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A correction is proposed for the evaluation of salinity effects on the basis of the electrical conductivity of saturated paste extracts. It is suggested that the dilution of the soil solution during the preparation of the saturated paste must be taken into account. Equations for estimating the electrical conductivity of a soil solution at field capacity are presented. The corrected equations improve the ability to predict the salinity hazard by determining the electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract.  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2010, low water levels resulted in the drying of previously submerged inland acid sulphate soils (IASS) in wetlands of the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB). The potential for widespread severe acidification resulting from the oxidation of pyrite in these wetland soils triggered a basin‐wide study to assess the occurrence and risks posed by IASS material in the floodplain wetlands of the MDB. The results of pH measurements before and following soil incubation from more than 7200 samples (representing ca. 2500 profiles from 1055 georeferenced wetlands) were used to assess the potential occurrence of sulphuric and sulphidic material in IASS across the MDB. Their occurrence was investigated on a regional basis by dividing the MDB into 13 geographical regions whose boundaries roughly follow hydrological catchment boundaries. A total of 238 floodplain wetlands, representing 23% of the total wetlands assessed, were found to contain soils that became ultra‐acidic (pH < 4) when oxidized and therefore present a severe acidification hazard. These soils, the majority of which are likely to be IASS materials, were found in 11 of the 13 geographical regions. Among the 11 geographical regions likely containing IASS materials, the proportion of wetlands that presented an acidification hazard varied between 2 and 52% of those assessed. The geographical regions found to present the greatest acidification hazard were in the southern MDB, downstream of the Murray–Darling confluence, and in catchments on the southern side of the Murray River channel in Victoria. This study provided policy makers with a valuable screening tool, which helped them to identify priority wetlands and regions that required more detailed IASS investigations.  相似文献   

Two approaches have emerged as the preferred means for assessing salinity at regional scale: (i) vegetative indices from satellite imagery (e.g., MODIS enhanced vegetative index, NDVI) and (ii) analysis of covariance (ANOCOVA) calibration of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) to salinity. The later approach is most recent and least extensively validated. It is the objective of this study to provide extensive validation of the ANOCOVA approach. The validation comprised 77 fields in California's Coachella Valley, ranging from 1.25 to 30.0 ha in size with an average size of 12.8 ha. Mobile electromagnetic induction (EMI) equipment surveyed the fields obtaining geospatial measurements of ECa. Soil sample sites selected following ECa‐directed soil sampling protocols characterized the range and spatial variation in ECa across the field. From the data, a regional ANOCOVA model was developed. The regional ANOCOVA model successfully reduced cross‐validated, average log salinity prediction error (variance) estimate by more than 30% across the 77 fields and improved the depth‐averaged prediction accuracy in 58 of the 77 fields. The results show that the ANOCOVA modelling approach improves soil salinity predictions from EMI signal data in most of the surveys conducted, particularly fields where only a limited number of calibration sampling locations were available. The establishment of ANOCOVA models at each depth increment for a representative set of fields within a regional‐scale study area provides slope coefficients applicable to all future fields within the region, significantly reducing ground‐truth soil samples at future fields.  相似文献   


Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments were used to investigate the effect of texture and fertilization regime on soil electrical conductivity. In one geophysical approach, fields were mapped to characterize the horizontal variability in apparent electrical conductivity down to 1.5 m soil depth using an electromagnetic induction meter (EM38 device). The data obtained were geo-referenced by dGPS. The other approach consisted of measuring the vertical variability in electrical conductivity along transects using a multi-electrode apparatus for electrical resistivity tomography (GeoTom RES/IP device) down to 2 m depth. Geophysical field work was complemented by soil analyses. The results showed that despite 40 years of different fertilization regimes, treatments had no significant effects on the apparent electrical conductivity. Instead, the comparison of sites revealed high and low conductivity soils, with gradual differences explained by soil texture. A significant, linear relationship found between apparent electrical conductivity and soil clay content explained 80% of the variability measured. In terms of soil depth, both low and high electrical conductivity values were measured. Abrupt changes in electrical conductivity within a field revealed the presence of ‘deviating areas’. Higher values corresponded well with layers with a high clay content, while local inclusions of coarse-textured materials caused a high variability in conductivity in some fields. The geophysical methods tested provided useful information on the variability in soil texture at the experimental sites. The use of spatial EC variability as a co-variable in statistical analysis could be a complementary tool in the evaluation of experimental results.  相似文献   

