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兴国县坚持综合治理红壤 2 0年 ,完成水土保持综合治理面积 162 0 66km2 ,水土流失面积减少 1167 67km2 ,年土壤流失量由 110 6万t下降为 3 3 1 2万t,保水效率增加 2 4% ;2 0 0 0年与 1982年相比 ,工业总产值增长 3 8 5倍 ,农业总产值增长 5 8倍 ,农民人均纯收入增长 10 2倍 ,贫困人口减少 67 7%。介绍了搞好水保生态建设应注意的问题  相似文献   

云南省水土流失面积 14 13万km2 ,年流失土壤 5亿t。水土保持法颁布实施以来 ,全省健全了水土保持监督机构 ,重点治理工作全面推进。全省各级人大重视水土保持 ,“九五”期间共视察水土保持工作 5 31次 ,开展调研 2 5 3次 ,提出建议 82 9件 ,每年开展环保世纪行活动 ,组织记者采访报道水土保持。全省已发展“四荒”治理户 5 0万户 ,治理面积达 6 0万hm2 。  相似文献   

20世纪 8 0年代初以来 ,山西省水土保持和生态建设取得了巨大成就 :林草植被覆盖率由 1 983年的 7 2 %提高到 2 0 0 3年的 1 9 9% ,新增水土流失治理保存面积 1 86万km2 ,累计治理水土流失保存面积达到 4 75万km2 ,治理度达 44 %。 2 0 0 3年减少土壤流失 1 1 1亿t,比 1 983年降低 2 4% ,其中减少入黄泥沙 0 9亿t。今后要把水土保持和生态环境建设导入“以大流域为规划单位、以小流域为治理单元”新的发展轨道。介绍了 2 0年来水保生态建设经验 ,明确了今后的奋斗目标  相似文献   

以法为盾 保护水土 全面推进黑龙江省水土保持生态建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省水土流失严重 ,水土流失面积占全省总面积的 2 9 8% ,年土壤侵蚀总量达 2亿多t。到 2 0 0 0年底 ,累计审批水土保持方案 870 0件 ,收缴水土流失防治费近 2 819万元 ,收罚没款 181 2万元。全省共治理水土流失面积32 2 80 6km2 ,转让“四荒”面积 12 0 95万hm2 (其中 6 1 4%已得到开发治理 )。近期目标是每年治理水土流失面积 2 2 0 0km2 ,到 2 0 10年重点地区的水土流失得到初步治理  相似文献   

1997年青龙县被列为河北省水土保持重点治理区 ,3年来完成水土流失综合治理面积 3 0 8km2 ,共投入资金45 0万元 ,投劳 12 3 0万个。从搞好全县水土保持生态环境建设目标出发 ,加强了对水土保持工作的组织领导 ,制定并落实了优惠政策 ,加强了对资金的管理和使用 ,强化了监督执法。先后查处水保违法案件 15 8起 ,提高了水土保持方案的申报率和审批率。  相似文献   

运城市水土流失面积 8491km2 ,年输入黄河泥沙 4110 6万t。“十五”期间全市水土流失初步治理面积每年以 1 33万hm2 的速度增加 ,到 2 0 0 0年底已累计完成水土流失初步治理面积 436 9km2 。治理水土流失、改善生态环境是山丘区群众脱贫致富的基础工程 ,把水保与水利有机结合起来是发展山丘区高效农业的有效途径 ,2 1世纪前 10年拟抓好治理、监督两个重点 ,推行治理机制、投资体制改革 ,抓好小流域和“四荒”治理开发。  相似文献   

国务院批复的《黄河近期重点治理开发规划》 ,把水土保持作为治理黄河的根本措施 ,确定的黄土高原水土保持生态建设的基本思路是防治结合、保护优先、强化治理 ,近期目标是用 10年时间治理水土流失面积 12 1万km2 ,增加林草植被面积 10 1万km2 ,建设治沟骨干工程和淤地坝 10 61万座 ,基本控制人为因素产生的新的水土流失 ,平均每年减少入黄泥沙 5亿t。规划还确定了近期重点防治措施和保证措施。  相似文献   

