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Low molecular weight melanoidins in coffee brew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of low molecular weight (LMw) coffee brew melanoidins is challenging due to the presence of many non-melanoidin components that complicate analysis. This study focused on the isolation of LMw coffee brew melanoidins by separation of melanoidins from non-melanoidin components that are present in LMw coffee brew material. LMw coffee fractions differing in polarity were obtained by reversed-phase solid phase extraction and their melanoidin, sugar, nitrogen, caffeine, trigonelline, 5-caffeoylquinic acid, quinic acid, caffeic acid, and phenolic groups contents were determined. The sugar composition, the charge properties, and the absorbance at various wavelengths were investigated as well. The majority of the LMw melanoidins were found to have an apolar character, whereas most non-melanoidins have a polar character. The three isolated melanoidin-rich fractions represented 56% of the LMw coffee melanoidins and were free from non-melanoidin components. Spectroscopic analysis revealed that the melanoidins isolated showed similar features as high molecular weight coffee melanoidins. All three melanoidin fractions contained approximately 3% nitrogen, indicating the presence of incorporated amino acids or proteins. Surprisingly, glucose was the main sugar present in these melanoidins, and it was reasoned that sucrose is the most likely source for this glucose within the melanoidin structure. It was also found that LMw melanoidins exposed a negative charge, and this negative charge was inversely proportional to the apolar character of the melanoidins. Phenolic group levels as high as 47% were found, which could be explained by the incorporation of chlorogenic acids in these melanoidins.  相似文献   

The composition of high molecular weight (HMw) coffee melanoidin populations, obtained after ethanol precipitation, was studied. The specific extinction coefficient (K(mix)) at 280, 325, 405 nm, sugar composition, phenolic group content, nitrogen content, amino acid composition, and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) content were investigated. Results show that most HMw coffee melanoidins are soluble at high ethanol concentrations. The amino acid composition of the HMw fractions was similar, while 17% (w/w) of the nitrogen was NPN, probably originating from degraded amino acids/proteins and now part of melanoidins. A strong correlation between the melanoidin content, the NPN, and protein content was found. It was concluded that proteins are incorporated into the melanoidins and that the degree of chemical modification, for example, by phenolic groups, determines the solubility of melanoidins in ethanol. Although the existence of covalent interaction between melanoidins and polysaccharides were not proven in this study, the findings suggest that especially arabinogalactan is likely involved in melanoidin formation. Finally, phenolic groups were present in the HMw fraction of coffee, and a correlation was found with the melanoidin concentration.  相似文献   

The incorporation of chlorogenic acids (CGAs) and their subunits quinic and caffeic acids (QA and CA) in coffee brew melanoidins was studied. Fractions with different molecular weights, ionic charges, and ethanol solubilities were isolated from coffee brew. Fractions were saponified, and the released QA and CA were quantified. For all melanoidin fractions, it was found that more QA than CA was released. QA levels correlated with melanoidin levels, indicating that QA is incorporated in melanoidins. The QA level was correlated with increasing ionic charge of the melanoidin populations, suggesting that QA may contribute to the negative charge and consequently is, most likely, not linked via its carboxyl group. The QA level correlated with the phenolic acid group level, as determined by Folin-Ciocalteu, indicating that QA was incorporated to a similar extent as the polyphenolic moiety from CGA. The QA and CA released from brew fractions by enzymes confirmed the incorporation of intact CGAs. Intact CGAs are proposed to be incorporated in melanoidins upon roasting via CA through mainly nonester linkages. This complex can be written as Mel=CA-QA, in which Mel represents the melanoidin backbone, =CA represents CA nonester-linked to the melanoidin backbone, and -QA represents QA ester-linked to CA. Additionally, a total of 12% of QA was identified in coffee brew, whereas only 6% was reported in the literature so far. The relevance of the additional QA on coffee brew stability is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the roasting degree on coffee brew melanoidin properties and formation mechanisms was studied. Coffee brew fractions differing in molecular weight (Mw) were isolated from green and light-, medium-, and dark-roasted coffee beans. Isolated fractions were characterized for their melanoidin, nitrogen, protein, phenolic groups, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, caffeic acid, and sugar content. It was found that the melanoidin level in all fractions correlated with both the nitrogen and the protein content. The melanoidin level also correlated with the phenolic groups' level and ester-linked quinic acid level. It was concluded that proteins and chlorogenic acids should be primarily involved in melanoidin formation. Initial roasting, from green to light-roasted beans, especially led to the formation of intermediate Mw (IMw) melanoidins when compared to high Mw (HMw) melanoidins. Indications were found that this IMw melanoidin formation is mainly due to Maillard reactions and chlorogenic acid incorporation reactions between chlorogenic acids, sucrose, and amino acids/protein fragments. Additionally, it was found that prolonged roasting predominantly led to formation melanoidins with a high Mw. Furthermore, arabinogalactans seem to be relatively more involved in melanoidin formation than galactomannans. It was hypothesized that chromophores may be formed or attached through the arabinose moiety of arabinogalactan proteins (AGP). Finally, it could be concluded that galactomannans are continuously incorporated in AGP-melanoidins upon roasting.  相似文献   

