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生态问题已经成为全人类所关心、关注的大问题,因为我们只有一个生我们、养我们的地球,因此这个绿色星球的健康状况如何,不仅影响着我们每一个人的生活,而且也牵动着我们每一个人的神经.本文正是在这一动因的驱使下,对人们关心和关注的地球表层生态系统及其功能进行了探讨.文章首先从工业文明所带来的生态问题入手,对人类活动及其行为边界进行了剖析,并就此提出了人类最佳的行为路线.之后我们还以系统的观点,从植物、动物与人类共生互动的食物链关系的分析中,阐述了维护与保持生态系统健康才是人类最大的和最为重要的健康问题的观点.文章最后就如何构建和优化我们生存与生活的平台问题,提出了我们自己的观点和看法.  相似文献   

我国是一个拥有着广阔的土地、大量各种类型的湖泊和河流、多种气候的国家,几乎包含着地球上所有的生态系统的类型。同时,我国也是一个生态比较容易受到损害的国家,生物入侵、水土流失、大气污染等多种生态问题已经影响到人们的日常生活。实现生态的安全、健康、可持续发展是现在要面临的任务。而在人类活动不断影响着生态趋向这个大背景下,要彻底实现区域可持续发展,我们必须保持生态持续性的原则。本文对生态系统发展现状、PSR模型在生态系统健康评价中的应用进行分析与探讨,以供相关人员进行参考。[1]  相似文献   

王雅 《四川畜牧兽医》2003,30(10):10-11
我国是一个拥有近十三亿人口的大国,生存和发展是首要问题。人类要生存,首先离不开健康的食品和营养;要有高质量的生活,人类就要健康,健康的基础就须保证动物的健康。在养殖数量得到满足后,人们对动物产品质量的要求、对餐桌上绿色放心食品的期望也越来越高。因此,善待我们耐以生存的生态系统、关心我们所养殖的各种动物的健康,已引起养殖学术界日甚一日地关注。随着我国农业产业化结构的调整,养殖业已成为农村经济的支柱产业,如何保证畜禽健康,如何面对现代化对传统养殖方式的挑战,如何应对入世使畜牧业向无公害畜产品、绿色畜产品方向发展,是当今动物专家孜孜探索、力求解决的新课题。目前,已有业内人士从动物营养学、免疫学、饲养学、畜产品安全为主要内容的角度出发,提出了一种新的养殖概念———健康养殖。即:加大养殖科技投入,以提供全面安全营养饲料为手段,以提高养殖动物内在体质和免疫功能为目的,最大限度地从食品源头保障人民身体健康,使养殖业进入可持续发展的健康轨道;从根本上提高养殖生产者经济效益,以健康的理念贯穿饲料加工生产、动物饲养、环保排放、畜产品加工的全过程。为此本刊开辟了“健康养殖”专栏,将部分专家学者的观点展示出来,旨在抛砖引玉。欢迎广大业内外人士和读者积极参  相似文献   

随着我市生活水平的不断提高,近两年来,本地区养犬爱好者急剧增多,犬的健康问题不仅仅是养犬者所关注的,也是我们从事兽医工作者所关心的.为了使广大养犬爱好者能有一个健康的犬,现就犬病预防与保健知识,归纳以下几点供参考.  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能是生态系统的主要特征,影响着人们的生活质量。矿业开采作为能短时间获得大量价值的行为对于生态环境的破坏是巨大的,极大的影响人类的生存与发展。本文综述了矿区开采对于生态环境的多方面影响,包括其对于生物多样性的破坏,对于生存环境的巨大影响等方面,提出要加强对矿业开采活动的监管,加强治理矿区污染的技术研发,开发多种生态服务功能等保护治理措施与建议。  相似文献   

本文从生态学研究的角度出发,论述了干扰这一日益为广大生态研究者关注的问题,综述了干扰对生态系统的不同方面的影响。进而提出了如何在合理干扰的条件下,维持与保护生态系统的平衡的具体方法和措施。  相似文献   

随着我国加入世贸组织和改革开放的进一步深化,人们的生活水平的日益提高,同时也越来越关心生活质量,关心食品安全卫生.而动物源性食品的安全卫生,直接与动物防疫工作的质量相关.畜牧业是农业的重要组成部分,农民增收的速效产业,动物防疫关系到畜牧业健康、稳定发展和农民增收,关系到人类健康和社会安定.文章通过阐述动物防疫工作存在的主要问题,并提出了相关建议,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

我非常羡慕Calvin Schwabe博士在兽医、公共卫生和医学史上所取得的终生成就和卓越贡献,尤其赞赏他在1984年发表的《兽医与人类健康》中提出的“一种医学”观点,正是这种观点激发我们努力将兽医和人医结合起来以提高世界的公共卫生健康。Marguerite Pappaioanou博士在新世纪也再一次向世人强调了兽医在维护和提高人类的健康水平方面所占据的不可或缺的重要地位。有鉴于此,本文系统地阐述了兽医科学的时代内涵及其所担负的责任与发展方向。  相似文献   

