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广东省肇庆市国营林场公司下属12个国营林场,总经营面积65.73万亩,共有边界防火线683公里,截止1988年止,已营造木荷防火林带581公里,另营造工区界防火林带113公里,防火线基本实现了木荷防火林带化。所剩下的102公里边界防火线,除部分石山,1990年可以全部种上木荷。国营大坑山林场是营造木荷防火林带的先行场。该场从1964年营造木荷防火林带,至1975年,全场43公里防火线,已全面完成营造任务。最早营造的木荷林带(18年生),折合活立木蓄积8.4立方米/亩。木荷生产郁闭后,不用年年铲草维修防火线,用扫把扫除枯枝落叶即可,节省用工三分之二以上。1985年1986年,林业部两次在该场进行木荷林带防火抗性试验,在林带边缘,火苗高达12米,均无过火现象发生,木荷部分枝叶干枯,来春又复生。有关参与试验的专家教授,一致认为木荷防火林带抗火性能显著,该项目属全国首创,被评为省林业科技进步三等奖。  相似文献   

我们从1988年秋季开始对黑龙江省西部地区的一条典型的、正在受到严重冲刷的农田侵蚀沟进行了以生物措施为主的综合治理。采用的主要措施是:在沟头上方营造截流林带、修筑沟头坝,在沟坡两侧营造防蚀林带、削坡插柳、修筑封沟埂,在沟内密插防冲柳带、设置土谷坊和柳编谷坊。经过五年的治理,受到了良好效果。治理后的1993年与治理前的1988年相比,该侵蚀沟每年向源侵蚀速度由2.5m减少到0.05m,沟帮崩塌速度由1.54m减少到0.03m,每年侵蚀农田数量由1000m ̄2减少到19.94m ̄2,平均沟深由2.18m抬高到1.66m,泥沙进出量由侵蚀2500m ̄3到沟内淤积358.3m ̄3,五年内共淤积泥沙720.55m ̄3。  相似文献   

通过对新安江开发总公司浪苑口林场马尾松纯林山脊线上营造的苦槠防火林带第13年测定表明,平均高4.96m,平均胸径7.3cm;林内枯落物4.371t/hm2,是对照马尾松林内枯落物的48.94%;枯落物平均含水率12.88%,比对照高2.2个百分点;苦槠防火林带内土壤5、15、20cm深处的含水率分别为50.88%、34.12%、24.14%,分别比对照高4.38、3.04、2.42个百分点,具有明显的防火效果和涵养水源、保持水土作用。  相似文献   

研究了无断根沟的17 a生一路双行毛白杨农田防护林的细根特征。结果表明,在距林带5.0m范围和100 cm深农田内的单位土体细根特征值为:根重92.20g/m3,根长641.01m/m3,根表面积1.058 8m2/m3,根体积103.7 cm3/m3,根尖数301 481个/m3。农田内的各细根特征值都随距林带的距离的增加而降低,基本上随着土壤深度先增加后降低,较高值出现在距林带1.5m范围内的20~40 cm或40~60 cm土层,在1.5m到3.0m的区间迅速或明显降低,在3.0m或5.0m以外则缓慢降低并且细根特征的最大值上升到10~20 cm土层。由此可见,根系胁地最强的范围应在距林带3m以内。  相似文献   

福建龙溪县管前乡从82年以来,结合发展果树开展营造田头山边防火林带的试验工作。目前已有20公里防火林带,今年计划扩建100公里,至今已挖穴43公里。从82年以来先后7次阻隔森林火灾,保护了5.3万亩林木。87年9月上旬市林委为了推广管前这一经验,组织各县村委书记主任到实地参观,大家认为在田头山边营造果树防火林带是一个良好的生态生物保护圈,是森林防火一个创举。不仅改变了过去山脊防火路(生土带),而且又解决了山脊防火路无法解决的长短效益。这个乡从今年起按县林委的要求在新造林地上,山脊营造木荷或  相似文献   

<正>海南省四面环海,海岸带主要为泥岸和沙岸,结构松散,海防林体系在防风抗灾、护岸固沙、维护生态、美化景观等方面发挥着极其重要的作用,是海南建设绿色海岛的第一道防线。但海南20世纪50年代开始营造的海防林基干林带,经过多年台风袭击,加之过度开发,导致海防林带严重断带、宽度不够、质量不高等现象,给海南省生态环境造成极大的影响。因此,大力开展沿海防护林生态恢复等关键技术推广,改造沿海  相似文献   

为了解农田林网对促进农业增产的作用,1979年5月份我们在基本实现农田林网化的五七公社进行了一次小麦测产.现将结果简报如下:一、林网概况五七公社的林带是结合农田水利设置的,全社林网面积23500亩,无林区面积7200亩.这次测产的林网,选在前线大队五生产队,对照区选在四生产队.东、西林带宽6米.种树4—5行,树高6米,林带间距110米.北面林带宽31米,种树26行,树高9米;南面林带宽17米,种树15行,树高8米,南北林带间距为300米.网格面积49.5亩,种麦面积35.97亩(小麦品种为内乡五号),林带面积2.46亩,树种为刺槐,单层林.  相似文献   

