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冷却猪肉分别采用真空包装、CO+CO2+N2气调包装、高浓度O2+CO2+N2气调包装和低浓度O2+CO2+N2气调包装后,在(4±1)℃贮存至21 d,贮存过程中每周测定理化指标(pH值、TVB-N值、TBA值、汁液流失率),并进行感官评定。实验结果表明:1)CO-MAP是目前冷却肉保鲜方法中比较理想的一种,采用CO-MAP的冷却猪肉在21 d的贮存过程中,不仅TVB-N值和TBA值低,红色稳定,而且无任何异味。2)真空包装的冷却猪肉TVB-N值和TBA值也比较低,但色泽呈淡紫色,汁液流失率高。3)含氧气调包装中,冷却猪肉的TVB-N值和TBA值相对较高,特别是脂肪氧化加速,鲜红色泽1周后很快变为褐色,并有不良气味产生,但汁液流失率比较低,所以含氧包装仅适合保质期在1周以内的冷却猪肉。  相似文献   


Odour-mediated effects of leek Allium porum and chives Allium schoenoprasum (Alliaceae) on the host searching behaviour of the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were studied. In an olfactometer, odour of the host plant sweet pepper Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae) was significantly attractive, whereas odour of chives was significantly repellent. Combined odour of sweet pepper and chives was neither attractive nor repellent. When sweet pepper plants were exposed to volatiles from chives for five days, their odour subsequently became repellent to M. persicae. An extract of leek plants was significantly repellent to aphids in the olfactometer, as were sweet pepper plants sprayed with this extract. Because both leek and chives can disrupt host finding by the aphid, both plants have potential for intercropping with sweet pepper. If successful in the field, such a system could bring economic benefits for farmers in the wet zone of Sri Lanka and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Application of comparative taste dilution analyses on nonalkalized and alkalized cocoa powder revealed the detection of a velvety, smoothly astringent tasting fraction, which was predominantly present in the alkalized sample. LC-MS/MS analysis, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and CD spectroscopy as well as model alkalization reactions led to the unequivocal identification of the velvety, smoothly astringent molecules as a series of catechin- and epicatechin-C-glycopyranosides. Besides the previously reported (-)-epicatechin-8-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, additional flavan-3-ol-C-glycosides, namely, (-)-epicatechin-8-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-8-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-epicatechin-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-8-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-diglucopyranoside, (-)-epicatechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-digalactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-digalactopyranoside, and epicatechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-diglucopyranoside, were identified for the first time in cocoa. Most surprisingly, these phenol glycoconjugates were demonstrated by model experiments to be formed via a novel nonenzymatic C-glycosylation of flavan-3-ols. Using the recently developed half-tongue test, human recognition thresholds for the astringent and mouth-drying oral sensation were determined to be between 1.1 and 99.5 micro mol/L (water) depending on the sugar and the intramolecular binding position as well as the aglycone.  相似文献   

Differences in the compositions of volatiles from dried omija fruits (Schisandra chinensis Baillon) cultivated in different areas (Mungyeong, Jangsu, Jechon, and Hoengseong) in South Korea were determined by applying principal component analysis to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data sets. Quantitative assessments revealed that terpene hydrocarbons, such as germacrene D, β-selinene, α-ylangene, β-elemene, α-selinene, and (E)-β-farnesene, were the main volatiles in all omija fruit samples. On the other hand, (E)-β-ocimene, calarene, (E)-β-farnesene, β-selinene, nonanal, 2-methylbutanoic acid, benzoic acid, 2,3-butanediol, and phenethyl alcohol were the major volatile components that contributed to the discrimination between omija fruit samples from the four cultivation areas. In addition, aroma-active compounds in four dried omija fruits were investigated and compared by gas chromatography-olfactometry using aroma extract dilution analysis. (E)-β-Ocimene (floral and herbaceous), α-pinene (pine-like and woody), hexanal (cut grass-like), 5-methylfurfural (burnt sugar-like and sweet), and α-terpinene (minty, green, and fresh) were important aroma-active compounds in all omija samples. Interestingly, the flavor dilution factors of most aroma-active compounds were lower for omija sample cultivated in Hoengseong than for those cultivated in Mungyeong, Jangsu, and Jechon.  相似文献   

Free and bound volatile components of a Brazilian cashew apple variety (Anacardium occidentale L. var. nanum) were obtained by simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE) and XAD-2 adsorption. According to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses and retention indices, 62 free volatile constituents were characterized and quantified. They were esters (40%), terpenes (20%), hydrocarbons (14%), fatty acids (9%), aldehydes (8%), alcohols (3%), lactones (3%), ketones (1%), phenols (1%), and norisoprenoids (1%). The glycosidically bound volatile precursors were analyzed by high-temperature GC-MS, after room temperature silylation. Several conjugated alcohols and cinnamic acids were detected and reported as cashew apple glycosyl constituents for the first time.  相似文献   

