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根据已有调查数据,推算出两省47座水库6—11月份的月PN/B系数合计为203,其整个鱼类生长期(4—11月)内的月PN/B系数合计约为250。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to formulate a unique product, croaker pâté, and to determine its physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characterization. Three formulations of pâté were elaborated. The pâtés fit in the stipulated regulations for the microbiological test. Regarding the texture, the pâtés presented a significant difference (p < 0.05) among each other. In the sensorial tests, the favorite pâté of the panel was formulation 3; in the acceptance test, it had higher levels of acceptance for color, flavor, and global acceptance in comparison with commercial pâté.  相似文献   

调节pH值、加钙和增氧是常用的蟹塘生态调控技术,为明确其对水质和N,P养分交换的影响,通过实验室模拟并测定了水体N,P含量及"淤泥-水界面"交换通量。结果表明:3种措施对水体N,P均有显著影响,且增氧对水体N,P的调节效应显著强于加钙和调节pH。增氧96 h后水体TN和NO_3^--N含量分别是不增氧处理的1.68和7.43倍,同时增氧削减了水体NH4+-N含量至试验结束,增氧处理NH_4^+-N含量平均降低70%~75%。"淤泥-水界面"N,P交换通量表明,增氧后TN交换通量平均提高2.47~3.74 mg·m^2/h,而对TP交换通量均无显著影响,平均仅为-0.1 mg·m^2/h。  相似文献   

Steroids are known to play a crucial role in gonadal sex differentiation in many non-mammalian vertebrates, but also in the gonadal sex change of hermaphroditic teleosts. We investigated the expression of two genes encoding key steroidogenic enzymes, i.e., cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) and cytochrome P45011β-hydroxylase (P45011β), during the sex change of the protogynous rice field eel, Monopterus albus. Using RT-PCR with degenerate primers, we cloned rice field eel homologous fragments for both genes (rcP450arom and rcP45011β) as indicated by the high level of homology with P450arom and P45011β sequences from various vertebrates. Gonadal expression of rcP450arom and rcP45011β mRNA levels were then assessed during the sex change by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and a real-time RT-PCR. rcP450arom was predominantly expressed in ovary, much less in ovotestis, and barely in testis. Conversely, P45011β was markedly up-regulated at the onset of testicular development. These findings underline that regulation of steroidogenesis is an important process in the sex change of protogynous rice field eel, and they clearly indicate that the concomitant down-regulation of P450arom and up-regulation of P45011β are of pivotal importance to the sex change of this species.  相似文献   

Antibodies prepared against the major -naphthoflavone (BNF)-inducible cytochrome P450 (P450) forms from three species of fish (rainbow trout, Atlantic cod, and scup) well separated in teleost phylogeny, were used to investigate the immunochemical relatedness of liver microsomal P450 in different species of BNF-treated fish and rat. Rabbit polyclonal IgG against all three P450s and mouse monoclonal antibodies prepared against scup P450E were employed in this study. Liver microsomes were prepared from BNF-treated specimens of hagfish, herring, rainbow trout, cod, scup, perch, plaice and rat. With Western blotting it was shown that the various antibodies cross-reacted with a protein band in liver microsomes in the P450-region of each of the BNF-treated fish species. The apparent molecular weight of the cross-reacting proteins showed differences within the range 54,000–59,000 daltons. The effects of the different antibodies on the microsomal BNF-inducible 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity gave inhibition patterns that reflected to a certain extent the phylogenetic relationship of the species investigated. In rat microsomes a protein band of relative molecular mass similar to rat P450c (Mr=54,000) was recognized by all antibodies. In addition, a second band of lower molecular mass was strongly recognized by anti-cod P450c antibodies, and faintly stained with anti-rainbow trout P450LM4b IgG and anti-scup P450E MAb 1-12-3. This band could correspond to rat P450d, the isosafrole-inducible rat isoenzyme. Considering the long separate evolutionary history of some of these fishes (50–200 million years), the results demonstrate that certain antigenic epitopes in the BNF-inducible P450 isoenzymes have been strongly conserved during the evolution of fish species. These conserved epitopes seem however not to be directly involved in the measured EROD activities. Furthermore, the results suggest that the BNF-inducible P450s in fish contain regions with structural similarity to the homologous counterpart that has evolved through gene duplication into a P450 family in mammals containing at least two gene products (the P450IA gene family).  相似文献   

