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We characterized the changes in cell-wall hemicellulosic polysaccharides and the hemicellulose-degrading enzymes associated with apple and tomato fruits infected by Penicillium expansum. Our results showed a reduction in the molecular mass of hemicelluloses, with this reduction being particularly notable in the xyloglucan associated with P. expansum infection. The activation of fungal beta-glucanases was also highlighted. Fruit xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH)-specific activity decreased drastically during the infection process in both apple and tomato fruits. We suggest that XTH reduction during the infection might be related with the fungus attack mechanism. We also suggest that the decrease in activity and the consequent lower xyloglucan endotransglucosylation, together with the increase in endoglucanases, would permit fungal access to the cellulose-xyloglucan network, increase the efficiency of cellulose hydrolysis, and thus facilitate the progress of the fungal infection. The results confirm the importance of hemicellulose degradation in the breakdown of plant cell walls, causing cell-wall loosening, increasing the porosity of the wall, and allowing the colonization of plant tissue.  相似文献   

Penicillium expansum is known for its destructive rot and patulin production in apple juice. According to the literature, P. expansum can, among other compounds, produce citrinin, ochratoxin A, patulin, penitrem A, and rubratoxin B. In this study the qualitative production of metabolites was examined using TLC (260 isolates), HPLC (85 isolates), and MS (22 isolates). The results showed that none of the 260 isolates produced ochratoxin A, penitrem A, or rubratoxin B. However, chaetoglobosin A and communesin B were produced consistently by all 260 isolates. Patulin and roquefortine C were produced by 98% of the isolates. Expansolides A/B and citrinin were detected in 91 and 85% of the isolates, respectively. Chaetoglobosins and communesins were detected in naturally infected juices and potato pulp, whereas neither patulin nor citrinin was found. Because most P. expansum isolates produce patulin, citrinin, chaetoglobosins, communesins, roquefortine C, and expansolides A and B, foods contaminated with this fungus should ideally be examined for chaetoglobosin A as well as patulin.  相似文献   

Classification models for Penicillium expansum spoilage of apples and prediction models for patulin concentration in apples usable for apple juice production were made on the basis of electronic nose (e-nose) analysis correlated to HPLC quantification of patulin. A total of 15 Golden Delicious and 4 Jonagold apples were surface sterilized and divided into three groups per variety. The Golden Delicious group consisted of five apples each. Group 1 was untreated control, group 2 was surface inoculated with P. expansum, and group 3 was inoculated in the core with P. expansum. The apples were incubated at 25 degrees C for 10 days. E-nose analysis was performed daily. At day 10 the Golden Delicious apples were individually processed for apple juice production. During apple juice production the mash and juice were analyzed by e-nose, and samples were taken for patulin analysis by HPLC. The volatile metabolite profile was obtained by collection of volatile metabolites, on tubes containing Tenax TA, overnight between the 9th and 10th days of incubation and subsequent analysis of the collected compounds by GC-MS. Prediction models using partial least-squares, with high correlation, for prediction of patulin concentration in shredded apples as well as apple juice were successfully created. It was also shown that it is possible to classify P. expansum spoilage in apples correctly on the basis of soft independent modeling of class analogy classification of e-nose analysis data. To the authors' knowledge this is the first report of a regression model between e-nose data and mycotoxin content in which actual concentrations are reported. This implies that it is possible to predict mycotoxin production and concentration by e-nose analysis.  相似文献   

Resveratrol is a stilbene phytoalexin well-known for its presence in grape, wine, and peanut. As a result of its antioxidant and chemopreventative properties, it has gained much attention as a functional food ingredient. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the detection of resveratrol, its 3-glucopyranoside piceid, and the cis isomers of both compounds has been developed and used to quantitate the levels of these compounds in the skin of commercially available tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The resveratrol concentration remains relatively stable during fruit maturation, reaching a maximum concentration in the skin of 18.4 +/- 1.6 microg/g dry weight at 4 weeks postbreaker. No stilbenes were detected in the flesh of tomato fruit.  相似文献   


