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Thirty-nine cases of osteomyelitis in dogs and cats were recorded at the Sydney University Veterinary Hospital and Clinic over a three and a half year period. In 36 cases osteomyelitis was established prior to admission. Three cases of osteomyelitis became established from a total of 502 orthopaedic surgery cases seen at the hospital in this period. In the dog the most common source of infection was open reduction of closed fractures, while in the cat, the most common source of infection was an extension from soft tissue infection. More males than females were affected. Ten cases of osteomyelitis were treated successfully, twelve cases required amputation, while euthanasia was performed on thirteen other cases. The problems and principles of treatment of active osteomyelitis as reflected in the treatment of this series of cases have been described.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Three hundred and thirty-seven pet owners were interviewed by final-year veterinary students from the University of Queensland, using a questionnaire prepared by the authors. The survey area included Brisbane city and suburbs and was conducted in 1977. The majority of respondents (52.5%) reported that the pets were owned by the family, while 24.6% claimed that pets were owned by individual adults only. Dogs and cats were the most popular pets. Of the respondents sampled, 51% changed their veterinarian while 46% reported that they had not changed their veterinarian. Satisfaction with the service, nearness of the service and personal liking were the major reasons for continuing to use the same veterinary surgeon. Nearly 40% of respondents used the veterinary service on the basis of recommendation of friends, relatives and other people who owned similar types of pets. According to the respondents, major qualities for a good veterinarian are: competence and knowledge (86.9%), compassion for animals (61.7%), professional approach (which includes good listening and explanation, the instillation of confidence, integrity and appearance) (57.4%), regard for owners and their feelings (46.3%), good surgery conditions (14.2%) and reasonable fees (12.8%). While professional competence was reported as one of the important qualities of a good veterinary service, the majority (51%) of them disagreed with the statement that professional competence is the only thing that matters in the care of pets and many other social and interpersonal factors influenced their attitude towards the veterinary service. The application of behavioural sciences to the veterinary profession is discussed.  相似文献   

Radiographs of 50 cats with no history of gastrointestinal disease were evaluated to establish a normal reference range for radiographic diameter of the feline colon. Thirteen cats with constipation and 26 with megacolon were also evaluated and compared with the normal cats to characterize the accuracy of the reference range and to identify a cutoff to distinguish constipation from megacolon. A ratio of maximal diameter of the colon to L5 length was the most repeatable and accurate measurement. A ratio <1.28 is a strong indicator of a normal colon (sensitivity 96%, specificity 87%). A value >1.48 is a good indicator of megacolon (sensitivity 77%, specificity 85%).  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas were isolated from various sites and organs of a series of 319 clinically healthy cats. They include M. felis, M. gateae, M. Arginini, A. laidlawii, feline ureaplasmas, M. pulmonis, M. arthritidis, and M. gallisepticum. In addition, there were 10 strains of mycoplasmas which could not be identified with the specific antiserums by growth inhibition tests. Antibody against M. felis was demonstrated by haemagglutination-inhibition and complement-fixation tests in cats which were over 6 months of age. However, no such antibody against M. felis was detected in animals which were less than 6 months old. No antibody against A. laidlawii, M. gateae, M. arginini and feline ureaplasmas was demonstrated by the same serological methods. The significance of these mycoplasmas in cats is described.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic appearance of biliary cystadenomas in cats and compare the findings to a similar rare form of liver tumor in humans. Biliary cystadenomas are uncommon, benign liver tumors of older cats that may occur as focal or multifocal cystic lesions within the liver. The records of 10 cats which had abdominal ultrasonography and histologic diagnosis of biliary cystadenoma were reviewed. The average age of affected cats was 13.3 years (range 10-16 years). Eight cats were neutered males and two were neutered females. In three cats, the tumors were not seen ultrasonographically due to their small size or from being obscured by near-field reverberation echoes. The remaining seven cats had solitary (4 cats) or multifocal (3 cats) masses corresponding to variable ultrasonographic patterns: multilocular masses containing thin-walled cysts, hyperechoic masses with cystic components, or masses of mixed echogenicity with cystic components. The masses had variable ultrasonographic patterns when multifocal disease was present. Recognizable cysts were evident somewhere within the tumors seen ultrasonographically, although sometimes the cysts appeared very small. The biliary cystadenomas were thought to be clinically silent. Although liver enlargement or a cranial abdominal mass was palpable in 4 cats, no consistent trend of clinical signs, CBC or serum biochemical abnormalities could be directly attributed to biliary cystadenoma. The treatment of choice is surgical resection of the tumor, as continued growth may compress adjacent vital structures within the liver. The differential diagnosis of biliary cystadenomas from other cystic liver lesions such as hepatic cysts, hematomas, abscesses, parasitic cysts, or other liver tumors is discussed.  相似文献   


The non-ionic, iodinated contrast medium, iohexol (240 mg I/ml) was evaluated as a gastrointestinal (GI) contrast medium in cats. Iohexol, both undiluted and diluted with tap water, was administered via a percutaneous endoscopically-placed gastrotomy (PEG) tube to 4 mature clinically normal cats. The dilution of contrast medium administered was 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3, and doses were 10 ml/kg and 5 ml/kg body weight. All combinations of dilution and dose of iohexol provided adequate visualization of the contrast medium column within the GI tract, and results were not significantly different than those observed using 30% w/v barium sulfate. Dehydration and diarrhea were not observed after contrast medium administration, but vomiting occurred within 15–30 minutes after administration of undiluted iohexol in all experimental cats. Renal opacification did not occur on exposures made through a 2 hour period, and dilution in transit was not apparent.  相似文献   