皇甫川流域重点治理开发的成效与做法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
皇甫川流域自 1983年实行重点治理 ,至 1999年底共计开展重点小流域治理 75条 ,治理面积 2 0 10 8km2 。据对已验收的 64条小流域进行分析 ,水保措施年拦蓄径流总量为 5 0 82 14万m3 ,年拦截泥沙 1767 0 2万t ,二者分别提高了 7 0倍和 6 0倍。年人均产粮由 2 70kg提高到 886kg ,年人均收入由 2 94元增加到 1774元。重点治理积累了丰富的经验 ,起到了良好的示范样板作用 ,必将推进全旗水土保持综合治理开发工作的开展  相似文献   

黄土高原地区水土保持淤地坝规划概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高原地区淤地坝建设范围涉及 3 9条支流 (片 ) ,总土地面积 42 .6万km2 ,水土流失面积 2 7.2万km2 。按照规划 ,到 2 0 10年 ,建设淤地坝 6万座 ,其中骨干坝 1万座 ;到 2 0 15年 ,建设淤地坝 10 .7万座 ,其中骨干坝 1.7万座 ;到 2 0 2 0年 ,建设淤地坝 16.3万座 ,其中骨干坝 3万座。工程完成后 ,工程实施区水土流失综合治理程度达到 80 % ,可减少入黄泥沙 4亿t ,拦截泥沙能力达到 40 0亿t ,新增坝地面积达到 5 0万hm2 ,促进退耕面积可达 2 2 0万hm2 、封育保护面积可达40 0万hm2 。  相似文献   

陕西省水土保持生态环境建设调研报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
全省水土流失面积 13 75万km2 ,年平均输沙量 9 2亿t ,占全国水土流失总量的 1/5 ,截至 2 0 0 0年底 ,全省已治理水土流失面积 8 5万km2 。 1999年遥感普查 ,土壤侵蚀面积仍有 12 89万km2 。退耕还林还草要把草灌作为陕北植被重建的主体 ,纳入小流域综合治理。建议水土保持在观念、管理和技术等方面都要创新 ;国家加强对水土保持的统一管理 ,依法由水土保持部门主管。  相似文献   

Methane oxidising activity and community structure of 11, specifically targeted, methanotrophic species have been examined in an arable soil. Soils were sampled from three different field plots, receiving no fertilisation (C), compost (G) and mineral fertiliser (M), respectively. Incubation experiments were carried out with and without pre-incubation at elevated CH4 mixing ratios (100 ml CH4 l−1) and with and without ammonium (100 mg N kg−1) pre-incubation. Four months after fertilisation, plots C, G and M did not show significant differences in physicochemical properties and CH4 oxidising activity. The total number of methanotrophs (determined as the sum the 11 specifically targeted methanotrophs) in the fresh soils was 17.0×106, 13.7×106 and 15.5×106 cells g−1 for treatment C, G and M, respectively. This corresponded to 0.11 to 0.32% of the total bacterial number. The CH4 oxidising activity increased 105-fold (20–26 mg CH4 g−1 h−1), the total number of methanotrophs doubled (28–76×106 cells g−1) and the methanotrophic diversity markedly increased in treatments with a pre-incubation at elevated CH4 concentrations. In all soils and treatments, type II methanotrophs (62–91%) outnumbered type I methanotrophs (9–38%). Methylocystis and Methylosinus species were always most abundant. After pre-incubation with ammonium, CH4 oxidation was completely inhibited; however, no change in the methanotrophic community structure could be detected.  相似文献   