森林与草地生态系统服务的内涵   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
生态系统服务直接或间接地为人类的福利事业做出贡献,代表着地球总经济价值的一部分.森林和草地生态系统在为人类提供大量的木材和生物资源的同时也以其巨大的生物多样性提供着更多的非实物型的生态服务.森林与草地生态系统服务是其生态系统及其生态过程为人类提供的自然环境条件与效用,包括生态系统的产品和服务.对森林与草地生态系统服务的内涵及其重要意义进行了阐述.  相似文献   

我非常羡慕Calvin Schwabe博士在兽医、公共卫生和医学史上所取得的终生成就和卓越贡献,尤其赞赏他在1984年发表的<兽医与人类健康>中提出的"一种医学"观点,正是这种观点激发我们努力将兽医和人医结合起来以提高世界的公共卫生健康.  相似文献   

Rabies remains a disease of significant public health concern. In the Americas, bats are an important source of rabies for pets, livestock, and humans. For effective rabies control and prevention, identifying potential areas for disease occurrence is critical to guide future research, inform public health policies, and design interventions. To anticipate zoonotic infectious diseases distribution at coarse scale, veterinary epidemiology needs to advance via exploring current geographic ecology tools and data using a biological approach. We analyzed bat-borne rabies reports in Chile from 2002 to 2012 to establish associations between rabies occurrence and environmental factors to generate an ecological niche model (ENM). The main rabies reservoir in Chile is the bat species Tadarida brasiliensis; we mapped 726 occurrences of rabies virus variant AgV4 in this bat species and integrated them with contemporary Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The correct prediction of areas with rabies in bats and the reliable anticipation of human rabies in our study illustrate the usefulness of ENM for mapping rabies and other zoonotic pathogens. Additionally, we highlight critical issues with selection of environmental variables, methods for model validation, and consideration of sampling bias. Indeed, models with weak or incorrect validation approaches should be interpreted with caution. In conclusion, ecological niche modeling applications for mapping disease risk at coarse geographic scales have a promising future, especially with refinement and enrichment of models with additional information, such as night-time light data, which increased substantially the model’s ability to anticipate human rabies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13567-015-0235-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Antimicrobials are essential medicines for the treatment of many microbial infections in humans and animals. Only a small number of antimicrobial agents with new mechanisms of action have been authorized in recent years for use in either humans or animals. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) arising from the use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine is a concern for public health due to the detection of increasing levels of resistance in foodborne zoonotic bacteria, particularly gram‐negative bacteria, and due to the detection of determinants of resistance such as Extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamases (ESBL) in bacteria from animals and in foodstuffs of animal origin. The importance and the extent of the emergence and spread of AMR from animals to humans has yet to be quantified. Likewise, the relative contribution that the use of antimicrobial agents in animals makes to the overall risk to human from AMR is currently a subject of debate that can only be resolved through further research. Nevertheless, risk managers have agreed that the impact on public health of the use of antimicrobials in animals should be minimized as far as possible and a variety of measures have been introduced by different authorities in the EU to achieve this objective. This article reviews a range of measures that have been implemented within European countries to reduce the occurrence and the risk of transmission of AMR to humans following the use of antimicrobial agents in animals and briefly describes some of the alternatives to the use of antimicrobial agents that are being developed.  相似文献   

Rabid free‐ranging cats have been a public health concern in Pennsylvania since raccoon variant rabies first was recognized in the state in the early 1980s. Over the last decade, between 1.5 and 2.5% of cats submitted to Pennsylvania's state laboratories for rabies testing have been positive. In this report, we describe the extent of rabies in free‐ranging cats in Pennsylvania. We also present two examples of human exposure to rabid free‐ranging cats that occurred in Pennsylvania during 2010–2011 and the public health actions taken to address rabies exposure in the humans and animals. We then describe the concerns surrounding the unvaccinated and free‐ranging cat population in Pennsylvania and possible options in managing this public and animal health problem.  相似文献   

近年来全球因人兽共患病引发的公共卫生事件频繁发生,对世界经济的发展和全球公共卫生安全带来了严峻挑战,此已引起国际社会的高度关注。有专家指出:人类对动物“严酷的剥削与过度的利用”,是造成了人禽(人畜)共患流行性疾病不断暴发的原因。本文阐述了动物福利与畜牧生产的关系和非福利因素对动物生理健康的影响。以期引起全社会关注和促进动物福利事业的发展,积极为畜牧生产中的动物创造一个精神上协调一致、生理上完全健康的生存状态,减少动物疫病(特别是人兽共患病)的发生与流行,保障畜牧业的发展与公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

