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山东省生态农业发展典型模式及其评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简析了山东省生态农业发展中果农牧渔综合发展模式、开放复合型生态、经济结构模式、“四位一体”生态温室种养模式、枣粮间作模式、“上农下渔”模式和产业化主导型生态农业发展模式的概况、效益及评价。  相似文献   

为了解苹果复合种植即果-蔬[MB]、果-草[MH]、果-荒[MW]、果-粮[MZ]模式下土壤动物群落结构特征,采用手拣法和改良干、湿生漏斗法,对黄土残塬沟壑区苹果园4种复合种植模式下的土壤动物群落组成及特征进行调查研究。4种模式下共分离得到土壤动物57.33百只/m~2,隶属4门11纲23目42个类群。4种复合种植模式下土壤动物个体密度和类群数的垂直分布特征表现出明显的表聚特征,水平分布特征表现为果-草[MH]果-蔬[MB]果-荒[MW]≥果-粮[MZ]。果-草[MH]复合种植模式下土壤动物的多样性指数、均匀度指数及丰富度指数最高,优势度指数最低,表明4种复合种植模式对果园土壤动物类群多样性的影响呈现不同的特征。研究结果可为黄土残塬沟壑区苹果果园生物多样性保护提供土壤动物生态学依据。  相似文献   

 基于联合国粮农组织对农业可持续发展的定义,采用社会经济统计学法,建立水土保持型生态农业可持续性评价多指标模型,并利用此模型对陕西省安塞县纸坊沟流域水土保持型生态农业实体模式进行评价与分析。结果显示:纸坊沟流域水土保持型生态农业的可持续生产性指数、经济活性指数、保护性指数、稳定性指数和社会接受性指数分别为69.5、56.8、62.5、86.8和52.8;综合可持续发展指数为65.4,离可持续发展目标仍有较大的差距。  相似文献   

中国山区现代农业可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从区域农业可持续发展的观点和农业生态系统的原理出发,认为促进山区现代农业可持续发展具有巨大的经济、生态和政治意义,提出了“以生态为基础,以科技为主导”的“生态+现代生产+现代经营管理+现代科技+现代市场体系”的可持续发展模式。具体体现为:(1)现代适用生态农业生产模式:种植业——农区饲养型生态农业生产模式、丘陵区稻、果、牧、渔综合型生态农业生产模式、“千烟洲”立体开发型生态农业生产模式、城郊型生态农业生产模式;(2)现代适宜的农业产业化经营模式:龙头企业带农户组织、一体化企业组织、专业合作经济组织等3大类11种;(3)现代农业技术体系;(4)现代农业市场体系。  相似文献   

吴起县农业生态经济结构耦合发展模式及耦合效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据吴起县资源特征、农村经济现状,提出了丘原(涧)生态农业、丘陵沟壑林草恢复和梁峁川农果加工经营等3种最佳的农业生态经济耦合发展模式;根据耦合原则,并通过线性规划,合理利用各种结构要素在系统内相互的耦合作用,得到耦合发展的最佳农业生产结构;通过农业生态经济结构耦合,协调产业和资源(量)的关系,从根本上解决资源短缺和浪费并存问题。  相似文献   

现代农业系统在明显提高产量、保证粮食安全的同时,也对人类健康和地球的可持续性产生了影响。在持续不断的严重环境破坏和自然资源毁坏的背景下,建立可持续的农业生产方式至关重要。生态农业和有机农业是减少生态可持续性和生产力及社会可持续之间权衡关系的重要方法。这两种农业方法都属生态集约化范畴,均具有减少环境污染的巨大潜力;然而,生态农业和有机农业常导致产量降低。虽然产量降低带来的损失可以通过改变人们的饮食习惯来弥补(如减少食物浪费、减少食用精饲料喂养的肉类),但是,由于全球的发展趋势与之相反,因此本文探讨了通过科学研究寻求新的解决方案前景来提高低投入农业系统作物产量的可能性。为权衡生产力与可持续发展的关系,使生态农业和有机农业有助于粮食安全,我们对未来研究提出5点建议:1)农场和田地的景观设计与复合种植模式、2)数字化技术的应用、3)以农田低投入为目标的作物育种、4)农业废弃物的高质量循环利用和5)非化学作物保护。  相似文献   

沼气生态农业模式综合评价   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
为了对沼气生态农业模式结构、功能和效益进行综合定量评价,该研究结合沼气生态农业模式自身的结构和功能特点,以生态农业模式评价指标体系为基础,选择了17个指标构建了沼气生态农业模式综合评价指标体系,应用层次均权法确定了沼气生态农业模式综合评价各指标的权重,在此基础上,运用综合指数法构建了沼气生态农业模式综合评价模型。并以宝鸡市2个典型沼气生态农业模式(陇县“沼气池—厕所—畜舍—菜(果、粮)”庭院生态农业模式和千阳县“桑—蚕—双孢蘑菇—畜舍—沼气池”生态农业模式)的研究数据对模型进行了验证,评价结果与实际情况吻合,表明该研究所提出的评价指标体系和模型具有适用性。  相似文献   

