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对虾白斑综合征(WSS)和桃拉综合征(TS)是危害我国对虾养殖业的两大病毒病。1993年起我国养殖的中国对虾、日本对虾、斑节对虾中先后暴发白斑综合征,造成重大损失,为恢复对虾养殖产业,我国引进并推广了对白斑综合征有较强抗性的南美白对虾,1998年后该虾在我国逐步形成规模养殖,产量迅速提高,  相似文献   

对虾养殖业是我国海水养殖的支柱性产业,也是亚洲和美洲许多发展中国家的支柱性海洋产业。我国的对虾养殖产量和养殖规模曾在19881992年居于世界首位,年产量达20多万吨,年产值近百亿元,产生了显著的经济效益和社会效益.为我国沿海农村经济的发展做出了巨大贡献。但是,1993年养殖对虾病害的暴发性流行,导致了整个对虾养殖产业的严重滑坡,不仅对虾养殖业本身经济损失巨大,而且相关的对虾加工和出口等行业也受到严重影响,我国由对虾出口国变为进口国。近几年来,我国加强了对虾病害防治和养殖高新技术的研究与应用,同时也积极引进凡纳对虾(俗称南美白对虾)和细角对虾(俗称蓝对虾)等新的虾种进行养殖,特别是我国华南地区采用高位池和过滤海水防病养虾系统等高新技术进行凡纳对虾和斑节对虾养殖取得了显著的成功,促进了我国对虾养殖产量的迅速回升,对虾养殖业又开始出现增产增收的良好局面。2000年华南地区养殖对虾产量增长迅速,达到12万多吨,其中约5万吨是凡纳对虾;仅广东省就达到7.5万多吨.超过全国产量的1/3。采用新的集约化防病养殖技术,凡纳对虾单造产量普遍达到510吨,公顷,高的年产量已达到20吨,公顷,在江苏、山东等地进行小规模养殖也取得了成功,其养殖成功率和效益优于我国原有的斑节对虾和中国对虾,华南地区现已成为我国养殖对虾的主产区。2000年我国华南地区引进细角对虾进行试养取得成功,个别地区单造产量达到610吨,公顷,成为我国南方对虾养殖中又一个新的种类。但是,国内对于细角对虾的研究刚刚开始,缺乏专门介绍该虾的资料,广大虾农对此虾也了解不多。作者在此对细角对虾的养殖技术作一简单介绍,并与凡纳对虾等其他滨对虾属种类进行比较,提供给有关科研人员和养虾业者参考,希望对我国细角对虾养殖技术的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

基于绿色经济视角的中国对虾产业链分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对虾产业在全球对虾的生产贸易中占有重要的地位,但随着绿色经济新形势的不断发展,对虾产业发展也面临不少突出的问题.在绿色经济相关文献综述的基础上,本文探讨了中国对虾产业链的问题及其相应的对策建议,并指出中国对虾产业要突破多维困境、实现可持续发展,必须走组织化、科学化、集约化和效益化的绿色发展道路.  相似文献   

南美白对虾是原产于中南美洲,与斑节对虾、中国对虾一起被世界公认为三大优良养殖对虾品种.由于南美白对虾具有生长快、繁殖季节长、营养要求低、适应性强、离水存活时间长、加工出肉率等优良特点,从上世纪80年代末引进我国以来,养殖面积及产量逐年提高,现已成为我国的主要水产养殖品种.种苗是养殖产业技术的真正支撑,对虾种苗质量的优劣直接关系到后期的养殖效果.  相似文献   

南美白对虾具有较强的抗病力与较高的养殖经济效益,我国大陆早在1988年就引进了该品种,但大规模养殖却始于1998年。南美白对虾具有其他对虾不可替代的优点,如它对营养需求较低,出肉率高、生长速度快,耐低氧能力强、盐度适应范围广等。尤其是自1992年白斑病、黄头病肆虐我国大陆养殖的中国对虾、斑节对虾以来,南美白对虾以其对这两种病具有较强的抵抗能力获得飞速发展,[第一段]  相似文献   

