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采用自体器官移植的思路,探索用自体部分带蒂空肠代替尿道的手术方法,以解决实际中动物因尿道结石、尿道损伤等所致的自身尿道无法正常排泄尿液的情况.经过术后观察,犬的各项生理指标均趋于正常.结果表明,此段带蒂空肠可存活,并可代替尿道,保证机体正常的尿液排泄,为犬的尿道再造术提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

犬尿结石是尿路中盐类结晶的凝结物刺激尿路黏膜,引起出血、炎症和阻塞的一种泌尿系统疾病。结石对膀胱和尿道的机械刺激,可引起犬的尿道炎或膀胱炎;当结石随尿液进入尿道而使尿道阻塞时,有的犬会并发尿毒症。据统计,发病犬为小型成年犬,年龄从1.5~12岁不等,以4—8岁多发。公犬的尿结石发生率略高于母犬,公犬以膀胱结石伴发尿道结石为主,而母犬主要是单纯的膀胱结石。  相似文献   

犬的排泄行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
排泄行为(Elimmative Behaviour)是指与粪尿排出有关的行为。犬排泄粪便和尿液并不仅仅是一种排泄废物的动作,而且是犬与犬交往的一种重要手段,有着特殊的意义。正确认识犬盼排泄行为对搞好犬场卫生,使犬养成良好的家居文明习性有重要作用。作者根据长期观察所得,并参考有关资料,对犬的排泄行为作一简述,供同行参考。 1 仔犬的排泄行为仔犬的排泄行为是一个不断变化发展,日趋成熟的动态过程。18日龄前的仔犬并不  相似文献   

<正>随着人们物质生活水平的提高,犬的饲养得以迅速发展,但由于饲养者的管理不当及犬品种等原因,使得犬的尿路结石病成为犬的常见病之一。尿路结石又称尿石症,当尿液中的可溶性盐过饱和时,盐会沉淀形成结晶(结晶尿),如果这些结晶不能被及时排泄出体外,它们可聚集形成固态,称为结石,这些结石存在于肾脏、输尿管、膀胱以及尿道中,刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血性炎症和尿路阻塞性疾病,以排尿障碍和血尿为特征。尿路结石是犬泌  相似文献   

膀胱尿结石为犬猫泌尿道结石中最易发生的膀胱疾病,常见于中老龄犬、猫。尿结石大多在膀胱形成。当结石随尿液进入尿道而使尿道阻塞时,有的犬会并发尿毒症。据统计,发  相似文献   

膀胱尿结石为犬猫泌尿道结石中最易发生的膀胱疾病,常见于中老龄犬、猫。尿结石大多在膀胱形成。当结石随尿液进入尿道而使尿道阻塞时,有的犬会并发尿毒症。据统计,发病犬为小型成年犬,年龄从1.5~12岁不等,以3~7岁为多发。公犬的尿结石发病率略高于母犬,公犬以膀胱结石伴发尿道结石为主,公犬常可见于阴茎口后方或坐骨弓处,常阻塞和损伤尿道,而母犬主要是单纯的膀胱结石。笔者日前遇到一例博美犬尿道膀胱结石病例,经过手术治疗和术后护理,该犬已完全康复,特介绍如下,与各位同行进行探讨。  相似文献   

旨在研究使用犬BMSCs和EPCs接种的脱细胞人羊膜基质修复犬长段管状尿道缺损的可行性,评估其修复效果。选取15只健康成年雄性杂种犬,随机分为5组,每组3只。建立会阴部3cm管状尿道缺损模型后,分别用负载骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)、血管内皮祖细胞(EPCs)、BMSCs和EPCs混合的脱细胞羊膜基质修复缺损部位;用未种植细胞的脱细胞羊膜修复和缺损后不修复的犬只作为对照。通过术后排尿观察,尿道造影,剖检观察和组织学观察来评估修复效果。结果显示:BMSCs+EPCs混合组的犬只在术后排尿正常,新生尿道管腔光滑平整,无尿道狭窄,组织学观察显示新生上皮完整;BMSCs组的犬只尿道有小范围狭窄,剖检发现新生段有瘢痕;EPCs组的犬只排尿时间延长,新生尿道段狭窄,剖检显示新生段粗糙,瘢痕较多;组织学观察显示新生段上皮化不完整;羊膜修复组和自体修复组的犬只排尿异常,新生尿道段狭窄,剖检显示新生段瘢痕化严重,有多处皱缩,组织学观察显示上皮化不完整,仅为单层上皮,自体修复组的犬只尿道新生段几乎无上皮细胞覆盖。结果表明:证明用负载BMSCs和EPCs 2种细胞的脱细胞人羊膜基质可成功修复犬长段管状尿道缺损。  相似文献   

