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<正>5月8日,翠湖湿地公园鸟类环志工作站春季鸟类环志工作顺利结束。环志工作于3月26日开始,共环志到鸟类425只,其中公园一期79只、公园二期346只。环志到的鸟类中,红胁蓝尾鸲、北红尾鸲、棕头鸦雀、树麻雀、黄喉鹀、小鹀、红喉姬鹟、褐柳莺等数量较多,普通翠鸟、树鷚、白眉鹀、灰头鹀、黄眉柳莺、黄腰柳莺、冕柳莺、红喉歌鸲、蓝喉歌鸲、东方角鸮、灰头绿啄木鸟、星头啄木鸟、  相似文献   

2022年7月至2023年2月对山东省聊城市3处城市竹林景观进行鸟类群落调查,共记录到鸟类15种,优势种为白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)、树麻雀(Passer montanus)、银喉长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)等小型鸟类。研究表明,适度发展混交林有利于丰富城市景观的生态多样性和物种多样性。  相似文献   

<正> 柳莺属鸟类为雀形目、莺科,是食虫鸟中个体甚小、种类繁多、种群数量很大的生态类群,目前有关它们迁徙方面的资料国内尚未见报道。我们于1987~1989年连续3年在浮山野外环志初步发现:迁经青岛的柳莺属鸟类共计9种,均系青岛旅鸟。环志还初步掌握了这些柳莺迁经青岛的种群数量大小,迁徙起止及持续时间、迁徙经过本地的高峰日等规律及迁徙途中的一系列行为特征。由于柳莺属种类多、  相似文献   

于2017年2月-2018年1月,应用样线调查法和鸟鸣声识别法,每月1次对上海师范大学徐汇校区校园鸟类的种类及数量进行了初步调查。结果表明:上海师范大学校园共分布鸟类48种,隶属7目、23科。其中数量较多的是鸽形目的珠颈斑鸠,雀形目的小鹀、黄喉鹀、乌鸫、白头鹎、家燕、棕头鸦雀等。与国内其他大学校园的鸟类相比较,上海师范大学徐汇校区校园的鸟类种类和数量都较多。  相似文献   

嫩江鸟类迁徙特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 1年在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场及附近乡镇采用网捕环志方法进行了鸟类调查 ,共环志鸟类 119种 3130 1只 ,隶属 11目 2 9科 ,迁徙鸟类以朱顶雀、煤山雀、黄雀为主体。在此基础上 ,着重对嫩江迁徙鸟类的种类、迁徙高峰进行了分析  相似文献   

为掌握雷公山国家级自然保护区野生鸟类资源状况,采用公里网格随机布设60个红外相机监测位点,对雷公山重点区域地面活动鸟类进行调查。2020年1月至2021年12月,100台红外相机野外累计正常工作18 074个相机日,累计获得独立有效鸟类照片(视频)2 883份。调查监测记录到鸟类7目、17科、48种,其中栗苇鳽、红点颏、蓝歌鸲、斑胸钩嘴鹛、灰头绿啄木鸟、灰翅噪鹛、褐翅鸦鹃等7种为雷公山保护区鸟类新纪录。分析结果表明:鸟类相对多度最高为白鹇,其次为灰胸竹鸡和棕头鸦雀;鸟类网格占有率最高为白鹇(42.05%),棕头鸦雀(35.23%)和灰胸竹鸡(25.00%)次之。  相似文献   

<正>姚家坪观鸟点地处高黎贡山国家级自然保护区泸水片区,海拔跨度2020-3700米。生态保护完好,有最完整的中山常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林及高山箭竹林、高山灌丛等植被类型,其间分布着红豆杉、红花木莲、水青树、十齿花、长蕊木兰等珍稀植物。鸟类资源丰富,常见的有丽色奇鹛、白眉雀鹛、印缅褐头雀鹛、灰眶雀鹛、灰喉柳莺、冠纹柳莺、红头长尾山雀、黑眉长尾山雀、黑脸鹟莺、栗头鹟莺、黑顶噪鹛、纯色噪鹛、绿喉太阳鸟、蓝喉太阳鸟、  相似文献   