“中国生产对虾内销达85%!”在2012年5月23日开幕的第四届中国对虾产业发展论坛上,中国水产流通与加工协会常务副会长兼秘书长崔和向大会通报。中国对虾贸易:国产对虾内销超过八成2011年我国虾类出口表现良好,出口量达30.5万吨,同比增长11.0%;出口额达21.9亿美元,  相似文献   

我国对虾养殖从2000年以来发展很快、产量年年提高,当前养殖对虾产量占世界总产量一半以上,对虾养殖是我国水产重要支柱产业,是水产出口的重要产品,如何提高我国对虾养殖产品的质量,养殖无公害、绿色产品、优质的对虾,使人们食的放心,并在国际上获得良好的信誉,是关系到我国对虾养殖可持续发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus orientalis)的养殖曾经是我国海水养殖的重要产业,但传统的养殖模式及其养殖技术已不能够解决所面临的新问题。为探求中国对虾养殖新模式,营口市水产科学研究所于2004年至2005年承担了辽宁省海洋与渔业厅项目“中国对虾深水池塘养殖高产模式的研究”。  相似文献   

吴晨 《现代渔业信息》2012,27(2):102-107
基于GEM模型的6个要素分析我国对虾产业省际间竞争力的现状,研究表明:广东和福建对虾产业集群竞争力普遍较高,广西和海南对虾产业集群竞争力提升水平较快,而上海和山东对虾产业集群竞争力普遍呈下降趋势。文章的结论是:应加大种苗繁育技术投入力度、整合对虾产业链、保护有限的海洋和土地资源以及构建新型养殖关系,确保我国省际间对虾产业集群竞争力的不断提升。  相似文献   

为什么要养殖无公害对虾产品?近几年来我国对虾养殖业在各级政府的重视下,在广大水产科技工作和养殖生产的共同努力下,克服一切困难,取得了可喜的成绩。1998年全国养虾面积和产量恢复到历史最高水平,之后又是直线上升,2002年已居世界首位,达30多万t(我国水产养殖产量占世界总产量的80%)。对虾产品占水产养殖的重要地位,是出口创汇的主要水产品之一。  相似文献   

Consumers have become increasingly concerned with the quality, safety and production features of food. Certain population segments will pay more for food products carrying a label identifying credence features that consumers cannot evaluate, even after consumption. Seventy-nine market research questionnaires were completed by consumers purchasing live shrimp at two harvest sales at a University of Florida pond aquaculture facility. A conjoint analysis experiment was included to quantify the utility value and relative importance of seven different shrimp product physical and credence features: species, size, refrigeration state, product form, purchase price, country of origin label, and production method label. Both credence features had positive impacts on shrimp product utility, with country of origin label conferring higher positive utility than any other shrimp feature. Utility associated with wild-harvested shrimp was slightly higher than the utility of farm-raised shrimp. These results provide justification of seafood industry support for mandatory country of origin labeling.  相似文献   

养殖对虾新品种培育技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了国内外有关养殖对虾遗传改良研究的现状,并对选择育种、杂交育种、多倍体育种、人工雌核发育和转基因育种等手段研究进展进行了详细分析。提出利用现代生物学的新技术、新方法改造传统养殖业,将传统的育种研究技术与现代生物学技术相结合,加快培育优质、抗逆对虾养殖新品种是从根本上解决困扰对虾养殖业发展的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

对虾养殖的曙光   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了我国在虾病病原、病理及诊断方面的进展,例举了一些虾病防治方面的成功经验,并认为对虾养殖业的发展出现了曙光。  相似文献   


In contrast to the stabilization or decline of wild fishery harvests, aquaculture's contribution to the world fish supply is steadily increasing. Aquaculture has begun to have a major influence on the trade of export‐orientated species such as salmon and shrimp. This paper reviews the role of aquaculture in international trade and the research which has been conducted to examine its influence. Despite the growing significance of aquaculture on international trade, especially for shrimp and salmon, formal analysis of the shrimp trade is sparse, only moderate for salmon, and essentially nonexistent for other species. This paper also presents specific examples of how aquaculture has played an important role in international trade. These include an examination of: (1) the influence of shrimp aquaculture and trade on the development of a shrimp futures contract; and (2) the countervailing duty and antidumping case against the Norwegian farmed salmon industry.  相似文献   