High molecular (above 10 kDa) melanoidins isolated from coffee beans of varying roasting degree were found to be efficient inhibitors for the zinc-containing matrix metalloproteases MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 with IC(50) values ranging between 0.2 and 1.1 mg/mL in vitro. The inhibitory potential increased with roasting degree. No or only slight inhibition of other zinc-containing peptidases closely related to MMPs, namely, Clostridium histolyticum collagenase and angiotensin converting enzyme, was found, indicating specific structural features of melanoidins to be responsible for the interaction with MMPs. A continuous increase on the apparent molecular weight of melanoidins as well as incorporation of phenolic substances into the melanoidin structure with progress of roasting was observed, concomitant with a significant increase in the carbon/nitrogen of the melanoidins. This suggests that the melanoidins are mainly formed by incorporation of carbohydrates and phenolic compounds onto a proteinaceous backbone. As MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 play a pivotal role in pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, studies on possible physiological effects of melanoidins are mandatory.  相似文献   

In the present study, the influence of coffee roasting on free and melanoidin-bound phenolic compounds and their relationship with the brews' antioxidant activity (AA), evaluated by TRAP, TEAC, and TRAP, were investigated. Changes in the relative content of free chlorogenic acids (CGA), free lactones, and melanoidin-bound phenolic acids during roasting indicate that phenolic compounds were incorporated into melanoidins mainly at early stages of the process, being thereafter partly oxidized to dihydrocaffeic acid, and degraded. Although less than 1% of CGA in green coffee was incorporated into melanoidins during roasting, the relative content of melanoidin-bound phenolic acids increased significantly during this process, reaching up to 29% of total phenolic compounds in brews from dark roasted coffees. Regardless of the AA assay used and considering all roasting degrees, the overall contribution of CGA to the AA of the whole brews was higher than that of melanoidin-bound phenolic compounds. It was estimated that the latter compounds contributed to 25-47% of the AA, depending on the assay used.  相似文献   

The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coffee has been reported and is suspected to be due to the degradation of coffee compounds during the roasting step. Due to the high toxicity of these compounds, among which benzo[a]pyrene is known to be the most carcinogenic, their presence in the coffee, especially the coffee brew that is directly ingested by the consumer, is of prime importance. However, due to the low solubility of these compounds, their concentrations are expected to be rather low. As a consequence, reliable and sensitive analytical methods are required. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable and fast analytical procedure to determine these organic micropollutants in coffee brew samples. PAHs were retained on a 0.5 g polystyrene-divinylbenzene cartridge before being eluted by a mixture of methanol/tetrahydrofuran (10:90 v/v), concentrated, and directly analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a fluorescence detector. Application to the determination of PAHs in several coffee brew samples is also given, with mean estimated concentrations in the range of 0-100 ng L(-1) for suspected benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene, whereas no fluoranthene could be detected. Tentative identification was made on the basis of UV spectra. However, identification of the suspected traces of PAHs could not be achieved due to matrix effects, so that the presence of coeluting compounds may not be excluded.  相似文献   

Roasting is a critical process in coffee production as it enables the development of flavor and aroma. At the same time, roasting may lead to the formation of nondesirable compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this study, Arabica green coffee beans from Cuba were roasted under controlled conditions to monitor PAH formation during the roasting process. Roasting was performed in a pilot spouted bed roaster, with the inlet air temperature varying from 180 to 260 degrees C, using both dark (20 min) and light (5 min) roasting conditions. Several PAHs were determined in both roasted coffee samples and green coffee samples. Also, coffee brews, obtained using an electric coffee maker, were analyzed for final estimation of PAH transfer coefficients to the infusion. Formation of phenanthrene, anthracene, and benzo[a]anthracene in coffee beans was observed at temperatures above 220 degrees C, whereas formation of pyrene and chrysene required 260 degrees C. Low levels of benzo[g,h,i]perylene were also noted for dark roasting under 260 degrees C, with simultaneous partial degradation of three-cycle PAHs, suggesting that transformation of low molecular PAHs to high molecular PAHs occurs as the roasting degree is increased. The PAH transfer to the infusion was quite moderate (<35%), with a slightly lower extractability for dark-roasted coffee as compared to light-roasted coffee.  相似文献   

