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The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters and to perform a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) for predicted methane‐related traits in Japanese Black steers. The methane production and yield traits were predicted using on‐farm measurable traits, such as dry matter intake and average daily gain. A total of 4,578 Japanese Black steers, which were progenies of 362 sires genotyped with imputed 551,995 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), had phenotypes of predicted methane‐related traits during the total fattening period (52 weeks). For the estimation of genetic parameters, the estimated heritabilities were moderate (ranged from 0.57 to 0.60). In addition, the estimated genetic correlations of methane production traits with most of carcass traits and feed‐efficiency traits were unfavorable, but those of methane yield traits were favorable or low. For the GWAS, no genome‐wide significant SNP was detected, but a total of four quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions that explained more than 5.0% of genetic variance were localized on the genome, and some candidate genes associated with growth and feed‐efficiency traits were located on the regions. Our results suggest that the predicted methane‐related traits are heritable and some QTL regions for the traits are localized on the genome in Japanese Black steers.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we performed genome‐wide association study (GWAS) to identify the genomic region associated with Fat area ratio to rib eye area (FAR) and detected a candidate in BTA7 at 10–30 Mbp. The present study aims to comprehensively detect all polymorphisms in the candidate region using whole‐genome resequencing data. Based on whole‐genome resequencing of eight animals, we detected 127,090 polymorphisms within the region. Of these, 31,945 were located within the genes. We further narrowed the polymorphisms to 6,044 with more than five allele differences between the high and low FAR groups that were located within 179 genes. We subsequently investigated the functions of these genes and selected 170 polymorphisms in eight genes as possible candidate polymorphisms. We focused on SLC27A6 K81M as a putative candidate polymorphism. We genotyped the SNP in a Japanese Black population (n = 904) to investigate the effect on FAR. Analysis of variance revealed that SLC27A6 K81M had a lower p‐value (p = .0009) than the most significant SNP in GWAS (p = .0049). Although only SLC27A6 K81M was verified in the present study, subsequent verification of the remaining candidate genes and polymorphisms could lead to the identification of genes and polymorphisms responsible for FAR.  相似文献   

【目的】 挖掘影响地方鸡体尺性状的有效SNP位点及功能基因, 给儋州鸡育种工作提供有效的数据基础和理论支撑。【方法】 共采集200只儋州鸡血样并提取基因组DNA, 利用10×全基因组重测序技术获得全基因组SNP标记并对试验个体基因型进行分型。使用EMMAX软件基于混合线性模型对70日龄的儋州鸡体尺性状(胫长、胫围、体斜长、胸宽、髋骨宽、胸深、龙骨长)进行全基因组关联分析。【结果】 共发现与胫长性状和胫围性状基因组水平显著相关的SNPs位点有12和8个, 与胫长性状相关SNPs分别定位于1、2、4和8号染色体上; 与胫围性状相关的SNPs定位于2、4、8和13号染色体上。预测与胫长相关的候选基因为KCNA1、TPK1、EZH2、FSTL5和AMY2A基因, 与胫围相关的候选基因为TPK1、FSTL5、AMY2ATGFBILECT2和IL-9。通过KEGG通路分析和GO注释发现, 8个基因参与钾离子跨膜转运、硫胺素新陈代谢、细胞增殖、钙离子结合、骨骼肌卫星细胞维持与骨骼肌再生、细胞受体相互作用、生长因子活性等生物学进程。【结论】 本研究发现了20个与儋州鸡体尺性状关联的SNPs位点, 并筛选到8个目标性状候选基因, 为儋州鸡育种提供候选的分子标记, 为地方鸡标记辅助选择提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Gestation length (GL) in cattle is associated with neonatal health and the subsequent reproductive performance of dams. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 25,144 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 4373 animals to detect genetic variants associated with GL as a fetal trait in Japanese Black cattle in Gifu Prefecture. We identified four significant SNPs on chromosome 21 in moderate linkage disequilibrium (LD). The minor allele of the most significant SNP has the effect on −2.47 days GL with a 0.019 allele frequency. Of the 4373 animals, 140 heterozygotes and one homozygote with the minor allele were traced back to a heterozygous sire. The 7.2 Mb LD region harbors three genes: gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit beta3 (GABRB3), arrestin domain containing 4 (ARRDC4), and nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 2 (NR2F2, also known as COUP-TFII). RNA expression analysis and its functions suggest that GABRB3, ARRDC4, and NR2F2 (COUP-TFII) are involved in glucose production via the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis during the fetal stress response at gestation period termination. These results suggest that an increase in the allele frequency of the associated SNPs has an impact on genetic improvement by shortening the GL in the population.