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【目的】 为推进中国食品安全监控体系建设及完善相关的法规标准提供参考,保障食品安全的同时提升中国禽肉、禽蛋产品在国际市场的竞争力,打破国际技术性贸易壁垒,促进国际禽产品贸易繁荣发展。【方法】 首先对比分析中国新发布的食品安全国家标准GB 31650-2019《食品安全国家标准食品中兽药最大残留限量》及已废除的农业部公告第235号《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》中有关禽肉、禽蛋的兽药残留种类和兽药最大残留限量(MRLs)标准;然后对中国新国家标准与欧盟和美国在禽肉、禽蛋的兽药残留种类区别和MRLs标准的严宽程度等几项内容进行了对比分析。【结果】 中国新国家标准对旧标准进行了一定程度上的补充与修改,大部分有关禽肉、禽蛋的MRLs标准与欧盟和美国的标准相同甚至更加严格,这标志着中国兽药残留标准体系进入了新阶段,但部分兽药的MRLs标准仍与欧盟和美国的标准存在一定差异,其中共有包括双氯西林在内的33种兽药的MRLs标准缺失或宽于欧盟和美国。【结论】 未来中国仍需结合禽肉、禽蛋的生产情况、兽药实际使用情况及人民消费升级的需求,进一步完善禽肉、禽蛋产品中兽药残留限量的相关标准,使其向国际标准靠拢,提高中国禽肉、禽蛋产品在国际市场上的竞争力,并对进出口产品中兽药的残留情况进行严格监控,防止其影响消费者的健康安全和禽肉、禽蛋的国际贸易发展。  相似文献   

调查了晋南牛国家级原种场建场发展情况,测量了牛场牛群的体尺,利用肉用指数(Beef purpose index,BPI)研究了牛群的经济类型.结果表明,牛场牛群的主要经济类型为肉役兼用型,现存的23头成年母牛BPI平均为3.99,初步进入肉用型范围,只是牛数太少,应尽快扩大同类型牛数.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate potential revenue impacts of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the United States similar to the outbreak in the United Kingdom during 2001. DESIGN: Economic analysis successively incorporating quarantine and slaughter of animals, an export ban, and consumer fears about the disease were used to determine the combined impact. SAMPLE POPULATION: Secondary data for cattle, swine, lambs, poultry, and products of these animals. PROCEDURE: Data for 1999 were used to calibrate a model for the US agricultural sector. Removal of animals, similar to that observed in the United Kingdom, was introduced, along with a ban on exportation of livestock, red meat, and dairy products and a reduction and shift in consumption of red meat in the United States. RESULTS: The largest impacts on farm income of an FMD outbreak were from the loss of export markets and reductions in domestic demand arising from consumer fears, not from removal of infected animals. These elements could cause an estimated decrease of $14 billion (9.5%) in US farm income. Losses in gross revenue for each sector were estimated to be the following: live swine, -34%; pork, -24%; live cattle -17%; beef, -20%; milk, -16%; live lambs and sheep, -14%; lamb and sheep meat, -10%; forage, -15%; and soybean meal, -7%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Procedures to contain an outbreak of FMD to specific regions and allow maintenance of FMD-free exports and efforts to educate consumers about health risks are critical to mitigating adverse economic impacts of an FMD outbreak.  相似文献   

In the slaughter processing of cattle, contaminated hides have been identified as one of the major sources of Escherichia coli O157 carcase contamination. Logistic regression analysis was applied to data collected in a large scale study in Scotland involving 222 cattle forming 34 groups sent for slaughter from 30 farms to 10 slaughterhouses. Aspects of individual animal characteristics, farm management practices and slaughterhouse features were examined to identify potential risk factors for hide contamination at harvest. Two models were developed, the first in which slaughterhouse was modelled as a fixed effect, and a second model where slaughterhouse and farm groups were modelled as random effects. In the first model, there was a significantly increased risk of a carcase testing positive for E. coli O157 on the hide if either the hide of the carcase immediately before or after it on the line was contaminated (OR 3.6; 95% CI: 1.4–9.9). If both adjacent carcases had contaminated hides, the odds ratio for the study carcase having a contaminated hide rose to 11.5 (95% CI: 4.4–32.5). If animals were held in lairage, receiving hay as feed appeared to have a protective effect on hide contamination. Transportation to the slaughterhouse by haulier, as opposed to transport by the farmer, was associated with a 5.4 increase in the odds of E. coli O157 contamination. The use of a crush in the lairage, often employed when reading ear tags, was also found to significantly increase the odds of hide contamination with E. coli O157. In the second model, the inclusion of slaughterhouse and farm group as random effects resulted in two of the previously identified factors being associated with hide contamination. If at least one of the adjacent carcases on the line had a contaminated hide, the associated odds ratio was 6.6 (95% CI: 2.8–15.9), which rose to 22.7 (95% CI: 9.3–55.5) if both adjacent hides were contaminated. Receiving hay in lairage was found to be important to the model, although not significant in itself (OR 0.005; 95% CI: 1.2e−6–20.7). These results suggest that modifiable risk factors for hide contamination exist. However, in order best to reduce the prevalence of hide contamination at slaughter, individual slaughterhouse risk assessment and intervention strategies are appropriate.  相似文献   

