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Colonic adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rectal palpation of a 30-year-old mixed-breed mare with chronic weight loss and intermittent, refractory abdominal pain revealed a mass in the right caudoventral portion of the abdomen. Hematologic and serum biochemical findings were normal except for slight mature neutrophilia and mildly high alkaline phosphatase activity and total bilirubin concentration. Cytologic examination of a specimen obtained by abdominocentesis revealed equal numbers of nondegenerative neutrophils and macrophages, but no evidence of neoplastic cells. The mare continued to have signs of abdominal discomfort and was euthanatized. Necropsy revealed a large mass at the junction of the right dorsal colon and transverse colon, and several smaller masses in the liver. Histologic characteristics of the small-colon mass were consistent with colonic adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia.  相似文献   

Ureteroliths were removed on two occasions from a mare by different techniques. A 3 cm calculus was removed by right ureterolithectomy during a ventral midline celiotomy. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine were measured monthly and remained within normal limits for 5 months. During the fifth postoperative month, after 9 days of lumbar pain, the mare was represented with an increased BUN and creatinine and a ureterolith in the left ureter. Using a Dormia basket stone dislodger, the second ureterolith was removed through a vestibulourethral approach. Fourteen days after surgery, the BUN and creatinine had returned to normal limits and the mare remained asymptomatic for 3 months. The mare then developed severe laminitis after 2 days of strenuous exercise and was euthanized. At necropsy, both kidneys contained multiple calculi.  相似文献   

Surgical resection of a dysgerminoma in a mare   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A mare was referred for further evaluation of a mass found in the left caudal abdomen during a routine postpartum reproductive palpation. The mare was clinically normal with no history of health problems. Ultrasonographic examination of the mass confirmed its presence, but the origin of the mass could not be accurately determined. Routine haematology and serum biochemistry results were within normal limits. The mare was initially treated conservatively with antibiotics, but the mass continued to increase in size, so it was surgically excised. The mass involved the left ovary. The mare showed transient abdominal pain after surgery, but developed no other complications and was in foal 7 months later. On histology, the mass was diagnosed as a dysgerminoma, a rare ovarian tumour of germ cell origin.  相似文献   

Ovariohysterectomy in Six Mares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Six mares had ovariohysterectomy performed for chronic pyometra associated with cervical abnormalities, uterine neoplasia, or removal of a macerated fetus. Ovariohysterectomy was performed through a ventral midline incision with access to the ovarian and uterine vessels aided by traction on the uterus and retraction of abdominal viscera. Abdominal pain, the most common complication after surgery, occurred in four mares but resolved within 36 hours. Peritonitis occurred in two mares; one mare was subsequently euthanatized. Other complications that resolved with treatment included infection of the uterine stump (two mares), abdominal hemorrhage (one mare), diarrhea (one mare), and incisional infection (one mare). Complications after surgery can be reduced by removing as much of the uterus as possible, minimizing peritoneal contamination with uterine contents, and providing a secure closure of the caudal reproductive tract.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old Italian Saddlebred showjumper mare was referred for investigation of recurrent colic. The mare had undergone surgery for left dorsal displacement of the ascending colon 5 years previously and had subsequently experienced several episodes of colic that had responded to medical treatment. Due to deterioration of the mare's clinical condition in the last episode, characterised by unrelenting pain and worsening of the cardiovascular parameters, the mare underwent repeat surgery for suspected colonic displacement. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a complete rupture of the mesocolon of the ascending colon. The mesocolon was repaired and the mare recovered uneventfully. She returned to training and competition and only a single episode of mild transient colic was recorded in the follow‐up.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old mare presented 36 hours after foaling with a ruptured bladder. Uroperitoneum was diagnosed on ultrasound and from the creatinine concentration of the peritoneal fluid. Bladder endoscopy demonstrated tissue necrosis and a rent in the dorsocranial aspect of the bladder. Following stabilisation, including abdominal drainage and lavage, the mare was taken to standing surgery. Under continuous sedation and epidural anaesthesia, and after surgical preparation, a Balfour retractor was placed in the vagina. Using sterile lubricant and moderate force, it was possible to insert a hand into the bladder. The tear was easily palpable on the dorsal portion of the bladder. Two fingers were inserted through the tear and used to provide traction to evert the bladder completely into the vagina where it could grasped with the surgeons other hand to prevent further trauma. A second surgeon could then visualise the entire tear and repaired this using a single layer of size zero PDS suture in a single continuous pattern. As soon as the bladder was repaired, it was replaced via the urethra. The mare did well after surgery and was discharged after 48 hours, apparently normal.This report is the first describing repair of the bladder without an abdominal incision or incision into the urethral sphincter. This greatly reduces the chance of possible complications such as urine pooling after surgery with the previously described standing technique or bladder trauma due to traction with abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Thoroughbred mare with signs of acute abdominal pain and chronic pneumonia was found to have pneumothorax. A single application of suction was successful in resolving the pneumothorax. The underlying pneumonia was treated with long-term antibiotic administration selected on the basis of results of bacteriologic culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of a transtracheal aspirate. The pneumonia resolved, and the mare returned to competition as a show hunter.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old miniature horse mare presented for evaluation of ascites. Abdominal ultrasound showed severe free peritoneal fluid accumulation as well as a caudal abdominal mass. The peritoneal fluid was characterised as a transudate with no evidence of sepsis. Surgical exploration of the abdomen was performed; copious free peritoneal fluid and a large right ovarian mass were discovered. The abnormal ovary was removed, and the mass was determined histologically to be a benign granulosa theca‐cell tumour. Although there was mild peritoneal fluid accumulation in the immediate post operative period, the ascites effectively resolved with removal of the tumour, and the mare returned to a normal lifestyle. This is similar to reports of Meigs' syndrome in human women, in which a benign ovarian mass of significant size causes ascites that resolves once the mass is removed.  相似文献   