The decrease of genetic variation in crops like tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) due to domestication, breeding, and population bottle necks for fresh market consumptions has increased the need for this cash crop’s conservation and characterizations. To study the genetic variation of this valuable genetic resource in the National Plant Gene Bank of Iran, a collection of 589 tomato accessions from different regions was characterized using semi-automatic and high-throughput techniques. Based on the fruit shape, the studied accessions were classified into ten groups and significant differences for all the fruit characteristics studied indicated an abundant diversity within the germplasm collected from different regions. Studied tomato germplasm was grouped into nine main clusters based on hierarchical cluster analysis. More than 83% of data variation was explained by seven components in which the first two components explained for 50% of the variation where fruit shape index and proximal/distal fruit end shape showed a high contribution in the variation of the first component. This unique genetically divergent germplasm could be utilized to select tomato breeding lines of interest. Also, accessions belonged to the heterotic clusters could be selected for hybridization and conservation purpose as well as enrichment of pre-breeding programs of the tomato germplasm.


The consumption of natural products with potential health benefits has been continuously growing, and enhanced pigmentation is of major economic importance in fruits and vegetables. The tomato hp-2 ( dg ) is an important mutant line that has been introgressed into commercial tomato cultivars marketed as lycopene rich tomatoes (LRT) because of their enhanced fruit pigmentation, attributed to higher levels of carotenoids, including lycopene. Strigolactones are signaling compounds that mediate host finding in root parasitic plants and are biosynthetically derived from carotenoids. Considering the high carotenoid content of the hp-2 ( dg ) mutant, we studied its susceptibility to the root parasite Orobanche. In a field experiment, the average number of Orobanche aegyptiaca plants growing on hp-2 ( dg ) was surprisingly significantly reduced compared with its isogenic wild-type counterpart. In vitro assays and LC-MS/MS analysis showed that this reduction was associated with a lower production of strigolactones, which apparently renders the high-carotenoid hp-2 ( dg ) mutant less susceptible to Orobanche.  相似文献   

Five bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. fluorescens subgroup G strain 2, P. marginalis, P. putida subgroup B strain 1 and P. syringae strain 1) and three fungi (Penicillium brevicompactum, P. solitum strain 1 and Trichoderma atroviride) were evaluated to determine their promoting effect on the growth of mature healthy tomato plants grown under hydroponic conditions. P. putida and T. atroviride were shown to improve fruit yields in rockwool and in organic medium. The production or degradation of indole acetic acid (IAA) by the two microorganisms was investigated as possible mechanisms for plant growth stimulation. Both P. putida and T. atroviride were shown to produce IAA. The production of IAA by the two microorganisms was stimulated in vitro by the addition of l-tryptophan, tryptamine and tryptophol (200 μg ml−1) in the culture medium. P. putida and T. atroviride also increased the fresh weight of both the shoot and the roots of tomato seedlings grown in the presence of increasing concentrations of l-tryptophan (up to 0.75 mM). Both microorganisms showed partial degradation of IAA in vitro when grown in a minimal medium with or without sucrose. In addition, the capacity of these microorganisms to reduce the deleterious effect of exogenous IAA was investigated using tomato seedlings. The results showed that the roots of tomato seedlings grown in the presence of increasing concentrations of IAA (0-10 μg ml−1) were significantly longer when seeds were previously treated with P. putida or T. atroviride. The reduction in the detrimental effect of IAA on root elongation could be associated with a reduced ethylene production resulting from a decrease of its precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) by microbial degradation of IAA in the rhizosphere and/or by ACC deaminase activity present in both microorganisms.  相似文献   


