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This study estimated the heritability (h 2) of early blight (EB) resistance in filial progeny of a cross between a susceptible (`NC84173';mid-season maturity) and a resistant (`NC39E'; late-season maturity)tomato breeding lines. It addition, it examined the potential of identifying progeny with mid-season maturity and EB resistance. A total of 162F2 plants were grown under field conditions in 1998 and evaluated for disease symptoms three times during the season, and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and final percent defoliation (disease severity) were determined. The F2 plants were self-pollinated and F3 seeds produced. The 162 F3 progeny families, consisting of 20 plants per family, were grown in a replicated field trial in 1999 and evaluated for EB resistance (final percent defoliation) and plant maturity(days to 50% ripe fruit). The distributions of the final percent defoliation values in the F2 and F3 generations indicated that resistance from `NC39E' was quantitative in nature. Estimates of h 2 for EB resistance, computed as the correlation coefficients between F3progeny family means and F2 individual plant values, ranged from0.65 to 0.71, indicating that EB resistance of `NC39E' was heritable. Across F3 families, a negative correlation (r = –0.46, p< 0.01) was observed between disease severity and earliness in maturity, indicating that plant maturity affected disease severity. However, several F3 families were identified with considerable EB resistance and mid-season maturity, indicating that resistance from `NC39E' might be useful for the development of commercially acceptable EB resistant tomato cultivars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpene carboxylic acids (SCA) from Lycopersicon hirsutum f. typicum Humb, & Bonpl, accession LA 1777 confer host‐plant resistance to Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), two Lepidopteran (Noctuidae) insect pests of the cultivated tomato. L. esculcntum Mill. Hybrids were made between LA 1777 and two accessions of insect‐susceptible tomatoes that do not produce SCA, L. hirsutum LA 1033 and the L. L. esculentum cultivar Chico III, F2 and backcross progeny of both crosses were evaluated for variation in amounts of total SCA in replicated field and greenhouse plantings. Analysis of variance of total SCA in a set of F2 plants of the cross LA 1033 × LA 1777 demonstrated significant variation in SCA attributable to genotype, environment and their interaction. Segregation for high levels of SCA in the populations suggests polygenic inheritance. Broad sense heritability was 0.84, which indicates that phenotypic selection for plants with high SCA is feasible in a backcross‐breeding programme for the introgression of SCA‐mediated insect resistance into tomato cultivars.  相似文献   

Late blight (LB), caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most destructive diseases of tomato and potato worldwide. Identifying and characterizing new sources of resistance is essential given the emergence of new aggressive and fungicide‐resistant P. infestans isolates. Recently, we reported identification of several new sources of LB resistance within the tomato wild species, Solanum pimpinellifolium. In this study, we examined heritability (h2) of LB resistance conferred by the S. pimpinellifolium accession PI 224710 using a parent–offspring regression (correlation) analysis. F2 and F3 progeny populations, derived from crosses between PI 224710 and a LB‐susceptible tomato breeding line, were evaluated for response to LB infection. To obtain a better estimate of h2, the F3 progeny were evaluated for LB resistance in two separate replicated experiments. The h2 estimates were similar in the two experiments and averaged ~0.87, suggesting that this resistance was highly heritable. Two different methods estimated involvement of one resistance locus. Breeding and mapping efforts are underway to further assess the viability of this newly reported LB resistance.  相似文献   

Early blight disease, caused by Alternaria solani Sorauer, is a serious disease of potato foliage and tubers that occurs in most potato‐growing regions world‐wide. Developing new potato cultivars with resistance to early blight may reduce losses in the field and in storage, and lessen the need for fungicide applications. A total of 280 clones, derived from 72 maternal half‐sib families from a diploid random‐mated hybrid population of Solarium phureja×Solarium stenotomum were examined for resistance to early blight. The clones that were evaluated in a replicated field trial for 2 years in Pennsylvania, USA, had similar early blight intensity both years. Significant differences were found among families, within families and for the interaction of years × within families. Broad‐sense heritability for resistance, measured as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), was estimated as 0.73, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.65‐0.78, and narrow‐sense heritability was estimated as 0.61 ± 0.29 (P = 0.05). The correlation of AUDPC for early blight between years was 0.57 (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that this diploid population is worthy of use in breeding for early blight resistance.  相似文献   