A pharyngeal cyst was diagnosed in a 5-year-old Dutch Warmblood mare, after presentation for coughing, dyspnea, and abnormal respiratory noise. Complete surgical excision was performed and the mare returned to normal function and performance. Histopathology found no evidence of thyroglossal duct remnants.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old Thoroughbred mare had a 2-week history of weight loss and intermittent fever. Examination of abdominal and pleural fluid revealed peritonitis and pleuritis. Ultrasonography of the ventral abdominal midline revealed an intra-abdominal mass. Exploratory celiotomy was performed, but the mass was not surgically excisable. The mare was euthanatized and necropsied. Histologically, the mass was determined to be a fibrosarcoma of omental origin.  相似文献   

In this article we report the course of disease in a mare following severe vaginal injury during natural cover. Although the genital injury healed completely, the mare developed extensive intra‐abdominal intestinal adhesions causing complete small intestinal obstruction 2 years after the incident. The adhesion was not accessible during initial emergency laparotomy and a standing, hand‐assisted laparoscopic adhesiolysis and jejuno‐jejunal end‐to‐end anastomosis were subsequently performed. The mare was subjected to euthanasia 10 weeks after surgery due to recurrence of abdominal pain. The pertaining literature is discussed in regards to this case.  相似文献   

This report describes two cases of successful surgical management of granulosa cell tumours (GCT) in mares presenting with haemoperitoneum (HP). Controlled abdominal drainage was initially attempted in Case 1 but was not successful. A ventral midline exploratory laparotomy allowed removal of a haemorrhaging 13 kg GCT. The mare made a full recovery and returned to normal work as a driving pony 11 months post-operatively. In Case 2 controlled abdominal drainage was followed by standing left flank laparoscopic visualisation of the bleeding ovary and transection of the ovarian pedicle by electrocautery. The GCT was then removed via a ventral midline incision due to its large size. Haemoperitoneum can be associated with GCTs and in some cases is severe enough to prompt emergency treatment. Stabilisation of the patient and removal of the haemorrhaging GCT can lead to a successful outcome.  相似文献   

An endometrial adenocarcinoma with metastases to the lung, liver, spleen, mesentery and serosal peritoneal surfaces was found in an 11-year-old Arabian mare. Clinical signs included generalized weight loss, depression, anorexia, ventral edema and abdominal distension. Ascites was due to thrombosis of the caudal vena cava. The diagnosis of endometrial adenocarcinoma was based on the histological appearance of uterine glandular epithelium and the presence of similar tissue in the metastatic tumors.  相似文献   

A poorly performing nine-year-old thoroughbred mare was presented because of chronic weight loss. On rectal examination an abdominal mass was palpated and, on percussion of the right flank from the 11th to 13th intercostal space, a large area of dullness was delineated. Biopsies taken from the liver region and through the rectum revealed a malignant metastasising tumour of the urinary system. After euthanasia, the post mortem findings confirmed the presence of a papillary renal carcinoma with multiple metastases into the omentum and peritoneum.  相似文献   