Twenty-five cats with clinical signs of upper respiratory tract disease and five cats without upper respiratory signs underwent echolaryngography. Direct inspection of the larynx under general anesthesia was undertaken in all cats and used as the 'gold standard' for the diagnosis of laryngeal diseases. The aims were to: (a) establish which anatomic structures of the larynx are visible ultrasonographically in cats without upper respiratory tract disease, (b) establish which laryngeal abnormalities can be detected and accurately localised using ultrasonography and (c) evaluate in which conditions the technique may provide complementary information or an alternative method of investigation. The ultrasound investigation accurately indicated the presence and location of cysts and masses. Abnormal laryngeal movements were also detected, although it was difficult to confirm whether these were unilateral or bilateral. Vocal cord thickening was seen but the underlying cause could not be established with this technique.  相似文献   

Echoes are frequently seen in the urinary bladder of cats during abdominal ultrasound. These have been attributed to hematuria, pyuria, crystalluria, and lipid. However, sonographic findings have not been previously correlated with urinalysis. We prospectively evaluated 40 clinically normal cats via ultrasound, serum chemistry, and urinalysis. Thin layer chromatography was performed on the urine to determine the amount (mg) of lipid subfractions including diacylglycerol, triglyceride, phospholipid, free fatty acid, cholesterol, and cholesterol ester. Ninety percent (36/40) of the cats in our population had sonographic echoes suspended in the urinary bladder, with most having a subjective score of mild echoes (n = 20). None of the sonographic echoes were gravity dependent or caused distal acoustic shadowing, reverberation, or twinkle artifact. Of the cats with sonographic echoes in the urine, 66% (24/36) had no significant findings on urinalysis other than the presence of lipid. The total amount of subjective sonographic echoes was not significantly related to the total amount of fat measured on thin layer chromatography or the number of lipid droplets seen on urinalysis. An increased amount of urine diacylglycerol was significantly associated with clumping of echoes (P = 0.02) and the amount of lipid droplets seen on urinalysis (P = 0.04). An association between increased amounts of urine diacylglycerol and the amount of echoes seen on ultrasound approached significance (P = 0.05). Findings from this study support previously published theories that sonographic echoes within the urinary bladder of clinically normal cats may be due to urine lipid.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography of the gallbladder and biliary tract was performed on 42 cats: 22 clinically healthy cats (group A) and 20 cats with hepatobiliary disease and post mortem confirmation of gallbladder abnormalities (group B). The gallbladder wall was visible in 9 of 22 cats in group A and all 20 cats in group B. Additional gallbladder findings in group B included shape anomalies, biliary tract obstruction, wall thickening, polyps, neoplasia, and biliary sludge. Ultrasonographic evaluation of abdominal organs identified pancreatic disease as the predominant pathological cause of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Hepatic parenchymal involvement was noted with inflammation and thickening of the gallbladder wall. Histologically, gallbladder walls were characterized by mucous gland hyperplasia, inflammation, infiltration, edema, epithelial detachment, and/or neoplasia. Ultrasonographic and histologic gallbladder wall measurements of 20 cats in group B agreed within 0.4 mm and all cats with a gallbladder wall thickness > or =1.0 mm had histopathologic abnormalities of the wall. Serum biochemical analysis revealed elevations of one or more parameters in all cats of group B, but was non-specific for a gallbladder lesion. The results of this study indicate that a visible, echogenic gallbladder wall can be considered a normal variant and is not always associated with hepatobiliary disease. Ultrasonography is accurate in measuring gallbladder wall thickness. Wall thickness greater than 1 mm is accurate in predicting gallbladder disease in cats, while a thickness less than 1 mm cannot rule out mild or chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Thoracic radiographs of 25 cats with pulmonary metastatic disease and confirmed primary tumors were reviewed retrospectively. Pulmonary patterns of metastasis were divided into three categories, described as well-defined interstitial nodules, ill-defined interstitial nodules or a diffuse pulmonary pattern. The latter consisted of an alveolar pattern with or without ill-defined pulmonary nodules and/or pleural effusion. More cats presented with pulmonary metastatic disease in the category of either ill-defined nodules (n = 10) or a diffuse pattern (n = 7). Within this group, the most commonly represented primary tumor was mammary gland adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

The radiographic findings in 41 feline primary lung tumors are reported. Case material includes 29 adenocarcinomas, six bronchiolog-alveolar carcinomas, and six squamous cell carcinomas. Adenocarcinomas tended to occur as focal, solitary, well-circumscribed masses (eight cats), as localized consolidations (six cats), or as multiple, poorly circumscribed masses (five cats). Bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas were radiographically pleomorphic. Calcification was recognized in only five cats, four with adenocarcinomas and one with bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma. Cavitation was identified in seven adenocarcinomas, one squamous cell carcinoma, and one bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma. Nearly 50% (20 cats) of the patients had radiographic evidence of pleural involvement. Fifteen cats had evidence of regional lymph node involvement.  相似文献   

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