Fifty samples of tomato fruit have been analysed for sugars using a reliable but laborious volumetric method and the results compared with those obtained both by a rapid automated colorimetric procedure employing the Technicon AutoAnalyzer and by a gas Chromatographic (GLC) technique. Using cleared fruit extracts, the overall mean results for the volumetric and automated methods were not significantly different. Automated analysis of uncleared extracts gave only slightly lower results and in view of its speed this method is recommended for the rapid routine analysis of tomato fruit. The GLC procedure gave results some 4% lower than those for cleared extracts by the other methods, but this technique has the advantage that the concentrations of the individual sugars (glucose and fructose) are readily obtained if required.  相似文献   

内生环状芽孢杆菌Jcxy8对番茄灰霉病的防病机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确从番茄植株体内筛选出的内生环状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus circulan)Jcxy8对番茄灰霉病菌的抑菌作用及防病的生理生化机制,采用平板打孔法测定了菌株Jcxy8对灰霉病菌(Botrytiscinerea)的拮抗力。结果表明:菌株Jcxy8对灰霉病菌的抑菌圈直径为35.6mm,抑菌圈边缘的产孢抑制率达到66.9%。当菌株培养滤液浓度为40%时,病菌孢子萌发完全被抑制。镜检发现抑菌圈周围的菌丝(或芽管)细胞消融,生长扭曲,中间或顶端膨大成泡囊状。Jcxy8菌株与灰霉病菌同时处理的番茄果体内可溶性蛋白含量比清水对照处理高12.7%,比单独接种灰霉病菌处理高39.1%;SOD、POD、CAT活性均较只经病菌处理低;O2-产生速率比清水对照和病菌处理低,而比菌株Jcxy8处理高。说明菌株Jcxy8对番茄果实有明显的诱导抗病作用。  相似文献   

Chemical characterization by gas chromatography-mass spectometry (GC-MS) of the aromatic profile of yellow passion fruit essence and the juice of the fruit yielded a total of 62 and 34 components, respectively. Four new components have been identified and quantified for the first time in this fruit: 3-methyl-2-butanone; ethyl lactate (quantified only in the fruit juice); diethyl malonate (quantified only in the essence); and 3-penten-2-ol (quantified in both samples). Analysis of these samples by gas chromatography/olfactometry (GC/O) yielded a total of 66 components which appear to contribute to the aroma of passion fruit juice and its aqueous essence. Of these, four could not be quantified by GC-MS: acetic acid, ethyl propionate, ethyl 3-oxobutyrate, and propyl hexanoate. New components were described for the first time as constituents of the aromatic profile in this fruit including acetal, 1,3-dimethyl benzene, and 2-methylbutyl hexanoate. Aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) allowed for the detection of the most potent odorants in the commercial essence (2-methylbutyl hexanoate and hexyl hexanoate) and in the fresh juice (1,3-dimethyl benzene and 2-methylbutyl hexanoate). 2-Methylbutyl hexanoate, considered as one of the most potent odorants in this fruit, has been described for the first time as an aromatic constituent of yellow passion fruit.  相似文献   

The effects of food waste vermicompost on populations of adult striped cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum) and spotted cucumber beetles (Diabotrica undecimpunctata) on cucumbers and larval hornworms on tomatoes (Manduca quinquemaculata) were evaluated in both greenhouse and field experiments as well as damage caused. In the field, cucumber and tomato plants were grown, with two different application rates (1.25 and 2.5 t ha−1) of food waste vermicompost or inorganic fertilizer, in a complete randomized block design field experiment. All treatments were balanced for NPK. Field cucumber beetle populations were suppressed significantly on cucumber plants treated with food waste vermicompost at both application rates, compared with those on plants treated only with inorganic fertilizer. In the greenhouse, cucumber and tomato plants were grown in a soil-less medium MetroMix 360 (MM360) substituted with 0%, 20% or 40% food waste vermicompost, and exposed to standardized pest attacks in nylon mesh cages. In the greenhouse, both the 20% and 40% vermicompost substitution rates decreased damage by cucumber beetles to cucumber foliage and hornworms to tomato foliage significantly.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from strawberry guava fruit by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction according to Likens-Nickerson. Compounds were identified by capillary GC-MS and sensorially characterized by sniffing GC. Two hundred and four compounds were identified in the aroma concentrate, of which ethanol, alpha-pinene, (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-beta-caryophyllene, and hexadecanoic acid were found to be the major constituents. The presence of many aliphatic esters and terpenic compounds is thought to contribute to the unique flavor of the strawberry guava fruit.  相似文献   