The resistant accession, LA1312, and the susceptible cultivar ‘Peto 343′, were crossed to develop F1, F2 and BC1 populations for genetic analysis of resistance in tomatoes to Phytophthora parasitica Dastur, the causal agent of Phytophthora root rot. There was no maternal effect on resistance. Generation means analysis indicated that tolerance to Phytophthora root rot was under genetic control with both simple (additive and dominance) and digenic interaction (additive × additive and additive × dominance) effects contributing to the total genetic variation among generation means. Weighted least square regression analysis indicated that the majority (ca. 96 %) of the genetic variation could be explained by simple additive effects alone. Narrow sense heritability was estimated as 0.22. Based on effective factor formulae, at least five effective factors controlled the resistance. Implications for breeding procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic nature of early blight resistance in tomato was studied in three crosses at seedling and adult plant stages. A six generation mean analysis of the cross Arka Saurabh (susceptible) × IHR1939 (resistance) and its reciprocal cross revealed that the resistance to early blight was conferred by recessive polygenes at both seedling and adult plant stages. This polygenic early blight resistance revealed the importance of additive and additive × additive gene effects at seedling stage and higher magnitude of dominance and dominance× dominance gene effects at adult plant stage. Evaluation of parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of IHR1816 (resistance) × IHR1939 (resistance) revealed that the early blight resistance genes in IHR1816 (Lycopersicon esculentum NCEBR-1) and IHR1939 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium L4394) are independent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Five inbred backcross lines (IBL) were selected for higher relative expression of insecticidal acyl sugars (rank average) from an inbred backcross population derived from the cross Lycopersicon esculentum cultivar ‘Peto 84’×Lycopersicon pennellii accession LA716. These five BC2S5 IBLs were crossed in a partial diallel design (Method II), and their self and F1 progeny and three control cultivars were tested at two California field locations in 1996. Counts of potato aphids, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, on leaves, as a measure of plant infestation, revealed significant general combining ability (GCA) for lower aphid numbers with IBL44 and IBL59; the F1 hybrid IBL44 × IBL59 had significantly fewer aphids per leaflet than the susceptible cultivar ‘Alta’. GCA for acyl sugars was associated with IBL59 only. Of all the IBL and IBL × IBL F1 hybrids, only IBL59 produced significant levels of acyl sugars. Significant within IBL59 variation for acyl sugars was observed, but not for aphid resistance. Our results suggest that factors other than acyl sugars contributed to L. pennellii-derived aphid resistance in IBL × IBL F1 hybrids and IBL that do not produce significant amounts of acyl sugars. IBL59 and IBL44 may be useful for breeding for aphid resistance in cultivated tomato.  相似文献   

Ten selected inbred backcross lines (IBL), from a Lycopersicon esculentum cv.‘Peto 84’×Lycopersicon pennellii IBL population, with resistance to beet armyworm (BAW), Spodoptera exigua, higher fruit mass and fruit yield, were crossed with eight elite cultivated L. esculentum inbred lines in a Design II mating design. Three elite inbreds were also crossed to ‘Peto 84′, the IBL recurrent parent, as a control for combining ability. Field plots of all resulting F1 progenies and control cultivars were inoculated with BAW eggs and evaluated for resistance to BAW, fruit mass, fruit yield, vine size and maturity at three field locations. Reductions in fruit damage by BAW were found in four of the 10 IBL F1 progenies. Significant male and female general combining ability (GCA) estimates for BAW resistance were observed, but significant specific combining ability for BAW resistance was not detected. The fruit mass of F1 hybrids was significantly lower than large-fruited controls, but was not significantly different from elite inbred by ‘Peto 95’F1 hybrids. Selection based on inbred performance identified IBL with positive GCA for BAW resistance and yields in Design II hybrids. BAW resistance in the 09 selected IBL and IBL- derived F1 progeny was associated with two undesirable traits, later maturity and larger vine size. Index selection of IBL was more effective at identifying IBL with positive GCA for fruit mass and fruit yield than GCA for BAW resistance.  相似文献   

