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The issue of deep hooking is of concern in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, fisheries because nearly all anglers use bait with a stationary presentation on the river bottom to catch them, and bait fishing is often associated with higher instances of deep hooking and hooking mortality. Deep hooking rates, landing success and catch rates were investigated for anglers bait fishing for white sturgeon using circle and J hooks with inline and offset alignments fished with both active and passive hook‐setting methods. Anglers hooked 578 white sturgeon and landed 508 fish, ranging in size from 60 to 316 cm total length (mean = 137 cm). Deep hooking rates averaged 0.6% and did not differ between hook types, hook alignments or hook‐setting methods. Landing success (the proportion of hooked sturgeon that were successfully landed) and catch rates were also equivalent between hook types, hook alignments and hook‐setting methods; landing success averaged 88% and catch rates averaged 0.27 fish/hr. Results of this study indicate that deep hooking is rare when angling for white sturgeon using standard bait‐fishing gear regardless of hook‐setting method or whether circle or J hooks were used; regulations restricting hook type in sturgeon bait fisheries are therefore unwarranted.  相似文献   

为了减少延绳钓渔业中镰状真鲨的误捕率,本研究利用2009年10月-12月和2010年11月-2011年1月在吉尔伯特群岛海域作业的延绳钓渔业调查数据:钓钩深度数据,温度、盐度、溶解氧浓度和叶绿素浓度垂直剖面数据,作业参数,渔获统计数据等,采用逐步回归的方法建立钓钩预测深度计算模型,利用Wilcoxon检验对2种钓具和2种钓钩钩型之间镰状真鲨误捕率进行显著性检验,利用统计和聚类分析的方法分析镰状真鲨的捕获环境.结果显示,(1)实验钓具和18/0圆型钓钩可显著降低镰状真鲨的误捕率;(2)镰状真鲨误捕率最高的深度、温度、盐度、叶绿素、溶解氧范围分别为40.0 ~79.9 m,24.0 ~ 24.9℃、29.0 ~ 29.9℃,35.40~35.99,0.120 ~0.199μg/L和4.50 ~ 4.99 mg/L.研究建议,(1)在生产中增加18/0圆型钓钩和80 m以深的钓钩投放量;(2)减少镰状真鲨误捕率最高的深度、温度、盐度、叶绿素和溶解氧范围内的钓钩数量.  相似文献   

  • 1. Sea turtles may migrate vast distances from their feeding areas to home rookeries where they nest. During these migrations sea turtles are subject to many threats, among which are interactions with pelagic longlines.
  • 2. This gear is used frequently in the summer period in the Gulf of Gabes targeting mainly the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus). Hooks are baited with mackerel (Scomber scombrus) or pieces of stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca).
  • 3. Twenty‐one fishing trips (48 sets with a total of 35 950 hooks deployed) were conducted using onboard observers in the south of the Gulf of Gabes during the months of July, August and September in 2007 and 2008. Stingray and mackerel bait were used in 19 and 29 sets, respectively.
  • 4. In total, 29 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) were captured; the majority of them were juvenile and active. Turtles were caught at a statistically greater frequency on sets with hooks baited with mackerel than on sets with hooks baited with pieces of stingray.
  • 5. The type of bait also affected the catch of the target species by increasing the efficiency when pieces of stingrays were used.
  • 6. These results encourage further research into new baits to mitigate turtle catch by longline fisheries without affecting the catch of target species. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

