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Structural dynamic of a hedgerow network landscape in Brittany France   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Changes in agricultural systems since the 50's led to considerable changes in rural hedgerow network landscapes. In these landscapes, ecological processes depend on the spatial structure of the network (length of hedgerows, connectedness, grain size). This paper reports on a study of the dynamics of such a landscape at four periods of time (1952, 1961, 1972, 1985) done on 26 contiguous 16 ha quadrats. A correspondence analysis of the data matrix yields a gradient of change from dense highly connected networks to heterogeneous landscapes with few hedgerows. The study of individual trajectories of the quadrats allowed them to be regrouped in various types of changes. It is possible for a quadrat to go through several pathways. Rates of change varied through time, the 1961–1972 period had most changes. The use of supplementary elements in correspondence analysis proves to be a useful way to approach spatial hierarchy and allows a better understanding of the differentiation of landscape units.  相似文献   

Analysis of carabids spatial distribution in a hedgerow network landscape in western France, pinpoints the role of the landscape among other levels of ecological organization.Dispersion of forest species differs among core forest species, peninsula forest species and corridor forest species. Abundance of forest carabid species in a particular hedgerow is related to the positive effect of a dense herbaceous layer and the presence of a tree layer which is enhanced by the presence of two parallel hedgerows, especially along lanes.At the landscape level distance from the largest forest determines abundance of forest species within the first kilometer out of it. Beyond that, abundance is independent of distance from the source forest and the discriminant ecological factors are: hedgerow structure, presence of lanes bordered by two hedgerows.  相似文献   

The parameters referring to landscape structure are essential in any evaluation for conservation because of the relationship that exists between the landscape structure and the ecological processes. This paper presents a study of the relationships between landscape structure and species diversity distribution (estimated in terms of richness of birds, amphibians, reptiles and butterflies) in the region of Madrid, Spain. The results show that the response of species richness to landscape heterogeneity varies depending on the group of species considered. For birds and lepidopterans, the most important factor affecting the distribution of richness of species is landscape heterogeneity, while other factors, such as the specific composition of land use, play a secondary role at this scale. On the other hand, richness of amphibians and reptiles is more closely related to the abundance of certain land-use types. The study highlights the importance of heterogeneity in Mediterranean landscapes as a criterion for landscape planning and for definition of management directives in order to maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   

Research performed on microlandscapes embodies the essence of landscape ecology by focusing on the ecological consequences of the mosaic structure of different landscape elements. As an illustration, observations and simulations were used to test whether the fractal structure of grassland microlandscapes affected the movement patterns of tenebrionid beeetles in natural environments. The significant tendency of beetles to avoid 1 m2 cells with fractal dimensions of 1.85 to 1.89 (indicating the area-filling tendency of bare ground) demonstrated the role of landscape structure as a modifier of beetle movements or diffusion in heterogeneous landscapes. Experiments in microlandscapes may accelerate the development of quantitative conceptual frameworks applicable to landscapes at all scales.  相似文献   

林内景观质量评价对林场的经营和管理有重要意义,而林分空间结构的研究对生态景观林景观质量有重要影响。以塞罕坝机械林场落叶松纯林与落叶松-白桦混交林为研究对象,选取了16张最具代表性的照片,采用美景度评价(SBE)法以美景度作为景观质量指标,通过探究林分空间结构对林分夏季近景的景观质量影响,进而为塞罕坝生态景观林夏季景观经营技术提供依据。结果表明:(1)林内垂直结构越完整,林下整齐度越高,人们的喜好频数越高,美景度越高。(2)林内透视距离与美景度值存在明显的二项式关系;林内透视距离高于1倍树高时,美景度值随透视距离增加而增加。(3)林分枝下高与株高比值和美景度值存在二项式关系,林分枝下高与株高比值在0.5~0.6之时,美景度值存在1个峰值,此时人们接受程度最高。人们对林内垂直结构、透视距离、林下整齐度、树干形态与枝下高等指标偏好程度为打造更美好的生态景观林提供科学指导,对林场的转型和森林景观旅游事业有促进作用。  相似文献   