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between marbling and serum leptin concentrations. First, we compared serum leptin concentrations between Japanese Black cattle and Holstein calves, and found that the mean serum concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in Japanese Black cattle (2.67 ± 0.41 ng/mL, n = 13) than in Holstein calves (1.79 ± 0.43 ng/mL, n = 5). We then examined the effects of roughage intake or vitamin A on the serum leptin concentrations in Japanese Black cattle. Although the leptin concentrations for the high roughage group were significantly higher than those for the low roughage group at 4, 7 and 20 months old, there was no significant difference in the carcass characteristics of the two groups. In addition, although there was a significant difference in the marbling score between the high vitamin A group and low vitamin A group, there was no significant difference in serum leptin concentrations between the groups. These results suggest that although serum leptin concentrations were not significantly correlated to the marbling scores they may be related to the genetic advantage for marbling in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

We performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) and candidate gene analysis to: (i) evaluate the effectiveness of the GWAS in our small population by performing GWAS for carcass weight (CW) and fatty acid composition; (ii) detect novel candidate regions affecting non‐CW carcass traits, chemical composition and sugar; and (iii) evaluate the association of the candidate genes previously detected in CW and fatty acid composition with other economically important traits. A total of 574 Japanese Black cattle and 40 657 Single nucleotide polymorphisms were used. In addition, candidate gene analyses were performed to evaluate the association of three CW‐related genes and two fatty acid‐related genes with carcass traits, fatty acid composition, chemical composition and sugar. The significant regions with the candidate genes were detected for CW and fatty acid composition, and these results showed that a significant region would be detectable despite the small sample size. The novel candidate regions were detected on BTA23 for crude protein and on BTA19 for fructose. CW‐related genes associated with the rib‐eye area and fatty acid composition were identified, and fatty acid‐related genes had no relationship with other traits. Moreover, the favorable allele of CW‐related genes had an unfavorable effect on fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition is one of the important traits in beef. The aim of this study was to identify candidate genomic regions for fatty acid composition by genome‐wide association study with 50 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array in Japanese Black cattle. A total of 461 individuals and 40 657 SNPs were used in this study. We applied genome‐wide rapid association using mixed model and regression (GRAMMAR) and genomic control approaches to estimate the associations between genotypes and fatty acid composition. In addition, two SNPs in fatty acid synthase (FASN) (T1952A) and stearoyl‐CoA desaturase (SCD) (V293A) genes were also genotyped. Association analysis revealed that 30 significant SNPs for several fatty acids (C14:0, C14:1, C16:1 and C18:1) were located in the BTA19 FASN gene located within this region but the FASN mutation had no significant effect on any traits. We also detected one significant SNP for C18:1 on BTA23 and two SNPs for C16:0 on BTA25. The region around 17 Mb on BTA26 harbored two significant SNPs for C14:1 and SNP in SCD in this region showed the strongest association with C14:1. This study demonstrated novel candidate regions in BTA19, 23 and 25 for fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Chinese indigenous pigs display marked genetic and phenotypic differences compared with western commercial pigs. In this study, we tested the association between 660K SNPs and longissimus muscle fatty acid composition traits in Chinese Erhualian (n = 331) and Bamaxiang (n = 315) pigs based on a customized 1.4 million SNP array. We identified a total of 64 significant associations for 20 fatty acid composition traits at the p‐value threshold of 1 × 10?6 among which 42 associations in low linkage disequilibrium (r< .2) with previously reported loci were considered novel. We substantially improved the strength and precision of the associations at four previously detected loci near FADS2, ELOVL7, ELOVL6 and FASN genes, facilitating follow‐up candidate gene studies. Moreover, we also identified loci near ABCD2, ACSBG1, ELOVL5, HPGDS, DAGT2, ACAD10 and ACSL1 genes with function relevant to metabolism of fatty acids. In this study, valuable genetic variants and candidate genes associated with fatty acid composition traits were identified in Erhualian and Bamaxiang pigs. Some identified loci could be used to improve pork nutrition in pig breeding practice. Using the SNP array with higher marker density and less ascertainment bias improved QTL detection power and precision in Chinese indigenous pigs.