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将HRP溶液注入鸡上纹状体,追踪投射至上纹状体的纤维来源,在丘脑背外侧前核、背外侧后核,丘脑背内侧前核、背内侧后核,中脑深核外侧部和腹侧部及顶盖背核出现标记细胞。外侧前脑束和隔中脑束出现标记纤维。结果表示.上述核团有纤维投射到上纹状体,且投射均限于同侧。  相似文献   

肖啸  雷治海 《畜牧与兽医》1994,26(5):196-200
本文用HRP(辣根过氧化物酶)法研究了6只仔猪大脑皮层缘回和外缘回与皮层及皮层下结构的联系,结果如下:(1)将HRP注入缘回后,在双侧大脑半球缘回、外缘回和外薛氏回及同侧大脑半球冠状回、扣带回和梨状叶、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后外侧核、后核群、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞末梢;在丘脑网状核、脑干网状给构、脑桥核、上丘、顶盖前区、壳核和尾状核中出现标记末梢。(2)将HRP注入外缘回后,在双侧大脑半球外缘回、缘回和外薛氏回及同侧压部回、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后核群、后外侧核、腹后核、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞和末梢;在脑干网状结构和脑桥核出现标记末梢。  相似文献   

鸡丘脑背外侧核前部与上纹状体、新纹状体、外纹状体及圆核和视顶盖有纤维交互投射;丘脑背外侧核后部与上纹状体、新纹状体及圆核和视顶盖有纤维交互投射,且与丘脑其他核团有较多的联系。  相似文献   

取健康成鸡(星杂288)10只,经秋水仙素处理,灌流固定后取脑,作冰冻连续切片,ABC法显示,鸡脑强啡肽A1-13(DynA1-13)免疫反应神经元分布于端脑的上纹状体、新纹状体、旧纹状体、外纹状体、海马、旁嗅区和伏隔核;间脑的下丘脑外侧核、丘脑背内侧核后部、丘脑背外侧核后部、室旁核和视前大细胞核等;中脑和延髓的视峡核、中脑外侧核背侧部、峡核、视叶脑室室周灰质、螺旋外侧核、被盖背外侧核、三叉神经中脑核、动眼神经核、中脑中央灰质、前庭核和延髓背侧网状核等。在侧脑室、第三脑室、中脑导水管和视叶脑室的室管膜上有阳性细胞和纤维分布,与脑脊液接触。结果表明,鸡脑DynA1-13阳性神经元分布十分广泛,提示DynA1-13可通过侧脑室、第三脑室、中脑导水管和视叶脑室释放入脑脊液。  相似文献   

雏鸡投射向外侧膝状体腹侧核的视顶盖细胞形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鸟类的一些视觉信息经由视顶盖Ⅰ层细胞(Ⅰ细胞)传递到外侧膝状体腹侧核(nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis,GLv),用于色觉、瞳孔反射和视觉运动.使用羰花青荧光染料DiI逆向神经标记技术研究了这些投射向GLv核的视顶盖Ⅰ细胞的形态特征.根据标记细胞的胞体和树突野大小及树突分枝特点,雏鸡投射到GLv核的视顶盖Ⅰ细胞可分为“矛状树突Ⅰ细胞”和“叉状树突Ⅰ细胞”,前者具有小型纺锤状的细胞体和垂直伸延的1支尖端树突,后者具有较大三角形或多角形的细胞体和多支上行性树突.多数标记树突的末端部水平分布于视顶盖F层,和终止于此层的视神经终末部的形态相一致.  相似文献   

强啡肽A1—13免疫反应神经元在鸡脑的定位:ABC法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取健康成鸡(星杂288)10只,经秋水仙素处理,灌流固定后取脑,作冰冻连续切片,ABC法显示,鸡脑强啡肽A1-13(DynA1-13)免疫反应神经元分布于端脑的上纹状体,新纹状体、旧纹状体、外纹状体、海马、旁嗅区和伏隔核;间脑的下丘脑外侧核、丘脑背内侧核后部、丘脑背外侧核后部,室旁核和视前大细胞核等;中脑和延髓的视峡核,中脑外侧核背侧部、峡核、视叶脑室室周灰质、螺旋外侧核、被盖背外侧核、三叉神经中  相似文献   

皮质加厚区是位于爬行动物端脑嘴侧部的一个特殊核团。它的位置特殊,位于背侧皮层腹侧,外侧皮层和背侧室嵴之间,在视觉与丘脑和与顶盖通路的交汇之处。皮质加厚区主要参与视觉信息的传导,接受与视觉相关的丘脑核团,如背外侧膝状核、背内侧核、中介核的投射。而皮质加厚区则投射到与它相邻近的纹状体、伏核、背侧皮层和前背侧视嵴嘴外侧区。皮质加厚区的细胞内存在与多巴胺D1受体相关联的磷酸蛋白,表明皮质加厚区是一个多巴胺能的核团。文章对爬行动物皮质加厚区的形态解剖、纤维投射及生理功能的研究进展进行了阐述。  相似文献   