Residual antimicrobials in food constitute a risk to human health, but poor knowledge is available about the significance of contaminated meat in developing countries. The purpose of the study was to determine the occurrence of antimicrobial drug residues in pork products in Madagascar. The occurrence of antimicrobial drug residues in pork meat were investigated by the Premi® test (DSM©) technique. There was a high incidence rate of drug residues, with 360 (37.2 %) meat samples being contaminated. A significant increase was observed between 2010 and 2011, with 32 and 39%, respectively. Pork meat samples are less contaminated by drug residues when animals are slaughtered in urban abattoirs (34.4%) vs in provincial abattoirs (42.2%), suggesting that animals under treatment (or sick) are sold preferentially in local abattoir. Drug residue levels in pork meats purchased in Madagascar appear to be serious public health problem at the moment.  相似文献   

USDA regulation of residues in meat and poultry products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Residue Program conducted by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA includes a comprehensive testing program for residues of pesticides, drugs and other chemical contaminants in meat and poultry. Prevention strategies encourage producers to adopt quality control measures in their production management to prevent illegal residues in food. These activities have been effective in reducing the occurrence of violative residues and the potential for adverse health effects. Overall, the number of domestic monitoring samples containing violative residues is low-about 1% of samples tested. Violative residues are found less frequently in poultry than in livestock. More occur in swine than in other species; the least number occur in fed cattle and broilers. Testing results over the last 10 yr show that most drugs and pesticides used to enhance agricultural productivity are not causing a residue problem in meat and poultry. However, the FSIS cannot be complacent about its program achievements. Unacceptably high incidences of violative residues of certain drugs, namely, sulfonamides and antibiotics, still occur in particular production classes. For example, the incidence of violative sulfonamide residues in liver samples from swine slaughtered in 1985 was about 6%, with significant differences between geographical areas. An estimated 2.5% of market hogs had violative sulfamethazine residues in the muscle tissue. The FSIS is taking steps to correct this and other residue problems by strengthening the link between residue detection and enforcement and by expanding its analytical capability to monitor for residues.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report information on the spread of a new strain of Salmonella Brandenburg, which affected livestock and humans in the South Island of New Zealand, and a series of small case studies designed to investigate potential transmission of infection. METHODS: Information on the occurrence and spread of S. Brandenburg in livestock was gathered from laboratory diagnostic submissions, from case studies on the faecal excretion rate in ewes, carrier status of black-backed gulls (Larus dominicanus), spread of S. Brandenburg organisms in sheep yards, infection in lambs going to meat plants, and from post-abortion pathological changes in the reproductive tract of ewes. RESULTS: A newly recognised strain of S. Brandenburg was first diagnosed in aborting sheep from a flock in mid Canterbury in the South Island in 1996. Subsequently, the disease spread to other farms in mid and south Canterbury in 1997 and to Southland and Otago in the lower half of the South Island in 1998-2003. In 1999, the same strain was responsible for abortions in cattle and gastroenteritis in calves and adult cattle. The same strain of bacterium also caused disease in horses, goats, deer, pigs and humans. Spread of the disease on farms was strongly associated with aborting ewes, which resulted in considerable environmental contamination. During the abortion season, black-backed gulls appeared to spread the disease to other farms. Other potential sources of infection were carrier sheep, contaminated water sources and contaminated sheepyard dust. Damage to the reproductive tract may affect the ability of surviving ewes to conceive. CONCLUSION: Important features of this disease are its high morbidity and mortality within a flock or herd, rapid local spread and its role as an occupational, health and safety risk to farm workers and their families.  相似文献   