<正>Soil phosphorus (P) plays a vital role in both ecological and agricultural ecosystems, where total P (TP) in soil serves as a crucial indicator of soil fertility and quality. Most of the studies covered in the literature employ a single or narrow range of soil databases, which largely overlooks the impact of utilizing multiple mapping scales in estimating soil TP, especially in hilly topographies. In this study, Fujian Province, a subtropical hilly region along China’s southeast coast c...  相似文献   

盐碱地盐分空间分布精准识别及形成机理解析对盐碱地科学利用具有重要意义。针对传统点状采样监测方法工作量大、代表性差和检测费用高等问题,本研究采用电磁感应仪精准调查技术对上海崇明某滩涂农场进行土壤盐分空间分布评估,全面快速获得盐分空间分布信息,解析土壤盐分形成机理,进而分类分区分级指导农业生产和科学精准改良。结果表明:土壤表观电导率(ECa)和土壤盐分含量呈显著线性正相关关系(R2>0.9,P<0.05),土壤表观电导率的变化可以用来表征土壤盐分含量的变化;通过克里金插值研究区内土壤盐分的空间变异分布状况发现,研究区土壤盐分空间分布不均匀,有近80%区域存在轻中度盐碱化问题;通过定点取样土壤盐碱剖面评价,发现研究区土壤盐分具有较强的表聚性和变异强度,且变异系数随土壤深度增加不断减小;将表观电导率解译出的土壤盐分和土壤pH、有机质含量及主要组成离子含量进行相关性分析,剖析出该区域盐渍化类型以硫酸盐型为主,海水浸渍侧渗和地下水返盐影响是该区域盐渍化形成的主要原因。本研究实现了对土壤盐碱化快速、大范围、科学且动态的监测,对于全面提升盐碱地农...  相似文献   

土壤盐碱化问题严重制约着盐碱地生态绿化环境和农业可持续发展。为研究客土造林后滨海盐碱地土壤盐碱化状况的空间分布格局及影响因素,该研究开展实地调查采样,结合地统计学、经典统计学和Kriging插值等方法分析徐圩新区滨海盐碱地0~10、>10~20、>20~40、>40~60、>60~100 cm土层土壤盐分分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:1)研究区5个土层土壤电导率均为中等强度变异,pH值是弱变异。大多数土层土壤电导率和pH表现为弱空间相关性,由随机因素引起的空间变异性较弱,自相关引起的空间变异性较强。水平方向上看,研究区从西向东盐碱程度逐步加深,垂直方向上,土壤电导率随着土层深度增加而不断变大;2)研究区客土0~100cm土层土壤电导率均值为2.91 dS/m,属于轻度盐渍化土;原土0~100cm土层土壤电导率均值为31.00 dS/m,属于极重度盐渍化土,原土上只有极少数耐盐作物能自然正常生长。客土土壤电导率明显低于原土,但pH值与原土差异不大,客土土壤盐分表聚和底聚现象明显,存在返盐返碱的问题,长期来看,客土造林并不是该地区绿化最好的方式。3)影响研究区土壤电导率的因素有河流湖泊水体电导率和pH值、土壤pH值、海拔、植被、气候等。研究对于提高重度盐碱土的开发利用率和改善景观绿地建设,指导制定精准盐碱地综合改良措施、管理制度等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻土中的β-葡糖苷酶活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(1):118-124
The electrical conductivity (EC) of 1:5 soil-water extract (EC1:5) was studied utilizing path coefficient analysis. The study focused on revealing the main chemical factors contributing to EC of soil extracts and their relative importance. Results showed that the most important factors influencing the EC1:5 of coastal salt-affected soils were the concentration of salt in 1:5 soil-water extract (So), Cl^-, and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), while effects of pH, CO3^2-, HCO3^, soluble sodium percentage (SSP), and sodium dianion ratio (SDR) were very weak. Though the direct path coefficients between EC1:5 and SO4^2- , Ca^2+, Mg^2+, K^+, or Na^+ were not high, influence of other chemical factors caused the coefficients to increase, making the summation of their direct and indirect path coefficients relatively high. Evidences showed that multiple regression relations between EC1:5 and most of the primary factors (So, Cl^-, and SAR) had sound reliability and very good accuracy.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on the efficacy of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Glomus fasciculatum and G. macrocarpum, alone and in combination was investigated on growth, development and nutrition of Acacia auriculiformis. Plants were grown under different salinity levels imposed by 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 S m-1 solutions of 1 M NaCl. Both mycorrhizal fungi protected the host plant against the detrimental effect of salinity. The extent of AM response on growth as well as root colonization varied with fungal species, and with the level of salinity. Maximum root colonization and spore production was observed with combined inoculation, which resulted in greater plant growth at all salinity levels. AM fungal inoculated plants showed significantly higher root and shoot weights. Greater nutrient acquisition, changes in root morphology, and electrical conductivity of soil in response to AM colonization was observed, and may be possible mechanisms to protect plants from salt stress.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is one of the great problems in arid and semi‐arid environments. The estimation and prediction of spatial soil salinity may be considered as a stochastic process, observed at irregular locations in space. Environmental variables usually show spatial dependence among observations which is an important drawback to traditional statistical methods. Geostatistical techniques that analyse and describe the spatial dependence and quantify the scale and intensity of the spatial variation, provides spatial information for local estimation of soil salinity. In this paper we propose a Gaussian Spatial Linear Mixed Model (GSLMM), which involves a non‐parametric term, accounting for a deterministic trend given by exogenous variables, and a parametric component defining the purely spatial random variation, possibly due to latent spatial processes. We focus here on the analysis of the relationship between soil electrical conductivity as a parameter related directly to soil salinity as well as sodium content (sodicity) to identify spatial variations in these parameters. This kind of methodology is demonstrated as a useful tool for environmental land management. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于电磁感应的典型干旱区土壤盐分空间异质性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究干旱区土壤盐分空间异质性,指导农业生产实践,运用大地电导率仪(EM38、EM31)对研究区域进行移动式磁感调查,获取表观电导率(ECa)。同时,通过27个校准点的采样和ECa测量,建立土壤盐分的电磁感应解译模型。干旱区土壤盐分质量分数与EM38、EM31水平模式读数(H38、H31)显示出良好的相关性(R=0.935),可以利用ECa结合GIS和地统计学知识研究土壤盐分的空间分布。采用两种方法进行研究:一种是先利用解译模型获取磁感调查点的土壤盐分质量分数,然后进行地统计分析研究其空间分布;另一种是先利用地统计分析研究H38和H31的空间分布,然后利用解译模型通过栅格运算计算盐分质量分数,精度检验显示前者预测值与实测值之间的相关性更好(R2, 0.888>0.873);标准差较低(std. 0.414<0.426),具有更高的预测精度。研究结果表明,基于电磁感应研究干旱区土壤盐分空间异质性是切实可行的,这对于土壤盐渍化的快速诊断,指导农业生产和促进精准农业的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