报道了甘肃裕河省级自然保护区的3个鸟类新纪录,褐头鹪莺、棕尾褐鹟、棕眉柳莺,这3种鸟类的发现,为进一步研究该区域的鸟类资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   

日本是亚洲地区最早开展候鸟环志以研究其迁徙规律的国家,目前不论是年环志鸟的数量,还是回收鸟的数量均居亚洲地区首位。日本鸟类环志自1924年(大正13年)开始,到1943年累计环志鸟类29~66种316983只,回收环志鸟15~41种,计15379只;1944~1960年鸟类环志工作中止36年,1964年开始在日本全国大规模开展环志工作,到1990年,日本鸟类年环志量已达265种126015只。目前日本共有60处环志站(其中1、2级站分别为10、15个),并有大量鸟类环志爱好者参加工作。  相似文献   

本文对栗山天牛天敌鸟类进行调查,结果表明:普通、大山雀、沼泽山雀、北褐头山雀、银喉长尾山雀等小鸟是捕食栗山天牛卵的主要天敌,加强鸟类保护和招引益鸟对防治栗山天牛意义重大。  相似文献   

中国环志五年来,已建环志站点45处,累计环志放飞鸟类达186种、37060只。同期回收到国内外环志鸟171只、计57种。来自7个国家和地区的环志鸟提供了候鸟跨亚洲—澳洲、亚洲—欧洲迁徙途径,以及候鸟飞越喜马拉雅山脉迁徙的证据,解释了历史上对此问题的疑点。中国的复杂生态环境和地理位置、已知候鸟迁徙于中国与各洲之间的信息、中国与亚太地区24个国家和地区相同种候鸟的分析统计情况表明:中国大陆作为东亚与北亚、南亚次大陆、澳、美、欧、南太平洋之间候鸟迁徙终端的夏候鸟繁殖地、冬候鸟越冬地以及旅鸟的停息地的国家,对于研究亚太地区候鸟迁徙规律,对于研究各国环志鸟信息的回收和繁殖生态特点、生存率及其他生态生物学信息的收集都起着重要作用。  相似文献   

遂川候鸟通道研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1999—2004年对遂川候鸟通道开展调查研究,进行鸟类环志,掌握了遂川候鸟通道候鸟迁徙规律.环志鸟类2246羽,隶属9目28科93种;记录了吉安市境内鸟类167种,隶属13目45科,有12种为江西新记录;遂川县是棕三趾鹑分布的北界。研究结果表明:遂川候鸟通道生态环境良好,生物多样性丰富,人类干扰活动少,是一个候鸟停歇、觅食、栖息的中继站。  相似文献   

Undergrowth clearing is a widespread forest management technique used in many Mediterranean regions to reduce dense vegetation in order to prevent fire or to facilitate other forest exploitation activities. Here, we analyze the effects of undergrowth clearing on biodiversity by focusing on the variations in bird diversity in Holm oak forests in Catalonia (north-east Iberian Peninsula) under different forest management regimes: (1) coppice Holm oak forests where the undergrowth layer has been completely cleared, (2) partially cleared forests and (3) cleared and tree thinned forests and finally, (4) undisturbed forests. The synchronic comparison approach was used in conjunction with a before–after control impact (BACI) experiment in which the effects of undergrowth clearing were explicitly measured. Complete undergrowth clearing resulted in the almost complete disappearance of three Warbler species (Subalpine Warbler, Sardinian Warbler and Garden Warbler). Partial clearing also led to a marked reduction in the numbers of these three species, but the presence of Sardinian and Garden Warblers was maintained in the treated forests. Complete undergrowth clearing accompanied by tree thinning also led to a decrease in amount of undergrowth species and involved additional negative effects for species such as Wren, Robin, Blackbird and Blackcap. Only one species, the Nightjar, appeared to benefit from undergrowth clearing, while many others increased their numbers only when clearing was applied together with tree thinning: Turtle dove, Mistle thrush and Cirl bunting. Undergrowth clearing brought about a significant simplification in the vertical structure of the forest, which probably reduced foraging opportunities and breeding resources for most undergrowth species. These effects became more pronounced when tree thinning was applied together with undergrowth clearing. To reconcile forest management and bird diversity, undergrowth clearing should be applied selectively to ensure that a certain number of undergrowth patches, preferably corresponding to different shrub species, are not affected by management treatments.  相似文献   

