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社区公园是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,是最贴近城市居民日常生活的绿地空间。大大小小的社区公园穿插在城市中,为居民提供休憩、娱乐、交流空间的同时,也影响了城市的整体风貌。随着社会经济的发展和居民生活水平的提高,人们对居住环境提出了更高要求。目前,很多社区公园在景观设计方面只追求形式上的美观,没有从居民的实际需求出发,导致部分场地使用率和参与性低。通过分析社区公园绿地的功能、意义和相关案例,思考参与性景观的应用,结果表明,景观设计的参与性很大程度决定了设计成功与否,设计师应将其作为重点研究方向。  相似文献   

随着我国人们对生态环境的重视与日俱增,公园城市理念应运而生,其理念是从"城市中建公园"到"公园中建城市"的重要转变,对城市建设和更新具有指导性意义。城市绿地是改变城市生态环境的重要因素,也是提升居民生活水平的重要载体,但一些城市绿地已逐步跟不上时代发展需求。主要阐述了公园城市理念发展过程及主要特色,并将其理论知识和城市景观设计相结合,从生态、与城市衔接、公共空间共享3个方面,探讨公园城市理念对城市景观设计的启示。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,科技技术飞速发展,人类的生活发生了重大的改变,生活方式也随之变化,环境对人的健康的影响逐渐被重视起来。基于健康城市概念的提出,越来越多的学者开展以健康为导向的城市建设研究。社区公园作为城市绿地构成中的一部分,与居民的生活息息相关、密不可分,是距离居民最近的绿色空间,它在提高人们的生活质量和身心健康方面发挥着重要作用。研究以公共健康为主的城市社区公园建设有着重要的现实意义。通过总结社区公园健康的特征,建设以人为本、可持续性发展的绿色生态城市公园,引导人们养成积极健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

以社区公园为研究对象,以海绵城市为视角,基于ArcGIS平台,通过供需评价和布局适宜性评价分析现存问题,结合水文分析和位置分配模型提出优化建议及新增社区公园选址方案,以期为海绵城市专项规划和城市绿地系统规划提供参考。结果表明,章贡区社区公园存在供需不平衡和布局不适宜的问题,在供需方面,仅1/3的居民点达到绿地规划要求;在布局方面,约70%的社区公园位于一般适宜区及以下;位置分配模型选取了5处新增社区公园,新增社区公园后,供需平衡的居民点由原来的33.33%增加至66.67%,整体上位于较适宜区以上的公园占比提升了9.05%。最后根据新增社区公园的区位提出相应的优化建议。  相似文献   

利用1990—2012年中国城市建设统计年鉴的数据,对中国251个地级及以上城市统计分析。结果表明:1990年我国城市绿地水平较低,具有一定空间分布差异,中部、东北略高,东部一般,西部较低;1990—2012年我国城市绿地水平快速提升,提升速度空间差异明显,东部最快,西部、东北较快,中部最慢,且建成区绿地率增长速度滞后于人均公园绿地面积增长速度;2012年我国城市绿地水平一般,空间分布差异显著,呈现出由东部向东北、中部,再向西部逐渐降低的分布格局;以建成区绿地率、人均公园绿地面积的绝对程度和在全国范围内的相对程度,将城市绿地水平分为六大类型,各区域城市绿地水平类型呈现出东部、东北、中部、西部逐渐降低的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

何俊蓉  许砚梅 《现代园艺》2024,(5):36-39+43
社区生活圈规划是城市规划重点由土地开发管控转向空间资源优化配置的重大创新,为城市绿地空间布局的研究提供了一种全新视角。本研究遵循“以人为本”的规划理念,在社区生活圈视角下,对城市绿地进行新的尺度划分,并以长沙市芙蓉区为研究对象,通过核密度分析法、空间相关分析、网络分析法以及叠加分析法,从数量分布特征和服务覆盖特征两个维度,对城市绿地服务水平进行研究。结果表明,研究区绿地总体呈现“中间多,两边少”的不均衡空间分布特点;整体绿地服务水平较低,且服务水平分异较大;社区生活圈绿地分布不均,存在一定的服务盲区。  相似文献   

