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殷裕斌 《湖南农机》2008,(6):140-140,143
对于两对相对性状,或为自由组合的遗传关系,或为连锁互换的遗传关系,二者必居其一,根据测交后代表现型比例可以判定。三对相对性状遗传关系较两对相对性状复杂,对其中任意两对基因的遗传关系都可用以上规则判定,但对三对基因这个整体来说,多数情况尚不能一次判定。  相似文献   

通过对8个杂交组合、644株苹果杂种实生苗果实性状的调查,分析了果实大小、果实形状、可溶性固形物含量、综合品质等主要经济性状的遗传规律。  相似文献   

针对传统水位流量关系曲线拟合过程中存在精度不高的问题,应用遗传程序拟合水位流量关系。该方法能够通过演化计算自动寻找最优的模型结构,比起传统统计方法具有较大的灵活性和智能性,避免了预先假定具体数学表达式的不足。将基于遗传程序的水位流量关系模型同基于最小二乘法、遗传算法以及蚁群算法的模型进行详细比较,实例表明,基于遗传程序设计的水位流量关系模型适应性强,拟合精度最高,为水位流量关系拟合提供了新的有效方法。  相似文献   

针对传统水位流量关系曲线拟合过程中存在精度不高的问题,应用遗传程序拟合水位流量关系.该方法能够通过演化计算自动寻找最优的模型结构,比起传统统计方法具有较大的灵活性和智能性,避免了预先假定具体数学表达式的不足.将基于遗传程序的水位流量关系模型同基于最小二乘法、遗传算法以及蚁群算法的模型进行详细比较,实例表明,基于遗传程序设计的水位流量关系模型适应性强,拟合精度最高,为水位流量关系拟合提供了新的有效方法.  相似文献   

抗性遗传特性的研究结果表明,黄瓜枯萎病抗性为数量性状遗传.抗病与感病亲本杂交F1抗病指数介于双亲平均值与感病亲本之间,抗性表现为部分显性,存在细胞质的影响,用抗病亲本作母本的杂交后代F1的抗性比感病亲本作母本的强.基因效应分析表明,抗性是由6对基因控制,狭义和广义遗传力分别为35.08%和89.10%.  相似文献   

黄瓜抗枯萎病遗传特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗性遗传特性的研究结果表明,黄瓜枯萎病抗性为数量性状遗传。抗病与感病亲本杂交F1抗病指数介于双亲平均值与感病亲本之间,抗性表现为部分显性,存在细胞质的影响,用抗病亲本作母本的杂交后代F1的抗性比感病亲本作母本的强。基因效应分析表明,抗性是由6对基因控制,狭义和广义遗传力分别为35.08%和89.10%。  相似文献   

AutoCAD中轴测面内的尺寸标注   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在以AutoCAD为平台进行绘图时,我们常常会碰到要求在一些轴测图(立体图)上标注尺寸。当用“标注”命令在轴测图中创建尺寸后,标注的外观看起来与轴测图本身不协调。为了让某个轴测面内的尺寸标注看起来就象在轴测面中,就需要将尺寸线、尺寸界线倾斜某一角度,以使它们与相应的轴测轴平行。此外,标注文本也必须设置成倾斜某一角度的形式,才能控制文本的外观也具有立体感。  相似文献   

为克服传统量水设施的不足,促进灌区灌溉水情的实时监测,研制和测试了一种基于水位流量关系的量水计。该量水计由水位传感器、模数转换器、单片机、电源、控制盒组成,其测流方法是:水位传感器实时采集水位数据,通过水位流量关系推算渠道流量,再按时段对水量进行累计得到灌溉水量,可实时读出或存储渠道水位、流量及灌溉水量数据。在高邮灌区的实验表明,该量水计与高精度板闸流量计的量水结果相近,相关系数为0.986,平均相对误差为4.48%,满足渠系量水的精度要求。该量水计具有成本低廉、使用方便、量测精度较高的优点,适合在中小型灌溉渠道推广应用。  相似文献   

