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几种砧木对哈姆林甜橙植株生长、产量及果实品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以7种不同砧木的8年生哈姆林甜橙为试材,对植株营养生长、产量和果实品质进行了比较。结果表明,不同砧木对哈姆林甜橙生长和产量有不同影响,其中以卡里佐枳橙为砧的植株树冠体积最大,以光皮酸橘、枸头橙和李齐16-6枳为砧的植株树冠体积较小,单位树冠体积产量以光皮酸橘为砧的植株最高,单株挂果数则以李齐16-6枳和卡里佐枳橙为砧的最多。不同砧木对果实品质有显著影响,其中以光皮酸橘为砧的果实体积和单果质量最大,以兰普来檬为砧的果汁含量最高,以李齐16-6枳和卡里佐枳橙为砧的果实可溶性固形物(TSS)含量最高,以李齐16-6枳为砧的果实可滴定酸含量亦最高,而李齐16-6枳和兰普来檬为砧的果实维生素C含量最高。从外观品质看,枸头橙为砧的果实油斑病发生程度最高。综合评价认为,以卡里佐枳橙、李齐16-6枳为砧的单株具产量高、果汁TSS含量高和风味浓郁等优点,是哈姆林甜橙较为理想的砧木。  相似文献   

在武汉地区,对枳、枳橙、枳柚、资阳香橙和红桔砧"华农本地早"桔和"国庆1号"温州蜜柑的树冠体积、砧穗亲和性等营养生长参数,以及果汁可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、可滴定酸(TA)含量、固酸比(TSS/TA)等果实品质指标进行了测定和评价。结果表明,砧木对"华农本地早"和"国庆1号"营养生长及果实品质的影响显著。枳柚砧和红桔砧嫁接树的树势较强,"华农本地早"与枳柚砧的亲和性及"国庆1号"与红桔砧的亲和性较差;资阳香橙砧和枳橙砧嫁接树的树势居中,砧穗亲和性较好;枳砧嫁接树的树势较弱,砧穗亲和性一般。枳砧和枳橙砧"国庆1号"和"华农本地早"的TSS高,TA居中,TSS/TA高。资阳香橙砧"华农本地早"的TSS较低,TA偏低,TSS/TA较高;资阳香橙砧"国庆1号"的TSS较低,TA较高,TSS/TA低。红桔砧"华农本地早"和"国庆1号"TSS偏低,TA也低,TSS/TA较高。枳柚砧"华农本地早"和"国庆1号"TSS较低,TA高,TSS/TA偏低。从树体矮化或树势中庸化作用、嫁接亲和性及果实品质等综合表现来看,与枳柚和红桔相比,枳、枳橙和资阳香橙是武汉地区宽皮柑桔的适宜砧木。  相似文献   

采用6种6a生特罗维塔甜橙砧穗组合植株作试材,在相同管理条件下不同砧木对特罗维塔甜橙植株营养生长、产量以及果实品质(外观内质)的影响进行了比较研究。结果表明,以李齐16-6枳(LC)为砧的特罗维塔单位树冠体积产量最高,以兰普莱蒙(RL)、沃尔卡姆柠檬(VL)、卡里佐枳橙(CT)和光皮酸桔(GS)砧穗组合次之,而以孙楚沙桔(SM)为砧特罗维塔植株单位树冠体积产量最低。不同砧木对特罗维塔甜橙植株单株产量,以VL、RL和CT为砧单株产量较高,而以GS和SM为砧的特罗维塔植株单株产量最低。试验所采用的砧木对特罗维塔果实单果重影响不显著,但以RL和LC为砧特罗维塔植株果实体积最大。砧木对特罗维塔甜橙果实品质有显著的影响,其中以LC、CT、GS和RL为砧果实果汁含量显著高与其他砧穗组合果实;而以CT和LC为砧的砧穗组合果实可滴定酸含量最高,以RL为砧次之;以LC、CT、GS和RL为砧果实维生素C含量显著高于其他砧穗组合果实。不同砧木对特罗维塔甜橙植株生长有显著影响,其中以CT为砧的植株冠层体积最大,以RL和VL为砧的特罗维塔植株次之,而以GS和SM为砧植株冠层体积较小。同时不同砧木对特罗维塔甜橙果实油斑病发生率和单果发生程度有显著影响,其中以RL为砧特罗维塔果实单果油斑病发生程度最高。  相似文献   

