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The availability of characterised reference isolates of plant pathogens is of crucial importance for research and diagnostic laboratories. The Q‐bank Plant Viruses and Viroids database contains data and information on plant viruses and viroids, with the unique feature that it is linked to specimens present in publicly available physical collections. The Q‐bank database aims to share data and information on the virus and viroid species and their availability between research and diagnostic laboratories. Currently the database focuses on regulated virus species. In future more plant viruses and viroids will be included to provide a comprehensive data and information system. The curators invite virologists worldwide to participate in this international initiative by making their data and isolates available via Q‐bank ( http://www.q-bank.eu ).  相似文献   

周卫川  吴宇芬 《植物检疫》2004,18(5):277-278
我国的信息网络化进程正在飞速发展,兼于检验检疫领域对信息的需求,笔者开发了具有网络功能的检疫性有害生物多媒体信息系统.系统以Windows Server 2000为平台,利用面向对象的程序设计技术和Access数据库、Visual Basic程序设计语言、FrontPage数据库网页技术相结合,对检疫性有害生物信息进行系统开发和完善,最后利用动态域名解析技术和IIS 5.0 web服务器平台发布数据库远程服务系统.  相似文献   

中国检疫性有害生物信息管理与辅助鉴定系统的研究(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入世为中国植物检疫带来机遇和挑战,计算机技术等高新技术的应用对我国全面实施《SPS协定》起着重要的作用。本研究以软件工程原理知专家系统技术为基础,采用LUBAN模型和Delphi编程语言,针对中国检疫性有害生物信患管理与辅助鉴定系统(QPⅡS)进行了研制。本文主要介绍了QPⅡS的研究目的、方法、系统定义和设计。  相似文献   

中国检疫性有害生物信息管理与辅助鉴定系统的研究(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对中国检疫性有害生物信息管理与辅助鉴定系统(QPIIS)的知识获取、原型编码与测试、系统集成以及应用前景等问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

植物检疫术语是进行植物检疫工作交流的前提与基础,对植物检疫工作具有重要意义。本文通过梳理及规范有害生物相关术语及其定义,明确了有害生物与外来物种的相互关系;通过对有害生物风险分析相关术语及其定义进行整理和规范,提出判定植物检疫性有害生物的评估方法,评估过程可结合适生性分析、传播途径、寄主情况及潜在的经济/环境影响等因素,从进入、定殖、扩散可能性及后果评估等方面进行分析。检疫性有害生物与外来入侵物种有一定交集,因此检疫性有害生物的防控对生物入侵防控具有积极作用。而对有害生物和有害生物风险分析相关术语进行规范也为植物检疫性有害生物名单的制修订提供了科学思路。本文提出的定义修改建议及植物检疫性有害生物评估方法较为概括,仅为定义和名单的制修订工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Diagnosis of the teliospores of Tilletia indica (Karnal bunt) detected in wash tests is complicated by the fact that wheat grain can be contaminated by ‘look‐alike’ species, namely Tilletia walkeri (ryegrass bunt) and Tilletia horrida (rice smut). Although morphological diagnosis is possible when there are relatively large numbers of teliospores present, it is difficult with only a few spores as there are significant overlaps in the characteristics of each species. Molecular methods can confirm presumptive identifications, but these take 2–3 weeks. Image analysis offers the potential for more rapid confirmation. An image analysis system was developed for use on bleached spores. Bleaching spores reveals additional morphological characters (spore profile and spore wall layers) that may be used in an image analysis system to discriminate species. The image‐processing software automatically locates spores on a given image and calculates perimeter, surface area, number of spines and spine size, maximum and minimum ray radius, aspect ratio and roundness. Principal components analysis (PCA) is performed on the parameters to obtain a linear separation of spore species. Accuracy of 97% in separating T. indica and T. walkeri has been achieved in preliminary tests using PCA, but further evaluation is required.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,我国不断加强农业植物检疫性有害生物监测工作,全面掌握重要农业检疫性有害生物的发生、分布情况,建立、健全监测网点,制定、完善监测管理制度和技术规范,新疫情发现能力、快速处置能力明显提升。但同时,受国内外农产品贸易增加、气候变化等因素影响,境外疫情传入数量增加,国内已有疫情不断扩散,疫情监测任务加重。由此,提出了注重常规监测与定点监测结合、专项调查与紧急调查结合、专业监测与公众监测结合、疫情监测与信息报告结合的四个结合,加强能力建设、制度建设、信息化建设、工作督查的工作思路。  相似文献   