Two accessions of Lycopersicon peruvianum Mill. (PI270435, PI126443) carrying Mi-2 and Mi-3, respectively, new root-knot nematode resistance genes, were selected as the male parents for crosses with L. esculentum Mill. in order to produce interspecific hybrids. Crossability barriers between these two distantly related species were circumvented by ovule culture. A total of ten interspecific F1 hybrid plants were produced. The hybrid nature of the putative F1 plants was confirmed by a comparison of several morphological characteristics and a PCR-based assay. Eight of ten hybrid plants were backcrossed with L. esculentum to generate a total of 98 BC1 progeny. Two lines were advanced to the BC2 and BC3 levels. Based on these results, ovule culture was found to be an effective method for the production of novel interspecific F1 and BC1 plants. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Potato virus Y (PVY) infects most Solanaceous crops grown in Mediterranean countries in open fields and in greenhouses. Necrogenic strains, which have been isolated from diseased tomatoes in France since the 1980's, seriously cause yield and quality loss of tomato fruits. Lycopersicon hirsutum PI 247087 was found to be resistant to PVY. Virus could not be detected in inoculated leaves by ELISA and/or by back-inoculation on susceptible plants. This resistance was efficient against the 16 tested isolates or strains. Temperature and inoculum concentration did not affect its expression. All the F1 plants of (Momor × PI 247087), (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and (PI 247087 × PI 134417) had symptom scores and ELISA values similar to those of the susceptible parents. The mechanism of resistance could be immunity-like or inhibition of virus migration from cell to cell. The resistance of L. hirsutum PI 247087 appeared to be governed by two independent recessive genes. In a few F2 plants of (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and F2 (Momor × PI 247087), virus was able to multiply in the inoculated leaves but could not establish a systemic infection. This finding may suggest a mechanism which interfers with the long distance migration of the virus in the plant.  相似文献   

Late blight (LB), caused by Phytophthora infestans, is a destructive disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) worldwide. Currently, there are few commercial cultivars of tomato with resistance to LB, and the disease is mainly controlled by heavy use of fungicides. Due to the emergence of fungicide‐resistant pathogen isolates, there is a concerted effort to identify new genetic sources of resistance and breed new resistant cultivars. A recent screening identified several new tomato accessions with strong resistance to LB. Here, we report on the genetic basis of LB resistance in S. pimpinellifolium accession PI 270441, as determined by generation means analysis and analysis of response to selection, using populations derived from crosses with LB‐susceptible breeding line Fla. 8059. Heritability of LB resistance ranged from 0.76 to 0.78, and the minimum number of genes was estimated 1—few. These results suggest that transfer of LB resistance from PI 270441 to the cultivated tomato should be feasible via a traditional backcross breeding approach. Genetic mapping studies are underway to identify molecular markers associated with resistance in this accession.  相似文献   

Deployment of resistant varieties is one major approach to controlling cassava bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). To understand the genetic determinism of resistance to CBB, the use of reliable parameters measuring resistance is necessary. In order to test a relevant method for evaluation of quantitative resistance for mapping QTL (quantitative trait loci), the response of 150 F1 individuals, inoculated with four different Xam strains (CIO-84, CIO-1, CIO-136 and CIO-295), was assessed under controlled conditions. We used two types of evaluations at different intervals after inoculation, one based on a scale of 0 to 5 and the second based on the determination of the bacterial population in the vascular system. Both evaluation types revealed interaction between strains and F1 genotypes. Population values at 3 and 6 cm from the point of inoculation showed a high level of correlation. By performing an association analysis, at 7 and 15 days after inoculation, a significant positive correlation between both evaluation types was obtained. However, the disease rating at 30 days did not correlate with bacterial populations at either 7 or 15 days after inoculation, except for one strain, CIO-84. Evaluation of the bacterial population in stem tissues is time and labour consuming, consequently, for a rapid and reliable assessment of CBB resistance for QTL analysis, we strongly recommend evaluation based on the use of a symptom scale.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to the fruit borer, Heliothis armigera Hübner in tomato was studied in TWO interspecific crosses. L. hirsutum f. gLabratum‘B 6013′. a fruit borer-resistant parent, was crossed with two susceptible L. esculentum varieties ‘HS 101’ and. ‘HS 102′. Six generations of two crosses were evaluated for percentage fruit: infestation (on a number basis) and the estimates of the gene effects were derived from the generation mean using a three parameter model A preponderance of additive gene effects was found for this trait. Heritability in the narrow sense was observed to be high indicating the fixable nature of the character.  相似文献   

Wild Lycopersicon accessions were screened for resistance to the Fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) race 1 and race 2. In total, four isolates of each race were used. Among 17 accessions of six Lycopersicon species tested, a wide genetic variation for wilt resistance was observed. Most accessions were highly susceptible, some showed intermediate resistance, but one accession of L. cheesmanii (G1.1615 = PI 266375) and two accessions of L. chilense (G1.1556 and G1.1558) were highly resistant to Fol races 1 and 2. The resistance in the latter three accessions equalled or was higher than the resistance determined by the known I-genes, that have been widely used in breeding programmes. These newly found resistant accessions provide breeders with more opportunities for Fusarium disease resistance and may contribute to our understanding of Fusarium disease resistance gene organisation and evolution.  相似文献   