以7种不同砧木的8年生哈姆林甜橙为试材,对植株营养生长、产量和果实品质进行了比较。结果表明,不同砧木对哈姆林甜橙生长和产量有不同影响,其中以卡里佐枳橙为砧的植株树冠体积最大,以光皮酸橘、枸头橙和李齐16—6枳为砧的植株树冠体积较小,单位树冠体积产量以光皮酸橘为砧的植株最高,  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同柑橘砧木根系的形态特征及对嫁接植株耐旱性的影响。【方法】以枳及其杂种、香橙、宽皮柑橘等11份不同遗传背景的砧木为试材,测定苗期不同生长时间根系的形态参数。用以‘纽荷尔’脐橙为接穗的不同砧穗组合材料,测定不同砧穗组合植株在干旱胁迫下叶片的相关生理生化指标。【结果】不同柑橘砧木根系的形态结构差异显著。沃尔卡姆、Z-021根系的形态结构综合评价值较高,ZZ-022、Z-006、资阳香橙、XC-009、ZZ-030和KPJ-030的中等,卡里佐枳橙、红柠檬和扁平橘的较低。不同砧穗组合植株的生理生化指标在干旱胁迫下差异明显。综合评价结果表明,ZZ-022、ZZ-030、卡里佐枳橙和扁平橘砧穗组合的植株耐旱综合评价值较高,Z-021、Z-006、资阳香橙、红柠檬和XC-009砧组合植株的耐旱评价值中等,KPJ-030砧组合植株的耐旱评价值最低。【结论】砧木根尖数和总根表面积可作为筛选耐旱砧木的重要指标;枳杂种砧木ZZ-022的根系形态综合评价值较高,其砧穗组合植株的耐旱性也较强,是一个具有较好生产应用潜力的优良砧木。  相似文献   

以资阳香橙、枳和红橘幼苗为材料,在不同pH值的营养液中处理30 d,测定其生长指标、根系形态及生理指标,用液相色谱(LC)法分析根系分泌的有机酸含量,分析3种砧木根系分泌有机酸种类和对酸碱耐性的差异。通过比较3种砧木在不同pH营养液处理下的生长指标、根系形态及生理指标发现,枳比资阳香橙和红橘更耐酸,红橘和资阳香橙比枳更耐碱。在酸性(pH 4、pH 6)条件下,3种砧木根系分泌有机酸中只检测到草酸和奎宁酸,且草酸含量高于奎宁酸;红橘分泌的有机酸总量最高,其次是资阳香橙,最低为枳。在碱性(pH 8)条件下,除草酸和奎宁酸外,还检测到苹果酸;资阳香橙分泌的苹果酸含量最高,红橘次之,枳最低。以上结果表明资阳香橙和红橘比枳更耐碱,可能是因为资阳香橙和红橘分泌的有机酸高于枳,尤其是在碱性条件下分泌的苹果酸含量远高于枳;而枳比资阳香橙和红橘更耐酸的可能原因是枳在酸性条件下分泌的有机酸总体偏低。  相似文献   

为筛选在广西栽培沃柑的适宜砧木,采用酸桔(Citrus reticulata)、枳(Poncirus trifoliate)、枳橙(C.sinensis×P.trifoliate)、酸柑(C.nobilis,暂定名,从广东调回的资源)、江西红桔(C.tangerina)、㰀檬(C.limonia,土柠檬)、香橙(C.junos)实生苗嫁接培育沃柑苗,在广西特色作物研究院对不同砧穗组合的亲和性、植株生长特性、早结丰产性、产量和果实品质进行研究。结果表明,除酸柑砧沃柑表现不亲和外,其他6种砧木沃柑均表现亲和良好,同时,不同砧穗结合部的表面和木质部特征差异明显;除酸柑砧沃柑因不亲和生长较弱、最终枯死外,随着树龄增加,从幼树期向结果期转换,其他砧木沃柑植株的干周、高度、冠幅排序会发生变化;进入结果期后,枳砧沃柑树冠生长势弱,酸桔砧和㰀檬砧沃柑生长势中等,香橙砧沃柑树冠生长势较强,枳橙砧和江西红桔砧沃柑生长势强。酸桔砧沃柑大小年结果现象明显,江西红桔砧沃柑无大小年结果现象,枳橙砧、㰀檬砧、枳砧和香橙砧沃柑有部分植株存在大小年现象。1年生嫁接苗定植后第3~6年的年平均株产量,香橙砧、红桔砧和枳橙砧沃柑较高,均在20 kg以上,显著高于酸桔砧沃柑(10.30 kg);枳砧和枳橙砧沃柑的果实品质较好,其次是酸桔、香橙和江西红桔砧沃柑,㰀檬砧沃柑较差。综合评价,广西沃柑适宜的砧木是香橙,其次是枳橙和江西红桔。  相似文献   