海河低平原盐渍涝洼区表层土壤积盐影响因素通径分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用通径分析方法研究海河低平原盐渍涝洼区表层土壤积盐因素的主次关系结果表明 ,地下水埋深2~ 3m、表层土壤全盐量≤ 5 0g/kg、地表高差≤ 6 6cm地段 ,表层土壤盐渍度主要受心土层盐分状况和微地形因素支配 ,而 6个间接作用中亚表土层全盐量通过心土层全盐量对表层土壤盐分累积的作用最大。  相似文献   

Fast and accurate large-scale localization and quantification of harmfully compacted soils in recultivated post-mining landscapes are of particular importance for mining companies and the following farmers. The use of heavy machinery during recultivation imposes soil stress and can cause irreversible subsoil compaction limiting crop growth in the long term. To overcome or guide classical point-scale methods to determine compaction, fast methods covering large areas are required. In our study, a recultivated field of the Garzweiler mine in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with known variability in crop performance was intensively studied using non-invasive electromagnetic induction (EMI) and electrode-based electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Additionally, soil bulk density, volumetric soil water content and soil textures were analysed along two transects covering different compaction levels. The results showed that the measured EMI apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) along the transects was highly correlated (R2 > .7 for different dates and depths below 0.3 m) to subsoil bulk density. Finally, the correlations established along the transects were used to predict harmful subsoil compaction within the field, whereby a spatial probabilistic map of zones of harmful compaction was developed. In general, the results revealed the feasibility of using the EMI derived ECa to predict harmful compaction. They can be the basis for quick monitoring of the recultivation process and implementation of necessary melioration to return a well-structured soil with good water and nutrient accessibility, and rooting depths for increased crop yields to the farmers.  相似文献   