Revised procedures for the post-mortem inspection of cattle and pigs at Australian abattoirs were developed as minimum national requirements. Comparative trials of current and revised procedures were conducted at 3 and 4 Australian abattoirs for pigs and cattle respectively. Residual pathological changes after inspection and removal of lesions from heads, carcases or viscera were recorded by an evaluation team with the data used to determine relative effectiveness. For cattle, there was no significant difference between current and revised procedures. Although it had been proposed to eliminate routine incision of cervical lymph nodes for pigs, it was found necessary to retain this procedure. The data also revealed a significant variation in detection of pathology between abattoirs for both species. Parasitic conditions accounted for the greatest proportion of undetected lesions in both species for both current and revised procedures. These comprised mainly fascioliasis in cattle and ascariasis in pigs. The former was associated with the study being conducted in eastern Australia. Chronic interstitial nephritis was also a common undetected lesion, reinforcing the need for intensified inspection of kidneys. However, such residual pathology was considered to be of only limited significance to human health. The revised procedures and findings are discussed in the context of animal and human health and of the importance of the meat industry to Australian exports. Some attention has been given to specific conditions likely to be affected by the proposals including tuberculosis, bovine cysticercosis, fascioliasis, porcine arthritis and salmonellosis. The role of meat inspection in monitoring for specific diseases is discussed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Last month's AVJ carried an article (P486) about a National Registration Authority (NRA) ban on the future use of injectable (dilhydro) streptomycin, either alone or in combination with penicillin, in Australian food production animals. NRA has also banned all forms of streptomycin in poultry. There are three specific exemptions to the new bans - all requiring NRA permits: removal of the carrier state of leptospirosis in cattle, pigs and sheep; campylobacterosis in bulls; and treating live cattle for export to countries where such treatment is required.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the abattoir inspection procedure introduced for Australian export beef in 1976 was compared to a detailed necropsy procedure for the detection of tuberculous lesions in cattle. In a sample of cattle that were reactors to the tuberculin test, abattoir inspection failed to detect an estimated 47% of cattle with lesions. The detailed necropsy examination of cattle with lesions of tuberculosis identified 21 sites of infection compared with 13 to 18 in cattle examined by routine meat inspection procedures. Of the lesions detected during detailed necropsy, 15.9% did not involve the thoracic cavity or the medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes. The failure to detect lesions during abattoir inspection has its greatest significance in an animal with a single lesion. If the 245 cattle found with single lesions during detailed necropsy had been examined by abattoir inspection using the 1976 or the 1986 procedures, 0.8 and 8.9%, respectively, of these animals would not have been detected because the diseased tissues would not have been examined. If meat inspection is to provide an effective means of monitoring the level of bovine tuberculosis during the final stages of eradication, a procedure no less sensitive than that introduced in 1976 should be used.  相似文献   

The use of nitrofuran antibiotics in food-producing animals is prohibited within the EU. Countries in the EU, as well those intending to export food to the EU, must ensure that their products are free from nitrofuran residues. As a result of recent global problems where chicken meat from a wide range of countries has been contaminated with nitrofuran metabolites, an investigation was performed to discover whether or not residues of the nitrofurans might be transferred from parent breeder chickens to their offspring broilers. Four groups of broiler breeders were each treated with one of the nitrofurans: furazolidone, nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoin or furaltadone. Residues of their side-chain metabolites, AOZ, SEM, AHD and AMOZ, were detected in the fertilised eggs at concentrations up to 1567 microg/kg. However, in the chicks that subsequently hatched from these eggs, residue concentrations of SEM, for example, were only found up to 26.6 and 32.5 microg/kg in liver and muscle, respectively, for 1-d-old chicks. Residue concentrations in tissues had fallen below the detection limit of the analytical method for 40-d-old broiler chicks, for all compounds except for semicarbazide (SEM, the nitrofurazone metabolite). Relatively high concentrations of nitrofurans are available to the newly hatched chick through the egg yolk. However, most of these residues are neither utilised nor deposited in the liver or muscle.  相似文献   