在同一果园不同砧木的8年生嫁接树上采样,对香橙、红桔和枳砧鲍威尔脐橙成熟果实的生理生化指标及糖酸代谢相关基因的表达进行了分析。结果表明:砧木对脐橙果实的单果质量、果皮厚度、可溶性固形物含量、维生素C含量、可溶性糖含量和有机酸含量存在较大影响,对可食率、可滴定酸含量及果皮色泽均无明显影响。香橙砧脐橙的单果质量和果皮厚度显著大于枳砧脐橙。红桔砧脐橙果肉中糖、酸的含量均显著低于香橙砧和枳砧脐橙。其分子机理为,红桔砧脐橙果肉中蔗糖转运蛋白基因CsSUC1和CsSUC4表达量低,糖酵解途径关键酶之一的丙酮酸激酶基因CsPKP3表达量高;柠檬酸合成酶CsCS2表达量低,柠檬酸降解酶谷氨酸脱羧酶基因CsGDH1和谷氨酰胺合成酶基因CsGS1表达量高。  相似文献   

选择11种柑桔砧术类型,在紫色土壤上进行了10年的先锋橙砧木比较试验。结果表明,罗汉橙、蟹橙、红檬砧木的先锋橙树体生长速度快,树冠乔化;酒饼箔、宜昌橙砧木的树冠生长速度缓慢,树体矮化。先锋橙株产与树冠生长量呈极显著正相关,单位面积产量以罗汉极和积砧最高,酒饼和宜昌橙最低。单位体积产量以宜昌橙最高,果实品质宜昌橙最佳,蟹橙、红檬及罗汉橙砧木的果实品质较差。  相似文献   

我们在1974—1981年,对伏令夏橙(C.sinensis(L.)Osb.)嫁接在21种砧木上树冠体积、产量及品质进行了研究。研究表明,伏令夏橙嫁接在卡里佐枳橙、尤马枳橙(C.sinensis×P.trifoliata(L.)Raf)、粗柠檬807和瓦尔卡默柠檬(C.limon(L.)Burmf.)等砧木上,其单株产量和单株固形物含量最高;嫁接在卡里佐枳橙、尤马椒橙、粗柠檬、粗柠檬807、酸橙2号(C.aurantium L.)、酸橙839和瓦尔卡默柠檬等砧木上的树冠体积最大;嫁接在阿根廷帜、波默罗伊枳(P.trifoliata)、诺顿枳橙(C.sinensis×P.trifoliata)、酸橙895等砧木上的果实总可溶性固形物含量最高。  相似文献   

The study aimed to understand the root morphological character of 1 year old seedling rootstock of citrus genotypes viz., rough lemon, Karna Khatta, Carrizo citrange, Rangpur lime, Troyer citrange, Jatti Khatti and sour orange as well as to investigate the effect of these rootstocks on the leaf mineral composition of Kinnow. Root morphological traits showed significant genotypic variation. Rough lemon seedlings had a higher root length, projected area, surface area, volume and the number of forks. Sour orange was moderate rootstock of the 7 genotypes for most of the root morphological characters, while citrange rootstocks expressed poor root morphology. The rootstocks also imparted significant influence on the leaf mineral composition. Leaf K, Ca and Mg content was recorded maximum in plants grown on rough lemon seedling, while N, P, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu concentration was higher on sour orange rootstock. Kinnow trees on Rangpur lime rootstock accumulated more Na in their leaf tissue, where as Troyer citrange restricted the accumulation of Na. Considering the root morphological characters and nutrient accumulation pattern, rough lemon and sour orange for areas free from tristeza virus could be suggested as alternative rootstocks for the studied Kinnow mandarin under similar ecological conditions.  相似文献   


The influence of three rootstocks, Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka) and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) on the incidence and severity of rind breakdown in ‘Navelate’ sweet oranges was studied over seven years in four orchards. The proportion of affected fruit was greater in trees on Carrizo citrange (60% on an average) followed by Cleopatra mandarin (38%) and then on sour orange (9%). There were also significant differences in the severity of the disorder among rootstocks; more than 35% and 20% of fruit from trees on Carrizo citrange and Cleopatra mandarin, respectively, were rejected for commercialization, whereas only 4% of fruit on sour orange was rejected. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of fruit peduncles showed that average diameter of xylem vessel elements of peduncles of fruits on Carrizo citrange rootstock were 6% and 17% larger than those on Cleopatra mandarin and sour orange, respectively. Defoliation of fruit-bearing branches reduced water loss from fruit, maintained fruit peel water potential at a higher value than that of fruit on undefoliated branches and reduced the proportion and severity of affected fruit. It is concluded that fruit-tree water relationships are related to rind breakdown in ‘Navelate’ oranges and low fruit water content might be responsible for the disorder.  相似文献   

