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正由华中农业大学教授袁宗辉领衔的团队,近日成功研发出国内首个猪肉中喹烯酮残留检测国际标准,从而实现了我国兽药食品安全性标准制订零的突破。该项成果被农业部科教司专家鉴定为国际领先。据介绍,喹烯酮是我国自主研发的一类新兽药,主要作用是促进动物生长、提高饲料利用率,同时可控制  相似文献   

以喹烯酮及其代谢物为研究对象,根据文献报道,建立起喹烯酮代谢组群,然后采取计算机辅助药物分子设计方法对它们的毒理活性进行比较分析,采用ADMET Predictor 6.5软件对各代谢组群的毒性作用进行预测,最后用文献报道的实验数据对毒性预测结果进行验证,探讨药物在动物体内的毒理活性关键物质。结果表明,该方法可行性较大,可以为喹烯酮的代谢毒理学研究和食品安全性评估提供参考数据和高效的技术手段。  相似文献   

<正>我国成功研发猪肉中喹烯酮残留检测标准近日从华中农业大学获悉,该校动科动医学院袁宗辉教授研究团队,研究的成果"猪可食性组织中喹烯酮最高残留限量标准制定",成为我国首例自主研究确定的食品安全标准,实现了动物性产品中有害残留物的准确识别和含量分析,填补了喹烯酮在动物性产品中安全控制标准的国际空白。据袁教授介绍,此项成果采用了国际前沿的放射性示踪技术和质谱联用技术,国际上对于本品的食品安全性未开展过研究,日前此项成果经过农业部科教司专家鉴定为国际领先。本成果具有良好的准确性与适用性,将使湖北乃至全国范围内使用喹烯酮的养殖者、检测机构和监管部门有了科学明确的监控对  相似文献   

<正>从华中农业大学获悉,该校动科动医学院袁宗辉教授研究团队,研究的成果"猪可食性组织中喹烯酮最高残留限量标准制定",成为我国首例自主研究确定的食品安全标准,实现了动物性产品中有害残留物的正确识别和含量分析,填补了喹烯酮在动物性产品中安全控制标准的国际空白。据袁教授介绍,此项成果采用了国际前沿的放射性示踪技术和质谱联用技术,国际上对于本品的食品安全性未开展过研究,日前此项成果经过农业部科教司专家  相似文献   

喹烯酮简介;生命做代价、验证新兽药安全性——企业老总喝新兽药喹烯酮目击记  相似文献   

<正> 近日,由中国乡镇企业总公司与中国农科院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所共同研发、中国万牧新技术有限公司申报的我国首例一类新兽药"喹烯酮",经农业部审评批准,获得一类新兽药证书。长期以来,食品特别是动物性食品的安全卫生、药物残  相似文献   

紫外分光光度法测定喹烯酮预混剂中喹烯酮含量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用紫外分光光度法测定喹烯酮预混剂中喹烯酮含量。将喹烯酮溶解于 4 0 %二氧六环中 ,基质不溶 ,过滤分离得喹烯酮 ,在 312 nm波长处 ,喹烯酮在 2~ 12 μg/ ml范围内与吸收度呈良好的线性关系 ,符合郎伯—比尔定律。用喹烯酮对照品测得其预混剂的平均回收率为 10 0 .10 % ,CV=0 .32 %。该法快速简便 ,灵敏度高  相似文献   

为了更全面地了解和掌握喹烯酮对鸡的促生长效应,设计试验了喹烯酮的剂量优化试验和药效比较试验。不同水平喹烯酮对肉鸡促生长的研究,采用单因子随机分组试验设计,喹烯酮的添加水平分别为0.0,25.0,50.0,75.0,90.0mg/kg,共5组;不同种类药物饲料添加剂对肉鸡的促生长作用研究,采用随机分组设计,各组基础日粮相同,采用它们的推荐剂量,药物分别为喹烯酮、喹乙醇和黄霉素。结果表明,饲料中添加75.0mg/kg喹烯酮在提高肉鸡平均日增重、采食量和饲料转化率方面效果最佳;与黄霉素、喹乙醇相比,喹烯酮提高日增重和改善饲喂效率效果最显著,且与黄霉素一样能显著地降低死亡率。  相似文献   