We conducted a meta‐analysis of literature reporting on the use of circle hooks and J‐hooks in pelagic longline fisheries. Our study included more data than previous meta‐analyses of the effects of hook type, due to both a larger number of relevant studies available in recent years and a more general modelling approach. Data from 42 empirical studies were analysed using a random effects model to compare the effects of circle hooks and J‐hooks on catch rate (43 species) and at‐vessel mortality (31 species) of target and bycatch species. Catch rates with circle hooks were greater for 11 species, including four tuna species, six shark species and one Istiophorid billfish. Catch rates on circle hooks were lower for seven species, including two Istiophorid billfishes and two species of sea turtle. At‐vessel mortality was significantly lower with circle hooks in 12 species, including three tuna species, three Istiophorid billfishes, swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and three shark species. No species had significantly greater at‐vessel mortality when captured with a circle hook rather than a J‐hook. While our general approach increased model variability compared to more detailed studies, results were consistent with trends identified in previous studies that compared the catch rates and at‐vessel mortality (between hook types) for a number of species. Our results suggest that circle hooks can be a promising tool to reduce mortality of some bycatch species in pelagic longline fisheries, although the effects depend on the species and the metric (catch rate or at‐vessel mortality), emphasizing the need for fishery‐specific data in conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   

The Queensland Great Barrier Reef line fishery in Australia is regulated via a range of input and output controls including minimum size limits, daily catch limits and commercial catch quotas. As a result of these measures a substantial proportion of the catch is released or discarded. The fate of these released fish is uncertain, but hook-related mortality can potentially be decreased by using hooks that reduce the rates of injury, bleeding and deep hooking. There is also the potential to reduce the capture of non-target species though gear selectivity. A total of 1053 individual fish representing five target species and three non-target species were caught using six hook types including three hook patterns (non-offset circle, J and offset circle), each in two sizes (small 4/0 or 5/0 and large 8/0). Catch rates for each of the hook patterns and sizes varied between species with no consistent results for target or non-target species. When data for all of the fish species were aggregated there was a trend for larger hooks, J hooks and offset circle hooks to cause a greater number of injuries. Using larger hooks was more likely to result in bleeding, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larger hooks were also more likely to foul-hook fish or hook fish in the eye. There was a reduction in the rates of injuries and bleeding for both target and non-target species when using the smaller hook sizes. For a number of species included in our study the incidence of deep hooking decreased when using non-offset circle hooks, however, these results were not consistent for all species. Our results highlight the variability in hook performance across a range of tropical demersal finfish species. The most obvious conservation benefits for both target and non-target species arise from using smaller sized hooks and non-offset circle hooks. Fishers should be encouraged to use these hook configurations to reduce the potential for post-release mortality of released fish.  相似文献   

Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède) catch rates decline with sustained fishing effort, even without harvest. It is unclear why declines in catch rate occur, and little research has been directed at how to improve catch rate. Learning has been proposed as a reason for declining catch rate, but has never been tested on largemouth bass. If catch rate declines because fish learn to avoid lures, periods of no fishing could be a management tool for increasing catch rate. In this study, six small impoundments with established fish populations were fished for two May to October fishing seasons to evaluate the effect of fishing effort on catch rate. Closed seasons were implemented to test whether a 2‐month period of no fishing improved catch rates and to determine whether conditioning from factors other than being captured reduced catch rate. Mixed‐model analysis indicated catch rate and catchability declined throughout the fishing season. Catch rate and catchability increased after a 2‐month closure but soon declined to the lowest levels of the fishing season. These changes in catch rate and catchability support the conclusion of learned angler avoidance, but sustained catchability of fish not previously caught does not support that associative or social learning affected catchability.  相似文献   