Illegal, large-scale driftnets are still used in several Mediterranean areas. According to international official sources, Morocco harbors the bulk of this fleet in the Mediterranean. To ascertain its biodiversity impact, 369 fishing operations (worth 4140 km of driftnets set) made by the driftnet fleet targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) based in Al Hoceima (Alboran Sea) were monitored between December 2002 and September 2003. Parallel surveys were made in the main Mediterranean ports and in that of Tangiers, in the Gibraltar Straits, to estimate the total fishing effort. Results showed an active driftnet fleet conservatively estimated at 177 units. Estimated average net length ranges from 6.5 to 7.1 km, depending on the port, though actual figures are suspected to be much higher (12-14 km). Most boats perform driftnet fishing all year round, resulting in very high annual effort levels. A total of 237 dolphins (short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, and striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba), 498 blue sharks (Prionace glauca), 542 shortfin makos (Isurus oxyrinchus) and 464 thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus) were killed by the boats monitored during the sampling period, during the peak of the swordfish fishery, along with 2990 swordfish. Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) was also caught (46 individuals). Estimates for a 12-month period by the whole driftnet fleet yielded 3110-4184 dolphins (both species) and 20,262-25,610 pelagic sharks distributed in roughly equal proportions for P. glauca, I. oxyrinchus and A. vulpinus, in the Alboran Sea alone; further 11,589-15,127 dolphins and 62,393-92,601 sharks would be killed annually around the Straits of Gibraltar. Dolphins suffer from annual take rates exceeding 10% of their population sizes in the Alboran Sea; this unsustainable impact is particularly worrying for D. delphis, because its last remnant healthy population in the Mediterranean occurs in this area. Average catch rate for swordfish, the main target species, amounted to only 0.8 individuals/km net set. Pelagic sharks are actively targeted by a part of the fleet.  相似文献   

Monomeric phenols, color and copigmentation parameters, pigments with different chemical structure, tannin, glucose, fructose, glycerol, ethanol, and organic acids were determined in DOC red wines from Marche (Italy), obtained during three different vintages ranging from 1996 to 2000. The intensity of the bitter and astringent tastes of the wines was determined with panel tastings. Lacrima di Morro and Vernaccia di Serrapetrona (obtained from local cultivars) were different from Rosso Piceno, Rosso Piceno Superiore, and Rosso Conero (produced from different percentages of Sangiovese and Montepulciano). Vernaccia, a red, sweet, "spumante" wine, was an outlier. Lacrima showed a low tannin content, a high content of small pigments and phenols, and a high ratio of copigmented color, which persisted after 3 years of aging. The chemical determinations accounted for a high percentage of variability of measured panel astringency, copigmented color, and measured wine absorbance at 520 nm. It was not possible to create a predictive model for bitterness.  相似文献   

High African elephant stocking rates in nature reserves in southern Africa have been shown to have significant impacts on vegetation structure and diversity. However, the direct and indirect effects of elephants on fauna, particularly invertebrates, remain poorly known. The Maputaland Centre of Endemism, an area of southern Mozambique and northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, is undergoing rapid rates of habitat conversion. Sand Forest, the rarest vegetation type in the Centre, is threatened by human disturbance outside of protected areas and by elephant browsing pressure in Tembe Elephant Park, one of the few protected areas for Sand Forest. Here we examine the effects of elephant- and human-induced disturbance to Sand Forest on a functionally important component of invertebrate diversity, i.e. the dung beetle fauna. The dung beetle assemblage associated with elephant-disturbed Sand Forest was transitional between undisturbed Sand Forest and Mixed Woodland, whereas that associated with human disturbance was markedly different to either habitat type. Differences are attributed to a change in habitat structure under both disturbance types, as well as to changes in the quality and distribution of dung under human disturbance. Therefore, grazing impacts by elephant not only affect plant diversity, but also implement changes in invertebrate fauna. The maintenance of the integrity of the Sand Forest–Mixed Woodland matrix is considered critical for biodiversity conservation in the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. Management of elephant populations, as well as the protection of sufficient Sand Forest inside conservation areas must, therefore, necessarily form part of the conservation strategy for the Centre.  相似文献   

GIS-based modeling of a species’ environmental requirements using known occurrence records can provide estimates of its distribution for conservation assessments when other data are lacking. We used collection records, environmental variables, maps of land cover and protected areas, and the Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction (GARP) to estimate the historical, current, and protected ranges of the spiny pocket mice present in Ecuador (Heteromys australis and H. teleus). The results suggest that ca. 52-63% of the distributional areas of H. australis in the country are intact, but suitable habitat in protected areas represents only approximately 11-13% of the species’ historical range there. The distribution of H. teleus has been much more reduced, with only ca. 13-19% of its historical distribution still forested and an estimated 2-3% intact and falling in protected areas. Our work highlights critical areas for future fieldwork and demonstrates an integrated approach to estimating a species’ current distribution for preliminary conservation assessments.  相似文献   