A soft paradigm for landscape analysis is presented. This paradigm focuses on the analysis of function first, and then on structure. The objective is to determine which factors are operationally significant, how these factors bring about change, and how they define the spatial characteristics of landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to answer the following question: are the fluctuations of abundance of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) specific to different types of landscapes? The research was carried out in landscapes where grassland was dominant. The sampling method was based upon a partition in both landscape types and landscape units. Tracking of vole indices was used to evaluate their relative abundance. Six landscape transects were sampled during two successive years. Results show that population variation and diffusion of demographic states are closely related to landscape types. The possible causes of this are discussed. The landscape units can be used as global variables to assess outbreak risk and landscape design can be used to prevent them.  相似文献   

Wagner  Helene H.  Wildi  Otto  Ewald  Klaus C. 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(3):219-227
In this paper, we quantify the effects of habitat variability and habitat heterogeneity based on the partitioning of landscape species diversity into additive components and link them to patch-specific diversity. The approach is illustrated with a case study from central Switzerland, where we recorded the presence of vascular plant species in a stratified random sample of 1'280 quadrats of 1 m2 within a total area of 0.23 km2. We derived components of within- and between-community diversity at four scale levels (quadrat, patch, habitat type, and landscape) for three diversity measures (species richness, Shannon index, and Simpson diversity). The model implies that what we measure as within-community diversity at a higher scale level is the combined effect of heterogeneity at various lower levels. The results suggest that the proportions of the individual diversity components depend on the habitat type and on the chosen diversity aspect. One habitat type may be more diverse than another at patch level, but less diverse at the level of habitat type. Landscape composition apparently is a key factor for explaining landscape species richness, but affects evenness only little. Before we can test the effect of landscape structure on landscape species richness, several problems will have to be solved. These include the incorporation of neighbourhood effects, the unbiased estimation of species richness components, and the quantification of the contribution of a landscape element to landscape species richness.  相似文献   

a dynamic model was developed to simulate the variation of spatial species distribution patterns of the meadow steppe grasslands on Songnen Plain in northeast China. Simulation was performed to study the interaction between soil alkalization and vegetation development with special consideration given to spatial processes such as horizontal species migration and horizontal diffusion of soil alkali. The coverage of five species,Calamagrostis epigeios, Aneurolipidium chinense, Puccinellia tenuiflora, Aeluropus littoralis andSuaeda corniculata, and soil alkali were selected as 6 state variables. A positive feedback mechanism embedded in the model was that when the total plant coverage is large enough, the soil undergoes de-alkalization, which in turn helps improve further the plant growth condition. The de-alkalization is due to the improved soil physical properties indicated by a large amount of soil non-capillary pores coexisting with a large amount of below-group root biomass which allows alkaline solutes to leach from surface soil to underground water by means of precipitation. On the other hand, when the plant coverage is too small, soil alkalization takes place due to the deterioration of soil physical properties indicated by a small amount of plant root biomass and a large amount of capillary pores which enables evapotranspiration to bring up alkaline solutes to the surface soil. The alkalization of surface soil further hinders plant growth. The model was implemented using a software tool, SPAMOD, developed at Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The simulation results showed that the model was in very close agreement with five year field observations on a one-hectare fenced alkaline grassland, implying that the modeling approach used in this research is very appropriate for grassland landscape studies; that the spatial processes reflected as horizontal species migration and horizontal diffusion of soil alkali are very important for the recovery ofA. chinense, the major grazed species with rhizoma as its main reproduction mechanism; and that the vanishing rate ofS. corniculata, an indicator of serious soil alkalization, is very sensitive to the variation in the soil physical properties.  相似文献   