Traditionally antioxidant activity of melanoidins has only been evaluated in food for implication in shelf life but gastrointestinal digestion is necessary to study their potential bioactivity. In addition, the biological fate of melanoidins has been stressed during the past decade since they did not behave as inert substances. In the present paper a soluble coffee melanoidin isolated from brewed coffee after ultrafiltration with a 10 kDa cutoff membrane was treated ionically and enzymatically collecting the respective high and low molecular weight fractions. Antioxidant activity of these fractions was evaluated with five well-described assays (DPPH, ABTS, ORAC, HOSC, and FRAP) that were previously setup in a plate reader based automatized analysis. Low molecular weight compounds released from melanoidin after gastrointestinal digestion exerted the highest antioxidant activity, even higher than compounds bound ionically to melanoidins. Gastrointestinal digestion is able to modify coffee melanoidins to some extent, as hypothesized from their absolute antioxidant activities. Two options are plausible: by modifying/releasing the ionically bound compounds and/or by genesis of new more active structures from the melanoidin skeleton after enzymatic treatment.  相似文献   

Comparative aroma dilution analyses of the headspaces of aqueous solutions containing either the total volatiles isolated from a fresh coffee brew, or these volatiles remixed with the melanoidins isolated from coffee brew, revealed a drastic decrease in the concentrations of the odorous thiols 2-furfurylthiol, 3-methyl-2-butenthiol, 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl formate, 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, and methanethiol when melanoidins were present. Among these thiols, 2-furfurylthiol was affected the most: e.g., its concentration decreased by a factor of 16 upon addition of melanoidins. This was accompanied by a decrease in the overall roasty-sulfury aroma. Quantitations performed by means of stable isotope dilution assays confirmed the rapid loss of all thiols with increasing time while keeping the coffee brew warm in a thermos flask. Using [2H2]-2-furfurylthiol as an example, [2H]-NMR and LC/MS spectroscopy gave strong evidence that thiols are covalently bound to the coffee melanoidins via Maillard-derived pyrazinium compounds formed as oxidation products of 1,4-bis-(5-amino-5-carboxy-1-pentyl)pyrazinium radical cations (CROSSPY). Using synthetic 1,4-diethyl diquaternary pyrazinium ions and 2-furfurylthiol, it was shown that 2-(2-furyl)methylthio-1,4-dihydro-pyrazines, bis[2-(2-furyl)methylthio]-1,4-dihydro-pyrazines, and 2-(2-furyl)methylthio-hydroxy-1,4-dihydro-pyrazines were formed as the primary reaction products. Similar results were obtained for models in which either 1,4-diethyl diquaternary pyrazinium ions were substituted by Nalpha-acetyl-L-lysine/glycolaldehyde, or the 2-furfurylthiol by 2-methyl-3-furanthiol and 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl formate. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that the CROSSPY-derived pyrazinium intermediates are involved in the rapid covalent binding of odorous thiols to melanoidins, and, consequently, are responsible for the decrease in the sulfury-roasty odor quality observed shortly after preparation of the coffee brew.  相似文献   

In a roasted Arabica coffee brew, the potent roasty odor quality compound was identified as 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl acetate by comparison of its Kovats gas chromatography retention index, mass spectrum, and odor quality to those of the synthetic authentic compound. 3-Mercapto-3-methylbutyl acetate has been identified for the first time in the coffee, and according to the results of the aroma extract dilution analysis, the contribution of this compound to the flavor of the roasted coffee brew varied depending on the degree of the coffee bean roasting. The concentration of this compound in the coffee brews as with 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl formate increased with an increase in the degree of roasting. However, the slope of the amount of both esters was different, and 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl acetate hardly increased with a low degree of roasting at more than a 21 luminosity (L)-value, but it rapidly increased when the roasting degree of the coffee beans reached the L-value of 18. These results suggested that the contribution of 3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl acetate to the overall flavor is peculiar to the flavor of the highly roasted coffee.  相似文献   