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to better understand the genetic architecture and the possibility of genomic evaluation for feed efficiency traits by (i) performing genome‐wide association studies (GWAS), and (ii) assessing the accuracy of genomic evaluation for feed efficiency traits, using single‐step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP)‐based methods. The analyses were performed in residual feed intake (RFI), residual body weight gain (RG), and residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) during three different fattening periods. The phenotypes from 4,578 Japanese Black steers, which were progenies of 362 progeny‐tested bulls and the genotypes from the bulls were used in this study. The results of GWAS showed that a total of 16, 8, and 12 gene ontology terms were related to RFI, RG, and RIG, respectively, and the candidate genes identified in RFI and RG were involved in olfactory transduction and the phosphatidylinositol signaling system, respectively. The realized reliabilities of genomic estimated breeding values were low to moderate in the feed efficiency traits. In conclusion, ssGBLUP‐based method can lead to understand some biological functions related to feed efficiency traits, even with small population with genotypes, however, an alternative strategy will be needed to enhance the reliability of genomic evaluation.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition is an important indicator of beef quality. The objective of this study was to search the potential candidate region for fatty acid composition. We performed pool‐based genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) for oleic acid percentage (C18:1) in a Japanese Black cattle population from the Hyogo prefecture. GWAS analysis revealed two novel candidate regions on BTA9 and BTA14. The most significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in each region were genotyped in a population (n = 899) to verify their effect on C18:1. Statistical analysis revealed that both SNPs were significantly associated with C18:1 (p = .0080 and .0003), validating the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected in GWAS. We subsequently selected VNN1 and LYPLA1 genes as candidate genes from each region on BTA9 and BTA14, respectively. We sequenced full‐length coding sequence (CDS) of these genes in eight individuals and identified a nonsynonymous SNP T66M on VNN1 gene as a putative candidate polymorphism. The polymorphism was also significantly associated with C18:1, but the p value (p = .0162) was higher than the most significant SNP on BTA9, suggesting that it would not be responsible for the QTL. Although further investigation will be needed to determine the responsible gene and polymorphism, our findings would contribute to development of selective markers for fatty acid composition in the Japanese Black cattle of Hyogo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop mathematical equations for describing the change in marbling in Japanese Black steers using longitudinal measurements. Serial ultrasound measurements were taken at 14, 16, 20, and 26 months of age and analyzed using an image analysis software. The longitudinal marbling measurements from the ultrasound images and carcasses were fitted into a nonlinear logistic curve. Data used for the analysis consisted of 749 steers that converged in nonlinear curve fitting and showed reasonable estimated parameters of the logistic curves. The average predicted mature beef marbling score (BMS) and maturation rate were 6.26 and 0.353, respectively, and the average maturity levels at 24 months of age were 83.9%. The heritability estimates for the predicted maturity traits were moderate, indicating that these traits may have potential for genetic improvement. There was a negative relationship between the expected progeny differences between carcass BMS and maturity traits, suggesting that genetic improvement by carcass BMS may lead to the selection of bulls with late maturity for marbling. The results indicate that ultrasound and model building for marbling can be useful tools to correctly select candidate bulls with high marbling in the early fattening period.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism is a condition whereby one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotal sac. Here, we performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) with both a case–control analysis using the GEMMA software accounting for population structure and a BayesB approach in the GenSel software applied to every 1 Mb window of SNPs or haplotypes. The haplotypes were constructed from a genealogical tree using the population of 204 Siberian Huskies. The BayesB analyses identified six putative genomic candidate regions on CFA6, 9, 24, 27 and X. These regions explained a high percentage of genetic variance when compared with other genomic regions. The positional candidate genes Q9TSI5_CANFA (matrix metalloproteinase 9 precursor) on CFA24, ADAMTS20 (ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20) on CFA27 and MID1IP1 (MID1 interacting protein 1) on CFAX are known to be functionally related to extracellular matrix remodelling, which might be important for gubernaculum elongation and thus interrupting normal testicular descent. Further mutation screening in these candidate regions on CFA6, 9, 24, 27 and X is needed. Next generation sequencing will help to uncover rare variants associated with cryptorchidism in this dog population.  相似文献   