Field studies of Duplex soils (Red and Yellow Podzolics or Ultisols) on hillslopes in the Sydney Basin show that their primary morphological feature (the texture contrast between A and B horizons) is explicable in terms of differential bedrock alteration combined with downslope movement of the coarser grained materials as a discrete surface layer. The more usually invoked processes of clay illuviation and/or clay destruction are of no more than minor importance in the genesis of Duplex soils in this area.  相似文献   

基于电磁感应仪数据的南疆棉田土壤电导率反演模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤盐渍化是南疆棉田优质高产的主要障碍因素,定额灌溉可有效改良土壤盐渍化,EM38-MK2可快速、动态获取土壤盐渍化数据,适时监测土壤盐渍化,为棉田定额灌溉提供数字依据。针对电磁感应仪(EM38-MK2)的发射圈和接收圈设计了不同采样方案,在同一条田内采集了6个不同时期的土壤表观电导率数据及相应的剖面土样,分析了不同土壤采集方案及土壤含水量对表观电导率模型精度的影响,对比了以单一时期数据建模的局部模型和6个时期整体数据建模的全局模型的反演精度。结果表明,由单点采集电磁感应仪发射线圈位置土样所构建的模型精度更高,稳定性更好,能有效减少由采样带来的误差。当土壤含水量低于10%时,表观电导率与实测电导率之间的相关性较低,决定系数为0.58,反演模型只具备粗略估计实测电导率的能力;当土壤含水量高于10%时,表观电导率与实测电导率具有很好的相关性,决定系数达到0.80以上,反演模型具有较好的预测能力。EMH+EMV多测定模式下表观电导率与实测电导率之间的模型精度高于EMH或EMV单一测定模式,确立ECh0.375+(ECh0.75+ECv0....  相似文献   

Regional weathered-zone goundwaters in the southern part of Western Australia are primarily stored in a granular saprolite aquifer derived from the isovolumetric weathering of granitic and gneissic rocks. Recent drilling has confirmed the existence of permeable materials capable of yielding groundwater of a suitable quality for livestock. Development of supplies of 10 to 250 kl d−1 is realisic and would complement local livestock, domestic and Government water supply systems. Wheatbelt aquifers currently supply 18 to 25 per cent of all water used for livestock in the agricultural areas of the southern part of Western Australia, although less than 1 per cent of the available resource is being utilized. Unused groundwater, artificially recharged by water-use inefficiencies of agricultural development, provides both a potential resource and a cause of soil and water quality deterioration. Groundwater pumping may provide one method of aquifer control to mitigate the influence of secondary salinization. Pumping the low transmissivity Wheatbelt aquifers provides a means to lower water-tables and limit the volume of groundwater reaching saline discharge areas at low points in the landscape. Unlike aquifer pumping systems developed in saline discharge areas, extraction systems in groundwater recharge areas, or in saline areas where groundwaters are of a suitable quality for agricultural use, can be used to mitigate salinity. The volume of groundwater available in southwestern Western Australia usually exceeds livestock requirements, to maintain low water-tables, the water has either to be pumped to suitable drainage systems or alternative uses must be sought.  相似文献   

基于水分和原位电导率的西宁盆地盐渍土含盐量估算模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨西宁盆地黄土状盐渍土导电特性与土体本身含水率和含盐量之间的关系,该文在土体洗盐试验基础上,测得了不同含水率和含盐量条件下黄土状盐渍土电导率,分析了土体电导率与含水率、含盐量之间的相互关系和作用机理;在此基础上,建立了土体电导率与含水率、含盐量之间的多元回归模型。结果表明,在土体含盐量一定条件下随着土体含水率增加土体电导率呈逐渐增大的变化趋势,且二者之间符合幂函数关系;土体含盐量愈高条件下土体含水率增加对电导率的影响则愈为显著。在土体含水率一定的条件下,土体电导率随着含盐量增加呈逐渐增大的变化趋势,且二者之间符合线性函数关系;当土体含水率相对较高时,含盐量增加对电导率的影响程度亦较为显著。对建立的区内黄土状盐渍土电导率与含水率、含盐量之间的多元回归模型(R2=0.995)进行验证,相对误差在10%之内,表明模型可有效确定含水率大于5%且小于25%(?5.52%)及含盐量为0.18%~2.18%条件下黄土状盐渍土的含盐量。研究成果对研究区及其周边地区黄土状盐渍土其盐渍化程度划分、工程地质特性评价,以及土体盐渍化等地质灾害现象的科学防治具有理论研究价值和工程指导意义。  相似文献   

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