应用乙酰胆碱脂酶(AChE)组织化学技术,研究了28枚不同胚龄鸡脑内含AChE阳性反应产物的微血管的分布。结果显示:在孵化第18d时,脑内已经出现了含AChE阳性反应产物的微血管。AChE阳性微血管主要分布在端脑的腹侧纹状体、内侧隔核、前连合核背侧区;间脑的视前区、丘脑前背外侧区、丘脑前背内侧区、丘脑背外侧区、缰核区、间脑中缝区域;中脑深核腹侧部、中脑背外侧核、中脑视叶脑室周腹内侧深层,中脑中缝区域。阳性微血管的管径均小于20μm。结果提示:至少在孵化第18d时,鸡胚脑内乙酰胆碱已开始发挥其调节脑血流的作用。  相似文献   

用HRP法,逆行追踪了54例北京鸭下行投射到脊髓的神经纤维的起始部位。用乌拉坦麻醉,分别在脊髓的C_7、颈膨大或腰膨大部注射30~50%HRP,灌流固定,取脑做冰冻连续切片。蓝色反应显色,中性红复染,镜检。实验结果,各脑区出现的标记细胞主要位于同侧,对侧较少。而红核内的标记细胞绝大多数分布于对侧,同侧极少。在其它部位,同侧前庭外侧核中,标记细胞较多,双侧的前庭内侧核和对侧的前庭降核中标记细胞极少。对侧小脑内侧核中有较多的标记细胞,对侧小脑皮质的蒲金野细胞层也有少量标记细胞。脑桥和延髓的外侧网状核、巨细胞网状核及延髓中央核均有标记细胞。中缝核有大量标记细胞。另外,下丘脑室旁核及其腹侧和腹外侧的内细胞层和外细胞层,也有标记。在迷走背核、疑核、孤束核、蓝斑及蓝斑下核都有直接到脊髓的投射。在大脑各部和中脑顶盖内未见到标记细胞。本文结合哺乳类和某些禽类的资料与北京鸭的下行传导通路的起源进行了比较。结果表明:北京鸭具有与哺乳类相似的红核脊髓束、前庭脊髓束、网状脊髓束、小脑脊髓束、中缝脊髓束及孤束核脊髓束,而没有大脑皮质脊髓束和顶盖脊髓束。本文中的发现,迷走背核、疑核和小脑皮质向脊髓的直接投射,尚未见过报道。  相似文献   

北京鸭胃迷走传出神经纤维的起源——HRP法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将30%的HRP分点注入北京鸭的胃壁,逆行追踪了到胃壁去的迷走神经节前纤维的起源。结果表明: 一、延髓的迷走神经背核是北京鸭胃迷走神经节前纤维的唯一起始核。 二、将HRP注入鸭胃各区后,在延髓两侧的迷走神经背核内的标记细胞基本是对称的,不存在一侧优势。 三、迷走神经背核不仅发出纤维支配内脏上皮腺体,而且发出到内脏平滑肌的纤维。 四、支配前胃的迷走运动节前纤维主要来自延髓的前中区与前区的迷走神经背核的中间亚核及腹侧亚核。支配肌胃背、腹侧厚肌的迷走节前神经元集中在开张区的迷走神经背核的背侧亚核。而肌胃的背、腹侧薄肌的节前纤维来自延髓的四个区,在闭合区与开张区主要分布在背侧亚核,在前中区分布在三个亚核,在前区全部分布在腹侧亚核。  相似文献   

Fibre connections of the chick nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis (GLv) were investigated using the axonal tracing method with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). After an injection of WGA-HRP into the GLv, many labelled neurons were observed in layer i of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale (SGFS) in the ipsilateral tectum opticum (TO) and in the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali (LM). In the TO-GLv projection, cells of origin were located in the deeper part of layer i of the TO and were topographically distributed along the direction from the rostrodorsal part to the caudoventral part of the TO relating to a rostrocaudal axis of the GLv. In the LM-GLv connection, the dorsal and ventral parts of the LM connected reciprocally with the rostral and caudal halves of the GLv, respectively. In contrast, in the GLv efferent connection, labelled axon terminals spread widely in the ipsilateral area pretectalis without any clear topographical arrangement.  相似文献   

Some visual information is sent to the nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis (GLv) via the cells in layer I (I cells) of the tectum in birds and is used for color vision, papillary reflex, and kineoptic functions. To reveal the morphological features of 'I cells' projecting to the GLv, they were retrogradely labeled with DiI (1,1'-dioctadecyl-3, 3, 3', 3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate) in chicks. Two different types of neurons, 'spear dendritic I cells' and 'forked dendritic I cells' were identified. The former had small spindle-like soma and an apical dendrite extending to the tectal surface, and the latter had somewhat larger triangular or polygonal soma and plural ascending dendrites. Most of the labeled dendritic endings bifurcated horizontally in layer F, and showed the ending patterns similar to the terminals of optic nerve fibers.  相似文献   

