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新生代农民工市民化路径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国城市化进程中新生代农民工市民化意义重大。新生代农民工正在形成新产业工人阶层,新生代农民工最需要的是上升的通道,通过自身努力可以成功地向上流动成为市民。新生代农民工有着比其父辈更为强烈的"市民化"的权利诉求。社会保障替代土地保障将成为农民实现从农村迁移到城市、从农业转向非农业的一个不可或缺的基本条件。本文从社会保障、户籍制度、城市公共服务等五个方面分析了新生代农民工市民化的路径。  相似文献   

<正>"保护区不是对某一个体的保护,脱离环境去呵护某一个体是不现实的,这是一种误解。保护区应当是对环境的保护,生态环境达标了,大自然的恢复能力是很强的。"——雷州珍稀海洋生物国家级自然保护区管理局局长欧春晓谈到自身工作时动情地说,海洋生态保护是一项艰难而伟大的工程。"我们期待造成农民工‘农村回不去、城市难融入’的体制机制障碍能够尽快破除,让‘农民还是市民’的身份之问不再成为问题。"——今年6月份出台的《关于支持农民工等人员返乡创业的意见》让不  相似文献   

随着农村产业结构的调整、农户万元增收工程的实施、农民工返乡创业政策的激励,规模养鸡生产迅速发展。随之而来的疫病防控,已成为制约养鸡生产的瓶颈,为此,研究和探讨规模鸡场的疫病防控,对于指导和促进规模养鸡生产发展具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济结构的转型,农民工的就业流动行为也发生变化。基于珠三角地区的调查数据,对农民工就业流动行为及影响其就业流动的因素进行实证分析。研究表明,年龄、婚姻状况和日平均工作时间对于农民工就业流动有显著性影响。年龄越大,就业流动意愿越低;相对于未婚农民工来说,已婚农民工进行就业流动的可能性更小;行业、工作环境、受教育程度、性别、企业内人际关系等与农民工日常工作和生活息息相关的内容并不是影响农民工就业流动的主要因素。总之,从调查的结果看,影响农民工就业流动因素呈现多元化趋势。  相似文献   

小城镇化是城市产业结构变迁的发展趋势,城镇化对于加速农村结构转型、转移农村劳动力就业、拉动投资消费具有重要的作用。黑龙江省的小城镇化建设虽然取得了长足的发展和进步,但是在发展过程中仍然存在一些问题,如产业支撑能力薄弱、引发新的结构矛盾、受现行的土地制度制约、受财政体制制约。解决的对策是要实行一元户籍制度模式,实施金融保障城镇化建设体制,有效解决农民失地问题和明确小城镇发展路径。  相似文献   

这几年,返乡农民工从事水产创业的很普遍。返乡农民工选择水产创业,这跟国家出台的政策有关,第一是土地的合理合法流转,给创业者创造了机遇,渔业生产有了很大突破。第二是市委市政府对返乡农民工创业给予了一些政策扶持:良种直补,对投资水产业者进行无偿资金补助,2007年,全市对水产业的补足就达到了156万;  相似文献   

宋林根 《畜禽业》2009,(11):60-61
<正>改革开放以来昆山的外向型经济发展突飞猛进,民营企业发展势头看好,城镇化建设步伐发展较快。但因创建环保城市、生态城市等,大大制约了我市畜牧业生产发展,尤其是养猪生产,截止到2007年底,年出栏生猪仅12.57万头,而市场年消耗猪肉约75万  相似文献   

何顺昌 《中国水产》2009,(11):53-54
蒙自地区随着养殖技术的不断发展、养殖水面的不断提高,水产养殖实现了高密度、集约化、强化投饵、施肥的养殖,水产品产量大幅度提高,丰富了群众的菜篮子,改善了人民的生活水平。由于管理措施不当,养殖品种交换、引进、运输频繁,检疫制度的缺乏,养殖池塘的老化,加上城市生活污水的污染等原因,使水体水质趋于恶化,为鱼病病原体的繁殖传播创造了条件,因而鱼病频繁发生,流行面愈来愈广,危害性日趋严重,给水产养殖带来了严重的损失,制约了水产养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

特殊的国情使中国在城市化进程中伴随着农民进城务工现象,对中国经济社会产生了诸多影响。分析农民工进城就业的经济社会效用,制定符合经济发展规律与国情的宏观社会经济政策,对加快推进城乡一体化进程,具有重要理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

随着淡水渔业生产的发展,上海郊区的河沟养殖面积迅速增加。河沟养鱼具有投资少、成本低、设备简单等优点,只要管理得当收益也是比较高的,不仅支援了城市人民生活的需要,也壮大了集体经济。  相似文献   

在我国区域产业结构趋同和出口导向型主导增长模式的双重作用下,使得我国有限的劳动力要素市场面对近乎无限的世界产品市场;在农民工供给增长持续下降的情况下,使得全局性的"民工荒"不可避免。针对这种"民工荒"问题的新动向,本文提出了由生产大国向消费大国转型、出口导向模式渐变以及产业结构调整等对策。  相似文献   