The concept of new and emerging diseases has captured the public interest and has revitalized the public health infectious disease research community. This interest has also resulted in competition for funding and turf wars between animal health and public health scientists and public officials and, in some cases, has delayed and hindered progress toward effective prevention, control and biodefense. There is a dynamic list of outbreaks causing substantial morbidity and mortality in humans and often in the reservoir animal species. Some agents have the potential to grow into major epidemics. There are many determinants that influence the emergence of diseases of concern that require the use of current understanding of the nature of agent persistence and spread. Additional factors that are global must be added to plans for prevention and control. To this complex mix has been added the potential for accidental or malicious release of agents. The nature of emerging infectious agents and their impact is largely unpredictable. Models that strive to predict the dynamics of agents may be useful but can also blind us to increasing disease risks if it does not match a specific model. Field investigations of early events will be critical and should drive prevention and control actions. Many disease agents have developed strategies to overcome extremes of reservoir qualities like population size and density. Every infectious agent spreads easier when its hosts are closer together. Zoonoses must be dealt with at the interface of human and animal health by all available information. Lessons learned from the emergence of and response to agents like West Nile virus, H5N1 avian influenza, SARS and bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the cause of new-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, must be used to create better plans for response and meet the challenge for public health and biodefense.  相似文献   

魏晓颖 《中国饲料》2021,(2):137-140
生态旅游是一种在强调环保理念的基础上发展出来的旅游方式,提高游客及生态景区从业者的环境保护意识是生态旅游的核心内涵。畜牧业是我国经济发展的重要组成部分,畜牧业的发展不仅与生态环境息息相关,还与人类生活水平息息相关。随着畜牧业的快速发展,畜牧业所蕴含的潜在价值逐渐受到人们关注。将畜牧业与生态旅游相结合的畜牧业生态旅游已成为畜牧业发展过程中新的经济增长点。借鉴生态旅游的发展理念与内涵、生态旅游的发展方式,利用生态学原理调整畜牧业的发展方式以促进畜牧业的可持续发展,是解决我国畜牧业存在经济增长点不足、环境污染严重等问题的重要手段。本文从我国畜牧业生态旅游的发展历程及存在的问题出发,介绍了生态旅游与畜牧业结合的优势,并对生态旅游视域下畜牧业的可持续性发展进行概述,以期能为我国畜牧业的发展贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

SUMMARY This paper discusses the moral and philosophical arguments related to animal welfare. The veterinary profession in Australia has, to date, addressed this matter on a superficial and unsatisfactory level. In my view, the Australian Veterinary Association has not yet considered sound philosophical and moral positions in any area of animal welfare. This paper provides some examples of arguments concerning animal rights. It is suggested that the veterinary profession in Australia needs to take heed of these arguments and to develop a philosophy of its own. The profession is not seen to be having sufficient influence on the development of community standards in animal welfare. For example, public statements on the stray cat and dog problem concern the nuisance to human society and little is said of the welfare or rights of the animals themselves. The Australian Veterinary Association has not looked thoroughly at problems of animal welfare in the livestock industries, where the need for attention is urgent. Few veterinarians in Australia have the knowledge and experience to tackle problems in the area of animal experimentation. These include questions of laboratory animal production and disease, as well as those of a moral and philosophical nature. A discussion of ethical problems in studies on animal behaviour points to the lack of experience el veterinarians in this area. Possible mechanisms for statutory control of animal experimentation are explored. Antivivisectionist ideas and the significance of their political influence are outlined.  相似文献   

王苇  秦瑶  李爽  周霞 《中国畜牧兽医》2013,40(11):217-220
微生态制剂具有绿色、环保、无害等诸多优点,其已在食品、医疗、改善环境、动物疾病防控及健康养殖等方面应用。随着人们对动物产品安全性关注程度的增加、自身健康保健意识的提高及对自身生存环境改善的迫切需求,微生态制剂还将拥有更广阔的发展空间。作者现对枯草芽孢杆菌作为微生态制剂在动物生态养殖、动物疾病防制、生态环境改善及其他一些领域中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Studies on stress and its impacts on animals are very important in many fields of science, including animal science, because various stresses influence animal production and animal welfare. In particular, the social stresses within animal groups have profound impact on animals, with the potential to induce abnormal behaviors and health problems. In humans, social stress induces several health problems, including psychiatric disorders. In animal stress models, social defeat models are well characterized and used in various research fields, particularly in studies concerning mental disorders. Recently, we have focused on behavior, nutrition and metabolism in rodent models of social defeat to elucidate how social stresses affect animals. In this review, recent significant progress in studies related to animal social defeat models are described. In the field of animal science, these stress models may contribute to advances in the development of functional foods and in the management of animal welfare.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的持续发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对动物源性食品的需求产生了由量到质的转变,动物源性食品安全问题也逐渐显露,对公共卫生安全和人类的健康已造成严重的威胁,引起了各方面的高度重视。文章针对目前动物源性食品安全现状,对其存在的问题及带来的危害提出相应的解决办法,以保证动物产品的健康使用,促进畜牧业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

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