宋利明  赵海龙  谢凯  李冬静 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1230-1241
为了掌握库克群岛海域海洋环境因子对延绳钓渔业中大眼金枪鱼渔获率的影响,实验利用2013年9月8日—12月31日在库克群岛海域作业的延绳钓渔业调查数据,所获数据包括:钓钩深度数据,温度、叶绿素a浓度、三维海流的垂直剖面数据,作业参数,渔获统计数据,采用逐步回归的方法建立钓钩预测深度计算模型,利用统计和聚类分析的方法分析大眼金枪鱼渔获率与海洋环境因子的关系。结果发现,在库克群岛附近海域,大眼金枪鱼渔获率较高的水层、温度、叶绿素a浓度、东西海流、南北海流、水平海流和垂直海流分别为120.0~199.9 m、13.0~14.9 ℃、0.200~0.239 μg/L、0.1~0.2 m/s、-0.2~0 m/s、0.1~0.4 m/s和0.04~0.05 m/s。在该海域作业、以大眼金枪鱼为目标鱼种时,建议在大眼金枪鱼渔获率较高的水层、温度、叶绿素a浓度、水平海流和垂直海流范围内增加钓钩投放数量。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns in catch rates and in allocation of fishing effort were analysed for the coastal fishery in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, to assess whether fishermen can optimise their strategy from catch information, or whether they fish under great uncertainty and merely minimise risks. On average 517 fishing units operated in the 2800 km2 area, catching 21 t fish day−1. Major gear categories were hook and line (59% of total effort and 5% of total catch), and lift nets (16% of total effort and 70% of total catch). The size of individual resource spaces varied with gear type and was smaller in unfavourable weather conditions. Although spatial patterns in catch rates at the scale of the whole archipelago were evident, fishermen could not differentiate between locations, as catch variance within their individual resource spaces was high relative to the contrasts in spatial patterns. The aggregated distribution of fishing effort in Spermonde must be explained by factors such as the small scale of operations, rather than fish abundance.  相似文献   

蟹笼渔船诱捕饵料在使用过程需要经过破冰分离、切块、填盒、塞笼等工序,效率低、劳动强度大.为提升蟹笼渔船的生产效率,需要实现饵料使用自动化.提出了一种实现饵料使用自动化的流水线生产方案,并通过Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0进行流水线的结构设计建模与原理分析,采用GX works3基于三菱FX5U系列P...  相似文献   

秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈芃  汪金涛  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2016,38(5):449-458
秘鲁鳀(Engraulis ringens)是栖息于东南太平洋沿岸的小型中上层鱼类,了解秘鲁鳀渔场和渔汛的状况有助于渔情预报工作的开展进而实现资源的合理利用。利用2005~2014年秘鲁各港口的上岸量数据,以上岸量(landings)、总捕捞努力量(fishing effort)和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)为指标分析秘鲁鳀渔场分布及渔汛;结合二因素方差分析(two-factor analysis of variance)探究渔场月份和纬度上的显著性差异;利用分位数的方法,找出各年的旺汛时间。研究表明,每年的4~6月和11~12月为秘鲁鳀的主汛期;主要的捕捞区域分布在7°S~13°S;渔汛的前中期,上岸量和捕捞努力量有着明显的年间差异,而CPUE在渔汛后期年间差异明显。方差分析表明,不同月份和不同纬度对捕捞努力量[ln(effort+1)]有极显著的影响(P0.01);5月为一年中最主要的捕捞阶段。旺汛期分析表明,第一渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在5月出现,而第二渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在11月出现。研究结果有助于对秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛的认识。  相似文献   

为研究渤海口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)三重刺网的捕捞性能,以河北省昌黎县的口虾蛄三重刺网为基础,于2013年4、5、7月在河北省秦皇岛近海进行50 mm、55 mm、60 mm和65 mm 4种网目尺寸的三重刺网作业性能比较实验,并与60 mm网目单片刺网和底拖网进行渔获对比分析。结果表明:三重刺网具有捕获渔场中绝大多数渔业种类的能力,选择能力较差。春季的渔获种类19种,为渤海近岸底层种类;夏季的渔获种类19种,除了小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)和带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)等底层鱼类外,还有日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)和蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)等中上层鱼类。春季的渔获结构单一,口虾蛄占渔获量的90%以上,主要兼捕种类鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus distinguendus)占4.1%,渔获选择性较好;夏季的渔获中,口虾蛄比例在75%左右,兼捕对象主要为小黄鱼、蓝点马鲛等经济鱼类的幼鱼,对渔业资源造成一定程度的损害,但渔获选择性比底拖网好。单片刺网的选择性最好,但渔获量低,只有三重刺网渔获量的30%左右,无法满足生产要求。建议开展渤海口虾蛄的可捕产量和分区域捕捞管理研究,开发作业性能更优越的口虾蛄专业捕捞渔具。  相似文献   