我国进境植物疫情截获量的时序特征及预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于2005年1月~2015年10月月度植物疫情截获量数据和相应外贸进口额数据,利用回归分析和时间序列建模方法分析其时序特征并进行预测。结果表明,进口额每增长1亿美元,疫情截获量约增加47种次,进口额增长率每增长1个百分点,疫情截获量约增长2个百分点。疫情截获量时序存在显著的季节特征和指数型增长趋势,SARIMA模型和残差自回归模型可以较好地拟合疫情截获量时间序列并进行短期预测。最后根据研究结论提出了相关工作建议。  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have revolutionized plant pest research and are now raising interest for plant pest diagnostics, with plant virus diagnostics at the forefront of development. However, the application of HTS in plant pest diagnostics raises important challenges that plant health regulators will have to address. Adapted infrastructures, technical guidelines and training are pivotal for further use and adoption of the HTS technologies in the phytosanitary framework.  相似文献   

本文分析了进出境植物检疫疫情截获评价指标体系指标内涵,以及进境植物检疫工作主要工作内涵,提出应正确理解疫情截获评价结果,发挥好指标体系在促进进出境疫情截获工作中的激励作用,持续推动进出境植物检疫工作的科学发展。  相似文献   

Never before has the need for accurate distribution data for plant pests been so important. CAB International (CABI) and EPPO are international organizations with a long history and strong involvement in collating and disseminating information on the global distribution of plant pests. Distribution Maps of Plant Pests and Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, first published in 1951 and 1942, respectively, are respected, referenced sources of such data, expertly compiled and validated and used by plant health organizations around the world. They have been joint CABI/EPPO publications since 1997, and provide an essential complement to expanding knowledge on plant pest distribution. The Distribution Maps continue to be the most authoritative sources of information on the presence and extent of specific plant pests, sourced from the 4.5 million records in CAB Abstracts as a basis and numerous other sources. They also feed directly into CABI's Crop Protection Compendium (CPC) and EPPO's Plant Quarantine Data Retrieval System (PQR) databases. Their history, compilation and value are discussed.  相似文献   

为了实现检疫性有害生物疫情监测信息的可视化、信息化和网络化,本研究利用ArcGIS软件和.NET技术等设计开发了检疫性有害生物疫情监测信息系统。本系统提供了疫情信息的地图浏览功能,监测时间、地理区域和有害生物种类的组合显示功能,疫情发生的统计分析功能以及新建监测点的选址分析功能。本研究可为疫情预防控制提供信息支持,并为检疫性有害生物疫情管理部门的科学决策和合理选择提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The ability of National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) and their affiliated laboratories to quickly and reliably detect and identify organisms is critical for the effective performance of phytosanitary measures. Plant pest diagnostics is also essential to support the phytosanitary certification of consignments of plants and plant products exported from the EU. Access to reference material has been identified as a limitation on the ability of laboratories to develop and validate diagnostic tests and ensure the reliability of diagnostics. The EU FP7 Q‐collect project worked to establish the state of the art of current phytosanitary collections, to identify gaps and propose minimum quality standards, to facilitate access to specimens and to design and build networks of reference collections. The main results of the project are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

梁巧玲  陆平  张皓  戴爱梅 《植物保护》2014,40(5):126-129
黑森瘿蚊[ Mayetiola destructor (Say)]是重要的国际性检疫害虫, 我国仅分布于新疆, 近年在局部地区严重发生。黑森瘿蚊在小麦苗期的为害状与麦秆蝇( Meromyza saltatrix L.)相似, 易引起混淆。本文描述了黑森瘿蚊各虫态的鉴别特征及其在小麦上的为害症状, 提出了与麦秆蝇的鉴别方法。  相似文献   