城市带状公园不仅是城市生态长廊,而且也是城市绿地网络系统的重要桥梁,城市带状公园设计水平对建设城市生态网络、扩大城市生态空间容量、提升城市景观设计水平具有重要推动作用。以东莞松山湖北区中部公园为例,阐述了城市带状公园的节点空间设计、植物景观设计、城市界面设计,给城市带状公园设计提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,由于城市绿地破碎化程度的加剧,使得城市带状绿地发展迅速且在整个城市公园绿地中所占的比例越来越大。在城市日益紧张的用地下,相对于尺度较大的综合性公园、主题性公园等块状场地空间,带状绿地较易开发建设,灵活的出现在城市绿地空间中。据此,城市绿地建设考虑到将合理性、可利用性最大化的原则,通过带状绿地设计已经成为建立生态城市的主要趋向。城市带状绿地的便捷使越来越多的人作为休憩选择,进入绿地的便捷性是他们工作之余的主要选择原因。通过充分挖掘带状绿地的生态效益,为今后城市绿地建设提供参考与指导。本文对城市带状绿地景观生态化设计进行研究。  相似文献   

我国的城市化发展进程已经进入了中后期阶段,城市的工作重心也开始逐渐向存量空间转移,而城市绿地植物景观向来是城市发展过程中的重要一环,以南昌人民公园为例,归纳总结该公园的植物景观特色和不足,并从植物配置、空间营造、植物文化3个主要方面对该公园植物景观的优化提升做出初步探讨,以期为该类传统城市综合公园的植物景观优化提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

通过对景观生态学基本原理的理解和引入,重点分析一个城市内部社区公园的景观特征以及这个社区公园独有的生态作用和功能。结合城市内部景观、建筑、空间等规划设计的思路,分析当今城市内部社区公园的生态性,并为社区公园的生态规划提出相应的设计途径。  相似文献   

When planned coherently, urban green spaces have the potential to provide cities with a range of unique ecosystem services that support ecosystem and human health. This paper draws on existing green space planning literature to argue that the integration of community gardens into standardised and previously under-utilised public park landscapes represents an innovative approach to providing ecosystem services. Particular focus is given to the challenges facing green space planning in Perth, Western Australia. At an individual level, community gardens provide a venue for an alternative and more accessible form of physical activity – gardening – and a restorative park environment that is a more attractive destination for neighbourhood walking. At the community level, gardens can facilitate bridging interactions between different social groups, whilst providing opportunities for local residents to participate actively in green space planning processes. Perhaps most importantly, community gardens can provide unique opportunities for environmental education that lead to enhanced local ecological outcomes. The paper concludes with a brief overview of the main challenges likely to be faced with this integration, and some strategies that may allow them to be overcome. It is hoped this paper will provide a background for future case studies, and a catalyst for increasing integration between formal green space planning and community garden development.  相似文献   

城市公园是城市公共开放空间的重要组成部分,植物景观是城市公园设计不可忽视的元素之一。以深圳市荔枝公园为例,通过实景图从公园入口空间、道路广场、开阔草坪空间、滨水绿化空间、建筑小品配景几个方面分析探讨公园的植物配置,以期对相关的城市公园植物景观设计有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Urbanization in China has changed gradually from production-oriented to consumption-oriented in recent years. Comfort and accessibility of green infrastructures effect the rate of urbanization and transformation. A well designed urban green space system is an essential part of the urbanization process. In this paper, the urban green space of Lengshuijiang city was assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively using data of field survey and high resolution remote sensing. In the study area, green space coverage was 37.14%, green space percentage was 33.45% and per capita park green space was 16.25 m2. The high green space coverage suggested that there were ample potentials for further urban transformation. Within a 30 min service radius of existing green space, total service area was 204.49 ha, which accounted for 16.26% of the study area. A high proportion of the green space was made up of urban parks which were unevenly distributed across the study area. A green space optimization strategy, aimed at improving green space quality and accessibility, was proposed. After optimization, total service areas within the 30 min service radius will increase to 492 ha (39.12%), an increase of 22.86%. Our study demonstrated that combining qualitative and quantitative methods is an effective and reliable way for green space assessment and reliable and can be used for urban green space planning and management for small resource-based cities like Lengshuijiang in its process of urban transformation.  相似文献   

Investment in park green space can improve the quality of life for urban residents but has also been linked to green gentrification. Investments in informal green space have been proposed as means for improving green access while minimizing the risk of displacement. Very little empirical research, however, has examined the differential impacts of park and non-park green space investments in the broader context of neighborhood greening. To further this understanding, we examine the association between park and non-park green space increases and the likelihood of gentrification in Chicago using satellite imagery, land use, and census data during two periods—1990–2000 and 2000–2010. We found that green space of any type did not have a statistically significant role in increasing the odds of gentrification, but the importance of green space variables in predicting gentrification increased with time. Neighborhood characteristics like the distance to downtown or the presence of gentrifying neighbors were most predictive, suggesting that green investment efforts should consider the pre-existing risk factors for gentrification. Our results do not dispute that green space has the potential to play a role in gentrification, simply that green gentrification may be strongly contingent upon timing and neighborhood characteristics.  相似文献   