南海区大型灯光罩网渔场渔期和渔获组成分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2005年8月-2010年5月“琼文昌33180”渔船的生产监测记录,分析了南海区大型灯光罩网渔业的渔场渔期分布和主要渔获组成。结果显示,鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)、鲹科(Carangidae)、带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)、枪乌贼(Loligo)和舵鲣(Auxis)等为主要渔获种类,分别占总产量的40.94%、21.92%、13.56%、10.17%和6.21%;作业渔场可分为西、中沙邻近深水海域(Ⅰ区)、珠江口外大陆架海域(Ⅱ区)、北部湾大陆架海域(Ⅲ区)3个区域;Ⅰ区主捕鸢乌贼(91.10%),大型金枪鱼类也占0.83%的比例,Ⅱ区主捕鲹科(42.88%)、枪乌贼(20.34%)和带鱼(14.52%);Ⅲ区主捕带鱼(45.06%)、鲹科(22.16%)和枪乌贼(14.58%)。3月-5月主要在Ⅰ区生产,8月-9月和12月-翌年2月主要在Ⅱ区生产,10月-11月主要在Ⅲ区生产。外海(Ⅰ区)作业天数的年度波动较大,建议调整罩网外海休渔制度。  相似文献   

南海北部金线鱼流刺网渔业情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张鹏  杨吝  张旭丰  谭永光 《南方水产》2008,4(6):101-107
根据“粤阳东18023”渔船2006年1月至2007年12月的渔获销售记录,结合春、秋2季的渔获抽样测量数据,对使用单片刺网在南海北部作业的大型金线鱼流网船的生产情况进行了分析。结果显示,渔获以底层和近底层种类为主,带鱼Trichiurus haumela、长尾大眼鲷Priacanthus tayenus和金线鱼Nemipterus virgatus为渔获优势种,占产量的29.7%、13.3%和10.5%,占产值的27.4%、24.4%和15.7%;渔船全年作业,汛期在11月至翌年3月,其中1月为旺汛期,休渔期的产量和产值在全年中所占比重很小;优势种渔获以成鱼为主,其CPUE的高值期与汛期基本一致。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary probiotics on reproductive performance, growth, haematological and biochemical parameters of female rainbow trout broodstock. A total of 60 broodstocks with an average initial weight of 2,267.4 ± 54.9 g were divided into four groups and three replicates in raceway ponds. Fish were fed with diets containing 0 (control), 1 × 109 (P1), 2 × 109 (P2) and 4 × 109 (P3) CFU probiotic per kg diet twice a day for 8 weeks before spawning season. Results revealed that higher levels of dietary probiotics (P3) enhanced protein efficiency ratio and decreased feed conversion ratio (p < .05). There were no significant differences in haematological and other growth parameters among different treatments. According to the results, probiotic‐fed treatments had the lowest levels of cholesterol (237.7 ± 4.3 mg/dl) and the highest levels of total protein (11.3 ± 0.3 g/dl) and albumin (6.9 ± 0.3 g/dl), so that differences were found between P3 and control groups in all cases (p < .05). Based on the observations from reproductive parameters, the highest egg diameter, working and relative fecundities, fertilization and hatching rates, eyed eggs survival and alevins survival rates up to the absorption of the yolk sac were observed in P3 treatment (p < .05). Moreover, eyeing, hatching and yolk sac absorbing stages in P3 treatment were earlier than those in other treatments (p < .05). The results of present study demonstrated that probiotic supplementation improved reproductive performance and some growth and biochemical parameters in female rainbow trout broodstock and the best performance was observed in fish fed 4 × 109 CFU probiotic per kg diet. Due to an increase in egg production and egg size in probiotic‐fed treatments, this feed additive can be used as a suitable ingredient to increase high‐quality egg production in rainbow trout breeders.  相似文献   