Results are compared for the approved Gerber method that specifies a TC 11.07 mL pipet and 2 modifications that specify a TC 10.77 mL pipet or a weighed 11.125 g sample of milk rather than a pipetted sample. All results were also compared with results obtained with the Mojonnier method for determining the fat content of raw milk. The standard deviation is somewhat lower for the Mojonnier method than for any of the Gerber methods; among the Gerber methods, the standard deviations were lower for the TC 10.77 mL and 11.125 g modifications. It is recommended that one of these modifications replace the current specified TC 11.07 mL pipet method.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on monomer beta-lactoglobulin (BLg) at acid pH by fluorescence spectroscopy under pressure and by circular dichroism (CD) and (1)H NMR spectroscopies after release of pressure. The intrinsic (tryptophan) fluorescence measurement and the study of 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate (ANS) binding to BLg indicated that at pH 2.0 the recovery of center of spectral mass or ANS fluorescence was almost complete upon pressure release. No difference in (1)H NMR spectra was observed between pressurized and unpressurized BLg. In addition, NMR detection of the H/D exchange of aromatic protein indicated that the conformation of the vicinity of tryptophan residues could be refolded almost completely after release of pressure. These results seemingly confirm that the pressure-induced denaturation of BLg at pH 2.0 is reversible. However, cis-parinaric acid binding ability of pressurized BLg was largely lost, although its retinol binding ability was the same as its unpressurized one. Furthermore, CD spectra of the far-UV region and 2D NMR spectra evidently revealed the difference in the conformation of the molecule between unpressurized and pressurized BLg. These results are interpreted as an existence of partially fragile structure in the BLg molecule by high pressure.  相似文献   

Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), is a severe pest of apples, pears, and walnuts worldwide, and new approaches for precise monitoring and management would be beneficial. Ninety-two pome fruit volatiles were formulated in 23 distinct blends, of which a single 4-component blend of 10-carbon esters showed the only significant attraction of moths in field bioassays conducted in both walnut and apple orchards. A single constituent of this blend, ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate--the "pear ester", was the major contributing attractant. The pear ester attracted both male and female moths in combined numbers that were comparable to the attractiveness of conspecific sex pheromone. Structure-activity tests were conducted in a series of orchard trials to determine the specificity of attraction of codling moths to the pear ester kairomone. No analogue 10-carbon alcohols, aldehydes, acetates, or other esters elicited significant moth capture responses. Tests with various analogue esters with alcohol chain length moiety substitutions of the (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoic acid elicited differential capture responses, with the ethyl exceeding the propyl, methyl, butyl, and hexyl analogues. The (E,Z) geometric isomers of this series of (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoic acid esters far exceeded the attractiveness of the (E,E) isomers. The pear ester is a potent attractant of both males and females, and codling moths are highly discriminating and specific in their structure-activity-based attraction to this pear-derived kairomone. These specificity attributes should allow this host plant kairomone to contribute to new abilities for female monitoring and the potential of development of novel and highly selective control practices that should decrease the current dependence on the use of broad-spectrum insecticides.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum (F-19) is a serious threat to sugar beet. Resistance exists, but the basis for resistance and disease is unknown. Protein extracts from sugar beet genotypes C1200.XH024 (resistant, R) and Fus7 (susceptible, S) were analyzed by multidimensional liquid chromatography at 2 and 5 days postinoculation (dpi) and compared to mock-inoculated controls. One hundred twenty-one (R) and 73 (S) protein peaks were induced/repressed by F-19, approximately 12 (R) and 8% (S) of the total proteome detected. Temporal protein regulation occurred within and between each genotype, indicating that the timing of expression may be important for resistance. Thirty-one (R) and 48 (S) of the differentially expressed peaks were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization with tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry; others were below detection level. Comparison between the two genotypes uncovered R- and S-specific proteins with potential roles in resistance and disease development, respectively. Use of these proteins to select for new sources of resistance and to develop novel disease control strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The measurement of antioxidant capacity in fruits differs from that of other biological samples due to their low pH and very low lipophilic antioxidant capacity. In this report, we present a modified 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) method for fruits and compare its performance with the other commonly used antioxidant methods of 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The antioxidant capacity and reaction kinetics of four phenolic compounds, two antioxidant standards, and five fruits were also investigated. The modified ABTS method prepared at a pH of 4.5 with sodium acetate buffer is highly stable and easily applied to fruit samples as compared to the standard (pH 7.4) version. The measured antioxidant capacity of samples varied with the assay method used, pH, and time of reaction. Traditional antioxidant standards (trolox, ascorbic acid) displayed stable, simple reaction kinetics, which allowed end point analysis with all of assays. Of the phenolic compounds examined, chlorogenic and caffeic acids exhibited the most complex reaction kinetics and reaction rates that precluded end point analysis while gallic acid and quercetin reached stable end points. All fruit extracts exhibited complex and varied kinetics and required long reaction times to approach an end point. Because the antioxidant capacity of fruit extracts is a function of the array of individual antioxidants present, accurate comparisons among fruit samples require that reaction times be standardized and of sufficient length to reach steady state conditions and that more than one assay be used to describe the total antioxidant activity of fruit samples.  相似文献   