在兽医临床上,尿道插管术是常用的操作技术之一,用于冲洗膀胱与尿道,根治炎症;导流尿液,规避感染;提供尿道支撑,防止闭塞等。但雄犬因尿道解剖与生理的特殊性,插管比较困难。反复操作必然给犬带来很多痛苦,而且容易损伤尿道黏膜,出现并发症。现有资料对雄犬尿道插管技术的介绍并不多见。笔者在研究雄犬尿道解剖结构与生理特点的基础上,结合临床实践经验,总结了雄犬尿道插管的实际操作技术,并详细分析了插管过程、导尿管留置期间和更换导尿管时应注意的问题及处理方法,以期为临床上科学地应用导尿管及开展泌尿外科动物试验提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

在兽医临床上,尿道插管术是常用的操作技术之一,用于冲洗膀胱与尿道,根治炎症;导流尿液,规避感染;提供尿道支撑,防止闭塞等。但雄犬因尿道解剖与生理的特殊性,插管比较困难。反复操作必然给犬带来很多痛苦,而且容易损伤尿道黏膜,出现并发症。现有资料对雄犬尿道插管技术的介绍并不多见。笔者在研究雄犬尿道解剖结构与生理特点的基础上,结合临床实践经验,总结了雄犬尿道插管的实际操作技术,并详细分析了插管过程、导尿管留置期间和更换导尿管时应注意的问题及处理方法,以期为临床上科学地应用导尿管及开展泌尿外科动物试验提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

猫的膀胱破裂病多是由于自发性膀胱炎、尿道结石等疾病引起的尿道阻塞,使尿液不能正常排泄,导致膀胱内尿液过度集聚,从而引起膀胱体黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌肉层、浆膜层过度扩张,引发破裂。本文从该病的发病原因、引发的病症及疾病手术处理进行了概述,以供参考。  相似文献   

The mucosal margin of the urethra is best assessed by positive contrast urethrography, but ultrasonography offers complementary information such as urethral wall thickness and size of medial iliac lymph nodes. Ultrasonography of the urethra is quick, noninvasive and does not require sedation or general anesthesia. In patients with complete urethral obstruction, ultrasonography may be the only way to image the urethra. Twelve dogs which were presented to Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine with clinical signs referable to the urinary bladder, urethra or vagina were examined ultrasonographically. Seven were neutered females and five were neutered males. Each dog had a hyperechoic, nonshadowing line at the epithelial surface of the proximal urethra. In the seven female patients and one of the males, the urethral wall was also thick and hypoechoic to surrounding tissue. In the other males, the urethral epithelial changes were at the level of the prostate, and the limits of the urethra were not visible. In six dogs, the urethral change was the only abnormality seen, while in six, bladder wall, bladder luminal and/or prostatic parenchymal changes were also detected. Three patients had hydronephrosis, and one had enlarged medial iliac lyumph nodes. Biopsies were obtained via suction with urinary catheterization (n = 6), exploratory celiotomy (n = 3), urethroscopy (n = 2), or at post-mortem (n = 1). A histopathologic diagnosis of urethral transitional cell carcinoma was obtained in ten dogs. The ultrasonographic appearance was not pathognomonic for transitional cell carcinoma, as one dog with transitional cell dysplasia and one dog with severe ulcerative and necrosupperative cystitis and urethral stricture had similar findings.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the proximal urethra using a distally based tube flap mobilized from the ventral bladder wall was performed on 12 clinically normal dogs after total prostatectomy and resection of 2 cm of membranous urethra. One dog was euthanized at 6 hours and one at 36 hours after surgery because of surgical complications. Five dogs were euthanized at 10 days, two dogs at 6 weeks and three dogs at 12 weeks. Advancement of the tube flap allowed for tension-free anastomosis to the membranous urethra. Vascular integrity was maintained in all flaps. Intermittent to continuous postoperative urinary incontinence occurred in 7 of 10 dogs. The incontinence was transient in all 6 and 12 week dogs except one in which a persistent stress incontinence developed. Mild to severe dysuria was noted in 8 of 10 dogs, but was also transient in all of the 6 and 12 week dogs, with the exception of one dog. Postoperative urethral closure pressure profilometry revealed decreased tone in the membranous urethra in all 6 and 12 week dogs. It was concluded that proximal urethral reconstruction, using a ventral bladder tube flap, is a viable technique that may permit functional urodynamic recovery in dogs with significant proximal urethral loss.  相似文献   

Three dogs with dysuria and urine retention caused by excessive functional urethral resistance are described. All dogs had clinical histories and urologic signs that previously would have been classified as detrusor-urethral dyssynergia. Diagnosis of functional urinary obstruction was established by exclusion of anatomic urinary obstruction and confirmed by urethral pressure profilometry. In 2 cases, multiple pressure deflections recorded in the urethral pressure profile suggested spasm of urethral musculature, whereas in a 3rd dog, abnormally high pressures were recorded along a portion of the proximal urethra. Functional urinary obstruction was associated with prostatitis in 1 dog and with a history of urethral calculi in 1 dog, and no underlying disorder could be identified in the remaining dog. All 3 dogs improved with medical treatments that included alpha adrenergic antagonists. The etiology, diagnosis, and pharmacologic management of functional urinary obstruction are discussed.  相似文献   