本文探讨了中国渔船在印度尼西亚海域使用的拖网渔具,从渔具使用规格、缩结状态和结构等方面进行了分析,指出这类渔具在浅水渔场捕捞带鱼时有良好适应性,但局部配纲不当,网具贴底程度未达到最佳状态。由于网目大,有些局部改革可能导致敏感的负面反应。作者认为,这类网具今后的改革应着眼于提高拖速,以增加对某些优质鱼的兼捕比例。  相似文献   

Wind-induced upwelling in the north-west Atlantic has been hypothesized to influence catch rates of fish by gear fishing at fixed locations. Passive movement to shallow depths during upwelling has been proposed to increase encounter rates of fish with net leaders set at the coast. However, supporting evidence is not conclusive, possibly because fish respond to strong events rather than all events. We investigated whether catch rates of capelin, Mallotusvillosus, and Atlantic cod, Gadusmorhua, were related to the strength of upwelling, as measured by the rates of water temperature change, or to stage of upwelling. Capelin trap catches were positively related to increases in water temperature, representing the relaxation phase. This result was due primarily to increases in catch after strong (> 4°C change) rather than after typical (< 4°C change) upwelling events. Cod trap catches were not related to upwelling strength but did increase 1–2 days after typical events. The data suggest that upwelling increases capelin movement, while the return of warmer surface water after an upwelling event increases cod movement.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the importance of the environment and spatial distribution of juvenile fish for the adoption of alternative migratory tactics in a partially anadromous population of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Santa Cruz River. We captured young‐of‐the‐year fish along the river during autumn 2009, 2010 and spring 2010 and determined their maternal origin (anadromous vs. resident) using strontium to calcium ratios in the otolith core. Relative proportion of anadromous offspring, modelled with logistic regression, increased towards headwaters and in areas with deeper channels and larger substrate composition. Body length, modelled with linear multiple regression, varied positively with site depth, water velocity, substrate size and anadromous maternal origin. Based on evidence for limited juvenile movements (<25 km), the spatial extent of this study (240 Rkm) and the identification of large, contrasting reaches along the river, it is likely that the observed spatial distribution of juveniles and their association to sites with coarse substrate composition reflects maternal spawning activity. Results further indicate that anadromous females breed predominantly in middle and upper river sections in areas with coarse substrate. Given that body size in this system has been positively related to propensity for anadromy, we propose that female spawning choice affects their offspring's spatial distribution, providing the adequate physical template for anadromous offspring to reach or maintain larger body sizes and display anadromy themselves. Relevance of this study is also discussed in the context of alterations in response to future dam construction in one of the latest free‐flowing rivers sustaining anadromous O. mykiss.  相似文献   

Fish growth is manifested by a number of measurable physical changes. We have developed a sensitive method for monitoring the growth rate of fish fed at four different planes of nutrition. This technique consists in measuring expression levels of myosin RNA isolated from the muscle of experimental animals. Using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) primers, and a fluorescence-labelled single-stranded DNA probe that hybridizes specifically to a region within the myosin mRNA of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), we were able to detect differences in the relative level of myosin expression between groups of fish. This method also allows for the determination of absolute expression levels when reactions are performed with standards consisting of known levels of in vitro-transcribed myosin RNA. With the proper equipment, this novel procedure can be performed rapidly on large numbers of individuals, and with the procurement of non-invasive muscle biopsies the same experimental animal could theoretically be sampled multiple times throughout the course of the study. This new method could be used to measure differences in muscle synthesis in fish associated with various nutrient intake levels, environmental parameters, life-history stages and health status.  相似文献   

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