喹烯酮在鸡体内的代谢及药物动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以HPLC-MS/MS为定量手段,研究了喹烯酮经静脉注射(2.5 mg/kg)、口服(30 mg/kg)两种给药途径在鸡体内的代谢及药物动力学特征.鸡静脉注射喹烯酮后,血浆中检测到喹烯酮原药和1-脱氧喹烯酮;口服灌注喹烯酮后,血浆中检测到喹烯酮原药和3-甲基喹噁啉-2-羧酸(MQCA).喹烯酮在鸡体内的药动学数据采用统...  相似文献   

为进一步提高喹烯酮溶解度,以乙酰甲喹为原料,与带有助溶磺酸盐团的苯甲醛进行Claisen-Schumidt缩合反应。HPLC测定结果显示,其溶解度较喹烯酮提高约9 000倍;初步的抑菌活性测定结果表明,其抑菌活性与喹烯酮接近。  相似文献   

Recombinant-DNA (transgenic) animals intended for food production are approaching the market. Among them, recombinant-DNA fishes constitute the most advanced case. As a result, intergovernmental organizations are working on guidelines which would eventually become international standards for national food safety assessments of these products. This article reviews the emerging elements for the food safety assessment of products derived from recombinant-DNA animals. These elements will become highly relevant both for researchers and regulators interested in developing or analyzing recombinant-DNA animals intended to be used in the commercial elaboration of food products. It also provides references to science-based tools that can be used to support food safety assessments. Finally, it proposes recommendations for the further development of biosafety assessment methodologies in this area.  相似文献   

Farm animal welfare: the five freedoms and the free market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review addresses the scientific, ethical and economic factors that impact on the welfare of farm animals. Respect for animals within the food chain is considered within the context of an ethical matrix that affords respect according to the principles of wellbeing, autonomy and justice to consumers, farm animals, farmers and the living environment. The welfare of a farm animal depends on its ability to sustain fitness and avoid suffering. The responsibility of the farmer is to make provision for good welfare through good husbandry; he cannot ensure good welfare. Improvements to farm animal welfare can only come about within the context of the forces that drive the free market. In essence, consumers need to afford a greater extrinsic value to farm animals. The costs to farmers of legislation to impose higher animal welfare standards are substantial but the cost to consumers can be very small. The responsibility is therefore on the consumer to convert an expressed desire for higher welfare standards into an effective demand. A promising route to encourage and fulfil this demand is through welfare-based quality assurance schemes with quality control ensured by independent audit. At present, audit protocols are based largely on identification of the elements of good husbandry. Ultimately we need a further independent audit to ensure that the outcome of these perceived elements of good husbandry is, in fact, good animal welfare.  相似文献   

An increasing number of product claims about food animal welfare or well-being have appeared in the global food industry and global market in recent years. These claims have significant consequences for producers, processors, transporters, retailers, consumers, and the animals themselves. Furthermore, recent restructuring of the global food industry has altered the power relationships of various actors. Regulation of the industry is moving toward greater private control, and the power of retailers has dramatically increased. The changing structure of the industry carries implications both in terms of how standards are created and in terms of the types of standards themselves. The purpose of this article is to provide a greater understanding of how these product claims are made, their implications, and the challenges they present.  相似文献   

