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苹果品种果实组织结构研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
观察25个苹果品种果实的组织结构发现,果实的角质层,表皮,果皮及果肉的组织结构各具有品种的特征,可供品种鉴定和分类的参考,又可帮助了解果实组织结构与果实物理特性的关系。  相似文献   

苹果霉心病与果实结构关系的研究甘肃省天水市果树研究所呼丽萍等通过对14个苹果品种、品系的果实剖析看出,供试品种果实的萼筒全部带菌。萼心间组织存在孔口或裂缝,呈开放状,且组织疏松的元帅系品种易感病;萼心间组织无孔口或裂缝、呈封闭状,且组织紧密的国光品种...  相似文献   

苹果霉心病主要为害北斗品种,还可为害红富士品种,并有逐年加重趋势,应引起广大果农高度重视.1发病原因与规律北斗早熟品种果实萼口宽大,萼筒长,组织较其它品种疏松,呈开放状态,果实萼洼至梗洼呈通透状态,这种果实结构为病菌通过萼心间组织进入心室为害创造了条件.病原菌自花期开始到果实生长期都可侵染,但以花期侵染率最高.病菌侵染时间短,防治时间性强,如不及时防治,多种病菌就会乘虚而入,造成危害.同时,霉心病从心室、心房开始发病,只有通过解剖果实方可验证,这给病害诊断、预测预报带来一定困难.  相似文献   

葡萄果实组织结构与耐贮性的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 通过对‘巨峰’、‘红地球’、‘秋红’、‘秋黑’葡萄果实解剖结构和超微结构的比较, 探讨葡萄果实品种间耐贮性差异的生理学原因。结果表明: 葡萄的耐贮性与果皮和果肉的组织结构有密切关系。耐贮性好的品种其角质层及表皮组织均比较厚, 表皮细胞排列整齐而致密, 且与亚表皮细胞的结合紧密,其果肉组织排列也比较紧密, 且果肉细胞大小均匀。不同葡萄品种之间, 表面蜡质超微结构相差很大, 蜡质层较厚、蜡质分布均匀而致密的品种对SO2 抗性较强; 相反, 蜡质层薄、蜡质排列疏松、蜡层之间空隙较大的品种对SO2 较为敏感。  相似文献   

果树的果实直感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同品种的花粉授粉造成同一品种的果实表现出有规律地、偏父本品种的差异,即父本花粉对母体组织(果实)发育的影响,称作果实直感现象。果实的直感现象在许多植钩上都曾发现过。1876年Garfield首次报道了在苹果上发现不同品种授粉的果实在某些性  相似文献   

黄瓜质地与组织结构、纤维素及果胶含量的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过对不同质地品质黄瓜品种的石蜡切片观察及纤维素和果胶含量分析,发现果皮比较薄,由表皮向内薄壁细胞体积增加快,果肉细胞形状规则,圆形、近圆形细胞多的品种,质地品质好。纤维素含量高,果胶含量低的果实不脆,含量适中的果实脆嫩,品质好。黄瓜肉质脆性与组织结构、纤维素、果胶含量关系密切。  相似文献   

据《果树学报》2013年第4期《枣果实组织结构及果皮中矿质元素含量对裂果的影响》(作者曹一博等)报道,为了研究枣果实解剖结构及果皮中矿质元素的含量与枣裂果的关系。以抗裂枣品种“圆铃枣”及易裂品种“骏枣”为试材,从花后20天起,每10天采样一次。对花后80天的果实进行浸果诱裂试验,统计裂果率。  相似文献   

近年来,对于梨果实组织结构的研究,越来越深入,也越来越广泛。从梨果实发育过程中组织结构变化到组织结构变化与果实品质和耐贮性等相关性的研究,以及从单一薄壁细胞到包括石细胞在内的研究,都有广泛的开展。综述了梨果实组织结构的维护及其与梨果实品质、耐贮性方面的相关性的研究进展,最后对我国梨果实组织结构的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

苹果采前落果与内源激素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨苹果采前落果与内源激素之间的关系,在采前8周间定期测定了不同苹果品种的果柄、果台和离层形成部位组织中IAA、ABA含量;在采收前20d内定期测定了离层部位组织中细胞壁分解酶(Cellulase)的活性;在收获期测定了果实乙烯的发生量。结果表明:不同品种果柄、果台和离层部位组织中IAA和ABA含量变化有差异,但它们变化的总趋势相似,都是随着果实成熟IAA含量下降,而ABA含量上升;不同品种的成熟果实中乙烯发生量有很大差异,以落果多的品种显著大于落果少的品种;采前落果重的品种离层部位组织中细胞壁分解酶的活性在果实成熟期急剧增加。由于果实进入成熟阶段后,IAA含量下降,ABA含量升高,ABA/IAA之间的相对平衡被打破,高ABA/IAA以及高乙烯会刺激离层组织中细胞壁分解酶的活性增高,进而促进离层形成,这可能是导致落果发生的原因。  相似文献   