为了提高玉米的广谱抗病性,从拟南芥中克隆NPR1基因,构建以bar基因为筛选标记的植物表达载体pCAMBIA3301-NPR1,通过农杆菌介导法将pCAMBIA3301-NPR1转入玉米自交系‘H99’的愈伤组织中,用含10mg/mL草胺磷的筛选培养基进行筛选,共获得34株再生植株;经过PCR和RT-PCR鉴定,得到14株RT-PCR阳性植株。结果表明,NPR1基因在玉米中得到表达。  相似文献   

基于再生水利用对抗生素抗性基因的迁移转化规律及机制研究的大量文献,对当前再生水利用对环境中抗生素抗性基因影响的研究进行了较为系统的总结与分析,并对再生水利用过程中影响抗生素抗性基因传播扩散的再生水系统、环境污染物和环境因子等因素进行了简要分析。同时,在分析目前研究进展的基础上展望了今后的研究重点:灌溉技术、灌溉制度对土壤和作物体内抗生素抗性基因的影响;长期利用再生水对地下水中微生物群落结构和抗生素抗性基因的影响;抗生素抗性基因在再生水-土壤-作物系统中的迁移转化。  相似文献   

The use of measured water in controlling flows for the irrigation of sugarcane was found to be vital for the rehabilitation and management of surface irrigation on a 5000 ha sugarcane project. Methods of water delivery, measurement and control at Inyoni Yami Swaziland Irrigation Scheme (IYSIS) are described. Improvements to the irrigation, using existing methods of water measurement, were carried out over a period of four years. The lessons gained in this programme of improvements confirmed the benefits of using modulus gates which allow a constant, measured, discharge of water.  相似文献   

Efficiently controlling soil water content with irrigation is essential for water conservation and often improves potato yield. Volumetric soil water content (θv) in relation to irrigation, plant uptake, and yield in potato hills and replicated plots was studied to evaluate four water management options. Measurements of θv using a hammer driven probe were used to derive a θv index representing the relative θv status of replicated plots positioned along a hill slope. Time series for θv were determined using time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes at 5 and 15 cm depths at the center, shoulder, and furrow locations in potato hills. Sap flow was determined using flow collars in replicated field plots for four treatments: un-irrigated, sprinkler, surface drip, and sub-surface drip irrigation (40 cm depth). Irrigated yields were high/low as the θv index was low/high suggesting θv excess was a production problem in the wetter portions of the study area. The diurnal pattern of sap flow was reflected in the θv fluctuation it induces at hill locations with appreciable uptake. Hill locations with higher plant uptake were drier as was the case for the 5 cm (dry) depth relative to the 15 cm (wet) depth and for locations in the hill (dry) relative to the furrow (wet). The surface drip system had the lowest water use requirement because it delivers water directly to the hill locations where uptake is greatest. The sub-surface drip system wetted the hill gradually (1-2 days). Measurement of the θv index prior to experimental establishment could improve future experimental design for treatment comparisons.  相似文献   

农村土地流转的市场化,即是按照市场供需关系,从农村土地资源的效用最大化进行资源的配置.因此在市场经济中,市场供需关系所产生的土地价值比较效用则是农村土地流转的基础性诱致机制.本文通过定性分析进一步明确了市场供需关系对土地流转的差异性影响.  相似文献   

