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A female milkfish, captured at sea, was injected with two hormonal injections of acetone-dried salmon pituitary powder and human chorionic gonadotropin, plus Vitamin B complex. It was stripped, and produced 128,000 ripe eggs with an average diameter of 1.15 mm. Fertilization rate was 38% following artificial fertilization with milt from an uninjected male. A total of 36,000 larvae hatched (74% of fertile eggs) after 26–32 h at 34 ‰ salinity and 27–32°C. The newly hatched larvae measured 3.4 mm in mean total length and possessed a large yolk sac. The mouth of the larvae opened about 54 h after hatching. The larvae were fed with fertilized oyster eggs, rotifers, copepods, brine shrimp, flour and prepared feed, together with Chlorella. A critical period was between the 4th and 6th days with mortality over 80%. The larvae started increasing in length by Day 8, and had the appearance of the wild fry by Day 11. On Day 13 a pigmentation pattern developed and the biggest larva measured 10.0 mm. By Day 18 the larvae measured 12.5 mm, and 14.5 mm by Day 21. A total of 2,859 fry was obtained; the highest larval survival rate obtained from different experimental groups was 46.8%.  相似文献   

Hydrated eggs obtained from a female milkfish, Chanos chanos, were artificially fertilized with the milt collected from a male injected with acetone-dried pituitaries of salmon. The fertilized eggs (1.1–1.25 mm in diameter) developed normally in seawater in basins and petri dishes at a salinity of 30–34‰, and successfully hatched in 25–28.5 hours at a temperature of 26.4–29.9°C. The yolk was completely absorbed in about 2.5 days and during this period many postlarvae died. A few larvae were reared up to 5 days but all died on the 6th day. Attempts were made to feed the postlarvae with freshly hatched trochophore larvae of oysters obtained from eggs artificially fertilized in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract. Oxidation treatment of sugarmill waste using duckweed ( Lemna sp.) as part of the system, to reduce effluent nutrient concentrations and biological oxygen demand (BOD), was evaluated during a 6 month milling season in Negros Oriental, Philippines. Mean ammonia concentration in effluent water was reduced from 0·87 to 0·31 mg/l NH3-N and orthophosphate from 0·93 to 0·51 mg/l P2O5, while mean BOD was reduced from 611 to 143mg/t BOD5, after treatment. Seasonal mass fish kills in the adjoining bay no longer occurred during the 3 years following introduction of this treatment. The mean duckweed production (dry weight) was 8–8g/m2/day. Duckweed was harvested from a 1·9ha area of the system and transferred to an adjacent milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal, farm. Its fertilization effect, in terms of lablab production ( lablab is the biological complex of bluegreen algae, diatoms, bacteria and various animals which forms a mat at the bottom or floats in patches), was evaluated in the milkfish ponds. This was compared with ponds fertilized with either inorganic fertilizers or cow manure, in the traditional way. Lablab growth was significantly increased using duckweed, with ash-free dry weight production averaging 32g/m2/day following fertilization with duckweed compared with 4g/m2/day using inorganic fertilizers. Milkfish net production averaged 320 kg/ha/90-day crop in inorganically fertilized ponds. 545kg/ha/90-day crop for cow manure and 820kg/ha/90-day crop in duckweed-fertilized ponds. The system is described and the benefits of this integrated waste treatment-fish production facility are discussed.  相似文献   

细基江蓠繁枝变种 (GracilariatenuistipitataV .liui)俗称细江蓠 ,在我国主要分布在海南岛 ,也是海南省海藻栽培的重要品种 ,细江蓠生长快 ,产量高。遮目鱼 [ChanosChanos(Forstal) ],生长迅速、饵料易得 ,鱼苗病害较少 ,易于饲养 ,是咸淡水养殖的重要对象。关于细江蓠与遮目鱼的混养迄今尚未见报道。 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年我们在兴发养殖场进行了细江蓠与遮目鱼混养的探索性试验 ,现将其初步结果总结如下。1 材料与方法1 .1 池塘条件 池塘面积 0 .2ha,池深 1 .2m ,底质为泥砂底 ,池端设有一进排水闸门 ,有海淡水水源。1 .2 清塘放苗…  相似文献   