2011年3月~2012年10月,在玉溪市云南松纯林内系统地进行了蛀干害虫诱捕试验,共引诱到鞘翅类昆虫4 000多头,隶属于9科16种,主要为短角幽天牛、松褐天牛、梗天牛、云南木蠹象、马尾松角胫象、松瘤象等天牛类、象虫类昆虫。对主要害虫种类的林间时序动态进行了分析,结果表明,这些害虫在玉溪地区均为1年发生1代,优势种群是短角幽天牛和松褐天牛。  相似文献   

Although intensively managed pine forests are common in the southeastern US, few studies describe how combinations of mechanical (MSP) and chemical site preparation (CSP) and herbaceous weed control (HWC) techniques affect bird communities that use early successional habitats within young pine forests. Therefore, we examined effects of six treatments of increasing management intensity via combinations of MSP (strip-shear and wide spacing or roller chop and narrow spacing) and CSP (application or no application) treatments with banded or broadcast HWC on bird communities in six loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA, for 8 years following site preparation. Wide pine spacing and strip-shear MSP increased bird abundance and species richness over narrow spacing and chopped MSP for 6 years after planting. Chemical SP reduced bird abundance in year 2, increased bird abundance in year 6, had no effect on abundance after year 7, and did not affect species richness in any year. Total bird abundance and species richness were similar between banded and broadcast HWC. Site preparation and HWC had no effect on bird diversity and bird communities were most similar in treatments of similar intensity. Site preparation and HWC had few or no effects on birds based upon migratory status, habitat association, or conservation value. The addition of chemical site preparation or HWC had little effect on birds beyond pine spacing, and bird abundance was not proportional to management intensity. Although we observed treatment effects, all treatments provided habitat used by a variety of bird species, and pine plantations may play an increasingly important role in bird conservation as forests become fragmented and converted to other land uses and as natural processes that create early successional habitat, such as fire, are suppressed.  相似文献   

Slope stabilization treatments are frequently applied following high severity wildfires to reduce erosion, protect water quality, and mitigate threats to human life and property. However, the effectiveness of many treatment options has not been well established. Furthermore, treatments may unintentionally inhibit natural vegetation recovery or facilitate exotic species invasion, compromising long-term ecosystem function. We evaluated the effects of seeding and fertilization treatments on plant cover and vegetation recovery following the Deer Point fire in the Eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington State, surveying vegetation for three consecutive years following fire. We applied a fertilization treatment and two seeding treatments in factorial combination on experimental plots at four sites within the fire. Natural vegetation recovered rapidly on control plots, exceeding 40% average cover the second post-fire year and 53% cover the third year. Seeding and fertilization, applied alone and together, did little to increase total plant cover in any of the three post-fire years. A seed mix containing mostly native species increased seeded species cover, but failed to increase in total plant cover, as reductions in non-seeded species cover largely offset increases in seeded species cover. The seed mix also reduced the cover and frequency of several disturbance-adapted native species and reduced tree seedling abundance by the third year after fire. Exotic species averaged less than 0.5% cover across all treatments, and were not significantly affected by any treatment. Minimal treatment effects on total plant cover suggest that seeding and fertilization did little to reduce erosion hazards. However, seeding with the species mix did interfere with natural vegetation recovery, despite the use of native species and low realized seeded species cover.  相似文献   