Copper toxicity in ruminants: air pollution as a possible cause   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pathological findings and liver and kidney analyses confirmed that cattle had died of chronic copper poisoning on a farm in the north-eastern Transvaal. This is the first known published record of chronic copper intoxication of cattle in southern Africa. An epidemiological study revealed that a source of copper was air pollution which could have arisen from a nearby copper smelting unit. Buffalo and impala in an adjacent area of the Kruger National Park were found to have significantly higher liver copper levels than animals elsewhere in the Park. Prophylactic licks, containing zinc sulphate and sulphur, seemed to be successful in protecting cattle against the effects of the copper in the contaminated grazing.  相似文献   

On several occasions in 1987 Australian meat was reported by overseas countries to contain unacceptable levels of pesticide residues. Investigations revealed that the residues were mainly the organochlorine compounds DDT, dieldrin and heptachlor, the concentrations of which exceeded the maximum residue limits. The organochlorines had accumulated in the soil of farms where they were used annually, or more frequently, owing to their long half-life in soils, and grazing animals had accumulated the pesticides in their adipose tissues. Removing the animals to non-contaminated pastures did not reduce the residue levels for some time because their half-lives in the adipose tissues ranged from two to three months. When the problem was recognised action was taken by the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory to identify the affected properties and animals. The affected farms were quarantined and the animals detained until the residue levels were depleted adequately. The use of DDT was banned and dieldrin and heptachlor were permitted to be used only for the control of termites in buildings. Following this action the proportion of samples of beef with residue levels above the permitted limits decreased from 0.42 per cent in 1986/87 to 0.22 per cent in 1987/88.  相似文献   

Despite the large body of circumstantial evidence to suggest a link, the means by which bovine tuberculosis is passed from badgers to cattle remains unclear; pasture contamination with the urine, faeces and/or sputum of infectious badgers is believed to be the main route of transmission. Therefore the behaviour of grazing cattle was studied to determine whether they avoided investigating and/or grazing pasture contaminated with badger excreta, and whether different farm management practices enhanced the potential for disease transmission. Active latrines were avoided by most cattle until the sward length in the rest of the field was reduced, after which there was an increasing likelihood that active badger latrines would be grazed. Most of the cattle grazed active badger latrines, but cattle of low rank within the herd grazed latrines more heavily. Farm management practices that reduced the availability of long swards shortened the period of investigative behaviour and greatly enhanced the risk that cattle would graze active badger latrines. Cattle were more likely to graze pasture away from latrines that was contaminated either with badger urine or single faeces. Because bacilli remain viable in the soil for up to 2 years, there is the potential for bacilli to accumulate at active badger latrines, and these could pose a significant risk to cattle, even when the latrine is no longer being used by badgers. Cattle readily grazed the lush sward at disused latrines, during which they could ingest contaminated soil; the amount of soil ingested increases as sward length decreases.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted in Morogoro municipality to assess the likelihood of slaughter cattle posing public health risk of contaminating carcasses with thermophilic Campylobacter. Butchers and meat shopkeepers were interviewed on source of slaughter cattle, method of animal and carcass transportation, carcass dressing, meat storage facilities, access to clean water and availability of food hygiene practices. Faecal samples were collected from 107 slaughter cattle and after slaughter; four different parts of dressed carcasses (i.e. from ham, neck, pelvis and thigh muscles) were also sampled. In addition 107 cattle meat samples for Campylobacter culture were collected in different meat shops. The samples were subjected to standard bacteriological examination using Skirrows protocol. It was found that cattle slaughter, dressing and meat handling in meatshops was done under unhygienic condition. Thermophilic Campylobacter prevalence in slaughter cattle was 5.6% while contamination rate of dressed carcasses and cattle meat at shops was 9.3% and 1.9%, respectively. The majority of thermophilic Campylobacter isolated were C. jejuni (88.9%) while C. coli was isolated at 11.1%. Findings of this study suggest possibility of humans acquiring zoonotic Campylobacter infections from cattle meat particularly when meat preparation and processing is not done properly. More work is required to establish the magnitude of zoonotic enteric Campylobacteriosis in humans and epidemiological role of cattle and other animals in the study area.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The proposal by the Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales to import 10 southern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) from Zimbabwe as part of an international project for conservation of the species presented the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) with a unique challenge. This importation is, at least in the modern era, the first importation of live herbivores from the African continent. Many of the serious animal diseases in the world are endemic in parts of Africa. Knowledge of which of these diseases infect wild species and may be transmitted from the wild species to domesticated species, is limited. This paper describes the strategies adopted by AQIS to facilitate the importation of rhinoceros while maintaining protection of Australian consumers, rural industries, domestic livestock and fauna against the entry and spread of unwanted pests and diseases.  相似文献   