Studies of the endangered Kirtland's warbler in relation to landscape ecosystems were conducted from 1986–1988 on a large wildfire-burn surrounding Mack Lake in southeastern Oscoda County, Michigan. A landscape ecosystem approach was used to distinguish low- and high-elevation segments of the landscape, as well as 11 local ecosystem types. The ecosystems were distinguished by physiography, microclimate, soil, and vegetation. The early occurrence of the warblers was strongly related to landscape structure, i.e., to the broad low- and high-elevation areas and the local ecosystem types within them. Territories of male warblers were observed in 5 of the 11 ecosystems. The five ecosystem types where warblers were observed were characterized by (1) a physiography of level or rolling terrain; (2) soil series of Grayling, Graycalm, Montcalm, or Rubicon; (3) uplands with relatively warm temperature during the breeding season; (4) vegetation dominated by low sweet blueberry, bearberry, wintergreen, northern pin oak, blue stem grasses, and hair cap moss; and (5) canopy of relatively tall, dense, and patchy jack pine and oak. Landscape structure appears to be an important factor affecting the occurrence of the warbler in its summer habitat in northern Lower Michigan.  相似文献   

Historical influence of man on the riparian dynamics of a fluvial landscape   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Man's influence, over the last three centuries, has gradually influenced the dynamics of forest cover along the valley of the Garonne, a seventh order river in Southern France. The vegetation cover of the floodplain depends on topographical levels which govern the frequency and duration of submergence during flooding. Along the valley, forest patches vary from a continuous ribbon of riparian wood along the river to a mosaic of groves towards the upland terraces. In the floodplain, the forest dynamics are influenced by floods, appear to be reversible, and are subject to dominant allogenic processes. On the contrary, forest dynamics on the terraces, which are not influenced by floods, are irreversible and subjected to dominant autogenic processes. Since the end of the 17th century, the structure of riparian woods has been modified by navigation and agriculture leading to a fragmentation of forest cover in the floodplain. Modern agriculture and urbanization have accentuated these tendencies by modifying the hydrologic regime of the river. These historical changes result in a fragmentation of forest cover and a substitution of species in the riparian zone, the forest dynamics being still reversible in the floodplain.  相似文献   

Management may influence abiotic environments differently across time and spatial scale, greatly influencing perceptions of fragmentation of the landscape. It is vital to consider a priori the spatial scales that are most relevant to an investigation, and to reflect on the influence that scale may have on conclusions. While the importance of scale in understanding ecological patterns and processes has been widely recognized, few researchers have investigated how the relationships between pattern and process change across spatial and temporal scales. We used wavelet analysis to examine the multiscale structure of surface and soil temperature, measured every 5 m across a 3820 m transect within a national forest in northern Wisconsin. Temperature functioned as an indicator – or end product – of processes associated with energy budget dynamics, such as radiative inputs, evapotranspiration and convective losses across the landscape. We hoped to determine whether functional relationships between landscape structure and temperature could be generalized, by examining patterns and relationships at multiple spatial scales and time periods during the day. The pattern of temperature varied between surface and soil temperature and among daily time periods. Wavelet variances indicated that no single scale dominated the pattern in temperature at any time, though values were highest at finest scales and at midday. Using general linear models, we explained 38% to 60% of the variation in temperature along the transect. Broad categorical variables describing the vegetation patch in which a point was located and the closest vegetation patch of a different type (landscape context) were important in models of both surface and soil temperature across time periods. Variables associated with slope and microtopography were more commonly incorporated into models explaining variation in soil temperature, whereas variables associated with vegetation or ground cover explained more variation in surface temperature. We examined correlations between wavelet transforms of temperature and vegetation (i.e., structural) pattern to determine whether these associations occurred at predictable scales or were consistent across time. Correlations between transforms characteristically had two peaks; one at finer scales of 100 to 150 m and one at broader scales of >300 m. These scales differed among times of day and between surface and soil temperatures. Our results indicate that temperature structure is distinct from vegetation structure and is spatially and temporally dynamic. There did not appear to be any single scale at which it was more relevant to study temperature or this pattern-process relationship, although the strongest relationships between vegetation structure and temperature occurred within a predictable range of scales. Forest managers and conservation biologists must recognize the dynamic relationship between temperature and structure across landscapes and incorporate the landscape elements created by temperature-structure interactions into management decisions.  相似文献   