Abstract– Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses were made for water at 24 sites, mainly from the Waikato watershed (North Island, New Zealand), and for carbonate from fish sagittal otolith material at each of the sites, mainly from the common smelt ( Retropinna retropinna (Richardson)), to test their potential use in identification of resident and anadromous/migratory stocks suggested in an earlier pilot study. Results provide strong evidence that 18O is precipitated in otoliths close to isotopic equilibrium with rearing waters. The smelt rearing and residency waters examined have characteristic oxygen and carbon isotopic 'signatures', and the 18O composition of the smelt otoliths mirrors this within about 1%0, making it possible to use the technique for determining resident and/or migrant history of the fish. The 13C otolith composition, though usually tracking that of probable rearing and/or residency waters, has a larger and more variable offset, possibly of metabolic origin, making its use less reliable as a habitat signature.  相似文献   

Downstream passage of silver eels at a small hydroelectric facility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  A 100-mm diameter bypass was installed in the dam face at a small hydropower station on the Mokau River, New Zealand, and its use by downstream migrating silver eels, Anguilla spp., was monitored by trapping at the outlet in autumn 2002 and 2003. In addition, a passive integrated transponder system was used to monitor passage over the spillway. Migrant eels were able to find the bypass, with 544 and 744 eels recorded using it in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Although the bypass was the sole means of safe passage at low flow, migrant eels passed down the spillway in preference to the bypass when the dam was overtopped during floods. A combination of spilling and small diameter bypasses would provide safe downstream passage at hydroelectric facilities for silver eels, so long as entrainment and impingement at the intake screens can be prevented.  相似文献   

The electrophoretically fastest migrating protein in ammocoete serum, AS protein, was isolated and found to be an acidic glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 140,000 Daltons. Purified AS was injected into rabbits to produce a monospecific antiserum that was used in rocket immunoelectrophoresis to quantitate AS at different periods in the life cycle. AS was found to constitute approximately 70% of total serum protein in the ammocoete, remained at about the same value during transformation, and was reduced to 38% of total serum protein in the juvenile adult. In both male and female upstream migrant animals, AS was less than 0.5% of total serum protein. When juveniles were acclimated to seawater over a 10 week period, it was found that their AS level was reduced by 92% to 3.8% of total serum protein. These results are discussed in relation to changes in other serum proteins at various intervals of the lamprey life cycle.  相似文献   

Smolt characteristics were investigated in sympatric anadromous and resident Arctic charr. Salvelinus alpinus (L.), of a similar size (11-20 cm), A group of first-time migrant anadromous charr was caught while descending the Hals River and two groups of resident conspecifics were caught in Lake Storvatn. one before, and one after, the sea-run of anadromous fish had terminated. When sampled immediately after capture in fresh water the anadromous group had a higher proportion of fish visually classified as smolts. and these charr had higher gill Na+-K+ ATPase activity, higher densities of developed chloride cells in the gills, a lower condition factor, and lower plasma osmolality, than resident fish. When exposed to sea water (33%o S), only minor differences in mortality and plasma electrolyte levels were observed between anadromous and resident fish, average values of plasma osmolality and chloride concentrations being 377 mOsm and 169 mM and 387 mOsm and 174 mM, respectively. The results suggest that the first-time migrant Arctic charr had undergone some of the physiological changes that are considered typical for a parr-smolt transformation before they left fresh water. Such changes did not appear to have occurred in sympatric, resident, fish of a similar size. The parr-smolt transformation in the first-time migrants may, however, have been incomplete, because the fish did not appear to have the ability to rapidly re-establish osmo- and ionoregutatory homeostasis after direct transfer to sea water.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the socioeconomic sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in the South Evoikos Gulf. The results show poor labour mobility between fisheries and aquaculture. Internal geographical mobility, relatively high salaries and the relatively high educational level of the aquaculture workers contribute to the sustainability for the aquaculture sector. There is a high probability of young, low-educated individuals entering the fishing industry. Furthermore, earnings and professional training prevent people from exiting the fisheries sector, and this may act as a means towards fisheries' sustainability. Grants and subsidies do not seem to influence fishermen's decision to remain or exit the sector. On average more fishermen than aquaculture workers perceive that their profession is supported by the local community and tourist industry.  相似文献   

Abstract  Selective opening of the Patea hydroelectric dam spillway gates was examined for its potential to provide safe downstream passage for sexually mature (silver) eels in New Zealand. During autumn 2000, one of the spillway gates at the 82-m high Patea Dam was opened for 2.5 h and a large fyke net set across the river about 1.5 km below the dam. Fifty one live endemic longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii (Gray), 60 live shortfin eels Anguilla australis (Richardson), and eight dead shortfin eels were captured. All but three of the eels caught were downstream migrants, and aside from the dead eel, only a small portion (5%) had external signs of injury. It was likely that the majority of the eels captured passed over the spillway, but some may have originated from the section of river between the dam and the net or gone through the turbines. To further test the ability of eels to survive passage over the spillway, three controlled spills were made in autumn 2001 and 102 eels released immediately upstream of the partially opened spillway gates. A net stretched across the base of the concrete spillway was used to recover the eels. Most of the eels recovered from the spillway had low levels of injury. However, during the third controlled spill, 10 wild migrant eels were also caught with none showing any external signs of injury. This indicated that the damage noted on the recovered eels were the result of handling rather than passage over the spillway. It was concluded that selective opening of hydroelectric dam spillway gates can provide safe downstream passage for migrant eels.  相似文献   

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