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果树滴灌秸秆覆盖效应的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究是山东省科委项目“农田节水灌溉综合示范开发研究”子课题“果树滴灌试验”的一部分。1990-1992年试验表明,秸秆对果树滴灌土壤水热状况有良好的覆盖效应:可增加土壤贮水,降低耗水,调节土壤温度,提高水分利用率。滴灌加秸杆覆盖这一综合节水措施具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

本研究是山东省科委项目“农田节水灌溉综合示范开发研究”子课题“果树滴灌试验”的一部分。1990~1992年试验表明,秸秆对果树滴灌土壤水热状况有良好的覆盖效应:可增加土壤贮水,降低耗水,调节土壤温度,提高水分利用率。滴灌加秸杆覆盖这一综合节水措施具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

农田覆盖条件下的灌水施肥新技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农田覆盖是减少作物棵间无效蒸发损耗的有效措施,但秸秆覆盖下灌水易造成雍塞阻水,地膜覆盖下灌水不易入渗,同时农田覆盖同分期施肥亦有矛盾。通过在河南省古固寨节水试区的探索、研究,使得覆盖条件下的灌水、施肥问题得到了较好的解决。  相似文献   

海生 《山西农机》2005,(1):17-17
抗旱节水化控技术是利用有机高分子在与水的亲合作用下形成的液态成膜物质,分别施于种子、幼苗、土壤和植株,发挥高分子成膜物质对水的调节控制机能,达到吸水保水、抑制蒸发、减少蒸腾、防止渗漏、增加蓄水、节水省水、有效供水的目的。  相似文献   

节水灌溉新技术--根区导灌   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根区导灌技术是福建亚通新材料科技股份有限公司的专利技术,它根据作物生长发育的需要。将水经过稳流器的稳流再通过导管将水一滴一滴地向有限的地下土壤空间供给,仅在作物根系范围内进行局部灌溉,也可同时根据需要将化肥和农药等随水滴入作物根系。作为一种新型的节水灌溉技术,与地表灌溉、喷灌等技术相比,有着无可比拟的优点。是目前最节水、节能的灌水方式。由于地下灌溉的配水设施埋设在地面以下,管材不易老化,灌水时土壤表面几乎没有蒸发,又避免了水的深层渗漏和地表径流。使作物对水、肥的利朋更直接有效,便于田间管理和精确控制灌水量,达到农业高效用水的目的。  相似文献   

节水农业就是充分利用降水和可利用的水资源,采取农、水措施,提高水的利用率和水的利用效率的农业.节水农业包括农业水资源战略、工程节水措施、农业节水措施和管理节水措施四大方面.农业水资源战略指对特定区域的降水、地表水、地下水、土壤水四水循环进行有目的的干预和调控,使有限的各种水资源得以充分高效和持续利用.工程节水措施是通过对输水工程和田间工程改进而达节水目的.农业节水则是采用农业措施抑制土壤蒸发和作物蒸腾.  相似文献   

针对内陆干旱区平原水库无效蒸发严重这一特点,提出用塑料空心板覆盖部分库区水面的方法,以减少无效蒸发,提高水库的有效利用率。根据统计学原理,统计完整周期内不同气象条件下塑料空心板的有效覆盖面,由水面蒸发原理推算其有效防蒸发量。利用实测资料,将塑料空心板的防蒸发效果与当地气象资料建立联系,确定不同气象条件下防蒸发折算系数。最后对塑料空心板防蒸发效果及节水有效性进行探讨,从而为平原水库防蒸发节水工程实施提供依据。  相似文献   

节水灌溉是以浇灌最少量的水得到最大经济效益的作物产量为目标,向农田人工补水的一种技术措施。除了满足作物需水要求外,灌溉还有调节土壤的温热状况、培肥地力、改善土壤深化性状等作用。在四川攀枝花市特定的自然气候条件下,采用滴灌和沟灌两种灌溉方法,对苦瓜和番茄进行灌溉对比实验研究。研究结果表明:滴灌较传统沟灌不仅能节约50%以上的灌水量,降低生产成本,而且可大幅度增加蔬菜产量,提高产品的商品性,减少环境和产品污染。  相似文献   

春小麦免储水灌全膜覆盖穴播与保水剂配合节水技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对甘肃河西地区春小麦免储水灌全膜覆盖穴播与保水剂配合节水技术的试验研究,测定了春小麦地土壤水分变化规律、小麦耗水规律及产量效应,分析配套施用保水剂对春小麦地土壤水分的影响。研究结果表明,在河西地区,小麦采用免储水灌全膜覆盖施用保水剂穴播技术能有效地减少农田在休闲期的土壤蒸发量,提高农田的水分利用效率,可减少首次灌水量30mm,全生育期耗水量减少80.0mm,节水16.60%,增产4.37%,水分利用效率提高21.70%。  相似文献   

节水农业是提高用水有效性的农业,是水、土、作物资源综合开发利用的系统工程。衡量节水农业的标准是作物的产量及其品质,用水的利用率及其生产率。节水农业包括节水灌溉农业和旱地农业,节水农业最基本的内涵特征是高效利用水资源,高效包括提高水资源的“有效性”和“转化效率”2个方面,节水农业包括4个方面的内容:一是农艺节水,二是生理节水,三是管理节水,四是工程节水。  相似文献   