The vascular plant species richness of upland urban forest patches in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, was found to be positively related to their size. There was no significant relationship between species richness and the distance of these patches to other patches. Mowing and trampling reduced species richness of patches, whereas planting increased richness. Landscape richness can be maintained at a relatively high level by leaving even small unmown forested patches within a more disturbed matrix. However, maximizing landscape diversity would require leaving large forest stands unmown. It is suggested that cultivation be deliberately used as a mechanism for increasing native species richness in urban forests.  相似文献   

The influence of landscape structure on anopheline mosquito density and diversity was studied in a comparison of agricultural and forested landscapes in northern Thailand. Agriculture locations had significantly higher landscape diversity, more patches, smaller mean patch sizes, and more complex patch shapes than forest locations. Mosquito collections were undertaken during both dry and wet seasons from October 1997 to December 1999. The density of two forest-associated species, Anopheles maculatus s.s. and Anopheles minimus s.l., both primary malaria vectors in Thailand, was significantly higher in forest locations in at least one season. The density of two paddy field-associated species, Anopheles aconitus and Anopheles hyrcanus group did not differ between locations. Anopheles aconitus is a secondary malaria vector and An. hyrcanus group is not considered as a vector in Thailand. The density of An. minimus s.l. was positively related to forest mean patch size, various water and paddy field landscape metrics and negatively related to landscape diversity. Anopheles hyrcanus group was also positively related to water metrics. Anopheline species diversity was negatively related to landscape diversity. Forest fragmentation resulting from human economic activities often increases landscape heterogeneity, which may result in a reduction in anopheline species diversity, as was the case in this study. There are indications that the effect of fruit orchards on anopheline diversity might be different in the dry season compared to the wet season. Fruit orchard landscape metrics affected species diversity negatively in the dry season and positively in the wet season. One reason for this could be that pesticides are typically applied in fruit orchards during the dry season. The conversion of forests to fruit orchards is a major land-use change in northern Thailand. These results show the complexity of vector status in northern Thailand and that vector and agriculture pest control are intricately interrelated. It is therefore important to include both the public health and agricultural sectors in controlling malaria vectors in the country. Our results also indicate that if landscape management should be used for malaria control in northern Thailand large-scale reduction and fragmentation of forest cover would be needed. Such drastic actions do not agree well with current global objectives concerning forest and biodiversity conservation This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effects of changing spatial scale on the analysis of landscape pattern   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:62  
The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of changing the grain (the first level of spatial resolution possible with a given data set) and extent (the total area of the study) of landscape data on observed spatial patterns and to identify some general rules for comparing measures obtained at different scales. Simple random maps, maps with contagion (i.e., clusters of the same land cover type), and actual landscape data from USGS land use (LUDA) data maps were used in the analyses. Landscape patterns were compared using indices measuring diversity (H), dominance (D) and contagion (C). Rare land cover types were lost as grain became coarser. This loss could be predicted analytically for random maps with two land cover types, and it was observed in actual landscapes as grain was increased experimentally. However, the rate of loss was influenced by the spatial pattern. Land cover types that were clumped disappeared slowly or were retained with increasing grain, whereas cover types that were dispersed were lost rapidly. The diversity index decreased linearly with increasing grain size, but dominance and contagion did not show a linear relationship. The indices D and C increased with increasing extent, but H exhibited a variable response. The indices were sensitive to the number (m) of cover types observed in the data set and the fraction of the landscape occupied by each cover type (P k); both m and P kvaried with grain and extent. Qualitative and quantitative changes in measurements across spatial scales will differ depending on how scale is defined. Characterizing the relationships between ecological measurements and the grain or extent of the data may make it possible to predict or correct for the loss of information with changes in spatial scale.  相似文献   