Erianthus rockii, a wild relative of sugarcane, is drought and cold tolerant, and both are potentially important agronomic traits to the sugarcane industry worldwide. As such it is of interest as a source of parental germplasm to sugarcane breeders and is currently being used in sugarcane introgression programs in both China and Australia. To date morphological characters have been used to verify the putative hybrids produced. Two crosses were generated between two different Saccharum species and two E. rockii accessions. Over 400 AFLP markers were used to identify the intergeneric hybrid progeny as well as determine hybrid diversity. Both crosses generated hybrids but efficiency levels were very different and are probably related to the different Saccharum parent used in each cross. Cross 1 was between a Saccharum officinarum and E. rockii and generated 100% hybrid progeny. Cross 2, however, was between a sugarcane hybrid (S. officinarum × Saccharum spontaneum) and E. rockii and only 10% of the progeny were intergeneric hybrids. Inheritance of markers in the progeny was analysed and for both crosses there were equal numbers of markers from both parents indicating n + n transmission of chromosomes. This is the first verification of E. rockii hybrids with molecular markers. It may now be possible to exploit genes of value from E. rockii in sugarcane breeding programs.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to demonstrate that reduced availability of CO2 may be an important factor limiting nitrification. Soil samples amended with wheat straw (0%, 0.1% and 0.2%) and (15NH4)2SO4 (200 mg N kg–1 soil, 2.213 atom% 15N excess) were incubated at 30±2°C for 20 days with or without the arrangement for trapping CO2 resulting from the decomposition of organic matter. Nitrification (as determined by the disappearance of NH4+ and accumulation of NO3) was found to be highly sensitive to available CO2 decreasing significantly when CO2 was trapped in alkali solution and increasing substantially when the amount of CO2 in the soil atmosphere increased due to the decomposition of added wheat straw. The co-efficient of correlation between NH4+-N and NO3-N content of soil was highly significant (r =0.99). During incubation, 0.1–78% of the applied NH4+ was recovered as NO3 at different incubation intervals. Amendment of soil with wheat straw significantly increased NH4+ immobilization. From 1.6% to 4.5% of the applied N was unaccounted for and was due to N losses. The results of the study suggest that decreased availability of CO2 will limit the process of nitrification during soil incubations involving trapping of CO2 (in closed vessels) or its removal from the stream of air passing over the incubated soil (in open-ended systems).  相似文献   

The genus Asparagus (Asparagaceae) encompasses 100–300 species, including the important vegetable crop, A. officinalis (garden asparagus). Previous attempts to hybridize garden asparagus with A. densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop, with the aim of introducing disease resistance, were unsuccessful because of the failure of endosperm development. In the present study, reciprocal interspecific hybrids between garden asparagus and A. schoberioides Kunth were generated by hand pollination. The F1 hybrids were analyzed by using both morphological and molecular techniques. This is the first report describing the production of an interspecific hybrid between garden asparagus at the diploid level (2n = 2x = 20) and its diploid (2n = 2x = 20) wild relative, A. schoberioides. Morphological characteristics of candidate hybrids were a mixture of those found in the parents, and cytological and RFLP analyses confirmed that morphologically intermediate plants were indeed diploid hybrids of those two species. In other words, post-zygotic isolation is not complete between phylogenetically distinct these two species. Our results suggest that other Asparagus species may be capable of hybridizing with A. officinalis and that introducing wild characters through interspecific hybridization may offer advantages for breeding for novel traits. Takuro Ito and Toshinori Ochiai authors are contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Short-term competition between soil microbes and seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) for N was assessed in a pot study using (15NH4)2SO4 as a tracer. Seedlings were grown in organic and mineral soil, collected from a podsol soil; 3.18 mg (15NH4)2SO4 per pot were injected into the soil, corresponding to 4 µg 15N g-1 d.m. (dry matter) mineral soil and 17 µg 15N g-1 d.m. organic soil. The amounts of N and 15N in the seedlings and in microbial biomass derived from fumigation-extraction were measured 48 h after addition of 15N. In the mineral soil, 19–30% of the added 15N was found in the plants and 14–20% in the microbial biomass. There were no statistically significant differences between the tree species. In the organic soil, 74% of the added 15N was recovered in the microbial biomass in birch soil, compared to 26% and 17% in pine and spruce soils, respectively. Correspondingly, about 70% of the 15N was recovered in pine and spruce seedlings, and only 23% in birch seedlings. In conclusion, plants generally competed more successfully for added 15NH4 + than soil microbes did. An exception was birch growing in organic soil, where the greater amount of available C from birch root exudates perhaps enabled micro-organisms to utilise more N.  相似文献   