The effect of various rootstocks on yield, yield efficiency, tree size and fruit quality of the local lemon variety ‘Lapithkiotiki’ (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F.) was studied under Cyprus conditions. Total cumulative yield over 13 years of production was the highest on rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush) followed by that on Volkameriana (C. volkameriana Ten. & Pasq.), Yuma Ponderosa lemon (C. limon (L.) Burm. F.), sour orange (C. aurantium L.), Citrus macrophylla Wester, Morton citrange (C. sinensis cv. Washington navel × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), Yuma citrange, Rangpur lime (C. limonia Obs.), Palestine sweet lime (C. limettioides Tan.), C-32 citrange and Citremon 1449 (C. limon × P. trifoliata), although no statistically significant differences were found between sour orange, the commercial rootstock used in Cyprus, and the other above mentioned rootstocks. Next in order as regards to total cumulative yield was Cleopatra mandarin (C. reticulata Blanko.) followed by Carrizo citrange, with statistically significant differences compared with sour orange. Trees on Citrumelo CPB-4475 (C. paradisi Macf. × P. trifoliata) and C-35 citrange died 3–4 years after grafting. Canopy volume was the lowest for trees on Cleopatra mandarin and Carrizo citrange. Yield efficiency A, expressed as total cumulative yield per trunk cross-sectional area, was the highest on C. macrophylla and lowest on Carrizo citrange. Rootstock significantly affected fruit size and weight, rind thickness, juice content, brix, total acids and brix:acid ratio. The results of the present study reveal that the most promising rootstocks that may replace sour orange for the local lemon variety ‘Lapithkiotiki’ under Cyprus conditions are Volkameriana, Yuma Ponderosa lemon, C. macrophylla and Citremon 1449.  相似文献   

Yield, fruit quality, growth and the levels of 12 elements in the leaves were measured for 12-year-old Marsh Seedless grapefruit trees on six rootstocks. Trees on rough lemon and Cleopatra mandarin were larger than those on sour orange and consistently produced 67 and 23 per cent more fruit respectively than on sour orange. Trees on Palestine sweet lime, Troyer and Morton citranges were the least productive. Three-year means of total soluble solids ranged from 9·4 per cent for fruit from trees on Palestine sweet lime to 11–2 per cent on Cleopatra mandarin. Fruit size was good on all rootstocks but effects of rootstock on levels of Mg, Na, Cl and B in the leaves were statistically significant.  相似文献   


Increasing losses of trees to diseases, expansion of plantings into more marginal production areas and the need to control tree size to reduce harvesting costs have elevated the demand for new improved citrus rootstocks in Florida. A major strategy of the CREC rootstock improvement programme has been to use protoplast fusion to produce allotetraploid somatic hybrids that combine complementary rootstock germplasm. Tetraploid citrus rootstocks have been shown to have a built-in tree size control component due to polyploidy. This report focuses on the incorporation of newly identified superior rootstock germplasm into the somatic hybridization programme. Poncirus trifoliata 50–7, a selection of trifoliate orange selected for superior resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae, was hybridized with sour orange, Changsha mandarin, Navel orange, and a seedy white ‘Duncan’ type grapefruit. High-yielding Benton citrange (Citrus sinensis 3 Poncirus trifoliata) was hybridized with Changsha mandarin and sour orange. More than 200 plants of each of these six new somatic hybrids were propagated via tissue culture and rooted cuttings. To assess their horticultural performance, all the somatic hybrids were budded with commercially important scions and planted in replicated trials representing the two most important soil types in Florida. Seed trees of each somatic hybrid have also been planted in the field to determine fruiting potential and level of polyembryony.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,106(4):530-538
Six clonal selections of the autochthonous Spanish lemon tress cv. Fino, named Fino 46, Fino 47, Fino 48, Fino 49 and Fino 77, and two foreign varieties Eureka and Lisbon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f) grafted on sour orange (C. auramtium L.) and Citrus macrophylla (C. macrophylla Wester) rootstocks were studied in Murcia (Spain). The fruit were harvested for 6 years, and fruit quality and tree size were evaluated after the sixth harvest. Fino 49, Fino 77 and Lisbon trees produced the highest cumulative yield. However, Eureka trees on macrophylla had the highest yield efficiency (cumulative yield/trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA)) due to its small TCSA. There were few differences between Fino group and Lisbon as regards fruit quality; however, Eureka trees on macrophylla produced smaller fruit with a higher concentration of total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable citric acid (TA) than the other varieties. Macrophylla was a better rootstock than sour orange for lemon trees since lemon trees grafted on macrophylla had higher cumulative yield and yield efficiency than those on sour orange. However, sour orange induced the highest TSS and TA in all lemon varieties evaluated.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(4):457-465
Since environmental conditions and cultural practices vary from one area to another, yield, fruit quality, and tree health measurements were conducted over 9 years to evaluate the long-term adaptability and performance to local conditions of ‘Allen Eureka’ lemon (Citrus limon Burm.f.) budded on seven rootstocks in the Najran area of Saudi Arabia. Trees on Citrus macrophylla (CM), Volkamer lemon (VL), and Cleopatra mandarin (Cleo) were the most productive, while trees on Amblycarpa (Amb), rough lemon (RL), Citrus taiwanica (CT), and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) (SO) had the lowest yield. Fruit from trees on CM and VL were also the largest in size and had the thickest rind, but were among those that had the lowest juice content and lowest total soluble solids. None of the trees on Cleo, VL, or RL died until the 14th year. However, there was a high mortality rate and severe tree decline on SO, CT, and Amb.  相似文献   