Economic evaluations of commercial milkfish (Chanos chanos) growout systems were made based on current Hawaiian fishpond, pond and tank culture techniques in Hawaii. Based on the observed practices of milkfish culture as a secondary or tertiary crop, capital costs and several operating costs were pro‐rated to accurately depict current farm practices. For a target harvest weight of 0.80 lb, the study estimates the total production cost for milkfish production at $3.31/lb for the pond system, $3.81/lb for the tank system and $1.84/lb for the Hawaiian fishpond system. At a sale price of $3.00/lb and seed cost of $0.25/fingerling, only the Hawaiian fishpond system is profitable under a 20‐year project life. When considering variable costs alone, the production cost is $1.78/lb for the pond system, $2.33/lb for the tank system and $1.53 for the Hawaiian fishpond system, yielding returns on variable costs of 67%, 30% and 59% respectively. Analyses of profit sensitivity to sale price, production yield, labor, feed and stocking indicate that sale price, as expected, has the largest impact on profitability, followed by feed. The results of this study are consistent with the Hawaii farmers’ view of milkfish as a secondary specie to core production based upon current market conditions and input requirements.  相似文献   

The essential fatty acid (EFA) requirement of milkfish was examined by a 12-week feeding trial using defined, purified diets at water temperature of 28–29°C and salinity of 32. The test diets contained varying levels of 18:0 (triglyceride form, TG), 18:3(n–3), 18:2(n–6) and (n–3) highly unsaturated fatty acids (n–3 HUFA). Milkfish juveniles were starved for 7 days and were than fed lipid-free diet for 30 days before the initiation of feeding trials. Low growth and feed efficiency together with high mortalities were observed in fish fed the lipid-free diet as well as in the EFA-deficient diet. Supplementation of 2% 18:2(n–6) to the tristearin based diet did not improve growth rate of milkfish as effectively as feeding with (n–3) fatty acids. The highest weight gain was obtained in milkfish fed a combination of 5% 18:0 + 1.0% 18:3(n–3) + 0.5% 20:5(n–3) + 0.5% 22:6(n–3) although the supplementation of 2% 18:3(n–3) alone or combination of 0.5% 20:5(n–3) + 0.5% 22:6(n–3) to the tristearin based diets were also effective for improvement of growth. Thus, (n–3) fatty acids, such as 18:3(n–3) and (n–3)HUFA were nutritionally more important than 18:2(n–6) for milkfish. The fatty acid composition of the polar lipids from whole body of milkfish juveniles fed the various test diets were influenced by the composition of the dietary fatty acids.  相似文献   

An experimental feeding trial was conducted to study the feasibility of using soybean meal (SBM) to replace fish meal as a protein source for milkfish feeds containing 30% and 40% dietary protein. The replacement levels were 0%, 33%, 67% and 100%. In each replacement level, methionine was supplemented to the amount that the fish meal control group contained. The experiment was conducted for eight weeks in aquaria that were part of a closed recirculated filtered rearing system. At both dietary protein levels, fish in the 100% replacement groups had significantly ( P < 0.05) lower weight gain, feed conversion rate and protein efficiency ratio than that of the groups fed the control diets containing only fish meal. Growth in the 67% and 33% replacement groups did not differ significantly from that of the control groups. The apparent protein digestibility, dry matter digestibility and body composition of fish were similar in all the dietary groups. These data suggest that up to 67% of fish meal in milkfish feed could be replaced by commercial hexane-extracted soybean meal and a methionine supplement without any adverse effect on milkfish growth and feed conversion rate.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton cultures of Chlorella sp., Tetraselmis sp. and Isochrysis galbana were used alone as feed to rear separate batches of newly caught milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry (about 21 days old). Ultrastructural studies of fry hepatocytes and pancreatic acinar cells indicated that they cannot directly utilize Chlorella, which has a rigid cell wall. The fry can directly utilize Tetraselmis and Isochrysis, but neither is nutritionally adequate for growth and survival if used as the only feed. Tetraselmis is nutritionally inferior to Isochrysis.  相似文献   

Nitrite was about 55 times more toxic to milkfish juveniles in fresh water than in 16% brackish water: the 48-h median lethal concentrations were 12 mg NO2N/l (95% confidence limit=7.4–19.6) and 675 mg NO2N/l (95% confidence limit = 435.8–1,045.4) respectively. Methemoglobin levels were higher for a given concentration of nitrite in milkfish kept in fresh water than in the brackish water. Methemoglobin decreased to a normal level within 24–26 hours of the removal of nitrite.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone profiles accompanying sexual maturation in captive milkfish are described. There were no significant differences in levels of serum estradiol 17- (E2) and testosterone (T) between immature male and female fish. Mean E2 levels rose from 0.54±0.11 ng/ml in immature females (Stage 1) to 4.53±1.16 ng/ml in vitellogenic females (Stage 5), while T levels increased from 2.06±0.28 ng/ml to 38.4±9.26 ng/ml. E2 and T levels were positively correlated to GSI and oocyte diameter. In males, serum T levels increased from 2.5±0.40 ng/ml in immature males to 27.73±5.02 ng/ml in spermiating males. A significantly higher T level was found in males with thick and scantly milt (spermiation index, SPI, 2) compared to males with scanty milt (SPI, 1) or males with copious, fluid milt (SPI, 3).Serum levels of E2 and T, and the GSI in females rose significantly during the breeding season (April–June 1983). The levels of both steroids dropped below 1 ng/ml in spent females sampled in succeeding months. In immature males, T levels ranged from 1.11 ng/ml to 2.78 ng/ml and rose significantly to 21.52±8.38 ng/ml during the breeding season when GSI peaked. Serum T levels dropped to around 10 ng/ml in the succeeding months when only spent or regressed males were sampled.  相似文献   