警惕检疫性害虫大洋臀纹粉蚧在中国大陆扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大洋臀纹粉蚧(Plaanococcus minor)是一种近年来入侵我国大陆的检疫性害虫,原仅记载于我国台湾,2008年以来在广西、广东、海南、云南等地被陆续发现.该虫食性杂,为害超过250种水果、经济作物、花卉和园林植物.本文介绍了大洋臀纹粉蚧的基本信息、为害特点、生物学特性、地理分布、寄主范围、国内扩散趋势、口岸截...  相似文献   

林木病原真菌是威胁进口木材的重要有害生物,目前我国口岸检出率较低。太仓口岸通过近年来的实践探索,在木材病原真菌检测方面取得了一定的成效。为此,在对相关经验和成效进行总结的同时,也对发现的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的措施建议,以期推动林木真菌病害检疫工作的不断发展,提高外来林木真菌病害风险的防控能力。  相似文献   

在入境口岸实施检疫是进境动植物检疫工作的基本要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动植物检疫是防控外来有害生物最经济有效的措施。不论是国境还是关境,进境动植物检疫所指的口岸都应当是指进入该国家或该地区的第一个领土接触点所在的口岸。不论是动植物检疫的国际准则,还是世界主要贸易国家,以及我国的动植物检疫法,都明确规定了进境动植物检疫工作应当在入境口岸实施检疫这一基本要求。当前我国一些口岸的动植物检疫改革措施突破了这一基本要求,有可能造成外来有害生物传入的风险并对动植检工作本身造成不利影响。从动植物检疫的历史起源、科学基础、预防属性以及职能等方面看,在对进境动植物检疫采取改革措施时,都应注意坚持在入境口岸实施检疫这一基本要求。为落实好这一基本要求,笔者建议应当增强依法施检的意识,树立正确的创新观,不断提高口岸检疫把关能力,完善风险评估和分类管理,以及进一步加强检疫及监管工作。  相似文献   

CABIQ is a specific computer‐assisted identification system for the reliable and rapid identification of the main regulated phytopathogenic bacteria. It is based on phenotypic and genomic properties of bacteria. About 500 reference strains have been used to initiate the database, including conventional phenotypic tests and the Biotype 100 (BioMérieux) galleries. The CABIQ system, with its database and reference matrices, is a guide on the tests to be done when identifying new isolates. The modules dealing with phenotypic and Biotype100 characteristics are already finalized. Results on repetitive PCR will soon be added to the system. This opens interesting perspectives for improving the reliability of computer‐assisted identification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The contact + fumigant toxicity of 92 plant essential oils and control efficacy of 18 experimental spray formulations containing nine selected essential oils (0.5 and 0.1% sprays) and six commercial insecticides to females from B‐ and Q‐biotypes of Bemisia tabaci were evaluated using vapour‐phase mortality and spray bioassays. RESULTS: Garlic and oregano (LC50, 0.15 mL cm?3) were the most toxic oils against B‐ and Q‐biotype females. Strong fumigant toxicity to both biotype females was also obtained from catnip, cinnamon bark, clove bud, clove leaf, davana, savory and vetiver Haiti oils (LC50, 0.17–0.48 mL cm?3). The 0.5% sprays of these oils (except for thyme red oil) resulted in 90–100% mortality against both biotype females. Only garlic applied as 0.1% spray provided 100% mortality. Spinosad 100 g L?1 suspension concentrate (SC) treatment resulted in 92 and 95% mortality against both biotype females, whereas acetamiprid 80 g L?1 wettable powder (WP), imidacloprid 80 g L?1 SC, thiamethoxam 100 g L?1 water‐dispersible granule (WDG) and pyridaben 200 g L?1 WP treatments resulted in 89–100% mortality against B‐biotype females only. CONCLUSION: In the light of global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic insecticides in the agricultural environment, the essential oils described, particularly garlic, cinnamon bark and vetiver Haiti, merit further study as potential insecticides for the control of B. tabaci populations as fumigants with contact action. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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