An 8‐year‐old male dog was presented with a peri‐urethral intrapelvic mass with the characteristics of a sarcoma on computed tomography and cytology evaluation. A two‐step procedure leading to a permanent urinary diversion was performed. During the same procedure, the caudal pelvic urethra and mass were resected and an extrapelvic anastomosis of the pelvic portion of the urethra to its penile portion was performed after passage of the pelvic urethra through the inguinal canal. The procedure successfully produced a tension‐free end‐to‐end urethral anastomosis and no complications were observed during the postoperative period. Histologically, the lesion was reported as a narrowly excised liposarcoma. A 4‐week course of curative intent of radiotherapy was initiated 2 weeks after surgery. Eight months later, the dog was free of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Proximal urethral obstruction was diagnosed 2 days after bilateral perineal herniorrhaphy in a 12-year-old male Pomeranian-cross dog. The obstruction was caused by ligation of the proximal urethra during resection of a presumed paraprostatic cyst. Surgical repair involved reconstruction of the urethra and bladder wall, but urinary incontinence persisted.  相似文献   

Vaginourethroplasty for Treatment of Urethral Obstruction in the Bitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vaginourethroplasty was performed in six bitches with infiltrative, obstructive urethral disease. The initial clinical signs included dysuria, hematuria, pollakiuria, and stranguria. Diagnosis was based on the clinical signs, plain radiography and contrast vagino-urethrogram examination, and urethral biopsy. Five dogs were diagnosed as having urethral neoplasia; the sixth dog had granulomatous urethritis. In all six dogs, up to 50% of the urethra and the urethral tubercle were resected to ensure adequate surgical margins. One dog was euthanatized 4 months after surgery for recurrence of a transitional cell carcinoma at the surgical site. Long-term resolution of the problem (minimum of 12 months) was achieved in the other five dogs. The frequency of serious complications, including urinary incontinence and ascending lower urinary tract infections, was low.  相似文献   

Repair of urethral defects using fascia lata autografts in dogs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of urethroplasty using a free fascia lata (FL) graft in the dog. STUDY DESIGN: In vivo experimental study. ANIMALS: Mixed-breed dogs (n=14). METHODS: Half of the circumference of the urethra, approximately 1.5 cm long, was excised in 14 male dogs to induce a urethral defect. FL (approximately 2 cm x 2 cm) harvested from the lateral thigh was sutured to the urethra using a 3-0 polyglactin 910 continuous pattern. Dogs were monitored daily for bladder distention and had urethral catheters until normal voiding was observed. On day 60, each dog had a positive contrast urethrogram, and then 8 dogs were euthanatized for gross and histologic examination. Six dogs were monitored for urologic problems for 6 months, and a positive contrast urethrogram was repeated. RESULTS: All dogs recovered successfully; 4 dogs had difficulty voiding for 2-3 days and urine was aspirated from these dogs every 3 hours until signs of painful urination disappeared. On positive contrast urethrograms, urethral anatomy was considered normal except in 4 dogs that had an irregular contour. Gross urethral examination confirmed an absence of ulceration, stricture, diverticula, or fistula formation, and the FL-lined graft survived in all dogs. No degenerative and reparative responses were observed. On histologic examination of the penile urethra, the lumen was intact, covered with transitional epithelium, and surrounded by corpus spongiosum with cavernous spaces and blood-filled vessels. CONCLUSIONS: Free FL grafts are incorporated satisfactorily and would appear to be useful for repairing urethral defects. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: FL grafts should be considered for repair of urethral defects in dogs.  相似文献   

Congenital urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence is a cause of urinary incontinence in female dogs and cats. In some of these animals, urethra hypoplasia is the primary diagnosis, with the urethra being almost absent in some patients. Treatment of this problem can be difficult. This paper describes two techniques for the surgical treatment of eight cats and one dog with severe urethral hypoplasia. In five animals, partial excision of the bladder neck was performed to create a longer "urethra." In the other four, an attempt was made to conserve bladder volume while simultaneously creating a urethra with a bladder neck flap reconstruction technique. One cat was lost to follow-up, but the clinical signs resolved in three cats and the remaining animals improved. Two cats had recurring cystitis, possibly associated with bladder neck diverticula because of uterine horn remnants terminating abnormally in the bladder. The results in this limited series suggest that reconstructive surgery in cases of severe urethral hypoplasia improves continence control.  相似文献   

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