度处理组比对照组高3.29℃,差异极显著(P0.01)。结果表明,在拴系肉牛舍中采用这种恒温饮水系统能够有效改善肉牛因冬季饮用冷水造成的冷应激,并能显著提高肉牛生长性能,具有技术和经济可行性。  相似文献   

地膜覆盖时间对新疆棉田水热及棉花耗水和产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
该文主要研究不同的地膜覆盖时间对棉田水热及棉花产量的影响。设置了6个地膜覆盖时间:40 d(J1)、55 d(J2)、70 d(J3)、85 d(J4)、100 d(J5)和140 d(全生育期覆盖,CK),2016和2017年在阿克苏绿洲典型滴灌棉田进行田间试验,分析不同地膜覆盖时间对土壤温度、土壤水分、耗水量(crop evapotranspiration,ET_c)、产量、水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)的影响。结果表明,不同地膜覆盖时间可影响土壤水热状况。随着地膜覆盖时间延长,0~80 cm土层含水率逐渐增加,ET_c持续降低,WUE呈增加趋势,但超过100 d后对ET_c及WUE无显著影响。J1、J2、J3和J4处理在揭除膜后,土壤含水率迅速降低,土壤深层水快速消耗,进入铃期后处理间差异才逐步开始缩小。地膜覆盖时间小于100 d会显著减少单株成铃数,降低单铃质量,最终造成减产。J1~J5覆盖时间中,J5处理产量(2 a平均为6 800 kg/hm~2)和WUE(2 a平均为11.5 kg/(hm~2·mm))最高(P0.05),且J5与CK差异不显著(P0.05),可见,地膜覆盖100 d较适宜。该研究结果可为绿洲棉区合理地使用地膜提供科学依据,也为残膜回收及降解地膜的安全应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

After half a century of failed soil and water conservation projects in tropical developing countries, technical specialists and policy makers are reconsidering their strategy. It is increasingly recognised that the land users have valuable environmental knowledge themselves. This review explores two hypotheses: first, that much can be learned from previously ignored indigenous soil and water conservation (ISWC) practices; second, that ISWC can often act as a suitable starting point for the development of technologies and programmes. However, information on ISWC is patchy and scattered. Many ancient, derelict systems are better described than traditions which still persist today. ISWC has been most commonly developed under dry and marginal conditions, and/or on steep hillsides. Sustained population pressure has often tended to stimulate ISWC. There is a need for more incorporation of ISWC into resource conservation programmes: many projects have ignored local traditions to their detriment. It is widely agreed that further study and research on ISWC is required and justified as a logical starting point towards developing adoptable and sustainable soil and water conservation systems for small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

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