采用目测判断、直接火烧、实验测定、火场植被调查和实地营造试验的方法,探究了防火树种的选择和防火林带营造技术。结果表明:防火树种的条件主要是枝叶茂密、含水量大、含油脂少、不易燃烧、耐火性强;下层林木应耐潮湿,与上层林木种间关系相适应;生长迅速、郁闭快、适应性强、萌芽力高;无病虫害寄生和传播。防火能力较强的树种有刺槐、核桃和青杨等;防火能力较弱的树种有三裂绣线菊、华北落叶松和丁香等。防火林带的营造技术条件是造林面积在100hm2以上,防火林带一般设置在山脊、林地边缘等,主林带宽度一般为30m左右,副林带宽度为20m左右,密度越大,防火效果越好。林带营造技术措施主要有整地、栽植和抚育管护。  相似文献   

布海乡位于我省中部平原,属于一般风害区。该乡自1973年以来,共营造农田防护林带243条,全长750华里,构成231个方田网眼,总面积4629亩,保护着十几万亩良田。为了探讨林带的胁地问题,我们于1983年,对该乡八条林带的胁地情况进行了调查。其方法是:在同一个网眼内,于主带的东西方向和付带的南北方向,分别测量各种胁地距离,并选择农作物相同的标准地块进行生长情况调查。共调查九个网眼,测设标准地37块(包括  相似文献   

<正> 营造农田防护林体系是提高农作物产量与质量的有效手段之一。国内外已有不少关于林带使作物增产的报道;法国人Guyot指出,灌溉条件下,林带可使小麦增产21.8%,丹麦人研究认为,可以平均增产5%,据我们1985年研究认为,在100亩左右的长方形林网内平均增产5.5%。有关林网保护下的农作物质量及其增产机制的报导还不多见。为了系统的了解防护林体系保护下的农作物产  相似文献   


Remote sensing techniques have proven successful for producing stem maps of forests in leaf-on condition from high-resolution imagery. This paper demonstrates how a mathematical model for the surface of a stem can be used to estimate the breast-height diameter of individual trees from aerial photographs to give information on basal area. The diameters are estimated by likelihood estimation from images of a forest in leaf-off condition where the stems and their shadows are visible. Applied to a homogeneous and monospecific oak ( Quercus robur L.) stand under standard silvicultural treatment in Denmark, the estimation was successful for 56 out of 60 trees. The root mean squared error on the diameter was 4.2 and 3.2 cm using three and five images, respectively. The key conclusion is that it is feasible to infer fairly accurate information about the diameters and three-dimensional positions of stems from aerial photographs.  相似文献   

京郊农田防护林景观生态评价--以北京大兴县北藏乡为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on theories of protective forests and landscape ecology, the reasonableness of structures and patterns of shelterbelt system at Beizang Town, Daxing County, Beijing were analyzed and assessed from the two scales of forest belts and networks, by integrating uses of field investigation, GIS and RS techniques. Results showed that the existent main belt (3-12 m in width) was too narrow, while the assistant belt (3-27.1 m in width) was too wide; the species composition of the existent shelterbelts was single, and the structures and patterns of the shelterbelt system were unreasonable. It is suggested that the structure of the main and the assistant belts should be changed, such as increasing the width of main belts, decreasing the width of assistant belt, and planting more mixed species, and the pattern with arbores in the middle and shrubs in the sides of belts could be taken into account. For the landscape structure of forest network after regenerating or reconstruction, the grid number of closed network should be 13 per km2 and the minimum number of belts should be 34 per km2, This study also testified that integrating GIS and remote technique with landscape ecology could provide an effective method for reasonable reconstruction of the structures and patterns of shelterbelts system.  相似文献   

防风固沙林阻沙效果的风洞模拟实验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

本文在分析了长江中游自然资源基本特征的基础上 ,根据护岸护堤林体系建设中的主要防护功能和目标 ,将护岸护堤林林种体系划为 4个三级林种和 1 2个四级林种。根据护岸护堤林的适宜性树种和灌草的选择指标 ,采用模糊相似选择法 ,应用微机进行统计分析 ,选出2 8种乔木、1 7种灌木和 6种草本。通过对护岸护堤林结构配置模式的综合效益和功能的评价 ,提出建设护岸护堤林带应采用多树种、多带型和林农复合型等 ,为长江中游护岸护堤林带建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文在多型地位指数曲线基础上确定各地位指数级林木长到胸高位置的年龄,以Richards生长方程扩展式为基础推导出密度指数、地位指数与断面积的数学模型,并由此提出系统、完整的编制人工林可变密度收获表的收获预估模型。以福建省杉木人工林为例,证明这些模型的拟合结果相关指数大,回归剩余残差小,对各种不同树种可变密度收获表的编制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