现代农业系统在明显提高产量、保证粮食安全的同时,也对人类健康和地球的可持续性产生了影响。在持续不断的严重环境破坏和自然资源毁坏的背景下,建立可持续的农业生产方式至关重要。生态农业和有机农业是减少生态可持续性和生产力及社会可持续之间权衡关系的重要方法。这两种农业方法都属生态集约化范畴,均具有减少环境污染的巨大潜力;然而,生态农业和有机农业常导致产量降低。虽然产量降低带来的损失可以通过改变人们的饮食习惯来弥补(如减少食物浪费、减少食用精饲料喂养的肉类),但是,由于全球的发展趋势与之相反,因此本文探讨了通过科学研究寻求新的解决方案前景来提高低投入农业系统作物产量的可能性。为权衡生产力与可持续发展的关系,使生态农业和有机农业有助于粮食安全,我们对未来研究提出5点建议:1)农场和田地的景观设计与复合种植模式、2)数字化技术的应用、3)以农田低投入为目标的作物育种、4)农业废弃物的高质量循环利用和5)非化学作物保护。  相似文献   

果牧结合生态农业模式的综合效益试验研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
三峡库区生态环境的质量直接关系到三峡工程的长治久安,三峡库区属我国典型的内陆腹地农业经济类型区,生态农业的发展是该区农业现代化的必然选择。研究通过2000~2001年于三峡库区的开县进行不同生态农业模式效益的田间对比试验,结果分析表明,果牧结合(果-草-羊)的生态农业模式与单纯果园、果-菜结合等传统的农业模式相比,不但具有显著的经济效益、较好的社会效益,而且能显著改善土壤物理性状,增强土壤保蓄水力,提高土壤肥力;同时能有效地减少果园病虫发生,减少田间杂草的多样性,从而维护农业生态环境。  相似文献   

根据可持续集约农业发展的原理,在分析黄河三角洲农业生产及环境特点和回顾农业开发历史经验与教训的基础上,提出了6种适用的生态农业模式以及生态模式建设过程中要攻克的关键技术.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区退耕还林(草)政策的持续性分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过黄土高原地区农户和基层干部的问卷、随访调查,对退耕还林(草)政策的持续性进行了初步评价。初步结论为:目前的退耕还林(草)政策虽有部分地方尚需修改和完善。但总体而言,退耕还林(草)政策已在黄土高原地区产生了较为深远的影响力,奠定了坚实的民意基础;同时,退耕还林(草)政策具有以往的生态环境建设措施无法比拟的优越性和强有力的保障体系。随着政策的不断改进和完善,必将有效促进和保障退耕还林(草)工作的持续、深入开展。  相似文献   

新疆察布查尔县土地质量及其可持续利用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆伊犁河谷察布查尔县为研究对象,选择土地利用集约化系数(K_i)、土地消耗回报系数(K_r)、土地产出效益系数(K_p)和土地污染替代性系数(K_c)4项宏观评价指标,对近5 a研究区土地质量及其可持续性进行了评价.从土地资源的社会经济利用及其产出效益与社会经济发展和生态环境变化的关系着手,提出一种简单易行的模式去宏观地评价土地资源的质量变化和土地利用效益,为土地资源可持续利用管理提供科学依据.研究结果表明,新疆察布查尔县土地资源的集约化程度较低,虽然土地消耗回报系数较高,但土地生产力未能很好发挥.应加强土地资源的集约利用,加强化肥和农药的科学施用,减轻土壤污染,以促进区域土地资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

Post‐harvest biomass can be used as feedstock for energy production and alter N2O emissions from the soil, which is among the main issues determining bioethanol sustainability. To assess the effects of sugarcane straw return on gas emissions, we established a field experiment in which 0, 50, 75 or 100% (0, 5.65, 8.47 and 11.30 Mg/ha dry biomass, respectively) of the crop residues (straw) was left in the field during the first two ratoon crops. As fertilizer is applied in bands to sugarcane, we also investigated the contribution of different positions to the N2O emissions within the field. There was an interactive effect between straw and inorganic fertilizer, leading to a nonlinear effect of crop residues on the fertilizer emission factor (EF). However, straw consistently reduced N2O emissions from the field, acting mainly in the unfertilized areas in the field (< 0.05). We observed that considering the typical EF used in the literature, the N2O‐N emissions attributed to fertilizer ranged from 0.19 to 0.79 kg/ha, while the total emissions ranged from 3.3 to 5.2 kg/ha, from the highest amount of straw to the lowest. We conclude that overall, the fertilizer EF is not as relevant as the total emissions, based on this and other studies. Consequently, management practices might be more effective in improving the GHG balance than changing inorganic fertilizer use. We conclude that keeping up to 11 Mg/ha of straw with a large C:N ratio (>100:1) on site might increase sugarcane production sustainability by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from the field.  相似文献   