鸟类环志是研究侯马迁徙最简单有效的方法,已广泛被世界各国所采用,并发挥了巨大作用。文章介绍了欧美和日本等国的研究现状,以及我国鸟环工作的进展和存在问题。  相似文献   

The very rapid development of the road infrastructure in recent years has adversely affected the natural environment. The main effects of this have been the loss or deteriorating quality of habitats, the mortality of animals due to collisions with road vehicles, the withdrawal of birds as a result of disturbance and excessive noise in the neighbourhood of roads. In this study, we attempted to define the influence of a busy road on a breeding community of woodland birds. Individuals were counted using the point method at 54 observation points located at three various distances (60, 310, 560 m) from the road. At each point, we determined the habitat parameters and the intensity of noise. In total, 995 individuals of 39 species were recorded on the study plot. This study showed that the area was homogeneous with respect to habitat. The number of birds per point increased with distance from the road. Species diversity was lower near the road. The density of nine common species increased with distance from the road. Great Tit Parus major and Song Thrush Turdus philomelos preferred the neighbourhood of the road, whereas the numbers of the other species were the highest in the middle row of points. The number and species diversity of birds were correlated with the pattern of sound propagation across our study area. Our results showed that the species particularly sensitive to road traffic were those nesting near the ground and with low-frequency calls.  相似文献   

Despite the widely accepted idea that shaded plantations are valuable habitats for Neotropical migrants in disturbed landscapes, little empirical evidence is available in relation to the quality of this habitat for Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds in the Andes. We evaluated the suitability of shaded plantations for overwintering Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds by examining diurnal and seasonal variation in body condition of migrants in these agroforests in the Andes. During October to April 2008–2009 and 2009–2010, we mist-netted eight species of Neotropical-Nearctic migrants in shaded plantations in the Colombian Andes. Body condition improved throughout the day for Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea), Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca), Tennessee Warbler (Leiothlypis peregrina), and especially Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis). Similarly, body condition improved across the season for Tennessee Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), and Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra). Our results provided additional evidence that several common Neotropical migrants, including species of conservation concern such as Cerulean Warbler and Canada Warbler, may improve their body condition in shaded plantations. However, about half of the species assessed in this study did not show any significant improvement in their body condition (e.g. Red-eyed Vireo). Furthermore, on average, species were in poor condition (i.e. body condition scores were negative) in these coffee farms. Thus, the extent to which this agricultural system represents high quality habitat should be looked with caution. Overall, our data contribute novel information on daily patterns of body condition improvement for several common migratory birds in Andean shaded plantations.  相似文献   

We used a before-after, control-impact design (one year pre-harvest, two years post-harvest) and unlimited-radius point counts to study the effects of typical group-selection harvesting (0.5 gaps ha−1 placed near seed trees within a standard single-tree selection harvest) and intensive group-selection harvesting (4 gaps ha−1 placed on a grid with no harvesting between gaps) on the composition and abundance of breeding birds in tolerant hardwood forests in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario. Percent similarity between pre- and post-harvest bird communities was 5–9% lower in selection harvested stands than in reference stands. Differences in percent similarity among the three treatments were not significant, however, suggesting that the changes in the bird community in stands harvested with group selection were not substantially different than those in reference stands. Abundance of aerial foragers and tree-and-shrub nesters increased in response to typical and intensive group selection in the second year post-harvest. By contrast, bark foragers and cavity-nesters decreased in the first year post-harvest and then increased in the second year post-harvest in response to typical group selection. Abundance of 16 (73%) of 22 species was not affected by harvesting. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), Chestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica), Least Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus), and White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) increased in response to intensive group selection in the first or second year post-harvest, whereas Chestnut-sided Warbler, Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus), and White-throated Sparrow increased in response to typical group selection in the first or second year post-harvest. Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) decreased slightly in response to typical group selection in the second year post-harvest. Our short-term data suggest that intensive, rather than typical, group-selection harvesting is preferred for maintaining densities of cavity-nesting birds and Ovenbird; whether these advantages continue through the remainder of the cutting cycle and beyond requires further investigation.  相似文献   

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