袁庄麦田秸秆覆盖保墒措施的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用秸秆覆盖麦田,是减少棵间无效蒸发量,提高水资源利用率的有效措施。袁庄试验三年表明,冬前麦田覆盖麦秸或玉米秸3.75~4.5t/ha,可收到良好的覆盖节水、增产效果;且越是干旱,覆盖增产效果越显著;同等产量水平,覆盖后减少棵间蒸发量34.5~37.9%,相当于少灌一水,节约灌溉水量750m~3/ha。本文分析了试验成果,研究探讨了小麦覆盖保墒耗水增产机理,计算了试区麦田覆盖提高用水程度,扼要介绍了覆盖技术要点,在干旱缺水小麦种植区,该项节水新技术有一定推广价值。  相似文献   

利用田测法对夏玉米在生长过程中的一系列生物量指标的对比试验结果进行了客观地统计和分析,所得数据直观地表明了秸秆覆盖较不覆盖,在相同的叶面蒸腾情况下,可减少土壤蒸发,改善表层土壤结构,抑制杂草生长,消除杂草蒸腾所产生的无效消耗,加快农作物植株生长,增加了作物的蒸腾系数,将非生产性的水分消耗转化为生产性水分消耗,从而生产更多的干物质,提高了作物产量。覆盖还可降低能耗,节水省工,降低生产成本。从一系列生物量的统计数据中,可以看到,覆盖量的多少与杂草多寡、株高、叶面积、平均总粒数、平均百粒重等指标,都有一个同步发展的趋势和必然的内在联系,即早期生长过程中,各种生物量指标大小与产量高低有直接关系。  相似文献   

直插式根灌技术的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直插式根灌技术,是一种新型的节水灌溉技术,它结合了地面滴灌与地下渗灌的优点,能够把水直接灌溉到一定深度土壤层,起到对植物根系层,进行直接灌溉的目的;能有效减少表层土壤水分蒸发损失,提高灌水效率、提高灌溉水的有效利用率。过去的地埋式渗灌技术,有较好的灌水效果和抑制表层土壤水分蒸发损失作用,但其易堵塞、检修难的缺点,限制了地下渗灌技术的发展。地表滴灌技术成熟,但其表层土壤水分蒸发损失,影响滴灌水分的利用效率和灌水效率。为了结合滴灌与渗灌的优势,克服滴灌与渗灌的缺点;所以,开展对直插式根灌技术的研究,把地表滴灌的水分,直接引灌到一定深度的土壤层,实现土壤的越层灌溉,起到较好的灌水效果,根灌产品,安装简便,便于维护。  相似文献   

The influences of water quantity and quality on young lemon trees (Eureka) were studied at the University of Jordan Research Station at the Jordan Valley for 5 years (1996–2000). Five water levels and three water qualities were imposed via trickle irrigation system on clay loam soil. The primary effect of excess salinity is that it renders less water available to plants although some is still present in the root zone. Lemon trees water requirements should be modified year by year since planting according to the percentage shaded area, and this will lead into substantial water saving. Both evaporation from class A pan and the percentage shaded area can be used to give a satisfactory estimate of the lemon trees water requirement at the different growth stages. The highest lemon fruit yield was at irrigation water depth equal to evaporation depth from class A pan when corrected for tree canopy percentage area. Increasing irrigation water salinity 3.7 times increased average crop root zone salinity by about 3.8–4.1 times.The high salt concentration at the soil surface is due to high evaporation rate from wetted areas and the nature of soil water distribution associated with drip irrigation system. Then, the salt concentration decreased until the second depth, thereafter, salt concentration followed the bulb shape of the wetted soil volume under trickle irrigation. Irrigation water salinity is very important factor that should be managed with limited (deficit) irrigation. But increasing amount of applied saline water could result in a negative effect on crop yield and environment such as increasing average crop root zone salinity, nutrient leaching, water logging, increasing the drainage water load of salinity which might pollute ground water and other water sources.  相似文献   

舵轮式破茬免耕玉米播种机研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
保护性耕作是指通过提高自然降水的利用率和土壤肥力,减少水分的蒸发和流失,从而达到提高作物产量的目的.保护性耕作可以起到节水保墒、提高土壤肥力、保护环境等效果,是今后农业发展的重点.其中,免耕播种作为保护性耕作的核心内容之一,其配套机具免耕播种机的研究成为保护性耕作发展的关键.本文介绍了一种舵轮式破茬免耕玉米播种机,采用...  相似文献   

分析了四川简阳地区砂岩和土壤中的水分运动特性和砂岩中储存的水分对土壤水分补给量的多少。对当地的砂岩和土壤进行了水分特征曲线的测定试验、入渗试验和蒸发试验,并采用研究中常用模型对试验结果进行了拟合,通过对拟合结果的分析,得出了当地土壤和砂岩的水分特性,总结出了该地区表面土层在缺水时水分很容易被下部砂岩层补给,砂岩中的水分是作物利用的重要水资源的结论。这对于充分利用当地水资源,合理确定类似地质条件地区灌溉定额,解决无灌溉条件丘陵区作物缺水问题,实现农业节水灌溉有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