Cucumbers are produced in integrated hydroponic and aquaculture systems (aquaponics). Aquaponics balances pH for plants, fish, and nitrifying bacteria. Nitrification prevents buildup of toxic waste ammonia by conversion to nitrate (NO3 ?)- nitrogen (N). The pH for hydroponic cucumbers (5.5–6.0) and nitrification (7.5–9.0) requires reconciliation to improve systems integration. Cucumbers were grown at pH of 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 with additional foliar sprays at pH 7.0 and 8.0. Plant shoot dry weight, length, N, and phosphorus (P) content at 14 DAT were similar from pH 5.0 to 7.0, but reduced at pH 8.0. Nutrient solution and shoot dry matter Mn and Fe decreased as pH increased. Foliar sprays had no effect on cucumber fruit yield. Early yield was higher at pH 5.0 compared to pH 8.0 but total yield was unaffected by pH. Cucumbers in recirculating culture may be maintained at pH levels more optimum for nitrification (7.5–8.0) except during production for early season markets.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (Pi) is one of the most limiting factors in plant nutrition as it is the least mobile and available nutrient to plants in most soil conditions. The management of Pi fertilization in agriculture raises ecological, economic, and social issues, since phosphate rock minerals are the only significant global resources of Pi and they will be rapidly depleted. Eggshell waste is a big problem for food companies producing different types of egg products, since the eggshell waste is very often simply discarded and disposed at landfills, with high costs related to their disposal. The aim of this work was the characterization of eggshells as a Pi source for plants, using tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L cv Marmande) as a model species. Plants were grown hydroponically being exposed to adequate and limited Pi availability, with or without eggshell powder. Plant growth performance was characterized by analyzing changes in fresh weight, protein, chlorophyll concentration, carotenoid content, and measuring the plant’s capability to accumulate phosphate. The addition of eggshell powder to the nutrient solution significantly improved plant growth and increased protein and chlorophyll concentration, not only with respect to P-deficient control, but also with P-sufficient ones. Furthermore, eggshell powder significantly increased Pi accumulation in P-deficient plants, suggesting that eggshell waste could be a suitable material as Pi source for tomato plants, thus contributing to the environmentally friendly disposal of this waste.  相似文献   

In the province of Entre Ríos (Argentina), land-use changes have been noticeable in recent years, because the portion of land devoted to pasture decreased whereas the proportion and length of crops in the rotation increased. We evaluated soil-use intensity effects on selected physical and chemical properties of a Mollisol in a crop–pasture rotation experiment located in Entre Rios. Treatments included (1) continuous cropping, (2) crop–pasture rotation, (3) pasture, and (4) natural (never-cultivated) land as a reference. Soil samples were analyzed for chemical (pH, carbon and nitrogen contents, extractable phosphorus, cation exchange capacity) and physical (aggregate stability, percolation index, bulk density, pore-size distribution, and specific surface area) properties. Clearing of the native vegetation resulted in a significant reduction of soil organic carbon content and losses of structure stability and soil porosity. No differences were seen in cation exchange capacity between native forest and cultivated land, whereas specific surface area increased with decreased levels of organic carbon content following agricultural use. Although the studied soil properties showed no significant differences when crop–pasture rotation and continuous cropping were compared, the former soil management system is recommended to maintain or promote sustainability.  相似文献   