砧木对柑桔嫁接幼树早果影响的生理生化研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
朱丽华  章文才 《园艺学报》1991,18(4):296-302
本文研究了枳和红桔两种砧木对柑桔嫁接幼树结果早晚影响的生理生化差异。1.枳砧树较红桔树至少提早二年开花,枳砧树的单叶面积、株高、新梢生长量和干径均小于红桔砧树;2.花芽生理分化期枳砧树叶片的可溶性糖、淀粉及还原糖的含量均高于红桔砧树,叶片总氮含量变化不大,但在花芽形态分化期,砧木对叶片可溶性蛋白质含量的影响较大。叶片C/N比值与花芽形成存在一定相关关系。10月上中旬各因子二种砧木树的相对含量有一明显逆转过程,3.花芽生理分化期枳砧树叶片内源玉米素和脱落酸含量高于红桔砧树,赤霉素(GA_3)低于红桔砧树,整个试验期间,Z/GA_3和ABA/GA_3比值均为枳砧树高于红桔砧树。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,102(1):75-89
‘Ellendale’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) on seven commercially important rootstocks was assessed over a 26-year period on a site not previously planted to citrus. Tree yield data collected each season from 1969 to 1991 showed that yields were highest on ‘Lockyer’ rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush) and lowest on ‘Emperor’ mandarin. Yields for the two citranges (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), ‘Troyer’ and ‘Carrizo’, were intermediate, and somewhat higher than those for two selections of sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck), ‘Parramatta’ and ‘Joppa’. Linear regression was used to examine changes in yielding pattern across the 23 seasons of fruit production. This revealed that ‘Troyer’ was comparable with the rough lemon selections throughout most of the experiment and significantly higher than ‘Carrizo’ during certain periods in the middle of the experiment. Similarly, while ‘Joppa’ and ‘Parramatta’ produced near-identical results during most of the experiment, ‘Joppa’ out-performed ‘Parramatta’ toward the end of the experiment. ‘Emperor’ showed a low yield trend throughout the experiment, often more than 50 kg per tree per year less than the rough lemon and citrange selections. Detailed assessment of biennial bearing showed a significant pattern commencing when trees were approximately 15 years old and intensifying until the end of the experiment. However, rootstock had no effect on the biennial bearing behaviour of ‘Ellendale’ mandarin. Correlations of cumulative yields at each harvest date with the final cumulative yield (for 23 seasons of cropping) showed instability up until approximately the eighth year of cropping after which it increased steadily, suggesting that in similar experiments there may be only marginal value in assessing yields beyond about the 10th season. Fruit quality assessments made in two consecutive seasons showed expected trends, with rough lemon (both ‘Lockyer’ and ‘Mazoe’) producing the largest and heaviest fruit, with thicker rinds, lower juice content, and lower Brix. The citrange selections (‘Troyer’ and ‘Carrizo’) resulted in fruit quality comparable to the sweet oranges (‘Parramatta’ and ‘Joppa’), with ‘Troyer’ producing significantly higher Brix levels than any other rootstock. All rootstocks produced leaf nutrient levels close to the desirable range, with significant differences for the elements P, Mg, Ca, Mn, and B. These differences separated the seven rootstocks into categories consistent with their genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

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