节约型城市园林绿化理论的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文杰  周凯 《北方园艺》2011,(4):128-130
在建设部2006年提出"建设节约型城市绿地"号召的基础上,通过几年的绿地建设实践,以新乡市卫河公园的改造设计为例,对卫河公园的节约型改造进行了详细介绍,并提出一种基于节约型园林绿化理论的公园改造的研究思路,以期为城市绿地建设提供些参考性建议。  相似文献   

When an urban redevelopment project is planned, the design needs to reflect the preferences of the users of the planned space. In China, however, the preferences of residents have rarely been reflected in projects dealing with public places such as open green spaces in urban settings. This paper employs three independent conjoint analyses covering components of open green space, including locational conditions, physical conditions, and greenery conditions in order to propose the most preferable design for a new open green space. The results of choice simulation showed that the users prefer the private garden style to the general public park style for the new open green space in Dashilar. Our research with three independent conjoint analyses is expected to provide specific guidelines for open green space design as a whole, which is intended to satisfy potential users of the space.  相似文献   

Although community attachment and urban green space provide many benefits to local residents, the relationship between them seems to be unknown. The aim of the study was to analyse this relationship. The objective was to investigate the influence of public green space and recreation behaviour on community attachment and explore differences in community attachment between urban and suburban residents of the Vienna region. To a large degree, both study areas border on, and share, the same recreation areas along the Danube River and are subject to urban sprawl. A mail survey was carried out in 2006 to ask local residents (N = 602) about community green space, recreation behaviour, community qualities, ownership of private green space and community attachment. Urban residents showed higher community attachment, valued the community green space higher and perceived a better quality of life in their community than the suburban sample. Regression analysis identified perceived green space supply and qualities, recreation behaviour, and residential variables predicting community attachment. Different predictors were found for the community attachment of the samples, while several public green space-related items were consistent and strong predictors. The study findings suggest that the perceived supply and quality of green space can foster community attachment.  相似文献   

Parks are recognised as important elements of urban green infrastructure and for providing many benefits to city residents. In countries where urban growth is unplanned and sprawling, green space provision falls behind, inadequate amounts are provided or spaces are not located in the most effective places. Tehran, the capital of Iran, has experienced huge growth in population and corresponding sprawl in recent years. There has been no study of the effectiveness of parks as part of the range of green spaces in the city − their location, accessibility within the urban structure, relationship to the socio-demographic character of the population, amount per capita or quality and condition. Using a combination of existing data supplemented by new data from site surveys, this study firstly looked at the citywide scale of public open space in relation to population and socio-economic patterns. Second, a representative sample of 16 parks was examined in terms of their accessibility within the urban street structure using space syntax. The syntactical results were correlated with several different aspects of each park collected and rated on a 1–5 scale. The results showed a wide range of availability of parks with no specific pattern related to whether the district is better off or poor. The data on green space per district was often heavily biased by the presence of large areas of forest park or non-recreational land which gives a false picture.Many of the best parks are poorly integrated into the street network and found in the better off districts yet are very popular because they are “destination” parks in cooler, hilly areas. Poorly integrated parks in the inner city districts tended to show lower levels of maintenance, were often little used and had vandalism. Much more attention is needed to provide green space in an equitable way.  相似文献   

城镇密集区生态绿地中近自然植物群落的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生态学的自然植被和群落演替的基本理论为依据的城市"近自然"植物群落理论在城镇密集区的绿地建设中越来越重要。在成都市植物多样性调查和"近自然植物群落"理论为基础的前提下,以青龙场片区为例,提出适合成都市城镇密集区的近自然植物群落的营建模式,对城市生态绿地系统结构的优化和组合有一定的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

对贵阳市植物景观现状调查分析,强调在城市总体规划中绿地同其它用地一样重要,植物景观规划应是城市绿地系统规划中重要一项。植物景观设计应遵循科学性与艺术性相结合的基本原则,要注重园林植物的形式美和意境美及体现地方文化特色。指出贵阳市植物景观特色的体现重要的一点就是向自然学习,体现植物的最佳适用性,把使用乡土树种、以乔木为主的植物配置从图纸上落实在建设中,以此推行节约型、生态型、可持续发展的园林绿化。最后列出几种宜于贵阳市的植物配置模式以供参考。  相似文献   

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