Productivity of rainfed finger millet in semiarid tropical Alfisols is predominantly constrained by erratic rainfall, limited soil moisture, low soil fertility, and less fertilizer use by the poor farmers. In order to identify the efficient nutrient use treatment for ensuring higher yield, higher sustainability, and improved soil fertility, long term field experiments were conducted during 1984 to 2008 in a permanent site under rainfed semi-arid tropical Alfisol at Bangalore in Southern India. The experiment had two blocks—Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and Maize Residue (MR) with 5 fertilizer treatments, namely: control, FYM at 10 t ha?1, FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 50% NPK [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K)], FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 100% NPK (50 kg N + 50 kg P + 25 kg K ha?1) and 100% NPK in FYM block; and control, MR at 5 t ha?1, MR at 5 t ha?1 + 50% NPK, MR at 5 t ha?1 + 100% NPK and 100% NPK in MR block. The treatments differed significantly from each other at p < 0.01 level of probability in influencing finger millet grain yield, soil N, P, and K in different years. Application of FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 100% NPK gave a significantly higher yield ranging from 1821 to 4552 kg ha?1 with a mean of 3167 kg ha?1 and variation of 22.7%, while application of maize residue at 5 t ha?1 + 100% NPK gave a yield of 593 to 4591 kg ha?1 with a mean of 2518 kg ha?1 and variation of 39.3% over years. In FYM block, FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 100% NPK gave a significantly higher organic carbon (0.45%), available N (204 kg ha?1), available P (68.6 kg ha?1), and available K (107 kg ha?1) over years. In maize residue block, application of MR at 5 t ha?1 + 100% NPK gave a significantly higher organic carbon (0.39%), available soil N (190 kg ha?1), available soil P (47.5 kg ha?1), and available soil K (86 kg ha?1). The regression model (1) of yield as a function of seasonal rainfall, organic carbon, and soil P and K nutrients gave a predictability in the range of 0.19 under FYM at 10 t ha?1 to 0.51 under 100% NPK in FYM block compared to 0.30 under 100% NPK to 0.67 under MR at 5 t ha?1 application in MR block. The regression model (2) of yield as a function of seasonal rainfall, soil N, P, and K nutrients gave a predictability in the range of 0.11 under FYM at 10 t ha?1 to 0.52 under 100% NPK in FYM block compared to 0.18 under MR at 5 t ha?1 + 50% NPK to 0.60 under MR at 5 t ha?1 application in MR block. An assessment of yield sustainability under different crop seasonal rainfall situations indicated that FYM at 10 t ha?1 + 100% NPK was efficient in FYM block with a maximum Sustainability Yield Index (SYI) of 41.4% in <500 mm, 64.7% in 500–750 mm, 60.2% in 750–1000 mm and 60.4% in 1000–1250 mm rainfall, while MR at 5 t ha?1 + 100% NPK was efficient with SYI of 29.6% in <500 mm, 50.2% in 500–750 mm, 40.6% in 750–1000 mm, and 39.7% in 1000–1250 mm rainfall in semi-arid Alfisols. Thus, the results obtained from these long term studies incurring huge expenditure provide very good conjunctive nutrient use options with good conformity for different rainfall situations of rainfed semiarid tropical Alfisol soils for ensuring higher finger millet yield, maintaining higher SYI, and maintaining improved soil fertility.  相似文献   


The volcanic ash of the Mount Pinatubo in Philippines is used in this study. The major drawbacks of this volcanic ash for growing agricultural crops are nitrogen (N) and iron (Fe) deficiencies with low organic matter contents. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of sewage sludge compost on wheat through shoot and root development as well as dry matter production by pot culture. Either oxamide or polyolefinresin‐coated urea (PORCU) along with potash and phosphate fertilizers is applied to each pot containing volcanic ash. Application of sewage sludge compost in oxamide treatment yield a better plant height with an extended root length and high dry matter production compared to PORCU. However, statistical analysis of the data on plant height shows significant level (p<0.001, n=36), while those on root growth and dry matter production show no significant difference (p<0.335 and 0.564, n=36). Thus it is concluded that the coupling effect of oxamide and sewage sludge compost has a greater impact on plants, while growing on this ash.  相似文献   

乡村地区之社区总体营造是目前台湾近年来各公部门所极力推行的社区再造运动,发展模式主要是以民间力量为基础。相关部门所扮演的角色则是经费及技术支持者。由于社区总体营造所涵盖的范畴极为广泛,因此大部分营造成功的社区是在推动社造初期时就将社区未来的发展定位的某个范围里。以台湾彰化县仑雅乡村为例。发展成生态社区、人文社区、古迹文化社区等多种范围的定位,有明确的定位后在逐渐发展出社区未来营造的主轴,随着营造主轴有顺序的制定发展方针。现已成功地让乡村民众能够透过概念式的构想延伸至发展策略来进行社区营造的实际进行。并且有效的提升社区民众参与公共事务的比例。让推动者藉由社造概念的启发了解社区未来营造的方向及目标。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原农业生态系统演替及其可持续性的能值评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
该文利用能值模型对黄淮海平原17 a农业生态系统演替及可持续性进行评估.结果表明,随着外界输入系统能值的增加,渔业子系统和家畜子系统能值产出趋向增加,但总能值产出呈下降趋势,各类能值效率也是如此.系统能值指标讨论表明系统的发展正趋向于依靠石化能源和经济资源的投入,系统能值投资率不断提高;能值产出率有所下降,但均大于1,高于中国的平均水平(0.27),其中2000年总能值产出高达1.856×1024sej,相当于3.640×1011EMS,高于区域农业产值6.410×1010地;环境负荷牢趋向增加,2000年(3.79)与中等发达国家水平相当,也高于全国平均水平(2.8);可持续性指数趋于下降.最后建议增加有机肥的投入,提倡动植物多样性培育,以优化区域农业生态系统功能,提高系统的可持续性.  相似文献   

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