Recent investigations demonstrated that the reaction of odor-active thiols such as 2-furfurylthiol with thermally generated chlorogenic acid degradation products is responsible for the rapid aroma staling of coffee beverages. To get a clear understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying this aroma staling, the existence of putative phenol/thiol conjugates needs to be verified in coffee. The aim of the present study was therefore to synthesize such conjugates for use as reference substances for LC-MS screening of coffee. To achieve this, catechol, 3-methyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4-ethylcatechol, pyrogallol, hydroxyhydroquinone, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, and caffeic acid, respectively, were reacted with 2-furfurylthiol in the presence of iron(III) chloride and air oxygen. After purification, the structures of 25 phenol/thiol conjugates were identified by means of LC-MS/MS and 1D/2D NMR experiments. Using these compounds as reference materials, four conjugates, namely, 3-((2-furylmethyl)sulfanyl)catechol, 3-((2-furylmethyl)sulfanyl)-5-ethylcatechol, 4-((2-furylmethyl)sulfanyl)hydroxyhydroquinone, and 3,4-bis((2-furylmethyl)sulfanyl) hydroxyhydroquinone, were identified for the first time in coffee brew by means of HPLC-MS/MS(MRM). These findings clearly demonstrate catechol, 4-ethylcatechol, and hydroxyhydroquinone as the primary thiol trapping agents involved in the aroma staling of coffee beverages.  相似文献   

Reactions of nitrous acid with freeze-dried instant coffee and its methanol-insoluble melanoidin fractions were studied at pH 2 in the presence and absence of thiocyanate (SCN (-)), simulating the mixture of coffee, saliva, and gastric juice. Coffee contained stable radicals, and the radical concentration increased by ferricyanide and decreased by ascorbic acid. This result indicates that the radical concentration was affected by the redox state of coffee and that the nature of the radical was due to quinhydrone structure that might be included in coffee melanoidins. Nitrite also increased the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensity at pH 2, suggesting that nitrite oxidized melanoidins producing nitric oxide (NO). The formation of NO could be detected by oxygen uptake due to the autoxidation of NO and using an NO-trapping agent. SCN (-) largely enhanced NO formation in coffee and methanol-insoluble melanoidin fractions but only slightly in a methanol-soluble fraction, and the enhancement accompanied the consumption of SCN (-) but did not accompany the formation of a stable ESR signal. The enhancement was explained by the reduction of NOSCN by melanoidins in methanol-insoluble fractions and that the consumption was due to binding of SCN (-) to melanoidins during their oxidation by nitrous acid. The result obtained in this study suggests that when coffee is ingested, in addition to chlorogenic acid and its isomers, melanoidins can also react with salivary nitrite and SCN (-) in the gastric lumen, producing NO.  相似文献   

In terrestrial ecosystems, gross nitrogen mineralisation is positively correlated to microbial biomass but negatively to soil organic matter C-to-N ratios; the influence of the microbial community structure is less well known. Here, we relate rates of gross N mineralisation to fungi-to-bacteria ratios in three natural forest types of contrasting N availability and in a long-term N-loading experiment in a boreal forest. We report, for the first time, a strong negative correlation between gross N mineralisation and the fungi-to-bacteria ratio ( = 0.91, P = 0.0005, N = 7). There was also a negative correlation between gross N mineralisation and the C-to-N ratio ( = 0.89, P = 0.001, N = 7), but a weaker positive correlation between gross N mineralisation and soil pH ( = 0.64, P = 0.019, N = 7). Our analysis suggests that soil fungi-to-bacteria and C-to-N ratios are interrelated and that they exert strong influences on soil N cycling in boreal forests.  相似文献   

The increasing spread of invasive alien plants has changed biodiversity throughout the world. To date research in this area has focused on how invasive plant species affect pollinator behaviour, but there is a lack of data on the impact that alien plant species have on wild pollinator populations. Since their introduction in the 19th century, and rapid spread after the 1950s, alien goldenrods (Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea) have been among the most successful invasive plant species in Europe. We studied the effects of goldenrods on wild pollinator communities in SE Poland. The abundance, species richness and diversity of wild bees, hoverflies and butterflies were compared between wet meadows invaded by goldenrod (10 transects) and non-invaded controls (10 transects). Furthermore, we compared the plant diversity and average cover between the two groups of sites. Invasion of goldenrods had a very strong negative effect on wild pollinator diversity as well as abundance. Plant diversity and average cover were also negatively affected by goldenrod invasion. Wild pollinators were grouped according to their nesting and food specialization, but none were resistant to the invasion, indicating that introduced goldenrod may affect the entire wild pollinator community. Our study emphasises the urgent need to develop specific protection plans for wild pollinators in habitats threatened by foreign plants and we call for the introduction of programs to stop the invasion of goldenrod not only in Poland, but also on a continental scale.  相似文献   