Marker‐assisted selection (MAS) is expected to accelerate the genetic improvement of Japanese Black cattle. However, verification of the effects of the genes for MAS in different subpopulations is required prior to the application of MAS. In this study, we investigated the allelic frequencies and genotypic effects for carcass traits of six genes, which can be used in MAS, in eight local subpopulations. These genes are SCD, FASN and SREBP1, which are associated with the fatty acid composition of meat, and NCAPG, MC1R and F11, which are associated with carcass weight, coat color and blood coagulation abnormality, respectively. The frequencies of desirable alleles of SCD and FASN were relatively high and that of NCAPG was relatively low, and NCAPG was significantly associated with several carcass traits, including carcass weight. The proportions of genotypic variance explained by NCAPG to phenotypic variance were 4.83 for carcass weight. We thus confirmed that NCAPG is a useful marker for selection of carcass traits in these subpopulations. In addition, we found that the desirable alleles of six genes showed no negative effects on carcass traits. Therefore, selection using these genes to improve target traits should not have negative impacts on carcass traits.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study is to evaluate the association between fatty acid composition and fatty acid synthase gene polymorphisms as responsible mutations. For this purpose, we selected seven previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in FASN gene, including one within promoter region (g.841G>C) and six non‐synonymous SNPs (g.8805C>T, g.13126C>T, g.15532A>C, g.16024A>G, g.16039C>T, g.17924A>G), and genotyped them in Japanese Black cattle. Genotyping results revealed that g.8805 C>T and g.17924 A>G were monomorphic loci. Genome‐wide association analysis including the other five SNPs revealed that only g.841G>C showed significant associations with the percentages of C14:0, C14:1, C16:1 and C18:1 at 5% genome‐wide significance level. In order to further evaluate the effect, we genotyped g.841G>C using additional three populations, including two Japanese Black populations and a Holstein cattle population. g.16024A>G was also genotyped and included in the analysis because it has been reported to be associated with fatty acid composition in Japanese Black cattle. In the result of analysis of variance, g.841G>C showed stronger effects on fatty acid percentage than those of g.16024A>G in all populations. These results suggested that g.841G>C would be a responsible mutation for fatty acid composition and contribute to production of high‐grade beef as a selection marker in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Progress of genome wide association study in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: Domestic animals are invaluable resources for study of the molecular architecture of complex traits. Although the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for economically important traits in domestic animals has achieved remarkable results in recent decades, not all of the genetic variation in the complex traits has been captured because of the low density of markers used in QTL mapping studies. The genome wide association study (GWAS), which utilizes high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), provides a new way to tackle this issue. Encouraging achievements in dissection of the genetic mechanisms of complex diseases in humans have resulted from the use of GWAS. At present, GWAS has been applied to the field of domestic animal breeding and genetics, and some advances have been made. Many genes or markers that affect economic traits of interest in domestic animals have been identified. In this review, advances in the use of GWAS in domestic animals are described.  相似文献   