A 17-year-old Quarter Horse, Arabian crossbred mare presented with a history of having had abdominal pain for 2 d. At surgery there was 2.6 m of descending colon strangulated within the pedicle of a mesenteric lipoma. The lipoma was resected and the descending colon appeared viable so was replaced, and the mare recovered from anaesthesia. Post-operatively, the mare failed to stabilise so was taken back to surgery. There was 2 m of infarcted descending colon which was resected and anastomosed. A drain and stainless steel stay sutures were incorporated into the ventral suture line. Post-operatively the ventral wound became infected but was resolved with therapy. The diagnosis, surgical and post-operative management and outcome are discussed.  相似文献   

Small-colon rupture attributable to granulosa cell tumor in a mare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large granulosa cell tumor was believed to be responsible for causing obstruction and subsequent rupture of the small colon in a 10-year-old Quarter Horse mare. Two months earlier, a mass, tentatively diagnosed as granulosa cell tumor of the left ovary, had been identified by means of rectal palpation and ultrasonography. The mare was evaluated for clinical signs of acute, severe, abdominal pain, increased heart rate, cyanotic mucous membranes, clinical dehydration, with high PCV, leukopenia, and extreme abdominal distension. A large soft tissue mass and taut band that constricted the lumen of the small colon were palpable per rectum. Septic peritonitis was diagnosed on the basis of results of abdominocentesis. Exploratory surgery revealed extensive fecal contamination of the abdominal viscera, and the mare was euthanatized because of the resultant poor prognosis. At necropsy, the small colon was occluded by a taut, left broad ligament and the ovarian mass that was proved to be a granulosa cell tumor. The occlusion had caused impaction of the small colon, with subsequent perforation at the level of the broad ligament.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old 450 kg Argentine polo mare presented with a dropped elbow and an unwillingness to bear weight after being kicked by another horse on the lateral aspect of the upper left forelimb. The mare was subsequently diagnosed with a displaced olecranon fracture that did not readily conform to the standard classification systems. Referral for surgical treatment involving open reduction and internal fixation was declined due to financial constraints. Due to the mare being unsuitable for breeding, and conservative treatment of displaced olecranon fractures being deemed to have an overall poor prognosis for return to full athletic performance, another treatment option was sought. Given the fracture configuration, standing surgical removal of the large proximal fragment was performed. The mare returned to full athletic performance 12 months post operatively without lameness. This case report describes an alternative treatment option for selected olecranon fractures.  相似文献   

In this report, a jejunal entrapment through a presumptive chronic mesenteric defect extending over approximately 20 cm of the duodenojejunal region was found as a cause of acute onset colic in a multiparous broodmare. Mesenteric reattachment during the initial exploratory laparotomy was deemed unsafe given the majority of the avulsion could only be palpated deep within the abdomen. Following recovery and an uneventful parturition 12 days later, the mare returned 18 days post-foaling for attempted, standing laparoscopic reattachment of the mesentery. The procedure was converted to a hand-assisted technique and reattachment completed using a mechanical suturing device and knotless, unidirectional barbed suture. The mare was discharged 3 days post-operatively, bred 28 days following discharge and a singleton pregnancy confirmed 15 days post-ovulation and 46 days following laparoscopy. There were no signs of abdominal discomfort noted in the first 8 months following surgery. In summary, a standing, right-sided hand-assisted laparoscopic approach provided effective visibility to the mesoduodenojejunal region.  相似文献   

Small intestinal adenocarcinoma in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 21-year-old mare was evaluated for intermittent episodes of apparent abdominal pain of 6 month's duration. Abdominal palpation per rectum revealed distended small intestine in the caudal portion of the abdomen. Ventral midline celiotomy revealed a mass in the midjejunal region. The mass was resected, and a side-to-side anastomosis performed. The histologic diagnosis was tubular adenocarcinoma of the small intestine. The mare was still alive 13 months after surgery.  相似文献   

The case reported here describes an atypical presentation of cellulitis/lymphangitis in an 8‐year‐old Dutch Warmblood mare. The horse was presented with a history of recurrent episodes of cellulitis/lymphangitis and the presence of fluctuating cyst‐like lesions on the left hindlimb. These lesions appeared to be interconnected lymphangiectasias. Surgical debridement followed by primary wound closure and local drainage was performed under general anaesthesia. Twelve months post surgery, no recurrence of cellulitis/lymphangitis had occurred and the mare had returned to her former use as a dressage horse.  相似文献   

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