Radix Astragali (root of Astragalus; Huangqi) is a popular traditional Chinese medicine, and Astragalus membranaceus and A. membranaceus var. mongolicus are two commonly used species; however, there are many Astragalus species that could act as adulterants of Radix Astragali. To find the chemical composition of Radix Astragali, the main constituents including flavonoids, saponins, polysaccharides, amino acids, and trace elements were determined in two Radices Astragali, A. membranaceus and A. membranaceus var. mongolicus, and its eight adulterants, Astragalus propinquus, Astragalus lepsensis, Astragalus aksuensis, Astragalus hoantchy, Astragalus hoantchy subsp. dshimensis, Astragalus lehmannianus, Astragalus sieversianus, and Astragalus austrosibiricus. The results showed that the amounts of main constituents such as isoflavonoids and astragalosides varied in different species. In distinction, A. membranaceus and A. membranaceus var. mongolicus contained a higher amount of astragaloside I and IV. In addition, the main constituents of A. membranaceus var.mongholicus changed according to seasonal variation and age of the plant. The chemical composition of different species of Astragalus would provide useful information for the quality control of Radix Astragali.  相似文献   

Due to a pH-sensitive effect in many fish hemoglobins (Hb), analytical errors may occur when mammalian Hb is used as a standard in quantitative spectrophotometric multicomponent analysis of fish blood. The aim of this work was to examine differences in the optical spectra of mammalian (human) and fish (farmed Atlantic cod) Hb subjected to pH 7.4 and 6.5. The absorption spectra of the common derivatives, deoxy- (HHb), oxy- (OHb), carboxy- (COHb), and methemoglobin (metHb), were determined in the spectral range of 450-700 nm. The metHb spectra of fish differed considerably from the corresponding human Hb spectra, whereas only minor differences in OHb, HHb, and COHb were found. Cod Hb was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by a drop in pH compared to mammalian Hb. This resulted in deoxygenation of the Hb and increased autoxidation. For human Hb, a pH-independent isosbestic point in the spectra of OHb, HHb, and metHb at 523 nm was found. This isosbestic point was not found in the absorption spectra of cod Hb. In conclusion, spectra of cod metHb and human metHb behave differently. This must thus be taken into account in spectrophotometric multicomponent analysis. Ideally, Hb in muscle or blood should be determined by comparison to a standard made from the same species.  相似文献   

It was found that benzenepolycarboxylic acids (BPCA) do naturally occur in soils. They can be assumed as black carbon degradation products. We propose an improved method to analyse black carbon degradation products in soil. Method optimization comprised extraction duration, sample clean‐up, and chromatographic separation conditions. The method is also suitable for subsequent isotope ratio mass spectrometry of individual BPCA. Accuracy was checked with quartz sand and soil samples spiked with known amounts of BPCA. In soil samples with varying properties we compared contents of black carbon and black carbon degradation products, i.e., total and free BPCA contents, respectively. Results show that our proposed method can extract black carbon degradation products from soil after 48 h of extraction with 500 mM NaOH compared to 72 h of the original method. Polyvalent cations should be removed by Dowex 50 W X 8, 200–400 mesh, while original cation removal with Merck cation exchange resin was not successful. Free BPCA can be separated and quantified directly by ion exchange chromatography followed by ultraviolet spectroscopy or isotope ratio mass spectrometry, while the original method involved another two days for derivatization and isolation of derivatized BPCA. Recovery of spiked BPCA to a range of different soil samples was 81 ± 19%. Free BPCA concentrations of a Cambisol, Chernozem, Ferralsol, and Anthrosol varied between 0 and 0.24 g kg?1 contributing 0–38% of total black carbon concentration. Free BPCA correlated with total black carbon, total organic carbon, and negatively with pH. However, further studies with a larger set of samples are necessary to systematically investigate conditions for black carbon degradation and, thus free BPCA formation in soils.  相似文献   

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