遵循“时空”论的唯物主义观点,探索建设稻金高产田的微型水利工程、实施稻、鱼、果、菜、萍优化组合立体开发的技术。达利投资少、成本低、使收获的食物总量中增加蛋白质200%以上、提高效益300%以上,笔者从1989~1997年实施稻鱼亩产双千斤、双千元的试验、已实现了稻、鱼、果、菜、萍综合开发年jh产稻谷1156斤、产成鱼500斤、年亩产值8200元,利润达1040~3140元的高产高效纪录。同时每亩增加蓄水4侧立方米以上,不仅可实现每立方米水体可增产Ikg鱼,还起到了抗旱保鱼保粮的作用。部省有关领导专家到现场调查研究后认为:养鱼稻田建标…  相似文献   

<正> 我们此前的一项研究成果表明,日本对虾正常生长需要一定量的甾醇。之后,几个研究小组又进一步地证明了甾醇类为对虾、龙虾、蟹等生长所必需。胆固醇对于对虾营养价值极高,一些植物甾醇类。如24-甲胆甾基-5、22-二烯醇,在一定程度上也可作为有效的甾醇源。但据D’Abramo etal报道,主要由谷甾醇和菜油甾醇组成的植物甾醇类,并不能完全代替龙虾幼体饵料中的胆固醇。研究成果表明,在含有谷甾醇的对虾饵  相似文献   

Hole‐in‐the‐head (HITH) disease‐affected fish develop characteristic lesions in the skin above sensory pores of the head and the trunk. This study investigated whether an unfavourable Ca/P ratio in the diet could provoke lesions consistent with HITH disease in discus fish Symphysodon (Heckel, 1840) as a comparable condition to secondary hyperparathyroidism of tetrapod species. Two groups of five fish were fed a plain beef heart diet (Ca/P of 0.03), whereas two other groups were kept on commercial discus feed (Ca/P of 2.73). Each feeding group was submitted to two different water hardness regimes (35.66–71.39 mg/L CaCO3 and 124.94–196.33 mg/L CaCO3, respectively). All fish were observed for the development of the characteristic lesions for 16 weeks. At the end of the study, histological, bacteriological and parasitological examinations were conducted and plasma Ca, P and Mg values were determined. Diplomonad flagellates were detected in two fish. Isolated bacteria of all groups mostly belonged to Aeromonadales and Pseudomonadales. No significant difference of plasma mineral values between the groups was observed. Compared to the results of other authors, Ca stayed mainly in the range and P exceeded the reference values. Histological examinations did not indicate HITH disease, and no fish developed signs of the disease during the study. Clinical trial registration number GZ 68.205/0135‐WF/V/36/2014.  相似文献   

对虾养殖,环境,病害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

认识小牵是在我的时装专卖店。小牵背着一个双肩小包,很悠闲地看服装,紧身的牛仔衣恰到好处地勾勒出她修长的身材。出于职业习惯,我一眼就看中了她的整体气质。摄影师刘铭也看到她,用目光询问我,我点点头。 刘铭从楼上的工作室取出我刚刚设计好的一套时装,对小牵说:“小姐,这件怎么样?” 小牵将衣服展开看了看,没说一句话就走进试衣间。推门出来的小牵光彩夺目。 小牵照着镜子,很调皮地摆了一下腰身,转身问  相似文献   