采用电脉冲刺激穴位法及免疫组织化学SP法,研究了电脉冲刺激肾旁穴对丘脑内雌激素受体免疫反应阳性产物的影响。结果发现雌激素受体免疫反应阳性产物在丘脑内广泛分布,可见电针组丘脑室旁核、丘脑腹外侧核、丘脑腹内侧核、丘脑腹主核、丘脑中央中核、丘脑网状核、丘脑室周核等核区有大量阳性产物,且多分布于神经元的胞浆、胞核和突起中、有少部分分布于胞膜上,染色较深,突起明显,细胞形态多样,轮廓清晰;而对照组相应神经核团中阳性细胞数量较少且淡染,突起也不明显,形态单一或轮廓不清。两组阳性产物的染色强度和细胞数目均差异显著。以上结果表明电脉冲刺激肾旁穴可使家兔上述核团内雌激素受体的表达增强。  相似文献   

ChAT在1日龄锥鸡丘脑视、听觉中继核团内的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胆碱乙酰转移酶(ChAT)是ACh的合成酶,为了观察它在禽脑内的分布,试验选取1日龄雏鸡5天,采用免疫组化SP法研究了ChAT在鸡丘脑视、听觉中继核团内的分。结果表明,在1日龄雏鸡丘脑中,ChAT阳性神经元广泛分布于圆核、卵圆核及亚圆核中,且密度较高、染色较深;外侧膝状体核中既有阳性神经元,又有阳性纤维分布。这表明1日龄雏鸡丘脑中继核团胆碱能神经系统的发育已趋于完善。  相似文献   

The presence of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the brain and retina of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) was investigated for the first time. For this investigation we employed an immunoperoxidase technique and the western immunoblot analysis using an antiserum raised against porcine NPY. The results showed that NPY-immunoreactivity was widely distributed in the brain of S. aurata. In particular, we have found NPY-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in the area ventralis telencephali pars centralis and pars lateralis, in the area dorsali telencephali pars centralis subdivision two and in nucleus intermedius thalami. An intense NPY-ir was detected in the telencephalon, in the optic tectum, in the thalamus, hypothalamus and in the vagal lobes. Scarce positive fibres were seen in the olfactory bulbs. NPY-ir amacrine cells were observed in the retina. The western immunoblot analysis revealed a protein band with a mobility corresponding to that of synthetic NPY. Our findings are, in general, in agreement with those obtained in other teleosts. The extensive distribution of NPY indicates for this peptide a key role in basic physiological actions, including visual and gustatory inputs processing.  相似文献   

The musculoskeletal system of the aardvark (Orycteropus afer) tail was morphologically examined in two adult specimens. The tail musculature comprised three muscular groups, viz. a dorsal sacrocaudal system that consisted of the irregularly oriented Musculus sacrocaudalis dorsalis medialis and M. sacrocaudalis dorsalis lateralis, a lateral inter‐vertebral connecting system, and a ventral sacrocaudal system characterized by the thick M. sacrocaudalis ventralis lateralis and M. sacrocaudalis ventralis medialis. Both the dorsal and ventral systems possessed large tendon groups that strengthened the tail structure. Computed tomography (CT) examination showed the presence of large but homogeneous cartilaginous inter‐vertebral discs, whereas V‐shaped bones were situated at the ventral aspect of the caudal vertebrae at the level of the inter‐vertebral discs. CT visualization of the tendons and V‐shaped bones in various tail positions suggested that these structures contribute to the tunnel digging action by bearing the trunk weight and lending force when the aardvark are displacing the soil by means of the forelimbs.  相似文献   

The study discusses problems as related to the existence of a so-called A. carotis externa (= ventralis) in the Anamnia, and is based on the analysis of old and new literature. The facts presented are illustrated by several figures, demonstrating the organization pattern of branchial arteries and their various branches in adult animals as well as during the development of all types of branchial vessels. Summarizing the aspects involved, it can be concluded that an A. carotis ventralis does not exist, neither in reality nor as the first stage of an A. carotis externa. All of the efferent vessels coming from the 6 original branchial arteries, always arise from the respective A. branchialis efferens and contain oxygenated blood. As A. hypobranchialis lateralis and medialis these vessels supply the entire hypobranchial region, the floor of the mouth, and the heart. Moreover, a rostral prolongation of the Aorta ventralis is also not proven to exist during the ontogenesis of branchial arches.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) of DBA/2 mice inoculated i.p. with the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D) (10(3) PFU/head) was examined up to 28 days postinoculation (28 DPI). The virus titer of CNS reached a maximum level at 4 DPI, and infectious viruses became undetectable by 28 DPI. Histopathologically, degeneration of neurons with virus antigens was observed in St. pyramidale hippocampi, Nuc. amigdaloideus corticalis and St. granulosum cerebelli of the brain and in Cornu ventrale of the thoracic to lumbar spinal cord at 6 DPI. In addition, in the spinal cord, demyelination was found in Funiculus ventralis and Funiculus lateralis at 6 DPI and it progressed to form spongiosis at 10 DPI. In correspondence with these virological and histopathological findings, hind limb paralysis developed in some mice at 6 DPI, and its incidence increased markedly to about 60% at 10 DPI.  相似文献   

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