从“98洪灾”中看出50a来,长江的治理在策略上是有失误的。首先是长江治理战略思想上的失误,缺乏治理长江流域整体生态环境的系统思想。其次是具体措施上的失误,见水不见山,重水轻山;见水库不见湖泊,重修水库,轻保湖泊、库容;见堤坝不见河道,重筑堤堵水,轻疏导排障;投资重水利,轻林业。治江策略,首先要具有全流域生态环境治理的整体系统思想。对策略措施是“留”、“蓄”、“导”  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and test a new basal area growth model in mixed species continuous cover forests in northern Iran.Weanalyzed 421 core samples from 6 main species in the forest area to develop our growth model.In each plot,we measured variables such as total tree height(m),diameter at breast height(DBH)(cm)and basal area of larger trees as cumulative basal areas of trees(GCUM)ofDBH[5 cm.The empirical data were analyzed using regression analysis.There was a statistically significant nonlinear function between the annual basal area increment,as the dependent variable,and the basal area of the individual trees and competition as explanatory variables.Reference area from the largest trees,was circular plot with area of 0.1 ha.GCUM was estimated for trees of DBH>5 cm.Furthermore,we investigated the dependencies of diameter growth of different species on stand density at different levels of competition,and diameter development of individual trees through time.The results indicate that competition caused by larger neighborhood trees has a negative effect on growth.In addition,the maximum diameter increment is affected by competition level.Therefore,the maximum diameter increment of species occurs when the trees are about 35–40 cm in dense-forest(40 to 0 m^2 per ha)and when the trees are about 60 to 70 cm in very dense forest(60 to 0 m^2 per ha)which is more likely to Caspian natural forests with high level density due to uneven-aged composition of stands.  相似文献   

The riparian forests along the Ergis River, west China, composed mainly of Salicaceae species, play an important role in eco-environment protection and sustainable development of local agriculture, stockbreeding, and social economy of the northern desert region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The study of the influence of floods on the natural riparian forests is imperative for the understanding of the successional process and the acceleration of conservation and restoration of forests. By investigating the relationship between floods and dispersal of seeds, sprouting, natural regeneration, the structure of the forests, and their current distribution, we conclude that: 1) the ripening and dispersal periods of Salicaceae species seeds overlap largely with flood occurrence periods, and the sprouting and natural regeneration of seeds depend greatly on flood events; 2) floods supply soil water and increase groundwater level of riparian land through flood irrigation and horizontal infiltration to maintain the normal growth of the riparian forests; 3) floods have a decisive influence on the structure, composition, and distribution pattern of riparian forests, and any disturbance in the water flow has a profound effect on these characteristics. Given these facts, some management measures for conservation and restoration of the riparian forests are proposed, including the establishment of riparian forest buffer belt, bank stabilization measures, and maintenance of flood protection. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(2): 46–51 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

Sedimentation in Mangrove Forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tidal currents in mangrove forests are impeded by the friction caused by the high vegetation density. The tidal currents are also complex comprising eddies, jets and stagnation zones. The sediment particles carried in suspension into the forest during tidal inundation are cohesive, mainly clay and fine silt, and form large flocs. These flocs remain in suspension as a result of the turbulence created by the flow around the vegetation. The intensity of sedimentation is largest for trees forming a complex matrix of roots such as Rhizophora sp. and smallest for single trees such as Ceriops sp. The flocs settle in the forest around slack high tide. At ebb tides the water currents are too small to re-entrain this sediment. Hence the inundation of coastal mangrove forests at tidal frequency works as a pump preferentially transporting fine, cohesive sediment from coastal waters to the mangroves. Mangroves are thus not just opportunistic trees colonising mud banks but actively contribute to the creation of mud banks.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the Chinese government has implemented emergency water diversion measures to restore the damaged riparian forest ecosystem with dominant tree species Euphrat poplar(Populus euphratica Oliv.)at the lower reaches of the Tarim River. In the present study, comparative analysis of variations in the vitality of P. euphratica trees were made using 2005 and 2010 data to illustrate the revitalization process of riparian forest. Poplar trees within 300 m of the riverbed were positively revitalized, while the vitality of trees farther than 300 m from the river decreased. Population structure was studied to demonstrate the development of poplar community. In the first belt, the class structure for the diameter at breast height(DBH) of P. euphratica fit a logistic model, and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th belt curve fittings were close to a Gaussian model; in other plots they were bimodal. Cluster analysis of the composition of the DBH class of poplar trees demonstrated that those within 16–36 cm DBH were the most abundant(58.49% of total) in study area, under 16 cm of DBH were second(31.36%), and trees 40 cm DBH were the least abundant(10.15%). More than 80% of the trees were young and medium-sized, which means that the poplar forest community in the vicinity of the lower Tarim River is at a stable developmental stage. The abundance of juvenile trees of P. euphratica in the first and second measuring belts was 12.13% in 2005 and increased to 25.52% in 2010, which means that the emergency water transfer had a positive impact on the generation of young P. euphratica trees in the vicinity of the river.  相似文献   

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