2006年,珠海市水产养殖业是历经磨难的一年,先是4月底至6月20日连续近50天的连绵大雨,给该市的渔业养殖生产造成了重大损失,7月底8月初50年一遇的台风“派比安”在该市登陆,低洼池塘塘水过基、鱼虾走失、养殖堤围崩溃、养殖水体环境剧变,养殖对虾、罗非鱼、锯缘青蟹发病远高于去年。今年年头,珠海市渔业科技入户示范工程领导小组制定了更加详细的工作方案和实施步骤,针对各主推水产养殖品种,制定了更为周到、细致的技术培训计划和病害防治措施,省、市、区、镇各级渔业(农业)行政主管部门、高等院校和研究所的教授专家及技术指导人员、养殖农户紧密的互相配合,上下联动,形成组织有力、措施到位、协调有序、处理及时、高效服务的2006年渔业科技入户良好工作局面。入户工作以解决养殖户最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题为重点,急农民所急、想群众所想,依靠省、市级专家组和技术人员的技术和高等院校、研究所实验检测设备,技术指导员通过普通镜检等简易检测手段能够当场解决的立即现场解决,不能立马解决的想办法尽可能解决,对于塘头简易实验仪器检测设备不能解决、确诊的病鱼、虾、蟹样品,通过采样向省级科研院校、研究所及时送检或者向省专家组求助,邀请省级专家到...  相似文献   

1993年以来,我f(根据生态学原理,综合本地实际情况,在盐都县义丰镇水产村进行了鱼、果树、猪、鸭、菜、萍综合开发试验。1试验条件1.1地点试验在我镇水产村进行,占地总面积20hm2,平均水深2.5m,池塘间距纵向3.5m,横向6.2m。1.2土质为壤质潮褐上,有机质含量为0.6%-1.2%,全氮含量0.04%-0.06%,速效磷含量为5%-10%。1.3水质主要水源为河道水,其矿化度为0.15-0.3g/l,pH值为7.2—7.9.2技术措施2.1渔、果树、萍结合水中养鱼、萍,池埂种果树栽种梨树1500株、桃树200株,苹果树800株。苹果树种在纵向池埂中,南…  相似文献   

循环流水立体种养,是应用生态学原理组合的以鱼为主,鱼蚌菱藕等多元生产、闭合循环的种养系统,是一种高效优化立体开发模式,其技术要求为;一、科学建池鱼池是由蓄水池、流水池、二级池塘、三级河蚌池、四级水生植物池五个生态系统组成,用循环流水作媒介联络。蓄水池要建在地势较高位置上,以水泥和砖做材料。长短与流水池组相齐;二级池塘最好利用原有池塘,宽度与流水池组相同,长度根据条件灵活掌握,比例最好是一亩面积流水地配制8~10亩M级池塘,塘底为斜坡状,水深2米左右。三级池为河蚌吊养池,主要是为增加综合收益而设。四级…  相似文献   

1991年高邮市遭受特大洪涝灾害,为解决灾后复产,我们在司徒乡养殖场、国营水产良种场、官垛鱼苗场进行了草、鲂、鲢、鳙鱼的秋季繁殖试验,现报告如下。  相似文献   

保健佳品——螺旋藻中Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,Ca,Se的测定及营养评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂燕  李缙扬 《水产科学》1998,17(2):43-45
用日立180-30原子吸收分光光度法测定螺旋藻中铜,锌,铁,锰,钙的含量,用AFS-220型氢化物原子荧光分光光度计测定了螺旋藻中硒的含量,并用国家计量局标准大米粉(GBW08502)对分析方法进行了考核,回收率为97.8%,至105.7%CV为1.53%至2.57%方法简便快速,结果满意,并从生命元素的角度探讨了螺旋藻的营养价值。  相似文献   

我队位于天津市区边沿,有925户4,006口人,男女劳力2,225个,共有耕地4,516亩,其中粮田面积3,627亩,园田889亩。养鱼水面400亩,大队有副业厂五个,还有养猪场、养鸡场、养貂场和养鱼队,是个农林牧副渔全面发展的大队。在党的十一届三中全会路线方针指引下,我们大队解放思想,提高认识,进一步明确,在搞好粮食生产的同时,把养鱼做为一项重要事业来抓。为此,我们在改变生产条件上狠下功夫,狠抓管理,实行科学养鱼。近几年来,抓出一定成效,使成鱼产量由七八年的22万斤,上升到八○年的29万  相似文献   

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