Reciprocal crosses were made between Brassica carinata and its related species Sinapis alba. Pollen germination studies indicated the presence post-fertilization barriers in both ways. Sequential ovary–ovule culture helped to realize the intergeneric hybrids from the cross S. alba × B. carinata. The F1 obtained was confirmed as a hybrid based on morphology, cytology and isozyme studies. The hybrid was backcrossed to its male parent and obtained BC1 seeds, which were used to raise BC1 generation. The BC1 generation plants were further backcrossed to B. carinata in order to develop alloplasmic lines.  相似文献   

Three concentrations of Pasteuria spores applied to soil and some agricultural practices were evaluated for their effects on spore attachment to nematodes and biocontrol of Meloidogyne incognita on tomato in a microplot experiment. Applications of Pasteuria at concentrations of 5᎒10 spores/m2 increased tomato fruit yield per plant by 46% compared to non-Pasteuria treatments but also increased nematode densities in soil at harvest time. M. incognita juveniles recovered from plots where Pasteuria was applied at 5᎒10 spores/m2 showed greater spore attachment than those with application rates of 2.5᎒9 spores/m2 or 5᎒9 spores/m2. Pasteuria spores penetrated to 30-40 cm soil depth in a volcanic ash sandy soil after application of spore suspensions to the soil surface. Densities of over 2.5᎒4 spores/g of soil were reached at 0-30 cm soil depth only when the application rate was 5᎒10 spores/m2, but at harvest and after fallow densities of about 2.5᎒4 spores/g of soil were also reached in the top 10 cm of soil at 2.5᎒9 and 5᎒9 spores/m2 application rates. Spore densities in soil decreased after 6 months of fallow when densities at harvest time were higher than 105 spores/g of soil. Tillage and additional watering 2 days after spore application increased spore densities in soil at harvest throughout the soil depth (0-40 cm).  相似文献   

The exchangeable portion of the selectively sorbed 137Cs extractable by a 1 M ammonium acetate solution (α Ex ) for soils, illite, bentonite, and tripolite was found to increase with the increasing concentration of the competitive cation M+ (K+ or NH4+) and can be approximated by a logarithmic relationship. For clinoptilolite, the values of α Ex did not depend on the concentration of M+. The expression 1 − α Ex (C M=n )/α Ex (C M = 16) as a function of the M+ concentration (where α Ex (C M=n ) is the α Ex value at the competitive cation concentration equal to 16 mmol/dm3) was proposed to compare the dependence of α Ex on the concentration of K+ or NH4+in different sorbents. For soils and illite, these dependences almost coincided, which indicated that the selective sorption of 137Cs in soils is determined by the presence of illite-group minerals.  相似文献   

Resurveys of plant communities provide valuable information on changes in species composition over time and clues about how species respond to environmental change. We report results from resurveys of 62 upland forest stands in northern Wisconsin and the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan first surveyed around 1950. We identify plant species that have significantly increased or decreased in frequency in 1 m2 quadrats (‘winners’ and ‘losers’) and evaluate the traits that distinguish these groups. Twenty-one winner species increased across sites (by 25-400%), while 21 loser species decreased (by 21-95%). Winners include both common, native species and five invading exotics. Many are grasses or sedges and most are abiotically pollinated or dispersed (e.g., Carex, which increased 286%). Losers are mostly rarer native forbs that rely on animals for pollination and/or dispersal. Losers appear sensitive to desiccation, anthropogenic disturbance, and/or herbivory by white-tailed deer (e.g., Streptopus roseus, which decreased 73%). Declines in loser species are heterogeneous and stochastic across sites whereas increases in winners are more uniform and deterministic. Increases in common widespread native species account for most of the community change we observe across sites. The fact that winners resist or tolerate deer herbivory while many losers are sensitive to deer suggests that deer may be a key driver of the shifts we observe in these forests.  相似文献   

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