对虾免疫机能研究概况   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陈国福 《水产学报》2004,28(2):209-215
Shrimp farming is an important source of revenue and employment in many developing countries.However, infectious diseases have adversely affected the profitability of shrimp industry. For this reason, disease prevention is a priority and shrimp immunology has become a crucial research area of this field. In this paper, the current importance and problems of shrimp-culture were described and the research advances in shrimp immunological defence mechanisms were summarized. The immunological tools are powerful and useful to evaluate the health state of the shrimp. The immunologies of shrimp mainly consist of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. In regard to cellular parameters, they are composed of haemocyte count (THC), differential haemocyte count (DHC) and reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs). The immunity ceils exert their defence functions through phagocytizing, enveloping, etc, and the changes of THC and DHC are related to health state of shrimp. The ROIs generated during post phagocytic event which maybe an important marker to evaluate the immunological capability and phenoloxidase activity have been considered as a potential marker which is relevant to the health of the shrimp too. Concerning humoral parameters, prophenoloxidase (ProPO) and phenoloxidase,antimicrobial peptides and proteins, hemagglutinin and plasma proteins were described. The determining methods of immunity parameters were discussed. The response of shrimp to pathogens such as bacteria, virus, etc. and environmental factors such as DO, pH, etc, were also reviewed. It is well-known that the immune responses induced by immunizing crustacean or shrimp are mainly the non-specific immune responses. The potential of immunological parameters, including the changes of THC and DHC, the production of ROIs, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, antibacterial activity of plasma, and so on, to appraise the healthy state of shrimp were partly discussed. The future directions for the evaluation of the immunological capability of shrimp were proposed.  相似文献   

文章探讨了无公害健康养殖与环保饲料营养的关系以及环保饲料的应用,对环保饲料的营养饲料源、添加剂的质量要求、研制环保饲料的重要性,对食品安全和养殖安全的关系,以及环保饲料在无公害健康养殖的应用技术进行分析。  相似文献   

世界对虾生产及其贸易特征分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
文章利用统计数据分析了近20年来世界对虾生产和贸易的主要特征。结果表明,随着对虾养殖业的迅猛发展,世界对虾生产出现了从捕捞到养殖的巨大变化,对虾贸易规模也呈现稳步增长的态势;对虾贸易具有典型的由发展中国家流向发达国家的特点,2006年从发展中国家向发达国家的对虾净出口额不低于98.7亿美元;出口商品结构以冷冻虾为主,制作保藏虾的比例稳步上升;对虾进口主要集中在欧盟、美国、日本3大市场,而对虾出口以东南亚和美洲国家为主,但出口国间的竞争优势差异较大,中国对虾出口竞争力较其它东南亚主要出口国明显要弱。  相似文献   

The marine ornamental industry relies almost exclusively on wild-caught fish, invertebrates, and live rock to meet the market demands of aquarium hobbyists. For the industry to expand, appropriate technologies are needed to mitigate disease problems and reduce the dependence on wild stocks. Biosecurity protocols and techniques for genetic improvement have recently been applied to the culture of penaeid shrimp for human consumption, and these approaches may be applicable to an emerging marine ornamental industry. Biosecure production systems for penaeid shrimp are being developed in response to disease problems and growing concerns about environmental pollution from pond effluent. Biosecure systems rely on minimal water exchange and provide shrimp farmers with an opportunity to move production away from the coastline. In addition to the development of biosecure production systems, researchers at the Oceanic Institute have established a selective breeding program for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. To date, significant improvements in shrimp growth and disease resistance have been made through selective breeding. It is likely that advances in biosecure technologies and genetic improvement will be applicable to the culture of marine ornamental shellfish and finfish and will contribute to an economically viable and environmentally sustainable industry.  相似文献   

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