淮北平原汉王实验站土壤水资源特征试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了充分认识土壤水及其水资源特性,在淮北平原汉王水文水资源实验站对0.5~3.5 m地下水位控制条件下和秸秆、地膜、无覆盖三种条件下的土壤水分、包气带储水量、潜水蒸发、土壤蒸发、降雨入渗等要素进行了连续4年的观测,并结合水量平衡方程,对土壤水资源的要素特征进行了实验研究.结果表明:同一深度的土壤含水量大小顺序为秸秆覆盖〉地膜覆盖〉无覆盖;覆盖条件下土壤含水量变化相对稳定;土壤包气带有类似于土壤水库的作用,可调节水量可观,土壤水可作为一种重要的水资源;随土壤包气带厚度加大,潜水蒸发和降水下渗逐步减少,土壤蒸发表现突出.研究认为,充分认识土壤水资源特征,对指导土壤水资源开发利用、农业生产等有重要意义.  相似文献   

节水耕作措施在旱作农田中研究的相对较多 ,而在灌溉农田上则较少研究。本文重点探索在灌溉农田上 ,节水耕作措施 (免耕 )与高效节水管灌技术相结合 ,充分发挥耕作措施与灌溉技术的节水潜力和优势 ,提高农田水分利用效率。试验结果表明 :同常规耕作相比 ,玉米全程免耕下棵间蒸发的无效耗水可降低 2 7.6% ;农田水分利用效率提高幅度达 18.9% ;同时 ,免耕措施具有明显的省工和节能效果 ,耕作成本可降低 52 .9%~ 74.3%。  相似文献   

Individual effect of different field scale management interventions for water saving in rice viz. changing date of transplanting, cultivar and irrigation schedule on yield, water saving and water productivity is well documented in the literature. However, little is known about their integrated effect. To study that, field experimentation and modeling approach was used. Field experiments were conducted for 2 years (2006 and 2007) at Punjab Agricultural University Farm, Ludhiana on a deep alluvial loamy sand Typic Ustipsamment soils developed under hyper-thermic regime. Treatments included three dates of transplanting (25 May, 10 June and 25 June), two cultivars (PR 118 inbred and RH 257 hybrid) and two irrigation schedules (2-days drainage period and at soil water suction of 16 kPa). The model used was CropSyst, which has already been calibrated for growth (periodic biomass and LAI) of rice and soil water content in two independent experiments. The main findings of the field and simulation studies conducted are compared to any individual, integrated management of transplanting date, cultivar and irrigation, sustained yield (6.3-7.5 t ha−1) and saved substantial amount of water in rice. For example, with two management interventions, i.e. shifting of transplanting date to lower evaporative demand (from 5 May to 25 June) concomitant with growing of short duration hybrid variety (90 days from transplanting to harvest), the total real water saving (wet saving) through reduction in evapotranspiration (ET) was 140 mm, which was almost double than managing the single, i.e. 66 mm by shifting transplanting or 71 mm by growing short duration hybrid variety. Shifting the transplanting date saved water through reduction in soil water evaporation component while growing of short duration variety through reduction in both evaporation and transpiration components of water balance. Managing irrigation water schedule based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, compared to 2-day drainage, did not save water in real (wet saving), however, it resulted into apparent water saving (dry saving). The real crop water productivity (marketable yield/ET) was more by 17% in 25th June transplanted rice than 25th May, 23% in short duration variety than long and 2% in irrigation treatment of 16 kPa soil water suction than 2-days drainage. The corresponding values for the apparent crop water productivity (marketable yield/irrigation water applied) were 16, 20 and 50%, respectively. Pooled experimental data of 2 years showed that with managing irrigation scheduling based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, though 700 mm irrigation water was saved but the associated yield was reduced by 277 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, precipitation has decreased as a result of climate change. This change increases crop water requirements, while irrigation water is wasted because of improper irrigation scheduling. Soil moisture sensors could be used to improve irrigation scheduling and save both water and energy. The objective was to study the energy and water savings, and the gross margin achieved, when using an intelligent surface drip irrigation method on sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. In the years 2008 and 2009, a study was conducted at the farm of the University of Thessaly, Central Greece. A Class A evaporation pan and an automated frequency domain reflectometry soil moisture sensor were used for irrigation scheduling. Two treatments in four replications were organized in a randomized complete block design: (1) pan surface drip irrigation (PSDI100) and amount of water equal to 100 % of the daily evapotranspiration (ETd), as determined by a Class A evaporation pan, and (2) automated surface drip irrigation (ASDI100) and amount of water equal to 100 % of the ETd, as determined by an automated soil moisture sensor. The mean dry biomass production and the gross margin were greater in the PSDI100 treatment. The fully automated treatment remained profitable despite the high first costs. The mean water saving was 12.5 %, while the mean energy saving was 12.4 %, and the irrigation water-use efficiency was higher in the ASDI100 treatment.  相似文献   

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