Forest roads and landscape structure in the southern Rocky Mountains   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Roadless areas on public lands may serve as environmental baselines against which human-caused impacts on landscape structure can be measured. We examined landscape structure across a gradient of road densities, from no roads to heavily roaded, and across several spatial scales. Our study area was comprised of 46,000 ha on the Roosevelt National Forest in north-central Colorado. When forest stands were delineated on the basis of seral stage and covertype, no relationship was evident between average stand size and road density. Topography appeared to exert a greater influence on average stand size than did road density. There was a significant positive correlation between the fractal dimension of forest stands and road density across all scales. Early-seral stands existed in greater proportions adjacent to roads, suggesting that the effects of roads on landscape structure are somewhat localized. We also looked at changes in landscape structure when stand boundaries were delineated by roads in addition to covertype and seral stage. Overall, there was a large increase in small stands with simple shapes, concurrent with a decline in the number of stands > 100 ha. We conclude that attempts to quantify the departure from naturalness in roaded areas requires an understanding of the factors controlling the structure of unroaded landscapes, particularly where the influence of topography is great. Because roads in forested landscapes influence a variety of biotic and abiotic processes, we suggest that roads should be considered as an inherent component of landscape structure. Furthermore, plans involving both the routing of new roads and the closure of existing ones should be designed so as to optimize the structure of landscape mosaics, given a set of conservation goals.  相似文献   

Nest predation is an important cause of mortality for many bird species, especially in grassland ecosystems where generalist predators have responded positively to human disturbance and landscape fragmentation. Our study evaluated the influence of the composition and configuration of the surrounding landscape on nest predation. Transects consisting of 10 artificial ground nests each were set up in 136 roadsides in six watersheds in south-central Iowa. Nest predation on individual roadside transects ranged from 0 to 100% and averaged 23%. The relationship of landscape structure within spatially-nested landscapes surrounding each roadside transect (within 200, 400, 800, 1200, and 1600 m of the transect line) to nest predation was evaluated by using multiple regression and canonical correlation analyses. The results of this multiscale landscape analysis demonstrated that predation on ground nests was affected by the surrounding landscape mosaic and that nest predators with different-sized home ranges and habitat affinities responded to landscapes in different ways. In general, wooded habitats were associated with greater nest predation, whereas herbaceous habitats (except alfalfa/pasture) either were associated with less nest predation or were not important. Different landscape variables were important at different spatial scales. Whereas some block-cover habitats such as woodland were important at all scales, others such as rowcrops and alfalfa/pasture were important at large scales. Some strip-cover habitats such as gravel roads and paved roads were important at small scales, but others such as wooded roadsides were important at all all scales. Most landscape metrics (e.g., mean patch size and edge density) were important at large scales. Our study demonstrated that the relationships between landscape structure and predator assemblages are complex, thus making efforts to enhance avian productivity in agricultural landscapes a difficult management goal.  相似文献   

The interaction between physical environment and land ownership in creating spatial heterogeneity was studied in largely forested landscapes of northern Wisconsin, USA. A stratified random approach was used in which 2500-ha plots representing two ownerships (National Forest and private non-industrial) were located within two regional ecosystems (extremely well-drained outwash sands and moderately well-drained moraines). Sixteen plots were established, four within each combination of ownership and ecosystem, and the land cover on the plots was classified from aerial photographs using a modified form of the Anderson (U.S. Geological Survey) land use and land cover classification system.Upland deciduous forests dominated by northern hardwoods were common on the moraines for both ownerships. On the outwash, the National Forest was dominated by pine plantations, upland deciduous forests, and upland regenerating forests (as defined by <50% canopy coverage). In contrast, a more even distribution among the classes of upland forest existed on private land/outwash. A strong interaction between ecosystem and ownership was evident for most comparisons of landscape structure. On the moraine, the National Forest ownership had a finer grain pattern with more complex patch shapes compared to private land. On the outwash, in contrast, the National Forest had a coarser grain pattern with less complex patch shapes compared to private land. When patch size and shape were compared between ecosystems within an ownership, statistically significant differences in landscape structure existed on public land but not on private land. On public land, different management practices on the moraine and outwash, primarily related to timber harvesting and road building, created very different landscape patterns. Landscape structure on different ecosystems on private land tended to be similar because ownership was fragmented in both ecosystems and because ownership boundaries often corresponded to patch boundaries on private land. A complex relationship exits between ownership, and related differences in land use, and the physical environment that ultimately constrains land use. Studies that do not consider these interactions may misinterpret the importance of either variable in explaining variation in landscape patterns.  相似文献   

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