梨轮纹病又称瘤皮病、粗皮病,是我国南方早熟梨主要病害之一.枝干发病,促使树势早衰,影响幼树生长;此病侵染果实,常造成短期烂果严重,影响外销.早熟梨品种如金水二号、翠冠等易感病,果实快的三天,迟的五、六天即出现小斑点;中、晚熟品种如黄花、湘南感病力次之;晚三吉,今青秋较抗病.品种间抗病力的差异主要与品种皮孔的大小、多少以及组织结构有关.  相似文献   

Consumption of fresh apple fruits can induce allergic reactions in humans. The apple allergen Mal?d?1 is responsible for these allergic reactions in humans in Central Europe and North America. Biosynthesis of Mal?d?1 depends on apple cultivar, and its concentration increases with time during fruit storage. However, data on the impact of different fruit storage conditions during long-term storage are scarce. Hence, the Mal?d?1 contents of eight apple cultivars were analyzed for this study during long-term storage in a cold chamber as well as under controlled atmosphere conditions (CA). After harvest, apple fruits were stored for 12, 20, 28 or 36 weeks in a cold-chamber at +?2?°C or as under controlled atmosphere conditions of 1.5?% CO2, 1.5?% O2 at +?2?°C. Mal?d?1 content in apple fruit of all eight cultivars examined increased during fruit storage. In most cases, differences between Mal?d?1 of apple fruits stored in the cold chamber and under CA conditions were significant, but inconsistent. In apple cv. ??Elise??, fruits stored in the cold chamber contained more Mal?d?1 compared with those stored in CA, whereas the situation reversed in other varieties like cv. ??Boskoop??. The greatest Mal?d?1 content was measured in fruits of cvs. ??Golden Delicious?? and ??Gala??, whereas the smallest Mal?d?1 level was in cvs. ??Elise?? and ??Pinova?? over the whole storage time. Overall, this experiment showed the complexity of the relationship between the Mal?d?1 content, allergenicity of apple fruits, different cultivars, storage conditions and storage time. Persons allergic to apple fruits should consume the fruits as fresh as possible or only after a limited storage time. Furthermore, they should prefer apple varieties with a low content of allergenic proteins, such as cv. ??Elise?? or cv. ??Boskoop?? as a cultivar known for its large polyphenol content.  相似文献   

Autochthonous apple varieties are still keeping their importance in Montenegro and they are valuable resources as human food and an important part of rural landscape. The aim of this study was to study and preserve morphological diversity of 30 autochthonous apple varieties in Montenegro between 2008 and 2010. We found a great variation on blooming period and maturation time among varieties and classified them as very early, early, mid and late for blooming and early, middle, late and very late for maturation. Fruit weight varied in wide range from 40.76 g to 206.74 g and ‘Krupnaja’, ‘Krstova?a’ and ‘Babova?a’ produced biggest fruits (191.83–206.74 g). Soluble solid content (SSC) varied between 11.0 to 16.1?% among varieties and ‘Borova?a’, ‘Aleksandrija’, ‘Krstova?a’, ‘Dapsi?anka’, ‘Bosnika’, ‘Rebra?a’ and ‘Babova?a’ had the highest SSC values imply that they can be commercially used in production of spirits, wine, concentrate and jam and also for drying. Based on 3-year average data for 25 properties, UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) dendrogram showed a high degree of variability among the studied varieties dividing them into 5 groups and 3 independent accessions.  相似文献   

In a field trial 5 rootstocks (seedling, M 25, A 2, MM 106, MM 111) and 13 varieties were investigated under Northeast German climate conditions to obtain information on the optimal rootstock-variety combinations for intensive juice apple production. Further the sugar and acid content of the fruits were determined. Due to the fact that exclusively scab resistant varieties were examined, the occurrence and stability of the resistance were of special interest. The most favourable rootstocks were M 25 (highest absolute yield) and MM 106 (highest specific yield). The varieties ??Judeline??, ??Rebella??, ??Resi??, ??Angold??, ??Schwechow 3?? and ??Priam?? had the highest absolute yield (mean of all rootstocks). The suitability of these six varieties for juice apple production was described. Although fungicides were used for controlling apple scab, particularly varieties with the Vf resistance factor were infected. A strong scab resistance had the variety ??Reka?? (Vr).  相似文献   