This paper addresses food safety in beef cattle production, with particular emphasis on factors that affect the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef cattle and on control methods that have been investigated. Product recalls and foodborne diseases due to this organism continue to occur even though control measures have been under investigation for over 20 years. Most meatborne outbreaks are due to improper food handling practices and consumption of undercooked meat. However, the majority of pathogenic bacteria that can spread at slaughter by cross-contamination can be traced back to the farm rather than originating from the slaughter plant. This would ideally require the adoption of rigorous on-farm intervention strategies to mitigate risks at the farm level. On-farm strategies to control and reduce E. coli O157:H7 at the farm level will reduce the risk of carcass contamination at slaughter and processing facilities although they will not eliminate E. coli O157:H7. The most successful strategy for reducing the risk of contamination of beef and beef products will involve the implementation of both pre- and post-harvest measures.  相似文献   

西门塔尔牛原产于瑞士西部阿尔卑斯山区,是世界优质大型肉牛品种之一,具有日增重率高、生产潜力大、瘦肉率高、肉质品质优良的特点。为进一步验证西门塔尔牛的品种改良成效,于2017年3月—2019年12月在新疆巴州地区一个黄牛养殖场开展品种改良试验。研究结果表明,杂交后代不管是在体重、体高、体斜长还是适应能力方面,都显著高于本地黄牛,具有良好的改良效果,在今后生产过程中值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to 1) identify the natural source of feed contamination by zearalenone (ZEN), which was suspected to have caused persistently increased urinary ZEN concentrations in one of our experimental cattle herds, and 2) evaluate the effects of intervention against this source of contamination. As an experimental model, a fattening Japanese Black cattle herd showing persistently increased urinary ZEN concentrations was identified. Urinary ZEN concentrations of cows fed with new rice straw (experimental group, n = 6) vs. cows that continued to feed on the old rice straw (control group, n = 4) were measured at the start (d 1) and at 2 wk (d 14) after the onset of feeding with straw. In addition, the ZEN concentration in feed and water samples was measured by using both the ELISA and HPLC methods. Furthermore, isolation and identification of fungi from rice straw and concentrate feed samples were performed. The urinary ZEN concentration [ZEN (pg/mL)/creatinine (mg/mL) = pg/mg of creatinine] of cows fed with new rice straw was significantly (P < 0.05) less (843 pg/mg of creatinine) than that of cows fed with old rice straw (15,951 pg/mg of creatinine). On both d 1 and 14, the ZEN concentrations of old rice straw were greater than those of new rice straw. In addition, fungal colonies were observed in the culture media that was obtained from the old rice straw suspected of ZEN contamination, but not in the culture media from new rice straw or other feed samples. In conclusion, our field trials clearly indicate that the rice straw fed to the cows was naturally contaminated with ZEN, and that the monitoring of urinary ZEN concentrations could prove to be a useful tool for detecting the exposure of cattle to ZEN contamination at the farm level.  相似文献   

By studying carcass quality, expressed as affection, pathological findings, slaughter-weight and evaluation, a picture of an animal's health and potential as high quality food is achieved. This study compares the carcass quality in Swedish certified organic meat production with that of conventional meat production slaughtered during 1997. The study involves 3.9 million pigs, about 570,000 cattle and 190,000 sheep, all reared conventionally and 3483 pigs 4949 cattle and 4997 sheep reared according to organic standards. Pathological and additional findings are registered by meat inspectors from the Swedish National Food Administration at the post-mortem inspection. There was a significant difference at the post-mortem inspection of growing-fattening pigs; 28% of conventionally and 17% of the organically reared pigs had one or more registered lesion. The carcass evaluation of swine shows a higher meat percentage in conventional swine production. The total rate of registered abnormalities in cattle was systems around 28% from organic and 27% from conventionally reared herds. Carcass evaluation of cattle from organic herds gave higher classification in the EUROP system, whereas the fat content was lower than that of conventionally reared cattle. Sheep, reared both organically and conventionally, showed a lower rate of registered abnormalities than swine and cattle.  相似文献   

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