肉与肉制品是人民日常生活膳食中十分重要的一个部分,肉类的进出口也是我国对外经济贸易的重要一环。肉制品安全的相关法规标准的建立和完善是各国十分重视的一项工作。影响肉制品安全的因素众多。化学因素方面有肉类中残留的农药兽药,动物通过食物链摄入和富集的有毒元素,生产过程中加入的食品添加剂,工业生产和燃烧产生的二噁英、多环芳烃等有毒化合物,都有可能对人体产生严重的影响;生物因素方面有动物本身带有的寄生虫、细菌和病毒,因生产和保存不当而导致肉类变质的细菌、霉菌等,也是严重影响人体健康的潜在因素。围绕这些因素,我国制定了许多法规标准,保障肉制品安全。  相似文献   

Close interactions are existing between poultry husbandry and poultry health. The more housing systems and the environment of the animals can be controlled, the less the general risk of disorders in poultry flocks--especially of diseases which are caused by the introduction of microoganisms. Resulting deterimental effects will affect not only the animals themselves, but also pose a risk indirectly for humans via food originating from animals under production. Also, by keeping the risk of infections as low as possible, the use of therapeutics can be avoided. This will reduce the risk of residues in food of animal origin. In summary, with all probability open poultry husbandry systems, especially those including free range systems pose increased risks for poultry health and consequently for the quality of food originating from poultry production. At least, those systems require highest standards of biosecurity, defined as management, location, farm layout, cleaning and desinfection incl. pest control programs, immunization and specific veterinary monitoring concepts to prevent infections.  相似文献   

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) constitute a subset of serotypes (E. coli O157 and some other serogroups) of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing E. coli (STEC) firmly associated with severe human illnesses like bloody diarrhoea and haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Stx production is essential but not sufficient for EHEC virulence. Most strains are capable of colonising the intestinal mucosa of the host with the "attaching and effacing" mechanism, genetically governed by a large pathogenicity island (PAI) defined as the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement. Other virulence factors carried by mobile genetic elements like PAI and plasmids have been recently described, and their role in the pathogenic process has not been fully elucidated. EHEC are zoonotic pathogens. They rarely cause disease in animals, and ruminants are recognised as their main natural reservoir. Cattle are considered to be the most important source of human infections with EHEC O157, and the ecology of the organism in cattle farming has been extensively studied. The organism has also been reported in sheep, goats, water buffalos, and deer. Pigs and poultry are not considered to be a source of EHEC and the sporadic reports may derive from accidental exposure to ruminant dejections. The epidemiology of EHEC infections has remarkably changed during the past ten years and an increasing number of unusual food vehicles have been associated with human infections. New routes of transmission have emerged, like contact with animals during farm visits and a wide variety of environment-related exposures. As for other zoonotic agents, having animals and raw products that are free from EHEC is not possible in practice. However, their occurrence can be minimised by applying high standards of hygiene in all the steps of the food production chain.  相似文献   

为了加强对国际食品安全标准的跟踪研究,增强标准工作的技术储备,同时考虑到乳与乳制品在食品安全领域的较高关注度,本研究建立以国际乳与乳制品标准中重要检测目标物为检索路径的数据库类应用程序,为食品安全标准工作信息化、网络化提供了技术支持,为充分达成资源共享提供了技术平台,为保障人民身体健康、生命安全提供了有力保障.  相似文献   

Presently, in the United States, there are no nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, except aspirin, that are approved for use in animals intended for food production. Use of phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine, and dipyrone for treatment of food animals may be considered in special circumstances. Such use requires strict adherence to FDA guidelines for extra-label use of drugs. Flunixin meglumine and phenylbutazone have been shown to have a favorable influence on the course and outcome of certain diseases. This report reviews information concerning the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutics of phenylbutazone and flunixin as they have been used on an experimental basis in food animals.  相似文献   

The availability of antidotes in veterinary medicine has been an issue for more than a decade. Antidotes are available for food animals through extralabel use, regulatory discretion, and compounding. There is little economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to pursue approval of antidotes and other drug products that have a small market. In addition, human food safety concerns must be addressed when approving antidotes for use in food animals. This article provides a brief history of antidote availability, current mechanisms for procuring food animal antidotes, and availability of specific antidotes for use in food animals.  相似文献   

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