The polymorphisms associated with economic traits in livestock animals provide useful information as genetic indicators for breeding improvement. Over the last two decades, several DNA markers have been developed in Japanese Black cattle; however, the effect of these markers differs across populations due to differences in their genetic structures and backgrounds. As such, there is a need to verify the effectiveness of these markers in each population. This review summarizes the effectiveness of previously reported markers on carcass traits and the development of novel DNA markers in a Japanese Black cattle population in Hyogo Prefecture. As result of genome wide association studies and resequencing analyses, two novel significant markers associated with meat quality-related traits (beef marbling and fatty acid composition) were developed. These findings will lead to the identification of responsible genes and polymorphisms and contribute to the development of novel DNA markers for numerous traits in various cattle populations.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we detected a QTL for the oleic acid percentage (C18:1) on BTA9 in Japanese Black cattle through a genome‐wide association study (GWAS). In this study, we performed whole‐genome resequencing on eight animals with higher and lower C18:1 to identify candidate polymorphisms for the QTL. A total of 39,658 polymorphisms were detected in the candidate region, which were narrowed to 1993 polymorphisms within 23 genes based on allele differences between the high and low C18:1 groups. We subsequently selected three candidate genes, that is, CYB5R4, MED23, and VNN1, among the 23 genes based on their function in fatty acid metabolism. In each candidate gene, three SNPs, that is, CYB5R4 c.*349G > T, MED23 c.3700G > A, and VNN1 c.197C > T, were selected as candidate SNPs to verify their effect on C18:1 in a Japanese Black cattle population (n = 889). The statistical analysis showed that these SNPs were significantly associated with C18:1 (p < 0.05), suggesting that they were candidates for the QTL. In conclusion, we successfully narrowed the candidates for the QTL by detecting possible polymorphisms located within the candidate region. It is expected that the responsible polymorphism can be identified by demonstrating their effect on the gene's function.  相似文献   

There is increasing use of dense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for whole‐genome association studies (WGAS) in livestock to map and identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). These studies rely on linkage disequilibrium (LD) to detect an association between SNP genotypes and phenotypes. The power and precision of these WGAS are unknown, and will depend on the extent of LD in the experimental population. One complication for WGAS in livestock populations is that they typically consist of many paternal half‐sib families, and in some cases full‐sib families; unless this subtle population stratification is accounted for, many spurious associations may be reported. Our aim was to investigate the power, precision and false discovery rates of WGAS for QTL discovery, with a commercial SNP array, given existing patterns of LD in cattle. We also tested the efficiency of selective genotyping animals. A total of 365 cattle were genotyped for 9232 SNPs. We simulated a QTL effect as well as polygenic and environmental effects for all animals. One QTL was simulated on a randomly chosen SNP and accounted for 5%, 10% or 18% of the total variance. The power to detect a moderate‐sized additive QTL (5% of the phenotypic variance) with 365 animals genotyped was 37% (p < 0.001). Most importantly, if pedigree structure was not accounted for, the number of false positives significantly increased above those expected by chance alone. Selective genotyping also resulted in a significant increase in false positives, even when pedigree structure was accounted for.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic parameters were obtained for body measurement traits of 648 animals at 4 months of age, of 545 at 8 months and carcass traits of 14 972 animals with the use of an animal model by the restricted maximum likelihood procedure. The estimated heritabilities for carcass traits were high (0.41 to 0.54). At 4 months the estimated direct heritabilities for body measurement traits were moderate to high (0.28 to 0.64), except for chest width (0.19); at 8 months they were also moderate to high (0.23 to 0.49), except for chest depth and chest width (0.18 and 0.06, respectively). Maternal heritabilities for all body measurement traits were low at both ages. The results indicate that because of their moderate direct genetic correlations with body measurement traits, carcass weight, rib thickness and subcutaneous fat thickness can be improved; however, rib eye area and beef marbling standard show little such possibility considering their correlation with body measurement traits.  相似文献   

全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)是一种研究经济性状候选基因的分析方法。近年来,随着家畜全基因组测序的完成,大量的单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)被标识,GWAS也越来越多地应用于家畜重要性状的研究领域中,在动物遗传育种中,通过对家畜基因组进行GWAS分析研究,找到控制家畜主要经济性状的重要SNPs,从而挖掘重要经济性状的候选基因。作者详细综述了GWAS的分析方法及其在重要家畜育种中的研究进展。GWAS分析方法包括基因组控制法(genommic control)、分层分析法(stratification analysis)、主成分分析法(principal components analysis,PAC)和混合线性模型分析法(mixed-linear-model association,MLMA),通路分析方法包括非核算法(基因功能富集分析(gene set enrichment analysis,GSEA)和分层贝叶斯优取(hierarchical Bayes prioritization,HBP))和核算法。依据不同的目标性状选择合理的分析方法,提高GWAS分析结果的准确性,为进一步利用GWAS分析各种性状的遗传基础提供合理的借鉴。  相似文献   

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