The true digestibility of casein, gelatin, fish meal, defatted soybean meal and Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal was measured in 60- and 175-g milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) in fresh- and seawater. The diets contained 45% of these feedstuffs and 1.3% of the indicator substance, chromic oxide. The intestinal dissection method was used to collect fecal material. Results showed that the length of time between initial feeding and fish sacrifice did not significantly affect digestibility. Gelatin was the most digestible (90–98%) protein, regardless of size. Casein, defatted soybean meal and fish meal were moderately digestible (50–90%) and digestibility coefficients tended to increase as a function of fish size. L. leucocephala was the least digestible (−10–40%). The digestibility of most of these feedstuffs was less in the anterior than in the posterior intestine, and tended to be lower in seawater than in freshwater. Rate of food movement was similar in both size groups, but was significantly faster when milkfish were in seawater rather than in freshwater. The effect of salinity on digestibility may in part be due to food motility changes necessitated by alterations in osmoregulatory processes when fish are in seawater.  相似文献   

Progress in propagation of milkfish has been impeded by the shortage of mature broodstock. This study was a first step toward revealing the environmental cues for the maturation of milkfish. Experiments were carried out during 1978-1985 in an indoor tank (5.2 × 4.8 × 13 m) under photoperiod control and in an outdoor tank (63 × 5.4 × 13 m). In two controlled, long-photoperiod regime experiments, 86 and 83% of the fish matured, the highest percentages yet reported. In these experiments, milkfish matured one month earlier than the normal spawning season, two months after the fish were exposed to the long daylight regime. Only 21% of the fish under a natural photoperiod regime in the outdoor tank matured. Results of the current study suggest that a change and increase in photoperiod are necessary for the onset of maturation.  相似文献   

In this study, several kinds of endocrine cells which produce neuropeptides and hormones have been identified and located in the digestive tract of milkfish (Chanos chanos) by the immunohistochemical technique. The oesophagus, stomach (cardiacus, fundic and pyloric regions), pyloric caeca, intestine (anterior, middle and posterior regions) and rectum were divided from the digestive tract of milkfish. The distribution and frequency of the endocrine cells produced these neuropeptides and hormones including gastrin, cholecystokinin, leu‐enkephalin, neuropeptide Y and somatostatin were described in these segments. Endocrine cells containing all neuropeptides and hormones immunoreactivities were present in the anterior intestine region, but no reaction was found in oesophagus. Only a few L‐ENK‐ and SST‐immunoreactive cells were detected in the pyloric caeca. Large numbers of SST‐immunoreactive cells were observed in the stomach with no immunoreactivities to other neuropeptides and hormones. Two different types of endocrine cells were founded in the intestine and pyloric caeca. These results indicate that the anterior intestine region may be the main region of food digestion and absorption, and the neuropeptides and hormones regulate the food intake process by different ways in milkfish.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of varying dietary protein (35–45%) and energy levels (17.34–19.44 kJ g−1) on the growth performance of milkfish (Chanos chanos) maintained under laboratory (experiment 1) and field conditions (Experiment 2) in inland saline groundwater. The results of experiment 1 (initial weight of fish: 0.25 g) revealed that, irrespective of the protein source (fish meal or processed full fat soybean), fish fed a diet containing 40% protein showed significantly (p<0.05) higher growth in terms of live weight gain and specific growth rate, low feed conversion ratio [1.71 (fish meal) and 1.58 (soybean)], high nutrient retention (gross protein retention: 28.59 and 31.05%; gross energy retention: 24.23 and 26.04%), apparent protein digestibility (81.74 and 85.91%) and digestive enzyme activity (specific protease and amylase). An observation on the postprandial excretion of metabolites (N–NH4 and o–PO4) indicated significantly (p<0.05) low levels of these metabolites in aquaria where the fish were fed 40% dietary protein irrespective of the protein source. The results of experiment 2 also indicate (initial weight of fish: 4.43 g) a significantly (p<0.05) higher growth performance (weight gain, biomass, specific growth rate, growth day−1 and fish production) in ponds where the fish were fed 40% dietary protein. Irrespective of the experimental conditions (laboratory/field), feeding the fish higher dietary protein levels (beyond 40%) not only repressed growth performance but also affected proximate composition by lowering protein accumulation and energy assimilation. An investigation on the effects of feeds on water quality parameters revealed that values for total alkalinity, NH4–N, NO3–N, turbidity, total dissolved solids and parameters indicative of productivity (chlorophyll a, net primary productivity and plankton population) increased significantly (p<0.05) from treatments 1–3 (35–40% protein) and declined thereafter, in treatment 4 (42% dietary protein), indicating that water quality characteristics correlated well with fish growth. The results suggest that in order to obtain a high-yield in milkfish culture system the fish should be fed supplementary diets containing appropriate (40%) protein levels, especially when the stocking rates are high.  相似文献   