Vermicomposting is an efficient and environmentally friendly technology to dispose of agricultural organic residues. The efficiency of organic residue decomposition during vermicomposting is directly affected by the biomass and population structure of earthworms. In this study, we investigated how the earthworm biomass and population structure responded to changes in the physicochemical properties of six types of organic residue (cattle dung, herbal waste, rice straw, soybean straw, garden waste, and tea residues) during vermicomposting. Each type of organic residues was placed in a pot with earthworms Eisenia fetida, and the physicochemical properties of the organic residues and earthworm growth dynamics were recorded at 0, 30, 60, and 90 d of vermicomposting. The biomass and population structure of earthworms were stable or increased in rice straw, garden waste, and cattle dung within 60 d of vermicomposting, whereas in tea residues and herb waste, very little earthworm activity (3 adults and 2 cocoons) was recorded on day 30. Among the physicochemical parameters, the substrate C/N ratio was negatively correlated with earthworm growth dynamics. Decomposing organic residues showed higher NH4+-N and NH3--N concentrations but a lower total organic carbon content, which negatively affected earthworm growth and reproduction. We recommend that chemical properties of vermicomposting systems should be monitored regularly. At the threshold levels of decomposing organic residue NH4+-N and NH3--N concentrations, earthworms should be removed and the vermicompost can be harvested. Small- and large-scale farmers thus need to monitor the physicochemical properties of vermicompost to sustain active earthworm populations.  相似文献   

One of the most conspicuous soil elements of the tropical cloud forest in central Veracruz, mycelial cord-forming fungi, is strongly affected by the conversion of forest into shaded coffee plantations. Mycelial cord-forming fungi are less abundant, smaller and have a sharper mortality rate in shaded coffee plantations than in relatively conserved forest sites. I present evidence that suggests that changes in soil microenvironmental conditions affect the abundance of mycelial cord forming fungi. These results lend further support to growing evidence that the biodiversity of the understorey and soil are not being conserved within shaded coffee plantations. This contrasts markedly with other studies that suggest that over storey biota is effectively conserved by this conversion.  相似文献   

In previous proteomic studies, heat shock protein β 1 (HSPB1) was detected as a candidate protein related to meat quality in cattle. This study sought to determine if its gene expression was associated with intramuscular fat content in the longissimus thoracis muscle of Korean cattle (Hanwoo). Tissue from two groups of 10 steers each, low-marbling (mean intramuscular fat content, 7.4 ± 1.5%) and high-marbling (23.5 ± 2.8%), were used for immunoblotting, real-time PCR, and statistical analyses. HSPB1 expression in both mRNA and protein was shown to be negatively related to intramuscular fat content (P < 0.05). Pathway analysis found two genes, TNF receptor superfamily member 6 (FAS) and angiotensinogen (AGT), that were regulators of the HSPB1 gene. The expression of the two genes showed a negative correlation with intramuscular fat content (P < 0.05). These results suggest that HSPB1, FAS, and AGT may be good candidate genes associated with intramuscular fat content in the longissimus muscle of Korean cattle.  相似文献   

Earthworms, which play a key role in biogeochemical processes in soil ecosystems, could be negatively affected by the cultivation of transgenic Bt crops. Studies to date have found few effects of Bt maize on earthworm species. If adverse effects occur, they are likely to be chronic or sub-lethal and expressed over large spatial and temporal scales. Our objective in the present study was to investigate potential effects on earthworm populations in soil cultivated with Bt maize in a large multiple-year field study. We surveyed the earthworm populations in 0.16-ha experimental field plots of two varieties of Cry1Ab Bt maize, one variety of Cry3Bb1 Bt maize, and three non-transgenic control varieties cultivated for four years. Four earthworm species were found in our sample: Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea trapezoides, Aporrectodea tuberculata (collectively, the A. caliginosa species complex), and Lumbricus terrestris. We found no significant differences in the biomass of juveniles and adults for all four species between Bt and non-Bt maize varieties. From this and previous studies, we conclude that the effects of Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 Bt maize on the A. caliginosa species complex and L. terrestris are small. Nonetheless, general conclusions about the effects of Bt maize on earthworm populations are not warranted due to the small number of species tested. In future laboratory studies, earthworm species should be selected according to their association with a Bt crop and the impact of that species to valued soil ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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