Low pressure drip irrigation is being promoted in Sub Saharan Africa as an alternative to traditional methods of small scale irrigation of vegetables. The African Market Garden (AMG) is a horticultural production system for smallholders based on low-pressure drip irrigation combined with an improved crop management package. The agronomic and economic performance of the AMG is compared to two gardens irrigated manually with watering cans. One of these gardens is managed according to the same improved crop management package as in the AMG, this treatment is called Improved Management (IM). The other garden is managed according to common practices of vegetable producers in the area, this treatment is called the Farmer Practice (FP). Crop productivity, labor and water use were monitored for two vegetable species (okra and eggplants). The experiment was performed on-station in Niger on three adjacent 500 m2 plots in a sandy acid soil. It was found that improved crop management practices greatly enhance crop productivity over traditional methods at comparable production costs. The AMG gave higher crop yields and higher returns to investment than the treatments irrigated with watering cans. Labor accounts for up to 45% of the production cost in vegetable gardens irrigated by hand, where 80% of the producer time is spent on irrigation. The total labor requirement for the drip irrigated AMG was on average 1.1 man hours per day against 4.7 man hours per day for the Farmers Practice on a 500 m2 garden. Returns on labor are at least double for the AMG against the other treatments. The returns on land from eggplant were found to be US$ 1.7, 0.8 and 0.1 per m2 for the AMG, IM and FP respectively. The returns on water for the cultivation of eggplant are around US$ 2 per m3 in the AMG, against US$ 0.1 in the Farmers Practice. This experiment showed the strong positive impact of drip irrigation and improved crop management practices on profits at minimal environmental costs, indicating that transformation of existing practices poses a considerable potential towards sustainable agricultural development.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,58(1):107-128
Commercial vegetable production systems in the uplands of Southeast Asia are important to supplement the demand for fresh vegetables in lowland Asian cities. A farm survey and soil sampling was done to characterise and identify major factors limiting vegetable productivity in the uplands of the Manupali watershed, Mindanao, the Philippines. Large yield differences were found among the four most common crops: tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), potato (Solanum tuberosum), and Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis). The most closely correlated factors with crop yields were: nitrogen application rates for tomato and cabbage; topsoil per cent sand and fungicide usage for potato; and reliance on family labor for Chinese cabbage. Following multivariate data analysis, two vegetable farming systems were identified: the higher external nutrient (HEN) and the lower external nutrient (LEN) systems. To enhance their sustainability, both systems should adopt more appropriate soil conservation practices, cropping sequences, and plant protection techniques. Additionally, the LEN farmers should increase nutrient application, while the HEN farmers would benefit from labor saving technologies, crop diversification, and more judicious fertiliser application.  相似文献   

Part I of this series demonstrated a method of simulating a ‘green season’ and a ‘dry season’ which corresponded closely to the main period of liveweight gain and loss respectively of cattle on native grass pastures. This paper attempts to further characterise these seasons, using agro-climatic variables derived from a weekly pasture growth index, as to their quantitative relation to cattle liveweight changes. Neither the duration of the green season nor the variable most closely related to cumulative pasture growth (‘growth weeks’) accounted for much of the variation in amount of gain in the green season. In the dry season, however, the amount of liveweight loss was closely related to the estimated number of weeks without green feed (‘dry weeks’). Extraordinary weight loss in the dry season occurred in the years with few growth weeks in the green season, indicating pasture quantity as well as quality limitations in dry season nutrition in these years. In comparison to the green season, marginal response in liveweight to additional green weeks was over two times as great when cumulated over an entire year; this suggests that the main benefit of prolonging the green season is its effect in shortening the dry season.The problem of generalising from the very few stations with cattle data is discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonally managed wetlands in the Grasslands Basin on the west-side of California’s San Joaquin Valley provide food and shelter for migratory wildfowl during winter months and sport for waterfowl hunters during the annual duck season. Surface water supply to these wetlands contain salt which, when drained to the San Joaquin River (SJR) during the annual drawdown period, can negatively impact water quality and cause concern to downstream agricultural riparian water diverters. Recent environmental regulation, limiting discharges salinity to the SJR and primarily targeting agricultural non-point sources, now also targets return flows from seasonally managed wetlands. Real-time water quality management has been advocated as a means of continuously matching salt loads discharged from agricultural, wetland and municipal operations to the assimilative capacity of the SJR. Past attempts to build environmental monitoring and decision support systems (EDSS’s) to implement this concept have enjoyed limited success for reasons that are discussed in this paper. These reasons are discussed in the context of more general challenges facing the successful implementation of a comprehensive environmental monitoring, modelling and decision support system for the SJR Basin.  相似文献   

根据吕梁市的地理位置、气候、山川地貌的特点,重点分析了矿产资源的开采对山川河流的影响和破坏,并提出了对山川河流的保护及河道整治的措施,呼吁社会保护河流、保护环境,努力构建和谐优美的人居环境.  相似文献   

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