Growth, net production, and survival rates of milkfish cultured with Gracilariopsis bailinae at two stocking density combinations (T1– 30 fingerlings 100‐m?2 pond+1‐kg G. bailinae 4‐m?2 net cage, T2– 30 fingerlings 100‐m?2 pond+2‐kg G. bailinae 4‐m?2 net cage) in brackish water earthen ponds over four culture periods were determined. The control (T3) was stocked at 30 fingerlings 100‐m?2 pond. Specific growth and production rates of G. bailinae were also calculated. There were no significant differences in mean growth, survival, and net production rates of milkfish between the three treatments. Irrespective of stocking singly or in combination with G. bailinae, significantly higher mean growth and mean production rates for milkfish were obtained during the third culture period of year 1 than those obtained from the other culture periods. Survival rates were not significantly different among the four culture periods. There were no significant differences in mean specific growth and mean net production rates between the two stocking densities of G. bailinae. Significantly higher mean specific growth and mean net production rates of red seaweed were also obtained during the third culture period of year 1 than those obtained from other culture periods. The production of milkfish and red seaweed was higher during the dry season. Growth rates of milkfish was positively correlated with temperature and salinity, while net production rates were positively correlated with temperature and total rainfall, but was inversely correlated with dissolved oxygen. G. bailinae growth and net production rates were positively correlated with water temperature and salinity. Results show that milkfish can be polycultured with G. bailinae grown in net cages in brackish water ponds at stocking density combination of 30 fingerlings 100‐m?2 pond+1‐kg G. bailinae 4‐m?2 net cage.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in physiological parameters and enzyme activities related to carbohydrate metabolism in the milkfish (Chanos chanos) and the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) under cold shock at 15 °C were examined in order to better understand thermal compensation mechanisms of teleosts with different cold tolerances. The plasma glucose, lactate, and lipid contents as well as enzyme activities of citrate synthase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, phosphorylase a, and lactate dehydrogenase at varying time intervals were monitored. The results show that changes in plasma glucose and lipid contents of the milkfish were more notable than those of the grass carp, but the elevation in plasma lactate contents in the grass carp occurred earlier and was much greater than that in the milkfish. Furthermore, changes in plasma glucose contents in the milkfish were correlated with the enzyme activities of phosphorylase a and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, but in the grass carp they were correlated with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase activities instead. In addition, the change in lactate dehydrogenase activity in the grass carp was more notable than those of other enzymes, but lactate dehydrogenase activities in the milkfish steadily decreased during cold compensation. The results demonstrate that the two species (milkfish and grass carp) respond quite differently to cold shock, and this may be related to their differences in cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Penaeus monodon juveniles (average WEIGHT = 1.32 g) were kept in individual 2 l perforated plastic containers, 10 of which were placed in each of the twenty-four 50 l rectangular wooden-glass aquaria supplied with seawater filtered through a sand-gravel filter (32–34 ppt; 26.5–29.0°C; pH, 7.6–8.2) at 0.8–1.01 l/min. Eight diets were prepared containing 25–60% protein and fed at 10% of the body weight/day for the first 2 weeks and 8% for the succeeding 4 weeks.

Shrimps fed the 40% protein diet produced the best growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and survival rate. However, shrimps fed the 30, 35 and 45% protein diets produced comparable results. The protein content of the shrimps was directly related to the level of protein diet up to 50%; whereas fat content seemed to be inversely related up to 50% protein diet.  相似文献   

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