苹果矮化砧木‘辽砧2号’选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志  李喜森  伊凯  荣志祥  杨锋  杨巍 《果树学报》2004,21(5):501-503
从1135系的助列涅特与M9杂交实生苗中选出优良苹果矮化砧木—辽砧2号(原代号80-1-6),经过22年田间观查和区试鉴定,其矮化性、早果性、丰产性、生根性与M26相近,适应性强于M26,以其为中间砧的富士树栽后6年进入盛果期,平均株产为23.5kg,同龄M26为17.2kg;8年生树冠积为4.07m3,同龄M26为4.58m3,树体存活率较M26高55%,平均每666.7m2产量1000kg以上;与基砧山定子和生产上主栽的富士系、元帅系、国光系等品种亲和性良好,以自根砧和中间砧方式利用均可。  相似文献   

<正> 苹果是我国北方的重要果树。它的早熟品种在河南6月中下旬即开始成熟,晚熟品种10月中旬采收后,有的可以贮藏到次年5—6月;早熟和晚熟品种合理搭配,几乎可以周年供应市场。因此,苹果在水果市场周年供应上,占有特别重要的地位。 在苹果早熟品种方面,目前生产上缺乏  相似文献   

Fungicide programmes, designed to control both scab and mildew, have been compared for phytotoxicity in several seasons on apple and pear varieties. Dodine acetate was found to cause russeting of the fruits of several apple and pear varieties. In one year, frost at a spraying time seemed to interact with dodine acetate application to produce unusual russet on Sunset apples. Crops of Conference and of Doyenne du Cornice pears were reduced in some years when dodine was applied.

The fungicide based on nitrated octylphenols, DNOPC, caused no undesirable effects on the apple varieties, but tended to reduce cropping on pears; the effects of the unesterified mixture, DNOP, were more serious.

Both dodine acetate and DNOPC caused reductions of fruit bud formation on Cornice, an effect already reported for organomercurial fungicides on Conference and for didecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) on both varieties. It is suggested that freedom from this effect should be a criterion to be satisfied in the evaluation of any new pesticide for pears.  相似文献   

Using varieties and rootstocks of apple and cherry as examples, the development of wide-ranging experimental work on pome and stone fruits is retraced. In the case of apple varieties, directed breeding programmes have produced new varieties showing successive and step-wise improvements. In the case of apple rootstocks, the excellent performance of M9 is beyond doubt. Competitiveness of sweet cherry production in the ??Altes Land?? has been maintained by several developments such as new varieties, slower-growing and more fertile rootstocks, and transparent roof-covers in order to avoid fruit-bursting. Changing personal responsibilities, ??historical merits?? and current personnel capacities are addressed. An outlook at future challenges casts a brief flashlight on perspectives for the next 25 years?? experimental work at the Fruit Experiment Station (OVA) Jork.  相似文献   

苹果果实软化与果胶含量、质膜透性和钙溶性的关系   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
以金冠、新红星、富士和碣石红苹果品种为试材,研究表明,在室温贮藏过程中,软化快的金冠、新红星果肉细胞的质膜透性和水溶性果胶含量显著增高,原果胶含量明显降低,而软化慢的富士和碣石红变化较小。果实中钙溶性以水溶性钙最多,贮藏期间,金冠、新红星苹果水溶性钙下降较为明显,其他溶性的钙含量无明显的变化,而富士、碣石红的钙溶性变化无明显的规律。  相似文献   

研究不同苹果品种在套袋和不套袋情况下果实的外观和内在品质,认为‘红露’、‘瑞维纳’、‘新世界’、‘华金’、‘青香’5个品种在套袋和不套袋情况下果实表光较好,适宜作为不套袋栽培的苹果品种进行推广利用。同时,研究5个品种的植物学性状、生物学性状、抗逆性以及套袋和不套袋果实的外观和内在品质,不套袋果实的可溶性固形物含量、硬度、口感和风味均显著好于套袋果实。  相似文献   

At the Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Laimburg the specific weight of 121 apple varieties from the own variety collection was measured by a hydrostatic method (Archimedes principle) from 2007 to 2013. For this purpose samples of 10 apples per cultivar were collected mainly from the sites of Laimburg (220?m asl) and Laces (700 meters asl) and were examined annually at the same period with uniform fruits equal in size. The cultivars could be classified in specific weight classes from 0.75 to 0.91?g/cm3. 76% of the varieties were assigned to the middle classes since they had specific weights ranging from 0.80 to 0.86?g/cm3. ‘Golden Delicious’ was included within the specific “very light” varieties while ‘Braeburn’, ‘Nicoter Kanzi®’ and ‘Scifresh Jazz®’ were classified as “very heavy” varieties. The year and location do not significantly influence the specific weight, since this parameter depends rather on genetically caused factors such as the intercellular volume and the dry matter content of the fruit. The specific gravity can be an interesting complementary information to describe an apple variety.  相似文献   

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