Spotted wilt, caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), is a major disease of peanut (Arachis hypogaea ) in the south‐eastern United States. Cultivar resistance is the most important factor in disease control. However, spotted wilt resistance in current cultivars still carries risk in the absence of other practices when disease is severe. In contrast, a newly developed cultivar, Florida‐EP? “113,” has demonstrated excellent resistance even when spotted wilt is severe. Information on heritability of this resistance can help breeders better utilize it in breeding. F2‐derived populations from the cross Florida‐EP? “113”/Georgia Valencia were developed and tested in field experiments in Florida from 2012 to 2014. Disease symptoms were evaluated visually, and the frequency of TSWV infection was measured by ImmunoStrip®. Heritability estimated from ImmunoStrip® was higher (0.66) compared to visual ratings (0.48). Genetic correlations among evaluation methods (r A = 0.92–0.99) and environments (r B = 0.86–0.99) were high. These results indicate that resistance in Florida‐EP? “113” is highly heritable and that selection in a high disease risk environment is feasible without significant erosion of genetic gain.  相似文献   

Oviposition and feeding of Scrobipalpuloides absoluta was studied on plants of seven different genotypes with varying 2-tridecanone (2-TD) foliage concentrations: Lycopersicon esculentum var. glabratum 'PI 134417' (= GLA), L. esculentum 'TSWV-547' (= ESC), F1 (ESC × GLA), and 4 F2 genotypes – two with high 2-TD (HI1, HI2), and two with low foliage 2-TD concentrations (LO1, LO2). GLA, HI1 and HI2 showed 2-TD concentrations above 185 × 10-1 2 moles/cm2, while ESC, LO1 and LO2 had 2-TD below 40 × 10-1 2 moles/cm2; F1 had intermediary levels of 2-TD (83,5 × 10-1 2 moles 2-TD/cm2). Ovipositioning was substantially higher in the low 2-TD than on either the high 2-TD genotypes or in the F1, especially in the upper portion of the plants. Scores for leaf lesion type (LLT), overall plant damage (OPD) and percent leaflets attacked (PLA) were substantially higher for the low 2-TD than for either the high 2-TD genotypes or the F1. The results indicate that 2-TD mediates resistance to S. absoluta in the interspecific cross, and strongly suggest that 2-TD acts as both an ovipositioning and feeding deterrent for this insect.  相似文献   

Late blight (LB), caused by Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most devastating diseases of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) worldwide. Due to the emergence of new and aggressive P. infestans isolates, identifying new genetic resistance to LB is a priority in tomato breeding. Recently, we reported the identification of several Solanum pimpinellifolium accessions with strong LB resistance. In this study, we investigated the utility of resistant accession PI 163245 for tomato breeding by examining heritability (h2) of resistance and the response to selection for resistance. Estimates of h2 based on F2 : F3 and F3 : F4 parent : offspring correlation analyses averaged 0.79 and 0.94, respectively, suggesting the heritable nature of LB resistance in PI 163245. Analysis of response to selection for resistance from F2 to F4 generations indicated a realized h2 of 0.63, confirming the utility of this resistance in tomato breeding. Two methods of estimating the minimum number of loci involved indicated the presence of one major resistance locus. Currently, genetic mapping and breeding efforts are underway to further confirm the viability of this accession for improving tomato LB resistance.  相似文献   

Breeding for impact resistance in potato is common at the end of a breeding scheme, where there is no more variability for it. The purpose of this study was to propose an objective progeny test using a pendulum and single-year data. Data were recorded over a 5-year period using 275 progenies, organized in small factorial and hierarchical designs. The variability of response of the additive variance made it impossible to generalize parental choice. However, once the crosses were made, the high degree of variability among the progenies and the high level of broad-sense heritability in every case suggest that selection can be carried out efficiently using single-year data.  相似文献   

Late blight (LB), caused by Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most devastating diseases of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) worldwide. Aggressive pathogen isolates resistant to fungicides have driven research in favour of finding new sources of host resistance for tomato breeding. Recently, we reported S. pimpinellifolium accession PI 270443 exhibiting LB resistance stronger than all commercial LB-resistant tomato cultivars. The purpose of this study was to examine the inheritance of LB resistance conferred by this accession. An interspecific cross was made between PI 270443 and a LB-susceptible tomato breeding line and advanced to F10 generation. A total of 166 F9 and corresponding F10 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were evaluated for response to LB in four replicated greenhouse experiments. Estimates of heritability (h2) of LB resistance, determined by parent–offspring (F9:F10) correlation analysis, ranged from 0.66 to 0.81, with an average of 0.76. The moderately high h2 of LB resistance in PI 270443 suggests the utility of this accession for tomato breeding. Molecular mapping and RNA-sequencing efforts are underway to identify genes underlying LB resistance in PI 270443.  相似文献   

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