制备浆果粉末产品是延长其货架期的有效手段。为降低干燥过程能耗和保留产品营养成分,该研究以平均含水率(87.03±1.26)%的新鲜红肉火龙果果浆为原料,采用冷冻干燥和喷雾干燥两种方法制备了火龙果粉末。以残余湿含量、色泽和典型生物活性成分甜菜红素、芦丁和总酚保留率为指标对产品质量进行了评价。用质量比为3%(w/w)的分离乳清蛋白和2.5%(w/w)的果胶为添加剂制备了未发泡和发泡2种样品,进行了传统和微波冷冻干燥试验。结果表明,使用石英底盘,在30℃、20 Pa下,发泡样品比未发泡样品冷冻干燥时间缩短了39.06%;施加1 W微波功率时,未发泡和发泡样品微波冷冻干燥时间比无微波时分别缩短了18.75%和12.82%。用碳化硅底盘替代石英底盘,在30℃、20 Pa和1 W下,发泡样品微波冷冻干燥时间比未发泡和发泡样品传统无微波冷冻干燥分别缩短了65.62%和43.59%。分别以5.5%(w/w)的分离乳清蛋白和15.6%(w/w)的麦芽糊精为添加剂,进行了喷雾干燥试验。工艺参数为进风温度150℃、出风温度85℃、进料速度28 mL/min。冷冻干燥产品的甜菜红素、芦丁和总酚保留率分别在72...  相似文献   

Twenty-four Citrus hybrids of King (C. nobilis) and Mukaku Kishu (C. kinokuni) were examined for their flavonoid profiles of the edible part by reversed-phase HPLC analysis. Two hybrids (G-155 and G-156) contained higher amounts of natsudaidain than their parents, whereas the remainder of the hybrids had a character intermediate between those of King and Mukaku Kishu on the basis of polymethoxylated flavone composition. Principal component analysis revealed the distribution of the hybrids by quantifying 23 flavonoid contents.  相似文献   

Sink and source activity in two tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes that vary in fruit Brix were investigated to identify differences that potentially underscore this trait. Solara (Brix 9%) accumulated almost twice the glucose, fructose, and sucrose in ripe fruit and had a higher horticultural yield (25% greater) compared to Moneymaker (Brix 5%). 14C-glucose feeding suggested large disparities in sucrose metabolism in ripe fruit between genotypes. Biochemical pathways in the leaf adjacent to a fruiting truss at night were also analyzed since in many species, this is the period when leaf reserves are mobilized to feed the plant. Surprisingly, leaf metabolism, i.e., starch and sugar content, the levels of polar metabolites assayed by GC-TOF MS and 14CO2-pulse-chase fluxes in detached leaves, did not change between the day and night in either genotype. Solara has a higher morphological source-to-sink ratio, and this may contribute to higher Brix in that genotype.  相似文献   

为了研究热空气处理提高梨枣贮藏效果的机理,该文以半红期梨枣果实为试材,在已有研究的基础上,研究了42℃热空气处理1h对在(5±1)℃贮藏条件下枣果的生理生化和细胞超微结构变化的影响。结果表明,梨枣采后贮前短时间热处理能有效地降低早期淀粉酶和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性,抑制淀粉水解,延缓果胶降解,降低乙烯释放量,延缓果肉硬度下降速度,后期能延缓果肉细胞中胶层和初生壁分解,阻止细胞内含物外渗,保护细胞的结构,从而延长了贮藏保鲜期。但热处理对枣果呼吸强度影响不大。  相似文献   

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